The Outer Worlds was only announced a few days ago, and it's already looking like a pretty promising game from Obsidian Entertainment. The idea of a Fallout meets Mass Effect sci-fi RPG is rather exciting, and from the little we know so far, it's hitting all the right notes. It seems the developer is keen to get any niggling concerns out of the way too, as it's now confirmed the game won't feature microtransactions at all.
Speaking with GameStar, Obsidian's Timothy Cain said, "There are no microtransactions in the game. You buy it once and then enjoy it forever." You can't get much clearer than that.
This isn't a huge surprise, but it will still be good news for those looking forward to pouring dozens of hours into this stylish single player RPG. Are you glad in-game purchases are absent from The Outer Worlds? Choose your dialogue options wisely in the comments below.
[source gamestar.de, via techpowerup.com]
Comments 22
really looking forward to it and hope it does really well so Obsidian can laugh in the face of bethesda!
It's kinda giving me the vibes of borderlands and mass effect from what I've seen.
Well I would hope not since Microsoft aren't publishing this one.
Now this is the type of game I can get excited for 😁
I almost never buy Western-developed games at launch, but I like Obsidian, and it's really cool to see them come out with this Fallout-esque original property.
My rarely used pre-order finger is starting to twitch...
Microtransactions in games dont really bother me because i never really buy any. I certainly wouldn't be silly enough to boycott a game I wanted because it had them in.
Hallelujah! My anticipation just got even bigger.
I agree but sometimes I'm a skeptical they don't make the grind longer and harder than it would be without them.
Wonder if it will still have DLC though? Not that it will change my decision to buy or not as games like H:ZD and Witcher 3 - single player RPG's - had DLC too and didn't affect the game, the main story etc either...
ah good, unlike capcom and resident evil 2.
sounds promising.
@ApostateMage I agree...unless they break the game to push the monetisation. Some games lock their fun behind a paywall, and I certainly won't buy those games. But I get what you're saying. The automatic hate when the word microtransactions comes up is largely overblown.
@NoxAeturnus @ApostateMage Microtransactions are the worst. If there is no point buying them the developers wouldn't put them in. In other words every game with Microtransactions has nerfed progression at best and locked off content at worst.
Obsidians stance is great.
@themcnoisy Hey, I'm happy with Obsidian's stance, don't get me wrong. Games never NEED them. But I don't fault companies for wanting to make more money off their games. No one has any issues with DLC...unless for some reason the game is incomplete without the DLC. Same thing, different scale.
@ApostateMage How about the microtransactions in DMC 5 that give you red orbs to level how about that. 😉
I see the wicked touch of Microsoft hasn't crept in just yet.
@NoxAeturnus No one has any issues with DLC
Wrong, I have had regular conversations with members of this community online and we all have issues with most of the DLC we see today, but we are going way off point. Obsidian have put out a great statement and your opinion is basically - but you can put Microtransactions in if you like it doesn't matter as long as it isn't overblown.
It matters to me and thousands of other gamers.
@suikoden harsh but I think fair. Bethesda went very wrong with fallout 76. I do wonder if the outer worlds is rather similar to Starfield. I know nothing has been revealed about that game but given what little has been revealed I was imagining something like tOW. Can you imagine, if that's the case, the reaction of Bethesda when it was revealed?
Todd Howard says "Goddamnit! They're not only gonna release before us, but it looks better than we can do with the creation engine!!!"
Pete Hines replies with "yeah I know, and they have actual writers. We're screwed."
@themcnoisy I...what? What did I say? I said Obsidian's stance is great. I also said no game NEEDS microtransactions, and strongly implied that no game needs DLC either. My point was that whether its DLC or microtransactions, if the content is not necessary, there's nothing wrong with making it available for those that want it. If that content IS necessary, well then it's not cool to lock a game's fun behind a paywall...which I also said. If you think that's an unreasonable opinion, too bad. You're not going to convince me that microtransactions are always the-source-of-all-evil, because to say so IS overblown.
@NoxAeturnus I never said that you said anything. I condensed your opinion based on your previous comments. What you have followed up with in your last comment I agree with.
If you write 'no one blah blah' then someone with a different opinion to what was written will chip in. In this case me. Personally I can't think of a single game we're Microtransactions haven't diminished the overall experience of playing a game.
I would rather a company be upfront and ask for a monthly subscription (for online services) than what we have now. Unfortunately that will never work when gambling luck based loot boxes are more prolific.
Fair enough, whether or not they detract is wholly subjective and depends both on the game and the person playing it.
I'd like to point out that your visceral reaction was likely because you took part of my sentence and isolated it out of context (though not, I think with malicious intent), which is a classic strawman. I didn't say, "No one has any issues with DLC." What I said was: "No one has any issues with DLC...unless for some reason the game is incomplete without the DLC."
I too disagree with the generalization that no one has any issues with DLC, and I probably would have jumped on it just as you did. However, in my statement the second clause qualifies the first one in an important way. It's certainly still a generalization, though arguably I think it also implies "No one [reasonable] has..."
And that's far more than you likely wanted to read about what already happened. Have a fine day fellow gamer!
I think my only sadness is that there likely won't be a big modding scene like with bethesda games.
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