A new Far Cry game will be announced during The Game Awards 2018 later today, and here’s your very first look at it. The box – which boasts the name Far Cry: New Dawn – shows two ladies sat on a sofa, while a man chained to the roof of a car screams out for help. One of the women appears to be wearing roller skate pads, while the other has a giant makeshift sawblade weapon.
As we know from the debut trailer, the game is set in a post-apocalyptic setting, so it’s likely that this is a world whereby law and order has collapsed. It’s unclear whether it’s set in the same map as Far Cry 5, but it’s possible that Ubisoft may have taken the framework for Hope County and adapted it. We’ll need to wait for more information during tonight’s show.
[source resetera.com]
Comments 78
I'm looking forward to seeing more. Seems like it could be interesting.
Wasn't Primal based around the same map and assets of FC4? I'd imagine this one has the same kind of approach development wise, given the short turnover time.
looks at cover
how generic can you get, the only way it could be more generic is if it was a soldier standing in the center holding a gun with and explosion in the background
Pretty sure that's the Eden's Gate church from the very start and very end of Far Cry 5, so perhaps this is going to do the Far Cry Primal "old map in a new setting" deal, but being way more direct about it.
I know it's only the box art, but this looks terrible.
@get2sammyb reminds me of old action movie posters
As long as it doesn’t take itself too seriously like Blood Dragon, this could be quite fun.
Liam won't be happy.
anyway it looks alright i guess.
just happy to know it's not a "real" sequel but a spin off instead since that would have been to fast after 5.
@get2sammyb I hate that I agree with you and yet I'll probably buy this because I need my generic open-world gunshoots to pass the time.
This looks interesting. Hopefully their aim is accurate and they put the poor bastard out of his misery first shot . I imagine it would be no fun suffering with an arrow through the 'nads before being taken out with a proper headshot.
What must the RAGE 2 devs be thinking?
Combines three things I'm burned out on: post-apocalypse, open world, and Ubisoft.
That is one of the worst box arts I’ve ever seen. It looks awful. I don’t know why they can’t take the time to make a new proper new entry in their series? Ubisoft is losing it.
It looks to be a sequel to FC5, and I for one am not excited. It looks awful.
@Jaz007 well it is generic looking........ maybe a little too generic, but nothing beats "western release Ico" box art for me
edit: (american) western
@Jaz007 if this does well,this could mark the start of the yearly far cry releases.
which would be a rather strange dicision considering how AC games got less rave when it was a annual series.
Always comical to me that people get bent out of shape over box art or a games icon lol. If the game is good does it really matter? Don't think in almost 30 years I've even had an opinion one way or the other about what a games box looks like, just kinda is what it is. Seems like such a small insignificant thing compared to how the game itself is, maybe I'm just weird.
@redd214 i can understand it for the collectors among us.
but i don't realy care for the boxart either,aslong as the game also comes on a disc.
That box art is pretty gross. Can't imagine someone wanting to display this on their shelves.
@nessisonett take itself too seriously like blood dragon?I do hope your being sarcastic as blood dragon was bonkers fun!
If you look closely on the left side of the cover there is zombie type of thing that take ssome dead lady or something I don't know
Rage 2 will smash this
@m4n4ever yeah but it kinda looks like it's made from stone or metal.
perhaps some sort of mutant?
@redd214 nah you're fine. It's just that the art of this one somewhat feels weird. I know that the farcry games are supposed to be fun and ridiculous but this box art doesn't give you that feeling. Heck, even Just Cause Box art is better than this and we all know how that game plays out.
@Ralizah the elements they chose to incorporate in the art feels off, the flowers, the church, the guy strapped in that taxi and for pete's sake................ a rollerskate pad, It's like the design team leader was yelling "quick! make me an edgy but funny box art in 5 minutes" to his' artists
@Amplified They're definitely gunning for controversy here.
I just don't get it. What part of a dude strapped to a car, presumably about to be tortured or something, screams "Play me now!"?
i don't think it's a bad boxart but it's just so much like how a rage game boxart would look like.
it even has a pink subtitle.
Sawblade crossbows never get old.
As long as one of those three characters is trans, or at least bi. Otherwise not enough genders for me to shell out another $59.99.
@jdv95 To be honest, I don't think the Rage 2 box art is that bad. It screams insanity and rage which are the key themes of that game. this one is just feels too try hard
@ellsworth004 but roller skatepads do lol
Can't care less about the Box Art, I only see the Spine of the box on the shelf and much more interested in the game itself, the story and game-play! Far Cry 5 was a good game - even if the story wasn't the best and required you to do enough in each region to progress it - that being said, I still did 'everything' (just not all the fishing challenges) and had a blast playing it. Can't say FC5 was particularly memorable from a 'box art' perspective either.
Box Art has never influenced my decision to buy a game - game-play has!
@nessisonett I love blood dragon such a great expansion
I enjoyed Far Cry 5, but I'm not interested in re-visiting the setting. If it is a new location with a new story and new weapons then I might be interested. Judging by the box art this looks like Hope County.
@Amplified oh i did not mean the rage 2 boxart looks bad.
it's just that this boxart would fit better on a game like rage 2. (still this boxart is not ugly either)
it just seems like this boxart is a reference to rage 2.
@BAMozzy "never judge a game by the box art" hahahahahaha you're right
@jdv95 yep, now that you mentioned it, I feel like I'm looking at a cleaner version of Rage 2
@redd214 thing is the box art is important, it draws your eye in the shops and makes you take notice but this is just bland and melds in with all the other shooters out right now
a good box art or digital icon can be just as important to selling the game than anything else
@FullbringIchigo a good digital icon is as important to selling a game as the gameplay itself?? Yeah I definitely am weird haha! Have hundreds of digital games on my ps4 and not one time has my purchasing desicion been based upon what the icon looks like. Ah well if you guys complain enough I'm sure theyll change it
Looks like it checks all the PC boxes. Gonna be a fun ride.
No your right!
Most box covers are meh. Look at GOW and Spider man. Seriously ?
People just release their biases, doubts or fears on anything.
@redd214 what i mean is the picture itself can grab your eye and make you think "oh i wonder what that is"
@ROTTIEMAN Bad wording hahaha. I meant that Blood Dragon didn't take itself too seriously and I hope this does the same.
I'm not really fussed on box art but I will say this, Connor should have been the cover star of Detroit: Become Human.
So it's Far Cry 5 again? Shocker
@paulo_godoy_BR If we did, so many games would never be bought. Most have a very generic design, a soldier or just the protagonist standing/sitting etc with often not too much in the background. Doom (2016) is a classic example of just the protagonist with nothing else.
Heavy Rain just had some Origami on the front cover. Dead Space 2 had just Isaac's Helmet - mostly just the lights with the rest more a silhouette and God of War 3, just Kratos' left eye so you could just get a small part of the Protagonist or armour rather than the whole character.
Point is some games show nothing of the game, what the setting is, what type of game-play it may have or even a full look at the character you are playing as. A lot have a generic pose of the protagonist standing or sitting with maybe a weapon in hand - no indication of 'action' - like Horizon:Zero Dawn with Aloy and her Bow drawn back, a Thunderjaw looking at her and even indicating the post apocalyptic setting with overgrown but derelict man-made objects with the overgrown derelict Skyscraper and something that looks like a 'Motel' sign under the Thunderjaw too. That is quite a good indication of the game and its setting - much more so than most.
This has more in common with H:ZD's box art in that it kind of gives you an idea of the setting, the characters, the makeshift weaponry etc. Not that it makes any difference to my decision on whether to buy or not. I enjoyed FC5 and that, combined with a game-play video, news etc will determine my purchase decision - its certainly more likely than not because I enjoyed FC5 and they almost have to give me a reason not to buy now...
@BAMozzy I agree 100% with you
I have to say, I liked this art box. It does not seem to take seriously, like blood dragon , you know?
Lets watch today...
I think good things are around the corner
@ApostateMage When I had a twitter account I talked to Bryan Dechart a few times who played Connor in the game, fantastic guy I wished him the best going forward with his career.
@paulo_godoy_BR can't wait what kind of games we will see.
maybe it will be to much to ask since THQ still have no real agreement with EA about it ,but a teaser for a remaster of kingdoms of amalur would be sweet.
@jdv95 I'll let this one slide, we already know of its existence now 😂
Maybe dirt bike pads would be more accurate. Unless you’re a pretty hardcore roller skater.
Box art is just about the most overrated thing in gaming. Digital is king now anyways...
Runs before physical fans lose their minds.
Far Cry Primal was a fun spin on Far Cry being set in caveman times.
Sure it used map assets from 4, but everything in Primal felt so fresh and neat.
This looks like someone took 5 and Rage 2, put them both into their mouth, chewed on it for a while and spit it back out.
But hey, who knows, it might be another really fun spin on the Far Cry formula.
Nicely timed "leak".
dam as a ubi fan i am pretty disappointed by this already, i hope they're making a new orginal RPG, wait till we see more today but im already backing Rage 2 way ahead (Rage 2 looks great fun imo). i think ubi need to improve their writing department a bit too. this better be a whole new map too, if they're reusing 5 i will not be impressed in the slightest
@roe why are you guys keep whining about maps
It’s very reminiscent to the Spice Girls “Say You’ll Be There” music video, and therefore I LOVE it 😂. Let’s keep our fingers crossed for cameos by Katrina Highkick and Midnight Miss Suki!!
Anyone else getting a co-op vibe from this cover?
@get2sammyb so you just come to decide it's terrible after seeing a box art pic? Are you ok?
Two black lesbian empowered women dominating a white, heterosexual male. Marxisms is infecting our favorite games.
@ShogunRok It’s all the rage back home.
@grbolivar Soros is financing this game, the globalists are taking over and building an evil empire.
@Octane sjw bonza! Feminista Cry.No thanks.
@PS_Nation What would Mr Soros have to do with anything less than wholesome and savoury? Nah,silly conspiracy theories mate,this box is "liberal"
@Kidfried Yeahhh, it’s ridiculous.
@Undead22 Well I did say "I know it's only the box art BUT..." Maybe the game's amazing?
@Kidfried To be fair, I think it's kinda obvious that's what the game will be all about.
Whether it's effective or not I cannot say, but to me it seems that Ubisoft thinks Far Cry is like South Park, a franchise for social commentary and controversy. Just look at the last game.
@special_donky Did you know that Soros is communicating with aliens to expand his empire through the Solar System? He is already building a Red Army on the moon.
@Amplified except if your riding roller skates!
Wouldn't be surprised if it uses assets from FC5 rather then be a true sequel. Just look at their pattern Far Cry 3, Far Cry Blood Dragon. Far Cry 4, Far Cry Primial.
Wow the comment section went from taking about an ugly cover to some misogynistic guys talking about feminist and conspiracies, internet surely never disappoints 😂 but keep going 🍿
I think I'll skip this one.
@Kidfried Look, I'm not complaining about the box art, nor the subject for that matter, I actually think it's a kind of brilliant in its own way. But knowing this is Far Cry, I do think it's kinda obvious what they were going for this with one. With the angry, white, male tied up in the middle, and the two girls on the winning side in the front, the bright pink letters; ''A New Dawn'', the broken windscreen. Subtle messaging, but it's blatantly obvious I think, they are going for the controversy, and they know very well what they're doing
And once again, I feel like I should reiterate it, I don't have a problem with that [going for controversy]. I don't have a problem with female characters on the cover either, and I don't feel like I should reiterate that part. Horizon Zero Dawn, Lost Legacy, Control, I don't really care about the main character I'm playing as in a game, as long as the game is good, so bring 'em on! But that has nothing to do with the box art, Ubisoft is going for controversy with this cover, just like what happened with FC5. I don't think that has anything to do with being misogynist or racist, it's just about being aware of the current social status quo and recognising when it's used to stir up a bit of controversy.
I even think there's a fair chance we'll be playing as the dude, seeing how Far Cry games always feature their villains prominently on the box.
@PS_Nation Did you know That the term conspiracy is a conspiracy? Uh,You win yesterday's Push Square Far Cry 6 box art comment section..i guess..
Sigh, another post-apocalyptic game... zzzzz
I guess the only thing missing from this game now are zombies.
@jdv95 well, now that we've seen everything, what do you think? Did you like what you saw?
@paulo_godoy_BR i have not seen the trailer yet,since i'm not realy interested in far cry games. so i can't tell.
but when we are talking about the show itself well
some reveals where kinda meh imo,but i just expected to much i think.
the highlight was mortal kombat 11,however if dragon age 4 was not so far away it could have been my highlight instead.
as for the winner,well i was always in favour of GOW (partly because it is a ps exclusive but also partly because i enjoyed it more then red dead) and i am happy it won,but tbh both GOW and red dead deserved to win.
shame that spiderman was left out but then again the competition was tough,so it's not a big deal.
overall not a bad show,but no E3 contender though.
@jdv95 yep, not bad. It was the best TGA so far. TGA is getting better year after year.
TGA is getting better year after year
@get2sammyb oh and it will be amazing and fun like the previous ones
I don't see what is so bad about the box art but to each their own.
I just want to know how is the ending...cuz 5's can fall down a well. Also I need to stop buying main far cry games...I always like the spin offs more.
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