Alien: Isolation protagonist Amanda Ripley is making a comeback in a new game – but it’s not what you were hoping for. Alien: Blackout is a survival horror game for smartphones, where you’ll need to guide the aforementioned character’s crew through the Weyland-Yutani across seven perilous levels. It sounds like Lemmings with the Xenomorph, to be honest.
There had been hope that 20th Century Fox may be lining up a new console game after posting a series of teasers on social media over the weekend. One tweet alluded to fans being able to “Read. Play. Watch” the latest adventures of Ripley – but it seems like you’ll be doing all of your playing on your phone for the time being. A shame.
Update: 20th Century Fox has reached out to us to clarify that Alien: Blackout is not a sequel but a standalone game starring Amanda Ripley. "[This] is a standalone game that shares Amanda Ripley as a main character but is not related to or a sequel to Isolation," the company said.
[source variety.com]
Comments 50
I just want an Isolation VR update.
oh boy,it's diablo immortal 2.0.
sigh they never learn.
(nothing against phone games per se,but rather the way the devs announce these things,thinking it will go well)
This kind of stuff happens way to often these days..
In space no one can hear you wait 10 hours to unlock a reward.
Well, damn it! I really wanted it to be a sequel Isolation was excellent
The only thing horrifying about this new chapter is that it's a mobile game.
Ahh, the horror!
Wow... And to think I was actually excited for a new console game related to Alien 🙄
This is a heartbreaker for sure.
why do i get the feeling that some years in the future,phone games will get their own booth/conference at e3?
it's already taking up some announcements slots at the show,(bethesda for sure) and since this is just a money pit genre it would almost be logical to have a dedicated phone game show at e3.
especially if more studios leave e3 for a bit.
Lmfao, good thing I didn't get too hyped for it, such a shame 🗑️
The disappointing news is worth it just to see that amazing gif again from @ShogunRok.
@Nickolaidas Yeah, but I don't like playing games on my phone. That's what I have a console for.
Oh man hahahaha, I actually didn’t see this coming. Mobile games definitely have a place in gaming but this seems like a failed opportunity.
@Turismo4GT yeah this.
if i want to play a on the go platform i would buy a switch.
also most phone games are just made for MTX. hard to look forward to any game like that at all.
And here i thought the worst they would do is go back to fps. Warner Bros you have truly outdone yourselves
And then the True came unexpectedly...

Really? A frigging mobile game? What a disappointment.
what we wanted

what we got

This is why the Engineers wanted to wipe out humanity
....is gone
'Get that away from me, you b**ch!'
Enough of these crappy mobile games...
Oh oh. Gamers are going to act 'entitled' and type violently 'oh' on their phones, terrorising devs again...
Low resolution! Ads! Pay to win! It's 2019, guys!
Seriously, quite disappointed.
@JJ2 Stop teasing garbage like this then.
And another terrible decision by some misinformed marketing board about what people want.
How very disappointing, sort of thing Carter Burke would think is a good idea.
We just got trolled.
Man this news is almost as disappointing as the Alien vs Predator film. That takes some doing.
Not what I was hoping for, but I'll be happy to give it a go.
am i the only person that doesn't have a single game on their phone?. if i wanted to play a game on a 12cm screen, i'd use a vita.
@Turismo4GT Er … actually, I was … never mind.
Well that's a bummer.
Hands up everyone who didn't buy isolation? Line up so I can kick you in the shins. Thanks.
@Futureshark thing is, it is what people want, else they wouldn't be making it. It just isn't what me and you want this time round. Unfortunately.
@leucocyte no you're not. I don't have any games installed on my phone at all. I tried it a few years ago, but I just couldn't acclimate to the on-screen controls no matter what game I tried. More power to those who can, but mobile gaming is just not for me at this point in time.
Whaaaaaaaat?!? Why even tease about something everyones just going to be mad about. Man, talk about getting someones hopes up. Just straight up say its a phone game from the start because no one cares
@kyleforrester87 🤚🏽be careful with them shin kicks though, I can throw a mean hadoken.
Am I the only one looking for-- haha sorry, I couldn't finish typing that xD
@leucocyte Same here playing on your phone sucks.
What a wasteful oppurtunity
I don't think this was what they meant by "Horrifying".
On the plus side, this awful announcement has resulted in some quality meme work.
@leucocyte i have Dissidia Opera Omnia on my phone but that's it and that's only because it's not on anything else and i'm a huge FF fan (on a side note it's actually a really good game)
but yeah i don't really see the need to play anything else on there, i have proper handheld systems for that
These GIF's in the comments are amazing.
Terrible news, excellent comments section
@FullbringIchigo Check, please.
@Rudy_Manchego Or shout ***** how long to wait for that move
Can you imagine this being like EA and Dungeon Keeper
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