God of War may just be the greatest comeback story of all time. After the by-the-numbers God of War Ascension, it felt like the curtain had closed on Kratos and Sony Santa Monica’s character action brand. But returning director Cory Barlog and his crew ripped up the franchise rule book, changing the camera perspective and humanising a character who’d gradually turned into an oafishly irate cartoon. Our favourite title of 2018 is not only a textbook example of PlayStation’s penchant for narrative-driven, single player adventures – it’s also brilliantly designed.
This is one of those rare achievements where all of its strengths come together to create an unparalleled whole. As a narrative, the transition to Norse mythology gives Kratos a fresh start, but fans who’ve been following the Greek god since his inception in 2005 will eke more out of the story, as the fallen deity wrestles with his past. The title captures the internal struggles of the character brilliantly, and it’s aided by outstanding one-shot cut-scene direction and memorable performances by the likes of Stargate SG-1 star Christopher Judge.
But this isn’t the kind of walk-and-talk affair that franchises like Uncharted have (unfairly) attracted criticism for: God of War is a game – and it’s a good one. Combat is always going to be the key attribute in Kratos’ arsenal, and the Leviathan Axe changes the way that Kratos attacks. In addition to being a close-quarters melee weapon, the fact that the Ghost of Sparta can also lob it is a literal game changer, as it incorporates a meaningful ranged ability to his roster. Factor in all of the combos that can be performed with this new throwing move, and you have the recipe for some sublime battles.
But it’s the armament’s implementation into the game world which really sets God of War apart from its predecessors. Boasting a sprawling hub world that can be explored by boat, every part of the Lake of Nine is interactive, with puzzles to solve and secrets to find. It makes exploration engaging, and with lore weaved into every area, you’ll want to see absolutely every inch that’s been crafted. That it looks so absurdly beautiful and is used as a tool to strengthen the bond between Kratos and his son Atreus is merely the icing on the cake.
We said in our review that this is a special title, the kind that doesn’t come around often – and so it has proven to be true. Let’s not be revisionists, Kratos was always an iconic character and God of War has always been a critically acclaimed franchise – but by taking the story in an unexpected direction and altering the gameplay for the better, Sony Santa Monica has elevated this series to a whole other level. It’s rare for a 30 hour campaign to leave you on tenterhooks, desperately anticipating the next exciting instalment – but then this isn’t any other game, is it?
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Was God of War your Game of the Year? Do you think we've given Kratos too much credit here? If you've got an axe to grind, then do it in the comments section below.
Comments 67
I would ask if there was ever any doubt, but unfortunately there was since the push square staff seemed to be blinded by dynamically shrinking horse chode.
It actually was fairly close at the top between God of War and Red Dead Redemption 2. There was a big gap between the top two and Spider-Man in third.
Much deserved IMO. Also my top game for the year.
the right game won
Best game of 2018 on any platform , glad it was a PlayStation exclusive . My game of the generation next to HZD.
I can't be mad, the environments and the overall art is beautiful, feels like Dishonored 2 all over again. I think both RDR2 and GOW are GOTY but maybe I'll be leaning towards the former because it's natural and more open world I dunno.
Meanwhile the " I like to be weird attention seeking hipster website Eurogamer has gone and given goty to Tetris Effect. An insult to all the hardwork put in by the Devs of most of the AAA games released this year. It's only Digital Foundry keeping that site relevant and soon people might just stop caring about fps and pixel count. They're sour grapes most of the time because of something, maybe this time cause GOW and RDR2 didn't release on a £100,000 PC.
The only correct choice! A staggering game not only in its creation and its visual beauty and storytelling but the complete reinvigoration for a dead franchise.
Up there with Bloodborne and Horizon ZD as legendary PS4 games
An incredible game. It’s near-perfect for me.
Would’ve liked some more boss battles, but that’s what the sequel is for!
Bring on God of War 2!
Red Dead just edges it for me, but that might be because it's fresher in my mind. God of War was easily the best game in an already great franchise, absolutely superb.
To be honest though, I was hoping you were going to give it to Metal Gear Survive for the lols
Despite what a lot of people predicted would happen God of War ultimately won the majority of the GOTY awards. And it's an important one too. While other companies are putting mtx, bolted on online modes or multiplayer only games onto their products, GoW has none of that and yet it'll go down as one of the games of the generation.
How far away was Astro Bot from the top ten btw?
@theart Tetris Effect is great though and I think just because a game has a AAA production doesn't automatically make it better. The readers actually had Tetris Effect in 13th ahead of Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Hitman 2, Yakuza 6 and Far Cry 5 so it clearly had a lot of traction.
@TheArt Tetris Effect is incredible!
@get2sammyb @Neolit @AdamNovice I know it's on lots of people's top 10 list for 2018 but no way is it GOTY. Looks more like "I just wanna be different and go the other way" thing with them. Believe me I used to follow them a lot way before DF was born when it was just PS3/360 comparisons, but they turned into this salty site that hands out average scores to big games simply cause they didn't get an invite for a hands-on preview. Read the comments over there, most of the users are tired of their drama.
@TheArt Calling someone a "hipster" because they don't agree with your choices lol
@kyleforrester87 if it was a personal choice by any editor or anybody who cares but that's a WHOLE GAME SITE. Anyway that's not the topic at hand.
@TheArt I ditched them after tha whole kcd outrage
There's no doubt God of War is the game of the year! It's simply outstanding in every aspect!
Congrats to Santa Monica because I'm pretty sure that no one believe that they would make a game this good!!
'Kratos is not a good character blah blah blah' and now Game of the Year
Congrats Sony! Your games are the best!
best game ever.word up son
Not just my GOTY, but also my game of the generation. I’m really happy for Cory Barlog and Santa Monica.
The sequel already is my most anticipated game, especially after the ending. (no spoilers)
The gameplay is a blast, the story is incredible, Kratos struggles with his past while he wants to be a great father to Atreus. He wants a better life for his son and doesn’t want him to follow the path of revenge and destruction, like Kratos in Greece.
There are so many unforgettable scenes, but I will not mention here because of spoilers.
God of War is easily one of my favorite series, and this new game is my favorite until now.
Like a wise man living in New York always say, word up son.
@TheArt Right now, God of War is the most acclaimed game of 2018 with 100 GOTY awards and not including sites that cover PlayStation only.
Edit: Sorry, you were talking about another site and not Push Square being hipsters, lol.
Fantastic choice. I'm certainly happy Spider-man PS4 didn't win. I honestly don't see how anybody can even consider it GOTY contender because it's vastly overrated. Aside from making you feel like Spider-man, by traversal and combat, the game doesn't do anything great. Open-world? Okay, but it's bland and there is literally nothing to do. Have you ever just actually walked around the streets just for a change of pace? Characters look the same. They all say the same thing. It's just boring. Then, of course, if we are talking about crimes around the city — if you've done one you have done them all because they are the same thing every single time. Car chase? Swing on top of the car. Perform a dodge move on the left side of the car and the right, and then on the driver. Same animations over and over. The boss fights? Completely lackluster and underwhelming. They were too quick. And, even when you did fight a boss, all you do is dodge their attack and then attack them in a gimmicky way three times before they fall, and those gimmicky attacks also had the same animations. They didn't utilize any of their attributes. They had so much potential. Rhino could have been more ferocious, but no — for some reason you're stuck in a shipyard thing. Then there are the side quests. Let's not talk about those because they were practically non-existent. Don't forget the silly stealth sections you get to play as other characters. There are so many problems with Spider-man, and I don't see how so many people can't seem to recognize it. It's not a great game nor is it an amazing one. It's a good game; maybe a really good game, but it's nothing special.
RDR2 for me on PS4, I really did enjoy GoW, but I did everything on one run, no replayability even with NG+
While I wouldn't call it the greatest comeback of all time, (that goes to Capcom/RE7/RE2 Remake) this game was a true evolution of a one trick pony into a multi-tasking bada**. They don't even need to change up the formula for the sequel, just bring on more of what they have created. WORD. UP. SON.
@PS_Nation I 100 percent agree with you. God of of war is the best. greg from NYC.happy New Year playa.word up son
@RedMageLanakyn I agree with you orators the king 👑.happy New Year playa.word up son
'You can't add or subtract anything to make it better'
Totally disagree. Any game could be better in some way. GOW story could have been better with some twist and being less predictable. Its a worthy GOTY indeed though, because of the impact it left on many gamers
I agree. Its forbidden to criticise a website opinion though. Its because its an 'opinion' and you'll be bullied into shutting up by people who can't stand another opinion criticising an opinion.
Internet logic.
@PS_Nation Good game but very overrated. God of War is lazily designed in the sense that the game plays exactly like other games that have come beforehand. Have you ever played adventure games such as The Legend of Zelda or Metroid? Maybe Ratchet & Clank, or any action-adventure game before? I sure have. In those franchises, whether you're playing them two-dimensionally or in third-person, the mechanics often involve collectibles and puzzles that either allow story progression with what little you have to start with in addition to questionable blockage points that can't be accessed until later in the game. Much like one of these other franchises, this particular game heavily borrows instead of originating its own material.
With there being nothing new or interesting to see in this game, this is an imperfect example of an overrated game. By adding a cooperative character, which is again unoriginal, you have no choice but to listen to a much less fascinating story that frequently sees the non-Kratos character bugging you to move onward. Their code from the get-go is to advance. I want to take my time getting as much done as I can instead of having to retrace my steps. But instead, I have to listen to the son calling upon me every five seconds.
I also very much dislike it when games utilize an exact replica of a previous story structure. How many times have we seen a character walking around with an immobilized body that has been injured (or otherwise)? How many times have we walked up a staircase into blinding light at the closing of the game? It's all very much a "been there, done that" experience that is no better than other times that I've seen the same thing before.
In conclusion, God of War is not a bad game but it’s receiving too much praise for doing what every game has done before.
The result doesn’t surprise me, considering how this site is named “pushsquare”.
@playstation1995 God of Awards. Happy New Year too friend. Word up son.
@Nerdfather1 A lot can of that can be said about God of War tbh. Spider-Man is PlayStation’s best game because it’s actually fun to play and doesn’t try to sell itself as revolutionary.
@AdamNovice How. I just want someone to explain how god of War is one of the best of the generation when everything in it has been done before.
@OmegaYato Ok, that’s your opinion, funny that you mentioned Nintendo games, all their games are really overrated. Jim Sterling said the truth about Breath of the Wild.
Anyway, that’s your opinion and it’s fine, but God of War is being praised by many, also it’s the game with most GOTY awards last year.
@OmegaYato I disagree. The open world in God of War was worth exploring because it provided character development, whether it was Kratos and Atreus in the boat communicating, with Mimir of course. There was actually an incentive to take the game slowly because conversations were rich with detail about the world. In addition, the story was fantastic, and the single-take camera shot was revolutionary for video games.
Was the combat repetitive? Sure, I suppose to some extent, although you can say that about any game — whether it's an FPS or a hack-and-slash game. You can only do so much. The question is, does it get old? For me personally, God of War's combat doesn't get old. Spider-Man, for me at least, does, especially if you're going for the Platinum Trophy and trying to clear out Sable's units. With that said, this is subjective.
Personally, God of War hits all the right notes, with its story, characters, lore, history, and actually making your companion (Atreus) be useful, unlike Mary Jane and Miles. There were some moments when playing MJ that was great (near the end at Oscorp's home) but other than that it was bland. All "stealth" sections were. I simply think Spider-Man is overrated, and I would argue Infamous 2 is a much better game, but that's just my opinion. To each their own.
@OmegaYato So all the 100 publications who gave the award to God of War are also called Push Square?
If you didn’t like the game, fine, but now you’re acting desperate.
Edit: Now there are 102 Push Square sites according to you.
@PS_Nation Lol
@JJ2 I know right.
@TheArt I don’t like Eurogamer too, the PC elitism on that site is exacerbated, they don’t even hide anymore.
@Hothbeast1981 EG just lost it I had to migrate. IGN is on point with reviews like PushSquare, not scared to give the 10s, if a game is great it's great, no need to be dramatic and pretend it isn't.
@OmegaYato because it's the best way better than Zelda which was horrible.breath of the Listerine of the wild.word up son
@PS_Natio omega ya to wtf is name is is a undercover Nintendo fanboy he thinks paper Mario is a game of the year game.and oh yes Zelda is overrated.dont pay him no mind.theyres always a hater somewhere.if you love something stick with it.theyre always haters everywhere.he should go to Nintendo life. or go play gears or sea of piss.the crackhead is down.or state of disease.😂word up son
Best game of the year only a salty Xbox fanboy would think otherwise
@playstation1995 Instead of trying to put up a decent argument you try to insult me, when you have the attention span of something with a short attention span. You previously admitted to not having played Nintendo systems so your opinions are irrelevant. They were brought up because I’m comparing them on how they’re designed and how God of War isn’t anything new, idiot. I don’t have an Xbox, just a PlayStation 4 and a Switch so you can keep your ignorance to yourself. Instead of fanboying and resorting to insults, try to put up a decent argument, then come back.
@PS_Nation I’m talking about this site specifically. Too bad you’re too dumb to see that. I brought up those games to prove that God of War doesn’t do anything that hasn’t been done before, but instead of trying to put up a decent argument you resort to calling other games overrated when all I did was bring up their gameplay and how they’re designed.
@Nerdfather1 To me it got old because I felt like I was using it on the same enemies and used the same strategies most of the time, a lot of animations were re-used too and the boss fights didn’t make it any better. It was troll after troll, and there was another one that was made of ice or something but I can’t remember it’s name. The only decent boss I fought was the dragon. The game has its twists, but most of them don’t even come as a surprise. Baldur being Freya’s son and Baldur being strong enough to knock Kratos into the sky are surprises that the player wouldn’t anticipate, definitely gave me a shock. But Atreus having god powers & the steadily improving relationship is something any player could have predicted.
For a hack and slash game that’s combat heavy, it shouldn’t have as many slow moments. Some are fine and add more to the story but others just seem like filler to break the silence. The developers seemed to focus more on Kratos & Atreus which is understandable, but the other characters (apart from Mimir) don’t come to mind when I think about the game.
@playstation1995 You cant have an opinion on something if you never played it. My list for best games I included many different games across the years, but you focus on Nintendo because you were always a Sega and PlayStation fan, so you’re done on trying to argue with me Mr. old school. Just because I like PlayStation doesn’t mean I have to worship everything about it like a lot of blind fanboys do.
Oh, and you’re more than welcome to look at my PSN and see what games I play Sage_Roy
@OmegaYato sega genesis does what nintendont.god of g.o.a.t.best franchise ever boy.word up son
hey if I say God of war is the best that's my opinion.im not into Zelda like that.i like god of war better.and shout out to streets of rage.best beat em up ever.word up son
Can't wait to play this in 2019, getting a shot of my mate in Feb/march this year.
@PS_Nation The PC elitism on there is off the charts I couldn't stand it no more. There was a point it looked like the users were counting frame rates and pixels rather actually playing or talking about any game. Shooting down any game that was below 60fps.
@playstation1995 Which proves my point. If you don’t own something you shouldn’t be commenting on it.
@OmegaYato but I did have a Nintendo back in 1990 I just didn't like it like I l💗ve the sega genesis.so I was a sega genesis fan.and after that I became a PlayStation 1 fan and the rest is sega genesis and PlayStation history.word up son
Haven't played it yet, but got it for Christmas.
I currently have 3 games bought and unplayed... this, Detroit, and Just Cause 4. This is absolutely unheard of for me, but I've been so determined to get my Ultra Hard run of Horizon done that I've given up everything else. Finally got that done tonight, though... so I just need to finish Frozen Wilds and then I can move on with the others.
So the three biggest blockbusters of the year are your three favorite games of the year. Why am I not surprised?
@Nerdfather1 Also, props to you for having good argument.
@fishwilson Well if they weren't we'd have people complaining we're clickbaiting hipsters! You can't win!
@get2sammyb he-he. Can’t argue with that. And for all that I know, these are the three top titles of 2018. I can’t say, I haven’t played any of them. Yet.
@OmegaYato Name calling again, that’s not your first time, the same happen in the Persona 5 article. Reported.
@PS_Nation I called you a name for a reason. I called out pushsquare and you assumed I meant every other site. Read next time. And you, like many others, still can’t provide a decent argument.
@get2sammyb 😆😆
@JoeBlogs After RDR2, unless Naughty Dog goes open world or they'll have to do something extraordinary with their linear structure. And if they go extra realistic, we know people are gonna complain about slow realistic animations like in RDR2.
My choice for Game of the Year as well. I was worried at first but Sony Santa Monica ended up delivering a game that right now is in my top 3 favorite games this gen.
Playing through this after getting it for 20 quid in a sale. I'm enjoying it, although it is very stop and start from lots of things attacking to 2 minute dialogue scenes. where you have no control. It's more of a switching brawler game to animated movie thing.
@OmegaYato then you should quit gaming for good since all upcoming games have been "done before", God all your comments made me cringe to infinity.
@AlejandroMora Looool. Dry your salty fanboy tears. I bet you didn’t even read my comment, it stated God of War is being held as revolutionary when everything in it has been done before & it’s nothing special or unique. But keep crying
@OmegaYato nah the only butthurt here is you mate, writing 10 page essays on why your favourite game did not won. Im just here to make fun of you.
@AlejandroMora Never complained about my favorite game not winning. I actually said God of War is a good game, and I never called anyone butthurt. What’s with you making up these lies?
Best exclusive on the PS4 easily. However I would say I enjoyed Red Dead and Celeste just a bit more. God of War was great, but God of War 3 is still the best God of War. This God of War is a one and done game for me, can't imagine it would be fun to replay because of the unskippable dialogue.
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