And there's your confirmation. As speculated, the playable Resident Evil 2 demo will indeed launch this week on PlayStation 4. Officially dubbed the '1-Shot' demo, you'll be given 30 minutes to get through it. Once the time's up, the demo will end, and that's that. Already sounds intense, doesn't it?
The demo hits the PlayStation Store on Friday, the 11th January. Will you be saving your ammo for this one? Try to aim for the head in the comments section below.
Comments 44
definitely checking the demo out .its a demo. remind me of epmd please listen to my demo.epmd. resident evil 2.old school classics glory.word up son
Wonder how many people will be afraid to use their gun, thinking they can only use one bullet?
@shogunrok “Once the time's up, the demo will end, and you'll have to start over” - is that the case though? The original article makes it sound like you can play this demo once for 30 minutes, and then it’s locked out.
I’ve never played a RE game, dunno if this demo is something I’d want to try.
Bet you will pay a high price for failure in this one
@ztpayne7 Whoops, I've worded that wrong. Fixed now!
Nice. Really excited to finally be able to try out this game.
That's great, 30 minutes is all I need...
wait, that came out wrong
Yep. Can't wait
I thought about not bothering but I'll definitely be there downloading it on Friday, nothing has me more hyped than RE2
@Turismo4GT use multiple PSN accounts to play it over and over again is good way
@Rob_230 what you mean by that ?
@ztpayne7 there is another way to play it again : use multiple PSN Accounts to play it over and over again you want
Nice, of course I'll try the demo
@ResidentEvil2 Yeah, I'm good with having the one account right now, but cheers for the suggestion. That said, I do wonder why they decided to implement such a hard time limit on the demo. To my recollection, RE7 had a progress-limited demo, but you could go back in and play it as many times as you want. Still, looking forward to trying out this demo.
@Turismo4GT maybe Capcom don't want us to play it over and over again. i has 3 PSN accounts on my PS4 Pro so i could play it on those account i have now.. i am wondering how many hours does this game take people to complete Leon and Claire's campigan mode ? 10 hours could be accurate to me. i am wondering why Capcom not tell us about the length in this game but they announced Devil May Cry 5 take 15 hours to complete story
@Bagshot i think there is way to play it again : use multiple PSN accounts to play it more
I think it's a brilliant idea. People will be sharing all sorts of secrets, trying to get the most out of their 30 minutes. Amazing.
@get2sammyb Are you gonna try it out on 11th before making decision to buy it if you love demo after played it ?
Nice, I'll play it when I get home from work.
@ShogunRok no problem. I was just a little confused haha.
@Jriibz haha I watch too much old school rap music.thats the way us black man in New York use to talk.and still do.from nas. wut tang clan.kool g rap.eric b and moon.mobb deep.lost boyz.brand highly influence by old school rap music.word up son
Im just going too play the full game. 😁
The way I play games, the demo will end by the time I've finished exploring every nook and cranny of the first room.
I'll give it a try, though I'm not normally that keen on horror games, so I'll set my expectations low. Plus that 30 minutes only thing is annoying.
i'm not sure why people can't understand the concept of timed demos, there will be a timer that will end the demo in 30 minutes and you will have to restart the demo again but i don't think it will lock you out permanently.
i know however the 3ds have demos with limited plays and the demo was locked out after.
So it's either a demo that has no playtime limit, but has almost nothing to do with the actual game, (RE7) or this. Baby steps Capcom, baby steps.
@huyi I think it's only 1 go and that's it. Hence the name "1 shot" which I think is a great. Gives you just enough to get hyped for the real release. The hard-core gamers with a limitless amount of retries will get a completion within those 30 mins I reckon. Finding all the shortcuts it no doubt has.
@get2sammyb I totally agree. Great piece of marketing for the game. To give you just that bit more hype for the actual release
I was hoping for any demo at all. This is going to be epic.
Well I am sure I'll manage to resist downloading the demo for less time than the demo actually lasts.
@huyi everything I have read says you only get 1 attempt and it will lock out after 30 minutes are up. You can restart if you die but once the time is up it's done.
Also, a friendly wager. After you complete both Leon and Claire's campaign, you get Jill's campaign and Resident Evil 3 remake as well.
@ApostateMage Same with me. I see the speedrun linear gamers are pretty hyped for this one, there was no way they could have had patience with RDR2.
@TheArt "It takes a whole 3 seconds to loot a dead body?! This game is boring."
@ApostateMage That's them to a t. And those who cry about limited fast travel in open worlds...maybe open worlds isn't for them.
If there is any truth to the demo only being playable once,I will wait till others confirm. If true,I will close application at 29 minutes each time, because im EVILLLLLL!!! lol !
Sounds good to me. Seems like a perfect way to get a feel for how the game plays while also not spoiling much of anything.
Demo??? I do not understand that word(this Gen) i.e it's rare to get big game demos anymore :-/ So nice one Capcom Well sort of if you can play it again that is(if not I have loads of other accounts)
@ResidentEvil2 just a play on the merchant from Res 4. Dw im looking forward to this one alot
@Rob_230 oh that's nice
@hulkie It's true, the demo locks you out after you've spent 30 minutes with it. I assume it remembers how long you've been playing for if you quit out and come back as well.
That said, I'm sure people will find some way to work around it.
I must be the only one one who is going to skip it. I’ve got the steelbook pre-ordered and want to experience it all fresh when it comes out.
I always find that deleting your save data resets these timed demos.
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