If you're itching to get your hands on ANTHEM before its launch on the 22nd February, then you're going to be given two opportunities to do so before the big day. EA has two demos lined up ahead of the full game's release, giving everyone the chance to take the title for a test drive. Based on what the publisher says, both of these demos will feature the same content.
The first demo is out later this month, launching on the 25th January. However, this 'VIP' demo requires an ANTHEM pre-order. Taking part will apparently grant you access to some bonus in-game item too, but there are no further details on this just yet. This VIP demo's set to last just a couple of days.
If you're not up for pre-ordering, then you can always just settle for the public demo, which releases one week later, on the 1st February. This one will be available to download straight from the PlayStation Store, and it'll be live over that weekend.
Will you be giving either of these demos a shot? Lock and load in the comments section below.
Comments 27
i might give it a go but i'm not holding my breath, this is EA after all
Hopefully its alright tho cos I couldn't see them giving a demo if it was poor - did ME:A have a demo?
VIP Demo? Seriously...?
@EnragedGibbon It had an early access trial period thing on Origin which effectively killed the game before it even released. People played that and shared all the bugs/glitches around the internet. Was a laughing stock before the full game even had a chance.
I’ll give it a shot.
Realise it was an alpha but bar the story missions, it got boring VERY quickly!
Still concerned this is just another Destiny, which is the most overhyped game of the generation. Would be nice to be proven wrong and for this to be a really interesting universe to spend time in.
@ShogunRok Well, you think they'd learn, but it is EA...
Feb 22nd is far to close of a window for this game it was only talked about last year at the most. I can't see this title having anything in it for content at launch I really can't it will be another Destiny clone with Battlefield 5 half baked game with no content until later down the line. Or Destiny clone with hardly no content and paid for content that was originally in game content stripped because Bungie screwed up during production.
Cool. Looking forward to trying it out in Feb.
Sure I'll try it in feb, the concept itself is interesting (attack on titan with mechsuit), I just hope the game is good.
I played the closed alpha and actually enjoyed it more than I thought. Felt like I was playing as iron man with a gun, with the flying, hovering, shoulder mounted rockets, etc. The world felt more open and alive than destiny, even though most parts were closed off for the demo. This one has potential if they give you enough customisation and gameplay variety. But then again EA has a way of f'ing things up, i.e. Battlefront 2.
i played the alpha. can't imagine too many people think of bioware, and think to themselves, "you know what they should do, a co-op third person shooter". for obvious reasons, which were abundantly clear to most people that played it.
Nope. Never been interested in mech suit type games.
Played the alpha, as well. Without running the risk of breaking the NDA, I'll just say that I have very little interest in future demos.
@leucocyte how I understood it is that almost everybody loved the alpha. Not sure what you mean.
@Deadcow there is also a public demo without any pre order required on 1. February
Free demo, why the hell not try?!
I have it pre-ordered (For Xbox) so should get the opportunity to play in both Demo's. It releases a Week early on EA Access (I believe) OF anyone is interested - not that helps PS gamers.
@Nakatomi_Uk Anthem has been on quite a few peoples 'talked' about list since it's reveal at E3 in 2017. In the last few months, there have been a LOT of news, game-play and breakdowns of systems from EA themselves - they have numerous streams going over things like loot, customisation, game-play etc.
Whilst 'Destiny' may be the most popular Shared World loot game, its not the only one and Anthem is 'different' enough to be its own thing. Its not just a change of perspective either and the Fort Tarsis (equivalent to the Tower in Destiny) is a 'Single' player area. Traversing is vastly different too which allows for a LOT more verticality and also 'swimming'. Certain aspects maybe similar - although Anthem doesn't have any 'competitive' modes and the fundamental structure may have similarities but its like saying CoD is just like Uncharted as they both have campaigns that have shooting mechanics and a MP - just a different perspective - one First Person, the other 3rd person.
@tatsumi - it's hard to say anything because of the NDA, but that didn't stop people breaking it and putting clips all over the web, though EA and its lawyers have probably prevented it from reaching ME:Andromeda levels of scorn. just need to read the closed alpha forum.. anyway, my point was that most people think of bioware as a developer of a completely different type of game, and i think a lot of people will think they should have stuck to what they're best at.
two games that came to mind during the alpha were james cameron's avatar and defiance 2050. can't say that destiny came to mind much..
@Lurker ''Hey, you want to try out this game before you buy it? Buy it first and you get to try it out for free!''
@tatsumi I played the alpha, and I had a riot, handled well, obviously bugs in it, but that's what alphas are for eh. It was stunning to look at, controls intuitive and fluid.
@Octane Yeah that makes perfect sense! What was I thinking
What's the problem with an early access demo for people who've preordered? If you're that sure you want it go ahead and buy it now, and you get to enjoy a demo in advance of the main release. Not sure? Wait for the free demo. Divinity 2 did it and people thought it was a good idea.
Seems like a fair way to stress test the servers starting with a smaller batch of players. Doesn't everyone do it this way? Even dreams has an early beta for those signed upto them followed by a public beta.
On topic I haven't decided if I'll try the public beta yet. Might just wait for a few friends to recommend or not to me. I can usually trust their opinions, and I've so much to play.
not interested in online only MP games.
@b1ackjack yep, but with microsoft holding exclusivity of the DMC V demo and the resident evil demo coming out so close near the release date there is no point really.
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