March 2019's PlayStation Plus lineup has been revealed, but before we go into it, remember that this is the first month in which Sony is ditching PS3 and Vita titles. From this point on, only PS4 games will be added as freebies on PS Plus. Well, until the PS5 hits, but you know what we mean.
Anyway, March's selection includes Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered, and The Witness. The initial reaction here at the Push Square office is that this is a damn good month.
But what do you make of March's PS4 games? Give us some honest opinions in the comments section below.
Comments 134
guess dropping PS3 and Vita was a good thing, more money to spend on better PS4 games
Down for some COD action, now so much on the Witness. I'm sure a lot of complaints about only 2 games will be incoming
If every month going forward is as strong as this, then ditching PS3 and Vita makes sense.
Superb lineup. Can't wait to play Modern Warfare Remastered!
Ill probaly check out CoD for the campaign, it does include the campaign right? I own the witness and have played it some. Seems like a really good open world puzzle game. I guess open world would be the best way to describe it.
Great month for me because I don't have either of these titles. I planned to buy witness, but I already have a huge backlog.
Nice! I’m down with both of these.
I’ll check out cod for the campaign
Bring back vita games!!!
Seriously though not a bad month
Have the witness but kind of got bored trying to plat the game even with a YouTube guide. Don't really care for cod the past few months have not been great for me I either already own the games or don't really have much interest in them so if it wasn't for wanting to play online I would actually question my subscription
Don't know anything about the Witness, but if adding an 12 year old game with some nicer visuals is people's idea of Sony "bringing it", may the stars help us.
Bit disappointed no VR game already have the Witness. For the first time in months and months think games with gold has the better selection for next month.
Terrible month for me. A FPS I have no interest in and a puzzle game I already own.
Hopefully next month is better.
Awesome I wonder if mw is as good as I remember!
I'm so glad I didn't buy COD a few months ago - this month is amazing! Wouldn't mind seeing Fallout 4 soon, even though I already own it.
Lame month for me (but good for people who don't have these).
Got Modern Warfare for Christmas and I played The Witness ages ago. Btw, for trophy hunters the platinum in The Witness is - for my money - one of the toughest going. The final challenge took me like three days.
Laammmmmee! This is considered "high profile" a game from the PS3 and The Witness which has been on sale about 100 times. If this is what Sony is replacing the PS3/Vita games with I wont renew again. I play mainly single player games and the only reason I had Plus was for the free games.
Not sure I'm impressed w/ 2 games per month for $60yr, regardless of what the games are, when we were getting 5 or 6 games per month at $50 a few years ago.
Let's see if they can keep people happy going forward.
I've been curious about Modern Warfare for a while so I might check it out and even poke around if the controls cooperate. Less immediate interest in The Witness (got enough puzzlers in the backlog, including Braid), but don't mind if I do.
would have been nice if they also included a PSVR title, maybe even a couple of monthly PS Now rentals
Droping the ps3 and psvita games is terrible for me since AGAIN I have both PS4 titles lol
At least ps vita had some cross play games I could enjoy...
@get2sammyb lol i am not fan of COD anymore.. i didn't like The Witness due to puzzles i don't like solve. those games are good for people want play.
Dont care for COD games, but yes! at the Witness, almost bought it several times in the sales
If you couldn't tell by my avatar, I quite like The Witness. Please give it a go, it's easily one of my favourite PS4 games.
Looking forward to playing through the Modern Warfare campaign again! Really good pair of games for March
For the first time since MW2 I'll be playing a COD game again online except I won't be buying the map packs which is one big bummer about it.
Can't fault COD MW still the best imo
Good lineup. I have no interest in either game, but it bodes well for the future.
got both never mind the suns shining
So from now on we are only getting 2 titles what a disappointment especially when sometimes I got like 6 games a month because I own a PS3 and this month is a decent one I was always interested in witness but didn't really wanted to pay for it
second BEST MONTH EVER (after BB/R&C)!!!!two great titles
@get2sammyb Sure if you want to play with a bunch of hackers and modders.
I'll add these both to my library but no doubt I'll be playing The Division 2 instead.
@Nakatomi_Uk Get ready to deal with modders and hackers.
Wow, awesome! Haven't played either game. Glad I held out purchasing them. Usually games make it to Plus a few months after I buy them.
We need Fallout 76 lol
With the increase of cloud storage from 10GB to 100GB and the increase of the quality of the two games (at least, for now), for me, is a good deal. Probably one more game (small one) could alleviate the change.
As for VR titles, I think the size of the library is not that extensive, and many of the VR titles are more experiences than proper games.
The Witness is amazing! Cod MW remastered is a welcome addition.
Very good. But with only 2 games the selection feels a tad skimpy.
Welp, looks like I'm renewing my PS Plus subscription.
Been waiting for The Witness to either go on sale or end up on Plus.
Call of Duty isn't my kind of game at all but definitely happy with The Witness!
People are happy with only two games and saying this is a strong month. There is a being a fan boy and there is being a fan boy.
Great month and nice variety too
@Stocksy Many people (like myself) prefer quality over quantity.
@FullbringIchigo and you think that the quality of the games will improve? LOL if anything they should add psvr titles to the lineup to encourage sales like they did with the vita.
@ShogunRok @FullbringIchigo this is exactly what they want you to think with this month's games. not going to happen. lol
@huyi in months past they already had a number of vr titles as bonus titles
@MonkeyDLuffy19 how bad was it to plat even with a guide? that is my plan anyway.
@manu0 yeah and they didn't do it again, they need to keep up the pace.
Wow guess playing the waiting game for Modern Warfare paid off!
@HungryWolf COD is "quality?" ok then....
I don’t have both, so I guess it’s a great month then.
@huyi I never bothered to plat got bored it is a puzzle game so if you use a guide it's easy just feels a bit tedious and sometimes you will have to replay the video a few times to follow the puzzles I just was like can I be asked to go for the plat lol
This one of the worst months in PS4 history. I'd rather blow my PS4 with a bazooka, before adding Call of Duty to my library.
@huyi Quality of a game is always subjective, but CoD MW is considered one of the best CoD games.
@Frigate Not so positive. Go, and read the comment section of the Playstation blog.
@MonkeyDLuffy19 yeah if it's too long i don't think i will bother lol
I don't get this flood of enthusiasm! The witness is good, but an old CoD game? Two titles that can surely be purchased combined under 20 quid in sale don't make up for the loss of PS3 and psv (+ cross platform titles). I've mostly praised the service in the passed and have been with it from the start, but the "only PS4" change is off to a poor start imho.
@HungryWolf “@Frigate Not so positive. Go, and read the comment section of the Playstation blog.”
Yeah, I was just about to post the same thing. It’s getting slammed everywhere. This is the only comment section I’ve seen with positive comments.
I’m not too bothered, I bought both of these the day they came out so nothing for me, but I’m so far behind with my backlog after the past 6 months I wouldn’t be playing them anyway.
I don't have PS plus but this is the first time in a long time that I wish that I did
Man, I remember playing the original MW... I'll definitely dive into it again. This lineup is really good.
@ShogunRok here is hoping that the now bygone vita and ps3 games can at least warrant more VR offerings. I also hope they still throw the random indie game in as well. They are great games for sure. But i hope 2 isnt a number set in stone.
Not so positive for me. Played modern warfare way back when it first released. Enjoyed it. Have no reason to relive it. The Witness is just not something I'm interested in. 2 games for the first time in a while I won't be adding to the library. But on previous titles I have added in the past I'm not disappointed. Everyone will have months they're not going to be happy with.
Yeah, this is awful. But then again, I was also the one warning everyone on the Playstation Blog (noticed they disabled comments this month too), that Sony's year long silence on what was going to happen after PS3 and Vita titles were removed was not a good sign. Everyone thought we'd get more PS4 games, add VR games, or just have better quality games overall. Well, that silence has been broken today and what I've been telling everyone is true. You're going to get 2 PS4 titles of random quality each month moving forward and that is it. While some of us use PS+ to play games online, others only have it for the free games. With that being said, just not too long ago we were getting 6 games a month for $50 a year. Now we're getting 2 games a month for $60 a year. I don't see how more people are not upset about this.
Not exactly what I would call a 'Superb' line up,especially considering we only have the two games now but seeing as my backlog is always constantly packed i really can't complain..
Great! The Witness I’m curious about. Seems to be a love it or hate it type of game though. COD will likely never be played, but that’s fine. Maybe I’ll try the campaign.
I've never actually played the main campaign of Modern Warfare. I don't know when I'll get chance to give it a go, but it'll get added.
The Witness is one I've always been curious about. Decent month for me. I usually only play one or two of the monthly offerings anyway, but I agree with those who are saying that another extra, smallish title wouldn't go amiss. You sometimes get a gem among those small indie games.
@weaselgrub Because the majority probably don't have a PS3 and Vita so weren't getting much value if any from those games anyway. Sony would have had good reason to ditch them, probably nowhere near enough people were redeeming those game.
so sony removed ps3 and vita games and we are left with just two ps4 games for now on, eh? that is a real rip off if you ask me. sony should instead be giving out 4 ps4 games per month — ideally 1 or 2 AAA games and 2 or 3 indi games to make up for this... but no, they increase cloud storage to 100GB which nobody needs! in this way, sony isn't even paying for the cloud storage since less than 5% of all users will ever exceed 50GB. this gives the illusion that you are getting something in return for the removal of ps3/vita games, when in reality, that couldn't be further from the truth. people are getting gyped in this new structuring of ps+ and nobody seems to care... why is that?
Not to seem entitled but im honestly a little disapointed by this. I have neither game, but mw has been available at retail for a tenner for a while and the witness has been 3.99, and on sale many times before.
Im not classifying how good the titles are on their cost, BUT as a value proposition, its a little underwhelming after getting so much more content a month for the same price. And yes i did redeem all content on ps3 and vita, and downloaded the majority of content on vita.
I thought for month one of the new structure they might have at least included a bonus vr title.
@weaselgrub i'm with you! people need to wake up! the value of ps+ has just gone down the drain. you cannot remove 2-4 games/month and not replace it with something else... 4 ps4 games is the minimum we should be getting...
@adamnovice This could be, but lately, many of the Vita games were cross buy, so while not many people may have had a Vita, they could still enjoy them on the PS4. You bring up a good point, not everyone is like me who has every 7th and 8th generation system by all 3 major players in the game, so it stings a little bit more for me. But you can't deny that we are getting less for more than we were less than 2 years ago.
Pathetic. Sony gave us nothing in exchange for abandoning ps3 and vita games (a lot of them were crossbuy with ps4), what a rude rip-off. Arrogant Sony is truly back.
@weaselgrub Value is very subjective, people will be very content with not getting PS3/Vita games if it means higher quality PS4 games. People have argued that Sony should add a VR game or PS Now but with VR you got the Vita problem again where only a small percentage will make use of it and PS Now isn't available in every country so it's tricky.
Great quality shame I own both of them and no VR game but a really good month.
A shooter that I never cared about and a game that I already own (but is great)
I miss the Vita-indies already.
@AdamNovice and where is this "quality" you speak of? cod remake counts as a quality game that makes up for the removal of 2-3 games/month? not likely. the witness is a good pick, but it is a secondary tier sort of game that we would be getting over and above 2 ps3/vita games and 1 other ps4 game... so no, this is a very bad deal all things considered.
another great month
@rjejr Playstation: Pay more for less. 😜
Wanted both!!! Awesome!!!
It's a great month for me, been on the verge of buying the witness for months and never have. Hope they keep this quality up, one decent aaa game and one high quality indie would be perfect formula. I can understand why others are upset though, thought there might be a psvr game too from now on.
Dunno how it will work for me. I have mordern warfare remastered with infinite warfare but cant play without installing both. Would rather this version lol
@Rob_230 I've received a promotional email from Sony advertising the March lineup as 76€ of value (central Europe)…This is just false. I found the complaints of the past rather entitled or unreasonable, but this development is a bad start.
Will pick up The Witness as it’s a kind of game I would never normally buy it but might enjoy it. I never played Call of Duty Black Ops 3 when it was free so I’m not even going to bother to download Call of Duty Modern Warfare .
I never have PlayStation plus in the PS3 Eire but I’ve had it continuously since getting the PS4. I will continue with it since I need it for online multiplayer but I don’t think it would be worth it just for the games anymore.
@Porco CoD MW is still considered the best in the franchise so it's still a high tier game regardless. The Witness is a highly rated indie game that a lot of people might not have played. The PS3/Vita games have largely just been forgettable filler that didn't offer much value.
@seanobi How can Sony add PS Now to Plus when it isn't available in every country that Plus is sold in? Also from a business point of view why should Sony add Now to Plus when it's more beneficial for people to buy both? It's like suggesting that Microsoft should add Game Pass to GwG.
@Tameshiyaku Well in the UK both games on the Store come to £64.98 so for me it's still worth more then an actual year long sub.
The need to drop the plus price at least $10 or maybe $20 since we are getting between 5-6 less games. This month is trash for me but even if it was good they are ripping people off with basically renting (they should be ours to keep) two measly games.
Xbox currently gets 4 games a month so Sony is really going to let Microsoft have the bragging rights to say they offer the best value for your buck?
@juanalf There not going to drop the price for a few reasons but the main one is that they were raised so the fell more in line with other regions. And looking at the GwG lineup for next month I don't think "bragging rights" is the right term.
The predicted "outrage" in the comments of the blogs over the removal of PS3 and Vita games from the service is amusing.
True, I thought Sony would predict this and offer something else... maybe a 3rd PS4 game... to help mitigate it, but still.
I know the price went up a while back, but that's one increase in 12 years. Plus, it started out with a couple of PS3 games, then went on to add PSP and Vita games, cloud storage (recently increased), PS4 games, and more... all at no extra cost for more than a decade.
The value will no doubt increase again after PS5 arrives, and people need to realise that Sony can't support legacy systems forever. It's amazing that they got support for as long as they did.
And of course, they announced this a year ago. It shouldn't be surprising anyone.
Personally, I've got a PS3 and a Vita and this doesn't bother me at all, purely because I've barely used either for about 4 years now and haven't been claiming any of the games offered anyway.
@Ralizah Ditto! 🤣🤷🏻♂️
Thank you Sony, very cool!
In all seriousness I'm very happy with this month.
@AdamNovice And that's why I continue to sub, despite only taking a handful of the games each year.
@tameshiyaku agreed. It used to annoy me that people complained every month, regardless of what was included, but now it absolutely seems like worse value, particularly with the recent price hike
Without knowing what deal they made with Activision, who are not known for giving stuff away and this being the first month sans PS3 and Vita, maybe it'll get better. But a lackluster start IMO.
Good line-up, but ridiculous non-the less. 2 games isn’t enough. There needs to be VR and/or the new indie game needs to come back.
@Paranoimia I think it always had PS1 games, so I thin it stared out with 4 games. They could start putting PS2 games on the PS4 again and give those if they wanted to match the original plan.
Wow. I haven't played a Call of Duty game in so long. The only games I really played were World at War and the original two Modern Warfares back in the day. For the first time in years, I'm actually super stoked to play Call of Duty.
I've also heard good things about The Witness so perhaps I'll go that a go.
I got the Witness in the store sale for just under a fiver a year ago, it's definitely impressive.
Never played the last gen CoD so I'm kinda excited to try it, but good god are Sony being cheap skinflints this month. Needs to be better next month if they're dropping PS3.
2 PS4 Games...No VR...Hmmmm....
As someone who has platinumed The Witness recently, it is my favorite puzzle game of all time. Say what you like about Jonathan Blow, but he is a straight up genius and the level & puzzle design in The Witness is unparalleled imho. The sense of awe and wonder I had while roaming around the island and visitng it’s various locales made me remember why I love games in the first place.
It’s a game that will stick with me forever, and the platinum was damn hard because If you used a guide throughout the game, the last trophy is pretty much impossible to achieve. You actually have to understand all of the puzzle mechanics in the game to achieve the platinum. I love that aspect of it as well.
@redd214 lol I’ve already seen it across the web what a joke that entitled people are overshadowing what’s a great month this is for plus
@Cycologist modern warfare remastered is a straight up remake and looks as good as current gen games it isn’t just “nicer graphics”.
@Wazeddie22 when did ps4 not only get two games not counting the very few crossplay titles that weren’t worth a damn half the time?
I'm scraping ps plus if sony don't make up for the loss of ps vita and ps3 games
@Porco man you entitled brats really irk me. Sony has only ever given us two free ps4 games so nothing’s changed besides not offering PS3 or vita games which were trash 90 percent of time and I promise nobody was redeeming them which is why they dropped support
@snakemake no not alot of them were cross buy and even the titles that did have cross buy were bargain bin no name indies most of the time that nobody cared for this is just something people are latching on to so they can complain because on the internet if you’re not acting entitled or outraged you’re not doing it right smh.
@Juanalf yeah because Xbox has BC and most of the time they are junk 360 games. With peoples backlogs this gen I’m not sure too many people are worrying about the gwg and plus games when they have more than they can even play
@AdamNovice it’s people just acting entitled. Sonys plus lineup this month is better than gwg even though it offers two more games which are Xbox 360 games hell Sony’s plus line up has been better than gwg for awhile now.
@Jaz007 They could, but I don't think it would appease most of those who are complaining. Plus, I think the selection would be limited/complicated by rights issues.
Again, speaking personally, it would again make no difference to me, since I can no longer play the old games. As much as I loved them at the time, I bought a few on PS3/Vita and playing them again was a mistake... they were just awful. Whenever I play old games, even going back to my favourites from the C64 and Amiga era, it just destroys my happy memories of them.
The best things they could do, for me at least, would be add a third PS4 game, and/or offer a couple of free movie rentals each month... not from a pre-selected shortlist, but any film you like.
@johncalmc I actually gave up on the final challenge after 2 days lol it's such a hard one lol
@Paranoimia This isn't a good deal, I grant you that these two games are good but we still loss at minimum 4 free games. You can't say those 4 games are bad every single month, I've counted a few times when the ps vita/ps3 selection destroyed the ps4 ones.
Either they drop the price or they add a ps3 title from ps now and a ps2 game or a third ps4 game. Two measly games and the honor and privilege to go online isn't worth $60.
We can't let these mega corporations rip us off no matter how much we love their games (yes Sony does have the best games this gen followed by switch and finally third complete emptiness).
Already have the witness but mw remaster is nice, I plan to buy it but I forget
I don't have problem with sony dropping ps3 and psvita since I don't have ps3 anymore and I rarely play my psvita. I rather have 2 good ps4 games rather than 4 games for legacy console with 2 random ps4 games. I buy psplus at black friday so I only need to spend $40 per year.
Also from the ps stats / email it seems I saved about $60 last year from psplus discount, not bad.
This is considered a good month? Hard pass from me. If next month doesn't bring improvements I'll be dropping PS+. My backlog is huge already.
CoD - Not intrested.
The Withness man I wanted to play this game for so long.
@ResidentEvil2 Yeah i like chicken maybe you dont whats your point?
If you give GTA 5 there still will be people who complain. 😁
@SKC_Diamond I didn't give up and it probably knocked a couple of years off my life. I probably spent, realistically, at least ten hours on it across a few days. My girlfriend was laughing at me and telling me to just give up and everything on day two. I did a lap of house cheering like I'd just scored with winner in the cup final when I did it.
@Juanalf I haven't said those games are bad, only that they're not for me.
And I'm sorry, but it is still a good deal, as @Neolit has said... $5 a month for 2 games, plus online play, plus 100GB of cloud storage, plus many store discounts, and other benefits as well.
Yes, the value of the subscription has dropped, but only from 'exceptional' to 'great'. It's a million miles away from being a rip-off.
Like I said in my post about I haven't played cod since MW2 but I understand why people would be pissed, I think the remaster should also come with the map packs to justify the cost of the games this month. I still wish I could choose like 1 PS4 game and 1 PS3 game or 2 PS4 games not just take it away the PS3 is still a console I play at home
MW1 is brilliant But I got it anyway + so just 2 PS4 games now and no extras?!?! Hmm, glad I stopped my PS PLUS a few months ago really as I don't play online anyway. The only way I might re-join is if they give us, say 2 free PS NOW Games to play each month if that would be possible(not to keep just play for the month) + giving people a free chance to use/play on PS NOW would be a good way for SONY to boost PS NOW for the future.
@ellsworth004 yes it does have the campaign
Dumbfounded how everyone on here seems to think this is a great month?! Why? We've had better months than this. An 11 year old CoD game?!! Come on.
Having said that, I'm not sure what games people THINK Sony are going to start giving away now we only get two. GTA? RDR2? Spiderman? GoW? Come off it. That was never going to happen.
I'm glad I'm out of it. It's not good value anymore. I subscribed for quite some time just for the games and then lapsed and it's only then you truly realise, what a waste of money that was. I can't even play any of these games anymore. You may as well just pick them up cheap in a sale or on eBay as and when you want to play them.
At last, I won't need to have the awful 'Infinate Warfare' disc in my PS4 to play COD Remastered. This is nice
@dark_knightmare2 True,guess I'm just used to downloading more than two games and not really taking much notice whether they are PS4 or ps vita cross play.
@Neolit True, the increased discounts is literally the only thing that makes it worthwhile now I think. But, that only makes itself worthwhile if you buy a fair few games every year.
Personally I've let my Plus lapse a few months ago and I don't miss it. I got a cheap sub to PS Now and I think that's better value, seeing as the Plus games end up on there anyway. So, if you only subbed to Plus for the games, I'd start to reassess.
@johncalmc Thats kinda cool im just not 🤓 enough for it. 😃
@tomassi I like to play online and i can sell off the games i own and some good discounts on some seasonpasses.
@Flaming_Kaiser Well, if you like to play online I guess you have no choice BUT to pay for it!!
@tameshiyaku Ok good to hear. 😁 😃 😂
@tomassi I get my moneys worth with 2 games a month too. Im behind more then a year anyway plus the backup with my saves. 😁
They're good games but I don't know why people are happy paying the same amount for PS+ and getting less. The total value of the games we were getting was higher when it included PS3 and Vita games.
There should at least be a third game if not a fourth. I think there should be a mix of indie and higher profile games, I rarely buy any indie games and own all the higher profile games I have any interest in so at least I'd get something I don't already have.
@dark_knightmare2 entitled brats? nothing has changed? they took away 2 games a month (minimum) and are charging us the same cost. they need to make up for this with two additional ps4 games a month. simple math. maybe you failed school
@EVIL-C "Pay more for less"
Makes me think of this. Is #arrogantSony a thing?

@AdamNovice "only a small percentage will make use of it"
That's a good point but I looked at it from the other perspective, by having a PSVR game every month it might entice more people to buy 1. I bought one in part b/c I already had 3 or 4 games w/ PS+ and thought that would continue. If not every month then every other month. They have enough games now to do that with, PSN store has dozens of games, most of which I've never heard of so might as well throw them into PS+.
And while PSVR may be on it's way out w/ the PS4 I do think PSVR2 will ship either alongside or a year after PS5. Better resolution, better wiring system, no break out box. And getting people interested w/ PSVR now via PS+ rentals will help push PSVR2, b/c really, unless you've tried it, most people aren't very excited about PSVR.
Your thoughts may align w/ Sony's though.
@Flaming_Kaiser I can understand people are dissapointed but if you look at €60 a year we get a good amount of games. And lets be honest even if we get the best games there are always people complaining.
@Porco no I didn’t fail math we only ever got two ps4 games a month with the exception of the very few times some no name bargain bin game had crossplay. We’re still getting two ps4 games just like PS3 always had two games and the vita always had two games.
@tomassi well luckily 60 a year doesn’t break the bank for most people. I save way more than that in the year just from plus sales and other discounts so with the two free games,the cloud storage and the amount I play online games I get more than my money’s worth.
How big is the download for MWR is the only concern I have tbh, although 2 games a month does feel a bit measly.
Not a good month for me. I don't care for cod or the witness. Who is the one who makes the decision of what free games to offer each month? The witness? Hardly a game you offer to the masses. Believe me the download for this game will be low, probably what Sony wants.
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