It came out of nowhere and it's been available to play for roughly a week at the time of writing: Apex Legends has had a much bigger impact than anyone could have really anticipated. The free-to-play character-based battle royale title from Respawn Entertainment has racked up an impressive 10 million players already, but have you contributed to that number?
Whether you've simply given Apex Legends ten minutes of your time or you've been sat there playing it for hours on end, we want to know what you think of this new kid on the block. Have you been enjoying it? Do you think it'll last? Vote in our polls, and then feed us your detailed thoughts in the comments section below.
Comments 22
Played about 10 matches and it's very good with the potential to be excellent I feel. Wish I had more time to invest into it.
I'm pretty happy with it. For a game that kinda came out of nowhere, it's very good. I can definitely see myself playing more of it, especially with a few chums.
Seen it being compared to Time Splitters and can't say I argue with the similarities, really enjoying it.
I haven't played it. I can't imagine I ever will either. I still haven't played Titanfall 2 despite owning it for months.
I think it and Fortnite are the best BR games I’ve played. I enjoy AL more than COD.
I've spent the last couple of days playing it and I'm a big fan.
Love the respawn beacons I feel that it helps cut down the time sat watching other people playing.
What made Fortnite so big? It was free so no-one had any excuses not to give it a try and with friends these sorts of games are good fun.
Fortnite wasn't really my thing though, aesthetically and with the building and being 3rd person. Blackout is good but Apex blows it out of the water imo, and it didn't cost me anything! The map is way more interesting, the movement and guns feel great. The ping system is genius, you can play with randoms, not talk and still communicate effectively and win.
The different characters add variety and complement certain play-styles without any being OP (yet). There are so many small improvements over other BR titles that add up to something that's just more fun and refreshing to play.
@AyanamiReign agreed
I played a match solo, and wasn't that into it, bit when I played with friends, it started to get really fun. As someone who played way too much Fortnite, I can see this as a equal competitor to it.
Solo mode, new maps, larger servers (90 minimum) that should keep this game alive for the foreseeable
I'm hoping to try it with a few mates over the weekend, annoyingly when I downloaded it first time it crashed my ps4. Such is life, I won't hold it against the game
I haven't played it, but only because I'm worried a Battle Royale addiction would murder my backlog.
It looks pretty good actually
@Frigate Less people vote on questions the more you ask, I guess they lose interest scrolling another inch for some reason so the numbers are different.
I played it a little, seems pretty decent. I just hate playing MP games that i suck at. Which is pretty much all of them lol.
I really like the game. But... I think so many of the heroes r butt ugly to look at.
@ellsworth004 me too lol, but with the squad system, I just shadow my team and act more of a wingman. Works out for the most part.
It's excellent, if you don't 'get it' try playing it with two friends instead of with randoms, makes all the difference. This game is all about the teamwork.
The gameplay is excellent. Everything surrounding the gameplay is soulless and hollow. The character designs in particular are abhorrent.
Is it anything like Fortnite i really ding that such a boring game.
I prefer it over Fortnite that is for sure, I hated the building aspect to Fortnite though, and the 3rd person aiming, did not like how it was done.
The two games I'll be playing is PUBG, and Apex Legends, probably more Apex Legends though, I like the feel of the game and the gun play. I wish there were more Legends to choose from, the character designs look terrible to me though, but it's really not that big of a deal I suppose. Playing with friends is a blast, so that is all I really care.
I know it’s F2P, but will you guys be reviewing it?
It's a good deal better than all the other battle royale games.
Being able to communicate without needing to talk to other humans is the best part.
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