Sony has been tight-lipped about its future plans for quite some time now, with one of its last major announcements being its withdrawal from Electronic Entertainment Expo 2019. The company has been a big presence at the show since the beginning, but this year, it won't be in attendance. Why? Well, PlayStation bigwig Shawn Layden has kind of explained the Japanese giant's stance on E3 already, but in a new interview with CNET, the executive goes into a little more detail.
In quite a lengthy answer to the publication's question regarding E3, Layden explains the trade show used to be for trade; retailers and journalists would flock to Los Angeles to learn about new games on the horizon for their respective fields. Nowadays, Sony has its own February trade show called Destination PlayStation, informing retailers of the platform holder's plans for the year. As for games media, the internet has lessened the impact of reporting from E3. In other words: "the trade show became a trade show without a lot of trade activity. The world has changed, but E3 hasn't necessarily changed with it."
Another point Layden makes is that Sony simply doesn't want to falsely build expectations when it's focusing more and more on fewer, higher quality games. "And with our decision to do fewer games -- bigger games -- over longer periods of time, we got to a point where June of 2019 was not a time for us to have a new thing to say. And we feel like if we ring the bell and people show up here in force, people have expectation 'Oh, they're going to tell us something.'"
We suppose all that makes sense. We're still hoping it'll have some kind of plan for a consumer-facing presentation later in the year, but what form that takes, or even if we get any communication at all, remains to be seen.
[source cnet.com]
Comments 54
So if they inform retailers this month of their plans for the year, how long before some release date leaks for whichever of the big 3 might be coming this year.
I thought his comment on how E3 needs to become a bit more like Comic-con with panels was interesting. I'd be up from hearing from more developers.
As sad as I am that E3 won't be a big thing for my friends and me this year thanks to Sony's absence, I understand his reasoning. Why waste all that time and money when you don't have much to show? Use the money to improve the games instead of floor space and giant statues.
That doesn't surprise me. I could tell from his PSX interview with Greg Miller that he was getting fed up with E3. And quite frankly I'm getting fed up with it too. The gaming landscape has changed, you shouldn't need a big showy third party event to make you announcements when you can just do it yourself. And depending on how Sony handles things this year, we might see more companies taking a similar direction and we can finally do away with the cult mentality we keep associating with E3.
Sony: "We'll make fewer, but higher quality games. You're welcome, gaming community."
Microsoft: We'll buy all the studios and let's make more mid-tier games for GamePass, then throw them on GamePass, so you can pay us for GamePass. Have you tried GamePass?"
Oh well. Sony’s recent E3 showings have been weak anyway.
@Turismo4GT don’t start the console war crap
I still find the messaging around this a bit odd. I get what he's saying: press conferences now come with absolutely insane expectations attached. It's no longer acceptable to go to E3 and show cool games — they've got to be brand new, megaton, jaw-dropping, blockbuster, bumper announcements. Which is impossible to do annually...
BUT I still think Sony almost undersells itself sometimes. If you look at last year's E3 for example, there was cool stuff they could have shown like Astro Bot but they seem to have this fixation with ONLY the ginormous games. And I don't know why that is.
I still want to know what they've got in store for the rest of the year before I criticise this decision.
@Turismo4GT Did you forget about a little thing called PS Now? That's the same damn thing as gamepass. Talk about hypocrisy.
Yeah, I understand what he is saying, but I will still miss E3 being the main event of the industry.
I wouldn’t mind if this mean more PSX though, an event for PlayStation enthusiasts only.
@get2sammyb any word on when the Destination Playstation event will be? Will they hold a press conference there?
@Turismo4GT Haha, that’s true, can’t forget the GaaS practice too. Really pathetic.
@get2sammyb You say that but look what happened in 2015 and 2016. PlayStation was the talk of the town because they announced The Last Guardian, Horizon Zero Dawn, Final Fantasy VII Remake, Shenmue 3, God of War, Spider-Man, Death Stranding and Days Gone and that raised expectations to unprecedented levels where it's impossible to match. The next two E3s saw Sony criticized in some corners cos they only showed what they previously announced.
Yeah it would have been great if they showed Astro Bot, Tetris Effect and Deracine but I think Sony know people tune out at that point cos the majority don't have VR so they show instead the games the majority can get.
Personally I think Sony should do a VR focus Direct that you can download from the store with 20mins worth of trailers for upcoming VR games and as a bonus have it formatted for VR too so you can watch it with your headset.
Expected. E3 is expensive and outdated. Sony can be the master of their own time. It is simple.
@BearsEatBeets The 1st PSX had alot of interesting developer panels. I really enjoyed that but they moved away from it over time.
I feel people are only happy with a companies E3 showing when they showcase a whole bunch of games. I remember people saying last years E3 for Sony was a giant bomb because they only focused on a few games, while Microsoft was being praised because they showed the most games. Even though a majority of their shown games were multi-platform titles with exclusives sprinkled in.
Hell, Nintendo sprinkles their Directs throughout the year and it works, so why can't Sony do their own thing? I say it's best to sit back and see what happens.
No PS now is more like xcloud with download option.
He's right in that Ms shows and tells they focus on AA games for games pass, xcloud type of service. Its in their messaging if you wish and does look like in the intent. Whereas PS as more of a traditional messaging. Heck how many articles are there about ms reinventing gaming so to speak and poised dominate?
It just looks like a different approach.
@EVIL-C Actually, no, I didn't forget about PS Now. Even though the services at first glance seem similar, at least in my experience, Sony doesn't push PS Now nearly as hard as MS does GamePass. I dunno what it's like in other regions, but a whole lot of Microsoft's efforts nowadays seem to revolve around promoting GamePass even more than their new, upcoming games. Look at Crackdown 3, for instance. That's coming out in, what, a few days? Where's the big campaign around what was once touted as one of Xbox's tent-pole games? I've not seen it yet.
I appreciate your contribution to the discussion, though 🙂
@EVIL-C but ps now isn't being shoved down our throats.
@OmegaYato Wasn't seeking to, that only comes about by those in the gaming community that choose to give way more importance to these wire and silicon filled plastic boxes that, at their core, are quite similar. I am primarily a PlayStation gamer by choice, but that doesn't mean I would not ever get an Xbox or Nintendo system. I started out on Nintendo, moved to Sega Genesis and have had PlayStation systems since 1999, excluding the PS3. I pay no blind allegiance to corporations, as all of them are capable of bringing the goods or screwing up royally. I go where the games I'm interested in are. Cheers for the discussion.
@PS_Nation Ultimately I think that's where the entire industry is headed. It remains to be seen what business model will lead, but we must remember that we the gamers are who made the industry what it is, and they must cater to us, not the other way around.
@Turismo4GT I mean majority of the studios haven't developed any exclusives yet. And forza horizon 4 was pretty good
It completely makes sense and I thought that could be a reasonable explanation. There just isn't much to show for PS4 and most of all to reveal. We know the focus is on next gen. However, given the PS5 very widespread rumours, that explanation may not be enough anymore. I was expecting an event just before E3 and just nothing until psx sounds a bit underwhelming
@Abeedo so I keep hearing. I would like to try out FH4 someday.
I believe MS is getting prepared to come out swinging with big games next generation, and I heard last week that their planned release cadence will be at least one big AAA game per quarter. That will be good stuff if it comes to (Game)Pass.
Game Pass > the trash that is PS Now.
I'm disappointed that Sony won't be at E3, but I'm still looking forward to what the other companies have to announce there. Hopefully Sony will be back at E3 in 2020 when they'll inevitably have more to reveal then.
@EVIL-C not even close to the same thang as game pass
As someone who lives in the UK staying up at 2am to watch E3 live, it absolutely destroyed my work mojo the very next day! I'll lament Sonys big epic shows, but the gaming landscape is forever changing... Ah Chuckie Egg where are you now <sniff>
@potter32100 Care to explain how two services offering a flat fee for access to a pool of rotating games isn't the same?
It’d just be better to announce stuff on their own terms at their own pace like Nintendo does with directs honestly
@get2sammyb the flipside is we used to get lots of announcements like "Trials of the Blood Dragon". I'll take less announcements less frequently if it means less of the crap.
@get2sammyb 90m PS4 and only 2m PSVR means not much reason to highlight Astrobot at E3.
Concrete Genie though. When's the last time you typed that name? I know Sony is all about Days Gone right now but Concrete Genie has kind of disappeared.
Edit: Due out early 2019 (which is now) or spring 2019 (which starts next month). I'm gonna go out on a limb and say May/June, after Days Gone. Would be nice if Sony remembered it exists though.
@Enuo I just think have nothing to show this year and are gearing up for big reveals of PS5 at a Sony centric expo closer to the end of 2019 or early 2020 where they can showcase a PS5 2020 release date.
Game pass is not a streaming service
@EVIL-C You know its mostly older games do you?
@rjejr I know that game looked great. 😁 😃
They plan to release fewer but bigger titles.
I guess that means we’ll get 1 or 2 games next gen total per studio. It’s not like they are pumping them out this gen.
@Flaming_Kaiser It looked great, but it also looked like the kind of game people are going to forget about if they don't talk about it. For a game like TLOU2 all they have to do is give us a date, it will sell. Concrete Genie needs a marketing push or it isn't going to sell. Not an insane Spiderman marketing push, but at least mention it's name once a month or so.
For me this is Sony’s way of taking control now that they have the higher ground.
Why go to E3 and basically have a Sony v M$ show down every year when they are smashing them? The battle is won, they outsold xbox by like 3/1 so why have a face off every year and risk a bad show.
Now they are ‘top dog’ they can just do it all at their own event which is far better for brand awareness.
Sony does not need E3. I know traditionalist do not want to hear it but it is the truth.
I feel the press criticising Sony for leaving E3 is being hypocritical because all they cared about was the pre E3 conferences and their 'who won E3' crap.
I agree. These days who needs to be lost in a crowd of other games to be known. Why force early pr and expectations on somebody else's preset e3 date when you can share it when ever you want online for free and reach just as many people.
If Nintendo, Sony or MS announce a big new game will it be more well known if reported during E3 among 100 games instead any other day? No.
Heck, Apex proves you don't even need any pre hype at all. It's a new world out there.
We meet again, Mr. Kaiser. Hello. Mostly Older titles? Which service are you referring to; Gamepass or PS Now?
Yeah I know gamepass isn't a streaming service. That's why it always had a huge advantage over PS Now, until Sony allowed downloading parity, which I give them full credit for.
You're absolutely correct about the amount of advertising for gamepass gets. I was extremely surprised to see Crackdown 3, a brand new game, being included with it. But then I thought about it more afterwards, and it's actually a brilliant idea.
How many times have we heard the phrase "a Netflix for games"? There are a lot of people out there, that love the idea of just subscribing to a service for a small flat fee, and having access to hundreds of games. Once they make that large investment into the console, that's it. Same philosophy like with buying a new television.
C3 is a big Xbone exclusive. Giving it out on gamepass so early will entice new people to check out the service. That might convert them to go the "rental" route, if they feel saving money on a per-month basis is best for them.
I think the more options we have for our game distribution, the better. Everyone has different needs, and is in a unique situation. Some like a wall of hard copies, others want digital downloads only, othera now are turning to streaming with PS Now and gamepass "renting".
As long as one gets to play and enjoy the game (legally), and they can continue to do so with more titles in the future, that's really what matters in the grand scheme of things, I believe. 🙂
'a Netflix for games"?' is meant for streaming games fron xcloud. Now game pass may well be linked with xcloud in the future but that's not what is referred to with 'Netflix for games'.
Psnow is only a streaming games services which has now the option to download. Games pass is a service similar to EA Access. Different than a service conceived to stream games from different formats on different devices.
I don't know more than any average gamer so I could still be confused if you want to make me understand what the reality is but that how I see it right now.
@JJ2 You're forgetting that Netflix also gives you the option to download to your mobile to watch offline. 😉
What's important here isn't whether it's streaming only, download only, streaming and downloads, games delivered on floppy discs by carrier pidgeon, whatever. That's all semantics.
"A Netflix for Games" is merely a moniker for a digital platform or storefront, with access to thousands of games on demand, for a flat fee.
We've seen several small scale examples of this in past decades, but in the 21st century, it's becoming very apparent people are both very interested, and there's a need for it.
I did mention the option to download which is only recent update.
They may well become similar services in the future but as it is Now and for many years, they have been very different services.
Good. E3 is a relic that needs to be relegated to the dustbin of history. Sony needs to copy Nintendo and do regular direct style presentations.
At this point, Sony can go down any route & it will benefit them, their games have been absolutely stellar one after the other..
While MS every year hype up their biggest E3 & it just ends up being Phil Spencer talking his usual crap & another Forza announcement..
Sony wasted alot of money on E3 2018 & really, they didn't have to...the big 4 games that were the centre of their conference were already announced prior, so it left people desiring more, the fact they had intervals in between the conference killed the buzz.
I still have all the confidence Sony will knock it out of the Park in 2019 once again.
"The World is changing."
Like Sony is changing by not making any moe PS4 games beyond what's announced.
In a different interview with GI he says he wants E3 to be for the gaming community celebrating as opposed to be competitive trade show. Hes in talk with them and Sony might attend E3 2020 if they change accordingly.
Again I totally agree in that may push the media to cover whats going on there.
@IBeAGamer or is it IBeAHater is back probably nothing to do on his Xbox. 👋😁
Hello cant wait for your hatefull response.

@rjejr I would love to see some more of these colorfull games on the PS4. And yes this game needs a addcampaing.
@Flaming_Kaiser I've been playing Tales of Zestiria on my free time but most of my time is spent at hospital for follow ups regarding my foot being amputated.
@IBeAGamer Im going to be mean here. Its terrible what has happend to you then all the power to you. But i still think you act like a ass 90% of the time. That said i still wish you all of the best nobody deserves terrible things.
@Flaming_Kaiser you can think what you want.
I absolutely hate how Sony have been as of late and decided to become an all around gamer, I'm so much happier now when gaming and I will call out dumb crap that Sony and others do.
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