We’d put money on the PlayStation 5 still being a good 18 months away, but that means it’s ripe for the odd rumour or three, right? What about clearly fake, mock-up photographs? Well, we’re off, with our first “look” at the DualShock 5 – except this is less authentic than a Hollywood smile. The bogus input device includes a small touchscreen on the front, because that was rumoured once.
Look, this hasn’t been corroborated by any reliable sources and is clearly a total sham – after all, why else would the display say “follow the white rabbit” on the front? It’ll be interesting to see what form the PS5’s controller adopts, though, won’t it? Touchscreen? Touchpad? Lightbar? Other original features? We’re eager to see what Sony ultimately attempts to do.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 27
Looks uncomfortable in that pic.
Fake? Don't think so. I've just bought fifteen of them, off a bloke called Les out the back of his van. They're very light.
If that pad was real it would be a step back. The DS4 is the best controller Sony's made, I'd be shocked if they didn't keep the design.
Imagine the cost of a DualShock with a screen.
I'm going to pre-order it from British Gas.
As I said in the forum could this potentially be an unifished unit that devs have access to? They’ll obviously need a controller with all the features if they are supposed to be making launch games for the thing so prototypes must be out there?
Screen seems kinda pointless but then so is the touch pad and light bar but they ran with that so 🤷♂️
I think it will be really cool if sony sold dualshock 5 with 5inch screen separately for ps5 so we can play ps4/5 games using remote play. $60 for normal/non-screen dualshock 5, $100 for dualshock 5 with screen (compatible with ps4 too for remote play).
I just played ps4 using remote play on my ipad, surprisingly it works well. I set my remote play resolutions (on ipad) to 540p and framerate to high, I can play iconoclasts using my ipad just fine, it's not full 60 fps, but about 25-30 fps. Same with spider-man with framerate about 25 fps give or take.
Man is too bad dualshock 4 isn't compatible with ios, maybe sony should make a more expensive dualshock 4 with mfi so it has compatibility with ios.
@ApostateMage Hey mate heard you're a Fony Sony Pony
Looks like a Mad Catz version of a DS4.
I may be in the minority but.....
That looks absolutely awesome! I would buy that controller in a heartbeat.
Saw this and thought it was a very convincing model. Its not just an obvious digital mock-up nor just 1 photograph either but a few from different angles too. Someone looks like they have gone to a lot of trouble to craft this. I could be wrong in that it is a 'digital' image but it looks more 'real' like a Photograph - meaning someone may well of actually built this.
Another way it could of been done is with Photoshop - taking parts of a photograph of controllers and composing bits to create a more lifelike image.
The screen on that controller would require more 'power' than the current touchpad - I would expect it to be a 'touchscreen' - which would more of a drain on the controller battery too. Not only that, it would push the price of a spare/replacement controller up as well. It looks like a 'wired' controller too which may save the power drain from the screen but, if it is wired, would people feel its a step back despite a touchscreen.
Of course that's deliberating over something that seems to be a 'fake' so maybe not worth contemplating... yet!
@BAMozzy "Someone looks like they have gone to a lot of trouble to craft this."
3D printers can do wonders, there were a ton of people making NX mock-ups that looked real. None of them looked good, like anything I would want, but they all looked real b/c they were real in a physical sense.
This thing looks horrible. Like it was based on the N64 controller only w/ 2 rather than 3 arms. It may be cool for a concept that someone made, but it's stupid. I'd put off buying a PS5 if it released w/ this until I tried one, b/c it looks way too uncomfortable. Just no.
looks ugly as sin tbh. to bulky.
tbh i don't expect the controler to change shape that much.
it will look very similar to the DS4 but maybe without that useless speaker. i mean most people use headsets anyway so they can't even hear that speaker. (i know some use it but that's just a small amount of players.)
@KingdomHeartsFan Member the PS9 orb commercial? 😂
@rjejr I am sure there are very competent 3D printers but someone has still got to have made a 'digital' version and convert that o instruction that the 3D printer can use to print the parts accurately.They then have to assemble the parts to make it look like a Controller - maybe even put an actual 'screen' in it - although that 'could' be a Photoshop overlay - which again takes work.
Its more effort than just an artist impression or digital mock-up.
Not saying this is 'real' because of that - its a LOT of work for mocking up a fake regardless. Admittedly 3D printers have made it easier to make really great (in terms of the realism - not necessarily the shape or style) looking fake products and it surprises me that there are people that go to all this effort for literally nothing. They are not getting any 'credit' for the conceptualisation of a product. You don't know the name of the maker of these 'fakes' for example. They won't be getting money from the use of their picture...
@BAMozzy "They are not getting any 'credit' for the conceptualisation of a product. You don't know the name of the maker of these 'fakes' for example. They won't be getting money from the use of their picture..."
The fake Switch guy had his name out there. I think he got a job out of it. And if not, there's always internet fame. In case you hadn't noticed we live in a world where internet fame is more important than fame for actually doing anything. See - social media influencers, Kardashians, US President.
Frank Sandqvist is the guy who made the first fake NX controller.
He then made a fake Switch.
Anybody who makes anything fake now is simply trying to outdo Frank. I think he's the standard barer.
@jdv95 I love the speaker on the pad? And most people use headsets? That can't be true. Maybe people sat playing cod all day. Or maybe I'm just behind the times.
I REEEEALLY hope they update the controller from the ds4. Its mostly perfect but i find the triggers and that area to be too small, the trigger "tip" feels sharp and pokes into my finger. My fingers dont naturally sit in the spot they designed. U know what i mean?
@themcnoisy Did you like the duke much? That hog of a controller is what this reminds me of.
@ShogunRok that was the first thing i thought, the dualshock 4 is expensive enough.
I honestly just can’t wait until we get Legit leaks, I keep hoping PS5 is launching March 2020.
I want paddles to be standard
Oh boy, here we go with over exaggerated controller pics.
Remember the one pic for the PS3 that had about 30 buttons on it?
Yeah, can't wait to play a PS5 game with a controller that lets you program an entire game with it.
At least I could type my password in a room full of people with that.
@BAMozzy Not sure if you are on Twitter but it seems the guy who made this mock-up has come forward to claim his 15 minutes of fame. If anything on Twitter can be believed. And if I can post a link to Twitter from the app to here?
FakeDevkit #PS5 #3drender #fanmade #Fusion360 #Playstation #playstation5 https://t.co/6oMvr4cHxV
@rjejr Thanks. I rarely use twitter unless I have to to get extra entries into a competition LOL
Its still quite a decent mock up - especially as it has what looks like a working screen. The shape isn't as outrageous as some mock builders can go and its almost believable. I think the grips are not particularly 'Sony' or looking that comfortable. I also doubt Sony would go back to a wired controller. In other words, there are 'cracks' in the design that points more towards it being fake but to give credit where its due, they have gone to some trouble to mock up a 'fake'.
Whether they do come forward - not that I will bother to give them 'hits' to get 'bigger' or to see their name and remember it - or not, I don't care. Chances are they will be forgotten soon - as soon as Sony do reveal the official design (or soon after).
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