Sony took the entire industry by surprise today, effectively announcing the PlayStation 5 as part of a Wired exclusive on an otherwise ordinary Tuesday afternoon. The super-charged console, which is promising revolution rather than evolution, has been built using the same blueprints as the PlayStation 4 – meaning that it’s developer-focused and fully backwards compatible. Here’s everything we’ve learned about the next-generation system today.
Everything We Know About PS5 So Far
- PS5 Confirmed to Be Backwards Compatible with PS4 Games
- PS5 Will Be Compatible with PSVR, Says Mark Cerny
- PS5 Will Innovate How Game Audio Is Processed
- Don't Worry, PS5 Will Have a Disc Drive
- PS5 Will Use a Specialised Solid-State Drive to Dramatically Reduce Load Times and Improve Performance in Games
- Sony Has Been Building PS5 for Four Years Already
- Sounds Like Death Stranding Could Release on Both PS4 and PS5
- Sony Wants to Give Devs Time to Adjust to PS5's Capabilities
- Sony on Google Stadia: We're Cloud Gaming Pioneers
- Mark Cerny Says the PS5's Specialised Solid-State Drive Is the 'Key' to Next-Gen
- PS5 Will Support 8K Graphics
- PS5 Specs Expand to Ray Tracing, Bringing Hollywood Effects to the Home
- Sony Not Yet Ready to Talk About PS5 Price, Games, or Services
Are you hyped for Sony's next-gen console? Which features have interested you the most? What information are you still waiting to hear? Let us know in the comments section below.
Comments 26
As requested by @SegaBlueSky.
Let's go Sony!
@get2sammyb Thank you kindly 😉
Gotta say the PS5 is sounding very impressive indeed. Loving the sound of the tech and features so far! Just need a good quality 4k blu ray player and I think that'll be every box ticked.
The so called ray tracing is what worries me because it's a fad right now no one asked for it and it's a fad by Nvidia. It kills performance with the current chips on pc and I would rather have 60fps console gaming even at 1920x1080p or even 4k for that matter than going for 8k. 8k isn't even out fully yet and 4k is only just gone the norm for TVs now and prices have come down hugely.
For backwards compatibility on PS3 I expect Sony to say you'll have to sub to PS Now I really do and they then expand the PS2 classics finally. We may see a combined subscription to plus and now for PS5 but they should do that now because plus isn't the best and it's currently not worth £50 a year to some.
I'm interested in how this so called SSD will pioneer the PS5 I really am.
We need an 8TB disk at least.
I'm setting up my PS5 piggy bank now because it's sure gonna be expensive.
Hooollly Effin Sheets!!!! This is too much to take in! Its happening!... ITS REALLY HAPPENING!!!
Now we just need the cpu, gpu and memory specs. The good stuff. If the leaks are correct, we are looking at an 8 core/16 thread zen2 cpu with a base clock of 1,6ghz and a boost clock of 3,2ghz. And a lightning fast custom Navi10 lite gpu. This machine is going to be amazing!
Your sister site has their own tech analysis up...
I do hope that my Logitech g29 wheel works with the 5. I really don't want to splash out another £300 to make it compatible like I had to with the ps4.
This is the kind of news I wanted to hear from Sony. Even though PS4 software has always been very strong, after really dropping the ball on services and features for the past few years, while the competition has only added to theirs, these early PS5 features sound wonderful and very encouraging. Keep it up, Sony.
@Acidpants same.....I got one last week 😂
I really think we're looking at a $500 console here. It's a bit pricey, but not PS3 $600 pricey and the Xbox One X has shown that people are fine with that price. BC helps too, since you can just trade in your PS4 to offset the cost.
Nice! Thanks for link.
I just read Polygon article where they go retarded and very skeptical. Not giving the link haha
Backwards compatibility is the key to it being a success early on. I know I wait about 2 years for any new console because I want a good selection of games first and I don't want 2 consoles. So the fact I can just sell my ps4 and still keep playing ps4 games is a key feature for me.
What I am reading is a lot of non-interest for me. 8K graphics? Meh, even 4K only felt like a minor upgrade from 1080p. PSVR? PS4 Pro already does that. PS4 games? Good, but what about earlier titles? PS3, PS2 and PS1? Now THAT would make things interesting!
If PS5 is just a more powerful PS4, then I am really not that interested. But if PS5 IS Playstation, as in, all of it, forget day 1, it will probably be the first console I actually pre-order in years!
@Heavyarms55 PSVR could have games that don’t work for on the PS4 or Pro. And don’t you buy it for future games? Isn’t that what really matters. Not if you can play every old game there is?
@Jaz007 Eventually I would likely pick it up. But among the rumors what appealed to me was the idea of being able to play the entire Playstation library from day 1 is what would make it a day 1 purchase for me. I would be able to box up all my old Sony consoles and have one machine for them all instead.
Sure PS5 will have new games in the future that I'd like to play, but I also have a big backlog of titles I want to play on PS4 and even older, not to mention other platforms like PC and Switch. But at launch if it has one or 2 titles that I really want to play, at best, and lacks that amazing feature, then I will just wait, like I did with PS4 and PS3. PS2 had backward compatibility day 1, had I had the money as a kid that would have made it a day 1 for me.
The other thing that would sell PS5 to me day one would be some, as of yet unannounced innovation that makes the PS5 super appealing. But since we don't know what that might be, it is just a wild card.
On a final note, 8K and PSVR aren't selling points for me. They are minor features that I will use if they are there and come with the device, but nothing I would go out of my way for.
I need to know if we can stand the console vertically.
@AFCC I could see maybe a 2-3 TB drive, 4 TB max, but 8TB is insane.
You do not need to have your entire library downloaded/installed.
Unless you're paranoid about losing access to the games?
Definitely hyped
Most excited about the SSD and B.C.
Want to know price, launch titles, launch day.
@KidBoruto i just don't want to redownload everything again, it's really bothersome! I have a 4tb hdd on my ps4 and it's already full lol
@AFCC Why would you have to re-download? Do you switch between games alot and/or replay tons?
I stick to one game at a time and wait until I beat it before moving on to another game.
@KidBoruto I have close to 40 or 50 unfinished games so yeah x) I come back when I feel like rushing and finishing
@AFCC That doesn't sound like very healthy gaming to me, but to each their own XD.
@KidBoruto it's ridiculous, I know!
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