Dreams is on the cusp of receiving its Early Access release, and yet even after its impressive beta, people still question the sheer creativity of Media Molecule’s community. Perhaps this LittleBigPlanet 3 level will put things into perspective: it’s Super Mario Maker recreated in Sackboy’s world. Yes, we said Super Mario Maker – meaning you can lay out bricks, position Goombas, and add green pipes. Then you can play your custom level – all inside LittleBigPlanet 3.
Even if the physics are a touch iffy, this is still absolutely scrambling our brains, but it’s all there in the YouTube video above – heck, you can even try it for yourself if you still have LBP3 installed. Just imagine what people will be doing in the vastly more powerful Dreams in a few years. Crikey!
[source youtube.com, via twitter.com, resetera.com]
Comments 21
Sweet Christmas!
I once managed to make a car in LB1... Just sayin' 😎
PushSquare mentions so much Nintendo related stuff these days that I often have to double check if I'm on Nintendolife.com. 😋
I would be surprised if Nintendo's lawyers just ignore this.
That is insane. Dreams could be phenomenal. Bioware should have used it for Anthem...
It’s outstanding really the work that must have gone into this insane
It's absolutely mental, isn't it? And people question what will be achieved in Dreams.
@NintendoFan4Lyf nah fam the guns are pointed along w the pitchforks, & torches & cotton candy!
"Just imagine what people will be doing in the vastly more powerful Dreams in a few years"
I don't think we need to wait that long, the possibility in dreams is crazy.
Also why mario looks like sliding on ice on solid ground?
Can't wait to make Little Big Planet 3 in Dreams so I can make Super Mario Maker.
My head hurts, I need a lie down
Looks incredible. I don't understand how something like this in LBP3 can be make. Such an underappreciated game.
I re-downloaded LBP3 just last week so I'll be checking out loads of new cool stuff including this.
Someone will make LittleBigPlanet 3 in Dreams and then someone else will use LittleBigPlanet 3 in Dreams to make Super Mario Maker in LittleBigPlanet 3 in Dreams.
Nintendo And Xbox about to lose all their exclusives (Troll Face)
@get2sammyb @Gremio108 I came here to say exactly that.
But seriously, if this is possible in LBP, it means Dreams won't have any limitations at all.
Insane. I've seen a lot of Mario levels in LBP, but nothing this close to the real thing.
I've already seen Zelda clones in Dreams. I'm surprised Nintendo hasn't sued yet.
Why would Nintendo sue,this is just peoples creations,via create tools in a game.Its not like the game developer itself made super Mario maker,plus since the physics are off, its not exactly Mario maker. I can understand when Nintendo went after roms,but this is different. The big question now is, will super Mario maker appear in dreams? lol.
Time for me to load up LBP3 and check this out.
i once made my own top down version of Mario kart in littlebigplanet 2, called littlebigkarts. remember thinking to myself imagine what people with talent are going to make with this. this just blows me away, cant wait to see what gets made in dreams.
There's something really funny about this, it's like a huge "F you" to Nintendo.
@get2sammyb Going to be even more amazing once Dreams release on PS5. The thermometer capacity will increase tenfold with the more powerful hardware, combined with Media Molecule's continue improvement in optimization.
The LBP community never ceases to amaze me
I was happy making small games on the Vita version and here we have someone building an entirely different game. Amazing.
Just imagine if Dreams ever comes out what people will make then.
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