It’s no secret that Days Gone is selling absurdly well, but few could have expected the title to do quite this well in Japan. The biker-themed open worlder managed to sell a sensational 114,319 units in its first two days available at retail, according to data from Famitsu magazine. This is more than double the physical numbers achieved by God of War (46,091 units) at launch and roughly on par with Horizon: Zero Dawn's debut (116,997 units). It’s worth noting that sales of the latter two titles come courtesy of Media Create, so there may be some discrepancies in the way that the figures are obtained.
Nevertheless, this is a sensational achievement for Sony Bend’s ginormous PlayStation 4 outing, and when you pair it with the European sales, it’s clear that the title’s off to a rip-roaring start. In case you missed the news, the release has enjoyed two successive weeks at the summit of the UK sales charts, and is currently top-dog in Spain and Germany. We’ll need to wait for more information, but it looks like PlayStation may have yet another hot property on its books. A sequel seems all but inevitable at this point, doesn’t it?
[source gematsu.com]
Comments 34
"A sequel seems all but inevitable at this point, doesn’t it?"
I hope so...
hmm, I was waiting for a Sale on this - but maybe need to pick it up after RAGE 2
No one liked the name, main character, genre or the studio (obvious exaggeration) and this is the outcome. I will be damned if this isnt a perfect example of buying power and taking subjective crybaby reviews with SALT. Entire Silos of it. This game is fun. And beautiful. Im be curious to find ANY 3rd party open world title that large and ambious running any better. No fanboy crap here but i am sick and tired of the gaming media injecting their personal political opinions into this game. Ive read 3 reviews from substantial gaming publication's (2 female 1 male) that spend almost half the review crapping on deacon and his moral ambiguity. Its a post apocalyptic, open world game that you play as a biker gang member.....let that sink in. Im normally more reserved and positive about my gaming but i needes to get that out there. This site is so freakin on par discussing games it almost makes other reviews unreadable. GI is also alright and Destructoid overall imo. That being said....lol...good news everyone!!
So to answer Whatculture's question about if Days Gone ruined Sony's hot streak.
No. No it didn't.
@Agramonte do it!! Its a fun game. And the knife into the top of skull stealth animation just. Doesnt. Get. Old. Lol
@Enuo boom!!!
No Zomble Fatigue Here Just Days Gone
@areus Days Gone has "Zombie fatigue" in the same fashion that there's a "comic book movie fatigue" while Avengers Endgame is about to become the most successful film of all time.
@AdamNovice i like it! And i cant wait for Knack 3. Anyone that doesn't think Knack is Cerny's baby and isnt in current development for PS5 is crazy (unless Mark himself has moved on and 2 was it of course lol). Knack 3 ps5 launch title. Who's bettin?
Well deserved, congrats to Bend they created an amazing world and characters.
Congratulations Bend Studios! I'm curious how Days Gone has been selling in Murica. This game will continue to sell well, in my opinion ironically in part because of a couple of trash reviews. Free publicity is a good thing. Deacon out.
@Nyne11Tyme I think some sites talk down to their readers which is something I’ve never wanted Push Square to do.
At the end of the day, we’re all just fans.
@get2sammyb i assure you it's obvious and much appreciated.
Finished the story earlier love the game the only negatives about it are the framerate issues & the glitches
Good for this game. I know reviews have been pretty mixed for this but if there are people who enjoy Days Gone then that’s all that matters at the end of the day. As for me, it’s not on my radar. Clearing up backlog of games here and a few that I want later in the year. Might get later though.
Funny since both of these games suck ass. Then again, the Japanese don't really have good taste to begin with.
@CK97 I guess you have terrible taste mate. 😁
I feel reviews just want attention. It's a shame gamers and most of all publishers give them that much power. That's the reason why review scores are so useful to them but so useless to gamers
@Nyne11Tyme Yeah will need to check it out.
Usually go with ACG and Easy Allies Reviews when on the fence for a game. But I keep getting a nagging feeling they off the mark on this one.
Have you seen IGN thumb war type of review? The most ridiculous spin on their own reviewing power I ve ever seen haha.. It really shows what they think of gamers
It seems like so many reviewers were so desperate for a Sony game to come out and not be up to the standard that the other first party games have that this became that game for them. As others have said their seems to be an agenda in the gaming media where reviewers are trying to take some weird moral high ground that they have never earned when talking about games and its characters, sometimes spending more time talking about how they dislike a character because they're not female, vegan or have an alternative sexual orientation, more than they actually talk about the actual game and what you'll be doing with your time. Eurogamer have been bad at this spending 7 paragraphs of its review on The Grand Tour bashing the hosts, as if somehow that person was better than them or anyone who may have liked the hugely successful show. They also did a massive fluff piece on how Kassandra from Assassin's Creed is seemingly the first ever female star of a video game and how she was empowering women, despite playing exactly the same as her male counterpart and the fact that all you really do in the game is mindlessly kill 100's of people. Polygon have done it too and many of the reviews of Days Gone have centred around something similar because none of them can see why Deacons wife married him and how they'd run away if a stranger stopped to help fix your car. Occasionally they still talk about gameplay but there does seem to be an agenda and if a games story doesn't want to play along with the current social buzzwords they will be criticised for it. Storytelling has come a long way in video games and can really enhance a game but a bad story doesn't make a bad game, a very large amount of your time with a game usually involves no story at all and it's in that time that a game really needs to be fun and engaging.
Then Days Gone comes along which isn't quite as good as an Horizon Zero Dawn, a God of War or an Uncharted 4 and it didn't have a politically or socially correct storyline and characters but guess what? Its still a very good game in it's own right and I like many others dont think it's been judged on it's own merits across much of the gaming media. Thankfully gamers seem so to have seen through all of this and are having a great time with the game, I've had fun with it, many on here have and all my friends seem to like it, even one who's barely been on his PS4 for a year or so is regularly playing.
A bit of a rant and if you got to the end well done, if it even made sense then well done me 😁
Happy gaming 😉
I find myself far more compelled to continue on through it’s open world than I ever did with RDR2...what a bore of a game that is...currently working out how to both drift and boost at the same time for 5 seconds...and as @Nyne11Tyme said, the stealth kill animations never get old!
@Nyne11Tyme Well said! There are certain reviews i have read for this title that i had to stop reading after the first couple of paragraphs. Ive not played the game - i will - but some of the journalism has been all about slamming it for not confiming to their personal views. And this game isnt alone. Kotaku is full of it for example and Eurogamer is moving in that direction too. I just want to read about and play games you know?
I actually decided to buy the game after seeing the Digital Foundry analysis, the wind in the trees and the rain looked so atmospheric and well realised. I did think some reviews were a bit off, Push Square's review was balanced and fair. I think the game is great, even if I've encounted a few glitches here and there, its really held my interest to play since picking it up at launch.
Great news I'm glad this game is selling well. I think Deacons moral compass makes for a very interesting character . Well said @ Jimmy_G_Buckets . Deacon out .👌
@Flaming_Kaiser 😂😂😄. Needed that
Happy to see 'reviews' from some trash websites with trash writers who can't keep their personal politics and world views out of things didn't tank the game's sales. It certainly has its fair share of technical issues (at least Bend is trying to sort that out with all the patches) but on the whole I've really enjoyed the game. It's no God of War, Uncharted, Horizon Zero Dawn or Spider-Man but I'd put it with other really solid games like Gravity Rush and inFamous.
Good for Bend, the success is well earned!
Great @Frigate...thanks for the advice...I’ll give that a bash!!
@Nyne11Tyme Im always happy when i can use it. 😃
@Agramonte it’s much better than the reviews would have you believe. I’m having loads of fun. The only thing I have against it is I think Sam Witwer is very bad in it.
@Gamer83 I’d actually put it above infamous myself. I’m loving the game
@Salt_AU Thanks for the advice...upgrading nitro next on the agenda!!
@jly1987 thanks for the info!. Definitely going up the list. Already locked in to my Rage2 preorder. So after that.
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