We're still collecting ourselves in the aftermath of yesterday's onslaught of Death Stranding goodness. Having watched the excellent new trailer a number of times, it looks as though stealth may play a key role. In the video, we see protagonist Sam hiding from enemies in long grass, and attempting to sneak past the creepy BTs -- Beached Things, in case you were wondering what that stands for.
However, despite this, Hideo Kojima has plainly stated this crazy PlayStation 4 exclusive "is not a stealth game." Well, what is it then, Koj?
Oh, right. It's a Strand Game. We don't really know what that means, either, but we're excited to find out.
After creating one of the stealth genre's most iconic series with Metal Gear Solid, it seems the creative madman is trying something brand new. If Death Stranding doesn't share stealth in common with MGS, it certainly has its fascinating characters with bonkers names.
Anyway, even though it seems stealth will be part of the action, it's apparently not the focus -- so says the main man himself.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 21
The 'connection' aspect almost sounds a little like the asynchronous parts of Dark Souls' multiplayer, specifically the messages and "ghosts" of deaths gone by. Very intriguing.
I'm sure his detractors will love to pick holes in it regardless of what genre it's in.
Obviously stealth plays a part but it looks to me like you traverse the environment to deliver cargo (for whatever purpose) then acquiring better gear to traverse better.
I thought it was interesting that the only combat really shown was melee. Maybe that's what he means about creating a game about "rope" I know there was the WW1 scene with gunplay but without context it's difficult to know if the rest of the game is like that.
''Kojima, please tell us, what is Death Stranding all about?''
Kojima: ''Yes''
Cool so I can play guns blazing my prefer method = )
"A Hideo Kojima Game".
"Snake, you can't do that! The future will be changed, you'll create a Time Paradox!"
Well that's cleared that up then
The official site has some pretty cool info on the game!
@AFCC is right, it mentions how you send supplies and share safe house with other players, and they say it's asynchronous multiplayer.
I don't know that the MGS games can be simplified as "stealth games," either. Kojima is a visionary auteur, and his games are really a genre in their own right
No, it's not a stealth game. It's a Hiking Simulator. Also, it's one of the most overhyped games (right after Cyberpunk 2077) ever created. We know next to nothing about both games and only fools should fall for that sort of nonsense in this day and age.
@BradT we now know all kinds of things. Sure the story we dont but i mean....come on. We know that you use many different traversal tools, there is melee and ranged combat, there are vehicles to drive, its freakin gorgeous to look at. There was some crazy hype before the big reveal yesterday. But the big reveal substantiated the previous hype.
I'm in whatever the type of game as long as we have a cameo from Quiet (in a nice dress this time).
@BradT I have that with GTA V.

@BradT Amen. I only buy a game if I know 100% what I'm getting from it. That's why I only play CoD and Bubsy games. It's a healthy balance. The 'strand' genre is overcrowded anyway.
@Octane I thought he’d reply “Knack 3 AND 4, compressed in a single game.”
@Gremio108 lol 😂
Seriously though, of course it’s not gonna be a stealth game, or an action game, or whatever.
I mean, Kojima’s good and all, but he’s really pretentious with his naming.
I guess if he developed FIFA he’d call it “tactical en-masse ball re-acquiring tackling simulator”, or something like that.
Stealth, action, shooting, driving, first person, third person, hiking sim, strand game... whatever it is, kudos to Sony and Kojima for at least trying to innovate, use some creative freedom and push things forward a bit. Sometimes a remake of an old IP or a rehash of a well worn genre is good comfort food for the gaming soul, but we need some fresh ideas peppered throughout also. Even if the game falls flat on its face, I’m glad to see some attempts at creativity.
@BradT Nice trolling there son.
It's weird-looking though and that's enough for me, AAA gaming is seriously lacking in originality and uniqueness.
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