Your PlayStation Plus games for June 2019 have been revealed, and with no leaks to go on, the selection's something of a surprise.
As per usual, subscribers are getting two PlayStation 4 titles. This time, it's Sonic Mania and Borderlands: The Handsome Collection. They'll be available to download from the 4th June.
We were big fans of Sonic Mania when it released, awarding it an 8/10 in our review:
Sonic Mania is the best Sonic game in years, and stands proudly alongside its ancestors as a great 2D platformer. The levels, both remixed classics and brand new stages, are broad and a lot of fun to speed through, while more cautious exploration is also rewarding and just as viable. The feeling of playing an old-school Sonic title is spot on and it’s filled to bursting with secrets, Easter eggs, and surprises that will delight fans. If you’ve never enjoyed Sonic games, this certainly won’t change your mind, but anyone with an affinity for the Blue Blur’s seminal Mega Drive series can rest assured that this is more than worth your time.
We were also fond of Borderlands: The Handsome Collection, serving up the same score of 8/10:
In the current gaming landscape where the re-master, at least for now, appears to be here to stay, nothing released to date offers the sheer breadth of content found in Borderlands: The Handsome Collection. While those with no love for the franchise will, unsurprisingly, find nothing for them here, it does – as a result of the visual upgrades – provide a handsome jumping on point for newcomers, as well as a great way for the Borderlands faithful to catch up on anything that they might have missed.
What do you make of June's PS Plus lineup? Were you expecting better? Worse? Let us know if this duo has hit the spot in the comments section below.
Comments 84
I have both but a much better selection this month still would be nice if they would throw in another game maybe a VR game each month
Already have both, but not bad.
Even though I've already put hundreds of hours into the Handsome collection, this is a really solid month in my opinion!
Good lineup.
n.i.c.e oh yeah.good choice.word up son.
Really happy with this.
Can't remember the last time there's been 2 games in the same month that I will actually play
All 3* are grear games!! Quite surprised to see Sonic Mania on there personally
Best month for a long time, I already own both but have Sonic Mania on Switch so this will be a great excuse to play what is an excellent 2D platformer yet again
Great line up. Already have Sonic Mania, but a treat for those that dont. Do we know of this is the enhanced version though? I dont have the extra characters etc. So that would be nice!
Another that already owns both, but still, it’s the best month we’ve had since the switch to two games.
Nothing for me, already have the BL collection and been a dedicated Sonic hater since 1991. Ah well. Good enough month though.
I've already got Sonic Mania (Plus version) but I'll definitely give Borderlands THC a shot.
Arguably one of the best months this year for plus.
Even if owned, at least the BL collection is a solid 9/10.
Probably won't be everyone's cup o tea...
Already own both but as I have the switch version of sonic mania I will add that my library anyway.
Very nice. I was on the verge of picking up a copy of Sonic Mania. Now I don’t have to. Really excellent pair of games on offer.
LOL. Bought Borderlands last year and Sonic Mania 2 months ago..
The Handsome Collection has been on my wishlist since Borderlands 3 was announced. So I'm delighted.
One of the best lineup ever for ps4
Already have both, but what an amazing month for those who dont have either
@jswhitfield8 Sonic Mania Has no platinum
That’s pretty good, already have sonic mania but I don’t have borderlands the handsome collection yet.
@AFCC hahaha I predicted myself that sonic mania and borderlands the handsome collection was going to get I'm happy with this news🎉hahaha.word up son
Old games (that I've already got) and a Sonic the Hedgehog (eyeroll .gif).
Weak month for me.
..and just in time for the newly announced DLC to bridge to Borderlands 3...nice!!
Nothing for me. Last month that most people hated had two games I was actually interested in playing. But it doesn't matter. I look at it as a yearly subscription. Do I get enough games in 12 months to justify having plus? So far I most certainly do.
I've got Sonic Mania for the Switch and played all Borderlands but this is a fantastic selection in my opinion.
Had Sonic Mania on pc, but wanted it on PS4, so I am happy. The borderlands handsome collection is also great as it is a duo of long games. Overall, buzzing with this lineup
Nice. Borderlands TPS is well worth a playthrough. I thought it was rather decent. Sonic can do one back to the early 90's, though.
Yeeees Sonic Mania always wanted that game and now's my chance to play it before my sub runs out, already got BTHC paid £12 when on sale
@jswhitfield8 sonic mania doesn't have a platinum
I already have both games but this is a very good month regardless, great job Sony!
Chuffing like a muffin with these two, well done Sony.
Pretty solid. I was on the fence as to whether or not picking up Sonic Mania for my Switch, but I'll take it this way too.
pretty good selection
just a shame i already have both of those but still as i said a pretty good selection
Hell, I’m happy with that I suppose!
Not a bad line-up at all this month. Personally its not the 'best' but certainly could have been a LOT worse.
I already own Borderlands: the Handsome Collection on XB1so its not necessarily the best from my Point of View. I will certainly add it to my collection of course but unsure if I will play it much having put many hours into this already. If people haven't yet played this, its a great game with hundreds, if not thousands of hours worth of 'fun'.
Sonic Mania doesn't appeal too much to me - I feel like I have outgrown Sonic nowadays but I do understand that some will love it. I will add this too to my collection and maybe 1 day I will feel like I want a nostalgic trip back to my 20's when Sonic first came out...
Therefore its not personally the best month but from a more general perspective, this is a great month...
Genuinely fantastic line-up. Really glad I held off on Sonic Mania now.
Are Borderlands 2 and the Pre-Sequel enjoyable as solo experiences? Never touched those games before.
Admittedly a good month. One or two more per month and psplus would be back to shape.
Wow. This is an amazing month for me. Both of these games were on my to-buy list for a while now but I just never got around to getting them. Super hyped!
I just bought Borderlands dang it.... oh well. This is why we need more games, in case you bought one already.....
I already have and platinum BL2 amazing game that everyone has no excuse to not play now as for sonic manía glad they giving that one since I was thinking on buying it for a while
Bah! I have both games!
Very good selection though and smart move to get people interested before Borderlands 3 hits.
Oh, I’ve been looking for an excuse to relay Mania and wouldn’t mind giving Borderlands a try. Not so bad.
I have weirdly never played a Borderlands game... guess I will now. Sonic Mania Plus I already own.
@Ralizah - They're definitely enjoyable to solo but if you're a trophy hunter you will have to play a little coop to earn both of the platinums.
@Shigurui Perfect. I've sworn off trophies for most games, so that's not an issue. I just want to be able to play the game at my leisure without being barred from important content like in Destiny.
Two games I don’t own, and two games I’ve wanted! Brilliant month for me.
Was planning to play borderlands with my friends in the summer anyways
I much prefer last month's games personally. Just shows we're all different, can't please everyone.
I have been holding off buying the collection, and I hate sonic with a passion. Very good month
Well you can bet Borderlands 2 will be getting another playthrough in time for the third one
Much better than last month that’s for sure!
Wow, this is the first time in years that I'll check the PS+ games out.
@Ralizah - You're good to go then. The game doesn't lock any content off for solo players. All end game stuff like the Digistruct Peak raid and raid bosses all scale to level and player count. I've completed all of it both solo and coop. Have fun!
Excellent month for those new to these games and very welcome to those, like me, that replay their favorites.
The Handsome Collection is huge with enough content to last a summer.
YO!! This is a really good month for me since I don't own either game but was planing to.
I'm happy ^_^ Saved on a few bucks.
PUSH Square is trying to give me a heart attack. Way too much awesomeness today!
Borderlands is great it's a shame I already own it
Never played borderlands before, might give 2 a try. The mrs is going to pick up a DS4 for the first time and give sonic a go, don't know if I'm happy or scared I wont get my ps4 back....
Hmm this makes me want to get PS PLUS again
Got sonic mania already on switch but having it on ps4 would be cool too, good month for plus this time
I'm glad I held off on buying the handsome collection
I don't understand why sony don't offer say 5 or 6 games and let you choose 2 to download. That way there would always be something for everyone and you would be less likely to miss out if you already own one of the games. Problem solved. Not a great month for me, not big into FPS and Platformers don't normally hold my attention for too long. Still the double discounts this month are pretty good.
also #69. snigger
It’s a good month but the past two months I’ve owned both of the games. I already own Overcooked, What Remains of Edith Finch, The Borderlands Collection and Sonic Mania. Sony should have a wider variety to offer like before.
This is pretty good. I’ve eyed The Handsome Collection a time or two on sale but never bought it. I already own BL2 on PS3 and Vita though, so I couldn’t justify playing it again but I’m curious about the Pre-sequel, although I hear its sub-par.
I’ve never played a Sonic game so maybe this is my chance.
YES! I want a lot those games, but never found time to buy or play!
Have sonic mania plus on Switch. And Borderlands on Steam.
But both are pretty good for free. Borderlands looks great with the HD update. People should check it out.
better than may, the knack 2 demanding audience cannot be ignored forever though.
What a bloody joke
Decent line up. Already have Sonic Mania and no interest in Bored-erlands.
yes thank you sony ten thumbs up!
@Simon_Fitzgerald Yeah it's times like this that I wish Sony would let us choose another game if we already own them.
@Tasuki I don't think that's realistic, maybe they could do some sort of discount code for the store for those that alrerady own the games. It seems very backwards tbh, big gamers who are likely to purchase PS Plus and lots of games miss out because they have already brought the games that are being given away for free. At least when they were giving away 6 games it was likely there was something that people hadn't played in the list but now I'm finding the majority of months I'm getting 2 games I already have.
Haven't played Borderlands before so definitely tempted to give that a go. Got Sonic Mania on Switch but will pick up the PS4 version anyway for trophies etc.
Sonic Mania is on Switch and Borderlands 2 is on Vita, but Pre-Sequel...might look into it whenever I find myself done with the first game; if it's a shorter interlude AND controls well in RP, PS4 is where I might tend to it.
Nothing for me.
Played Borderlands 1 on PS3. Played Borderlands 2 on PS3, got bored halfway through and gave up. Not interested in playing them again (or BL3 for that matter). And I've never been a Sonic fan, so... meh.
Nice! Already have Borderlands Collection, but will grab Sonic
Funny how everyone seems happy with this month, but almost everyone seems to already own them. Its a unwinnable situation. But i dont own sonic so...yay?
I'm more intrigued by Borderlands, in that case I will hope to get fond of it if can be possible
To be honest I think Playstation Plus could change for the better. Offer what is considered ps plus for 50 and then offer the better version of it for 60 where they offer 5 games and you pick 2 of them also you dont lose games if your ps plus membership runs out
I was gonna cancel my plus membership if June didn't pan out. Here we are with a good lineup. Looks like I'm keeping plus for awhile. Sonic Mania it is!
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