We've been hearing about the alleged Watch Dogs 3 for quite some time now. Heavily rumoured to take place in London, a third game in Ubisoft's open world hack-em-up series is inevitable. More fuel has been added to the fire today thanks to an image on the Watch Dogs subreddit.

The picture, a screenshot from a smartphone, contains what looks like a forum post, and it's spouting all sorts of information about the game. It claims Watch Dogs 3 will indeed be set in London - a near-future version, at least - and that we'll be playing as Sarah, a half-Asian, half-British woman working for an anti-terrorist organisation. She'll supposedly be tasked with taking down a hacker group from the inside. So far, it's sounding very Watch Dogs.
The image also asserts that lethal weapons won't be in the game, restricting offensive options to the likes of batons and tasers. Watch Dogs 2's parkour will be improved upon, and players will be able to ride a skateboard and graffiti the city. You'll also be able to take down drug dens as one of the side missions found in the open world. Finally, the image claims Ubisoft will tease the game a couple of weeks prior to E3 2019, where the publisher will fully reveal the sequel and announce a late 2019 release date.
Some of this information has been suggested already, but we can't be certain this is all true. To be honest, it sounds pretty legit from where we're sitting, but these types of images are easy enough to mock up. If what it says is true, we should start seeing official Watch Dogs 3 stuff very soon indeed.
What do you think? Is this pic the real deal, or is it a load of rubbish? Get your pinches of salt ready in the comments below.
[source reddit.com, via comicbook.com]
Comments 38
It reads like poorly written fan fic if im brutally honest. But with everything we have heard, i am expecting this to be pretty legit.
Obviously, this isn't confirmed yet, but I'd be happy if it focused on non-lethal weapons. That was one of my few complaints of Watch Dogs 2.
Not many people seem to be excited about the series but I'm one of those few. I found the second one especially good and it kept me more interested than, say, GTAV. Not perfected yet but I'm really looking forward to the upcoming instalment.
Pass, pass, hard pass.
I want to be a vigilante having to face the consequences of my actions; I don't want the choice taken away. If they built on the foundation of the original Watch Dogs that'd be great, but this sounds frickin' terrible.
Doesn't sound like it's for me, if it's true. I hope it isn't.
I'm curious to see more.
No guns, nice. That’s how we do it in the UK bi*ches.
@kyleforrester87 Haha yeah good luck with that in Birmingham!
Well that sounds pretty terrible.
@kyleforrester87 I’d love to see a novel way to source guns in this game. No walking into a shop, you’d have to team up with the local fox hunters and ingratiate yourself with the former PM. On another note, I’d far rather play as that protagonist with a fairly unique background than play as another wooden Action Man.
London setting would be amazing. Tired of watching US cities in almost every open world game.
@nessisonett Order an old german WW2 pistol in various parts over a period of months from ebay, then get it recommissioned somewhere in Hackney. (That's what I did, anyway.)
Not sure I believe all these details but I'm in if accurate.
Parkour, skateboarding, graffiti? All whilst working for a counter terrorist unit?
How do you do fellow kids?
Really hope its fake
Slow news day?
Well we know the release date is wrong as Ubisoft have Ghost Recon out in October and all their other AAA games early 2020. Still I suppose Ubisoft might have moved stuff about.
I like the sound of most of it, though not sure about skateboarding/graffiti. If the reveal timing is true I suppose we will find out very soon as E3 is only a few weeks away.
@fabisputza00 nope, plenty of news on the homepage if you wanna check it
That looks so bogus. I would like a game set in the big smoke and another Ubi female protag, though.
I think that sound pretty decent and I hope it's more than a rumour.So long as the annoying gang from number 2 aren't in it im all in.
'lethal weapons won't be in the game, '
"You can also skateboard and graffiti"
@zazzy Absolutely loved the first game to be honest due to the main character's story, but I'd say go for the second one. They're not related.
@zazzy in opposite land, sure.
I love how this series is slowly transforming into a AAA cyberpunk version of Jet Set Radio.
@zazzy It really isn't. The first one sucked, in my opinion. I bought it for something like $10 and still regretted it. The second was much better with everything that was wrong with the first either being fixed or at least improved on. If you can pick the second one up for a price you're comfortable paying then go for that over the first
“Ubisoft will tease the game a couple of weeks prior to E3 2019”
No no, I’m sure we’ll have another well timed “leak”.
Watchdogs 2 was a very good game, fixed pretty much all the Wrongs with Watchdogs 1, although the use of leathel weapons killed the authenticity of the story, made no sense you being this hacking Robin Hood but then you'd gun down innocent peds randomly.
Also it being rumoured to be set in a near future cyber punkesque London has me very intruiged, the mention of riots taking place gives off a very Neo punk vibe.
I really have to applaud Ubisoft, they stuck by a franchise that was a complete faliure debuting but it's now becoming a flagship series like Assassin's Creed.
The possibilties for future installments are endless.
Watchdogs 4 in Tokyo Japan Where hacking is tied into the Yakuza's shady dealings.
Watchdogs 5 in Paris france where a rogue hacking group have taken control of the City
I'm getting way ahead here but Watchdogs as a franchise could be the next big flagship series for Ubisoft.
@zazzy Skip Watchdogs 1 & just get 2 at this point, it improves on everthing 1 did bad.
So someone working for a (supposedly official) anti-terror organisation, rolling around on a skateboard and spraying graffiti all over the city? 🤔 Sounds unlikely.
Being London, surely you'll at least be able to stab people?
@BearsEatBeets The November date isn't wrong Ubisoft have always released 2 big AAA titles a month or so apart in the Fall and then one or 2 in the Spring.
In 2015 they released AC Syndicate & Rainbow Six Siege in November & December.
In 2016 they released WatchDogs 2 only in November as the fall title because AC origins was held for a year.
Spring Wildlands in March 2017
FALL 2017 Both South Park 2 & AC Origins released in November & October
Early 2018 Farcry 5 in February
Fall 2018 AC Odyssey & Crew 2 in October & December
Febuary 2019 Farcry New Dawn
March 2019 Divison 2
FALL 2019 BreakPoint & WatchDogs 3 in October & November
Early 2020 Untitled Splinter Cell
Spring 2020 Beyond Good & Evil
Fall 2020 Untitled Assassins Creed & Skull & Bones
Ubisoft's release Pattern is so predictable that it's easy to pinpoint releases.
Obviously othe Ubisoft titles will be announced along the way like a new Rabbids but that's not AAA.
@Thunderlips69 I'm just going by their own financial report to their share holders which stated Breakpoint in Oct and 3 unannounced AAA games in early 2020. If this leak/rumour is correct it's possible it was planned for Nov but was pushed back to 2020.
@kyleforrester87 Indeed! At first I couldn't understand why they would ever entertain the idea of no guns. I completely forgot about The U.K. being gun free.
Good to see they're staying true to real life.
Unlike Watchdogs 2 where everyone in San Francisco had a gun...
I miss Adrian...
"The protagonist should skateboard and do graffiti and wear sunglasses and a back-turned cap and is there any way we can make her more proactive?"
The screenshot is from Clover, an android app used to browse 4chan. I'm not sure why anybody would believe a random thread from /v/.
@Thunderlips69 Fully agree, Watchdogs 2 was excellent.
Hoping this isn't legit. I liked the whole vigilante hacker aspect of the first two games, this just doesn't seem as interesting
So these aren't new rumours. Idk why they're resurfacing, but the original Reddit post was made 3 months ago.
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