As promised, Square Enix has released the full gameplay video for Marvel's Avengers. The footage first debuted back at Comic-Con, but it was only shown to panel attendees. The video's a good 18 minutes in length, and features the game's opening mission.
Honest opinion? It looks okay. Animations are a bit janky in places and nothing really stands out, but it seems solid enough. Again, this is only the first mission from a title that's still in heavy development (it's due to launch in May next year), so we assume things will only get better.
What do you make of Marvel's Avengers? Assemble in the comments section below.
Comments 36
Thanks, but I only watch trailers that start with urination.
What a horrible game. It looks pretty, but that cookie-cutter gameplay is putting me to sleep.
(yes, pushsquare, that's all I have to say)
This game looks slow and boring. I was kind of excited about this game until I watched the video.
Captain America's gameplay was bad, but Black widow's gameplay was soooooo horrible!! sooo Terrible!
i m sooo hate that they wanted to put her in Superheros Level when she is just a normal Human!!!!
and of course, that Voices acting were Terrible too...
Push Square is negative about Marvel's Avengers gameplay = everyone in the comments says it actually looks good, you're just evil jaded games journalists.
Push Square says Marvel's Avengers gameplay looks okay = everyone in the comments says it looks absolutely terrible and should be cancelled immediately.
Looks like MeoMeo has been nerfed big time.
Natasha Romanov needs to deal with that mophead.
Overall the powers of abilities and gear is inconsistent from use to use. And Thor can hover now?
Oh, and Kamala Khan in the mix, that was mildly interesting.
I never make a final buying decision based on pre-release footage. I always wait until a game has been released to the public and reviewed, because so much can change during development.
That being said, the gameplay shown for this is doing zero for me so far. I am their target: I am a big fan of the MCU and these types of games in general. Spider Man is my favorite recent release. I want to be excited for this, but everything I have seen so far leaves me cold.
Again, I am going reserve judgment. But I am just not feeling it yet.
It looks fine, nothing incredible, but completely fine. I'll most definitely play it.
Looks good to me. Nothing spectacular just a fun superhero romp. I'm more curious how the whole multiplayer/live service post of the gave is going to work
I just wish it was full co op, last I heard it wasn't. I hope im misinformed. But its crazy to think of a single player avengers game... completely foolish.
The later levels should give a better indication.
People said the same of Spider-Man pre-release, that it wouldn’t be anything close to the Arkham games. Where that game shone was it’s story and since this game has a good few months of development left, there’s enough time to sort out the details.
Not bad, nothing great but not bad.
@ShogunRok that's the internet for you.
Anyway the game looks okay, the graphics are nice and the gameplay...what did you expect from an Avengers game honestly? There's only a couple of styles you can pick from when it comes to fighting games. Looks decent, I'm kinda excited
game looks great you dig word up son
@ShogunRok I'm confused about which side to pick now
It looks better than the first reveal but I cant get away from the fact the the gameplay looks average, with God of War doing Thor's combat better and pretty much any space shooter or Panzer Dragoon playing better than Iron Man's flying bit. The biggest issue is that it doesn't really look like you'll feel like you're actually playing as these characters in the same way the the Arkham games did with Batman or Insomniac captured with Spider-Man. At the moment something seems to be missing that I cant quite put my finger on
Am I the only one that thinks that the character faces look odd? What comic period did they base them off, I honestly don't remember the heroes looking like this. I do think Spider-Man should be added in the game though.
Looks pretty average tbh
I noticed they changed Black Widow's face design. Looks better than the previous design actually.
Thor looks like he's been in and lost a pie fight. 6 hits to the body
Meh, not doing much for me. Seems quite generic. Should have stuck with Lara!
I agree, it is somehow generic. Nice graphics though but still many cut-scenes. I will not buy it. It will sell a lot of copies though.
Where’s RDJ? The Chrises? Johansson? Eric Ban...Edward Nor...Mark Ruffalo?
Personally I think this game looks fun. Not revolutionary by a longshot, but I'm definitely giving it a chance. I know people have criticized it a lot, but so far it seems like they've only shown the opening level.
I just can’t get over how “Bizarro world” the entire aesthetic of the game is compared to the films.
looks a bit generic honestly although it is still Alpha according to the video so it could improve by release
Looked more interesting than it first did but still have some doubts on whether its worth buying - not just from the story and game-play but the dreaded MTX's too
I thought it looks very Spider-Man like. It has the same kind of feel to it. I want to see open world.
What I've seen of it so far, looks "okay". Definitely nowhere near Spider-Man PS4's quality though sadly.
@parvaz1 Ironman had such a terrible voice. The game looks like a standard liveservice so ill pass.
@Giygas_95 Looks like liveservice game 2.0. Optimised too dripfeed us a game with maximum profit with service (microtransactions). I can see playerchoice with some XP boosters. 😉
@Flaming_Kaiser Does it have all that live service crap in it? I haven't been following it too closely so far, so I thought it was just a single player game.
@nessisonett One massive difference i never had a feeling of boredom when watching those trailers and it wasnt liveservice.
@Giygas_95 The Avengers is a “narrative-focused” live service. 😉
Hopefully there’s more variety in gameplay in later portions of the game.
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