Oh boy, this is a rumour that has us a little bit excited. Taking us back to our teenage years growing up in secondary school where we played for hours upon hours, it looks like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will be bringing back a number of classic multiplayer maps from previous iterations of the franchise.
As datamined and spotted by VG Sources, the likes of Shipment from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and Rust, Sub Base, and Terminal from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 could all be returning with this year's game. Obviously, they'll be completely remade along with better visuals, but we're incredibly hyped by just the thought of returning to some of these locations next month.
They will apparently join a whopping 38 other maps, not including night versions, when the game ships. That's the only detail that gives us pause on this rumour, unfortunately, because it's such a ludicrous number. The most amount of maps a Call of Duty game has ever released with by a country mile.
Do you believe this rumour? Are you as excited as we are to potentially return to these classic maps? 1 v 1 us in the comments below.
[source vgsources.com]
Comments 18
@Frigate Hey, I wasn’t even a teenager when the original came out and now I’m renting my first flat so it’s been longer than it seems. If Rust is back, I’ll buy just for split screen.
38 maps?? From the base game without season pass, map packs etc ... Highly unlikely. It would be super dope though.
@Frigate 2009 was 10 years ago!
The game should be retitled - Kinda current Warfare with some caveats.
@themcnoisy Give it time, with troops being deployed to ‘protect Saudi interests/oil’, this game could be more modern than the world really needs.
Bring back the Dome 🙏
Ive always wondered why they dont have just a crap ton of maps. Would make multiplayer so much better and keep interest for much longer imo. And im happy for people who just want old stuff rehashed but id rather see emphasis on all new content rather than just lazily using past maps, even if terminal was awesome.
And omg please dont make the map rotation work the same way where you only see the same 5 maps over and over AND OVER again. Not to mention when you spend real money on map packs just for them to be completely absent from the normal rotation. screw rotations just throw EVERY SINGLE GOD DANG MAP INTO the dang rotation for crying out loud
The one thing I was worried about is the number of maps since they've got all these different sized game modes with their own maps: 2v2, 6v6 & 10v10, 32v32 & 20v20.
If I just want to play TDM I figured there might be fewer maps and I'd get bored quicker but this sounds promising.
@Gmork___ I totally agree
call of duty : recycled warfare
More maps is allways better. I think that was really what killed Battlefield V. Aside from the glitches at launch and female soldiers in WW2, the main thing was simply a lack of decent maps which didnt really change during the course of allmost a year now.
I was 38 ten years ago and as good as this looks I don't play online anymore. Bf4 was the last thing I played online and it was awesome.
I have no doubt shipment will be back, it's a crowd favorite and the fact that they added it to Call of Duty: Duty WWII and that wasn't even an IW game makes this rumor seem real.
the shipment, rust and sub base is no good maps, only Terminal is a good map from these. i hope there will be more maps from mw3 that game had good fun maps.
@Dan_ozzzy189 its time to get back then, the mw beta have been a blast. also mw will be a good game to train your reaction time, eye coordination and memory as you get older you will need this more than ever.
@Tasuki shipment is a crowd favorite???, that is the first time i have heard that. its the worst map ever, the map is to small and you get shot in seconds and no fun to play on at all.
@j_Colgy yes hopefully they bring back mw3 dome, that was a good map.
@TheBuzz Look it up alot of people love shipment that's why it keeps coming back. It's a great way to build levels up too.
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