Update (22nd October, 2019): We hate to keep piling onto WWE 2K20, but it's out now, and so there's more and more evidence that this game just isn't in a good place. Here's yet another example of this game's exceedingly buggy state:
Update (21st October, 2019): It's WWE 2K20's launch week, and it's becoming increasingly clear that 2K Sports should have probably cancelled this title. New gameplay footage is constantly appearing on Twitter, and if anything the bugs appear to get worse. Here we have a referee completely glitching into Charlotte Flair's PS2-era character model. He looks like he's having far too much fun!
This is bad, folks. Really, really bad.
Update (17th October, 2019): Looks like WWE 2K20 doesn't just look bad: it's also pretty buggy to boot. Footage is popping up all around the web. This particular clip from Reddit shows the referee flatout refusing to count a pinfall. Also note how the wrestler's feet are floating mysteriously above the surface of the mat. Not good!
Here's another example, this time showing Becky Lynch struggling with her belt:
Original Article: 2K Sports’ wrestling games have been at the butt of some bad jokes for a while now, but fans of the “sport” had hoped that long-time developer Yuke’s removal from the franchise would result in some tangible improvements to the series. Wrong. Footage of WWE 2K20 has started to appear online ahead of its release next week, and we can only imagine it’s been helmed by some of Visual Concepts’ interns while the rest of the team focus on NBA 2K20’s casino minigames.
Take a look for yourself:
It doesn’t end there – in fact, if anything, it actually gets worse. The below clip reveals some real PlayStation 2-era animation; they haven’t even been blended properly, so you can literally see the keyframes that have been applied to the character rig. It’s mind-boggling stuff!
To make matters worse, hair physics from previous instalments have been stripped away, resulting in seriously awkward walk-in sequences like the one below. It's not a favourable comparison, is it?
And then you have the character models themselves, which barely resemble their real-world counterparts:

The word is that when Visual Concepts took full control of the series, it had to rebuild a bunch of systems and mechanics; the popular Create-a-Championship mode will not be patched in until after release, for example. Frankly, it feels like the series should have taken a year off; wrestling games have been bad for a while, but this is next level terrible from what we’ve seen.
[source twitter.com, via twitter.com, twitter.com, resetera.com, reddit.com, twitter.com]
Comments 116
Oh wow. That looks terrible lol.
Damn it's my sisters Christmas present every year but doubt she will want this lol
It's a masterpiece is what this is.
If you want to play a recent 2k wrestling game, 2k19 is the clear choice and should be very cheap at this point. This sad and terrible. Gamers deserve better.
It's a shame cos I was interested in it for the 4 horsewomen campaign.
Sweet Christmas!
This is brilliant. Look at Edge. Look at his 'beard'(?)!
2K19 was my last game and will continue to be until they figure this out . It sucks Yukes is no longer the developer but I believe their making a different wrestling game more arcadey instead of a Sim.
Holy heck that hair clip had me crying in laughter. What is this? How can they f up so bad???
John Cena looks like Paul Rudd wow not played a wrestling game since the ps2 this looks so bad
Graphics took a hit and gameplay is atrocious. Being back AKI
At first glance I thought I was looking at something from Bully, but even that had more aesthetically-pleasing 3D models.
@KALofKRYPTON sure looks like a (redacted) strip, doesn't it XD
Breaking News: Sony buys Visual Concepts just to show them how to do character models right.
Contra says hi
@get2sammyb it's an RKO outta nowhere
It takes this to finally make you all laugh at wrestling?
Lol at hulk hogan
Just seen Peyton Royce, dear me.
@Kyroki When they said "if you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you" I don't think they meant this.
He says as he just changed his avatar to an eye lol
@bindiana totes mcgoats
Total train wreck. I can hardly wait for the moment online when someone puts up gameplay footage of this side by side with Smackdown vs. Raw 2009 and people won’t be able to tell the difference.
What exec got a look at those character models and said, “Yeah, those’ll work.”?
I just cant believe this lol. They better just cancel it. Looks worse than retribution lolol
Bo way, this myst be a joke? Is it April already?
Incredible. 🤣
The thing is the game did get my interest as the career modes sound great. Then I saw the cutscenes... And Chyna.... And now this.
I'm sure itl get fixed by adding a Vince Mcmahon Gambling Parlour or something
Dusty rhodes looks too chubby.even if he is.its crazy.haha.word up son
Good grief where's the graphics police when you need them?!
Crikey, glad I don't play WWE anymore.
if this isn't a sign to all the sheep that these publishers don't give a **** about you or the quality of the game and all they want is your money then i don't know what is
Why does John Cena look like Jared from Silicon Valley?
Yeah but is Macho Man Randy Savage in it
Put it back in the oven!
The animations are like a downgraded version of Rockstar's Bully.
That and the models look like the early days of the PS2.
Even on April Fool's day, people would have a hard time believing it's true.
Time to dust off No Mercy.
I honestly had no idea Yuke’s wasn’t developing this game. But yeah, this is ugly.
Looks like The Sims.....
So modes are missing from launch and the charscters look they've taken them from WWE Raw Is War on PS1 lol I can't believe people buy sports games because there all crap football, NFL etc their all the same game with a new year added on the end NBA 2K confirmed that on PC with the NBA 2k 19 icon in the task bar when playing NBA 2k 20 should you go to task manager.
Think the last (& only),wrestling game I'd bought was WWE 2K13?? on ps3,mostly because of a mode where you had to match classic Wrestlemania spots from 80's/90's era,so got to play a few classic characters...& it still looks better than this garbage!!
Remember when we used to cheer Take-Two for publicly holding out against buyouts from the likes of EA for Rockstar & their evil intent to make GTA an annual franchise??! Fun times!
This just convinces me more they don't give a damn as they are the only wrestling franchise going.
I missed the WCW/WWF days, don't watch wrestling anymore.
@sabaki08 bully Devs would be embarrassed at producing this tripe
@Weegee71 True. It was just at first glance over the thumbnail of the article.
Recently there'd been a ton of chatter going on about Bully 2 so I'm on high alert mode.
That is absolutely apalling. How can it be THAT bad. Back to Here Comes the Pain on PS2
Looks like those wanting a wrestling fix on PS4 in the near future will want to check out RetroMania Wrestling instead:
At least it looks enjoyable to play
I feel sad that the graphics somehow got worse. Hilariously enough, this is the most involved discussion on wrestling we've had here in a while.
Side note, I feel like there's only three types of articles for sports games-
-Cover star reveal
-It exists
-How bad it is
I'm still picking up my PS4 Deluxe Edition but what annoys me more as I respect the game industry, some of you are a bunch of crybabies, please stop moaning and swearing and stop being so ungrateful and stop with the whole “It's a copy and paste every year BS.” Because they have a fairly good platform to work on that's probably why they tweak it features they have and adding new features and they are patching WWE 2K20 right now!
I have faith in 2K in fixing this game before it comes out next week!
I have no interest in wrestling, and have never played any of the games, but...
WTAF is this crap? You make some PS2 jokes in the article, but that would look bad even on PS2.
Well people wanted No Mercy graphics....hahaha. Glad I gave up buying those games a long time ago.
2K is the worst thing to happen to WWE games ever. I use to WWE games regularly when it was the SmackDown VS Raw series but after 2K got the contract forget about it. At least I have Fire Pro on PS4.
When was a game published by 2K ever finished by launch?
@get2sammyb it is a masterpiece ! Its almost like they went full nonsense to create this comedy flop on purpose !
@StarWarsfan5843 lmao! good one!
The graphics look way better than they did when I was a kid playing my favorite wrestling game. Unfortunately, I’m 43, and I’m comparing this game to NES Pro Wrestling.
@DerMeister You only missed "how they've stripped down offline play modes & sandwiched in more micro-transactions!"
@carlos82 The companies with the biggest pockets are the worst.
@Tasuki Remember Smackdown here comes the Pain i loved that on PS2 made by the King Yuke.
And here I was thinking, after decades not playing a WWF game, I'd give this a purchase for it's 2K20 release. Guess I'll wait for another 10 years then.
Wow. WWE needs to take a year or two off. Is it not better to do this than damage your reputation further by releasing this garbage? Seems to have really gone downhill since 16/17 editions.
Ugh. It is ugly, but do you know what is even uglier? The fact that we are still waiting for a new Fight Night! I know EA is the IP holder here but why do we get a new wrestling game every year but no FN?
Looks like WWF Smackdown. Then again all sport games are the same crap different number every year.
@StarWarsfan5843 and you honestly think they are going to patch all the god awful animations, bugs and ridiculousls unrealistic character models by next week. Get real pal!.
It perfectly fine for you and everyone to like the sport. I even used to love WWF back in the day and play the games but even you shouldn't have to spend your hard earned green back on this pathetic mess. It's because people are too forgiving and still buy games this bad that feature micro transaction etc that companys can still produce this level of garbage. They know it's going to sell so they dont need to try.
@Turismo4GT For NBA, WWE lol.. Sony are great at making MLB the show games every year
It wasn't a glitch... It was an unlock
Pull lever for 1/10,000 chance to unlock pin counts.
Spin the wheel to unlock hi def character models.
I knew there was a good reason I didn't get hyped for this game like I have in the past. People give Yukes crap, but at least Yukes was able to make a competent wrestling game when allowed. 2K19 is a diamond in the rough of recent years and there is a reason why I still play it daily and I will continue to do so until 2k21.
On a side not for any real wrestling fans out there, if you are looking for an amazing wrestling story please watch 350 Days. If you are a fan watch it for some of the still photographs alone. It is hauntingly amazing.
Get 2k19. It is not a bad game at all.
Get your money back. I usually support wrestling games since the 80's. This year is a lame duck, but if you support this game you are letting them steal your money. Be strong. Stick with 2k19 and if you really need a new fix pick up fire pro. Demand better.
The pinfall thing isn’t a glitch. When you first install 2K20, you’re asked if you’re a fan of AEW. If you answer “Yes”, the only time referees count out on pinfalls is when it’s the player who’s pinned.
@TotallySpectacul If I'm not mistaken it's missing Hogan. Then agian, 2K20 is missing Jake The Snake and Savage.
Wrestling..... hahaha
@get2sammyb The middle clip’s tweet headline violates the rules a bit.
I often point out that when you have the license you don't have to try because no one can legally compete with you.
But this isn't even that level of bare minimum.
@StarWarsfan5843 not a wrestling fan nor a sports gaming fan, but if they really had a good platform you'd get something that looked and played like it belongs in the current generation. I say it all the time, these sports games need to build an engine from the ground up for their dedicated sport, something extremely high tier, and pack it full of content. Then, for the next 4 years, offer a literal season pass to coincide with each new annual season that updates the entire roster, brings in new modes, adds a fresh coat of paint, carries over your legacy, etc for $20. Throughout each season the game will receive multiple updates to ensure it stays current and in a favorable state.
That would be better I think I'm fans eyes, and the devs don't have to rush to push out another s****y annual title on an outdated engine that can't do what they're hoping. Unfortunately since fans like yourself drop $60+ on broken pieces of s*** every year, you'll never see these games get better. They have a monopoly and you have a weak backbone.
Language, please! - Quintumply
@Nintyfan then they cant reset the microtransactions every year, and make whales start paying for my team etc all over again. you see these sports games arent games. they are just cash machines with exploitative microtransactions released every year.
These games are TERRIBLE! How anyone continues to give them money for this garbage is beyond me. Forget about the bugs or graphical fidelity or frame rate... The games themselves are just plain trash as far as controlling your character goes, which in a wrestling game is pretty darn important. 2K19 is the worst game I've played in decades. There needs to be a competitor in this field and WWE needs to shop the rights to other, better developers. Simply awful.
After what they pulled with the switch version a few years ago is anyone surprised. 35 wrestlers out 21 in. 22 legends out and 7 in. Even the roster is a mess.
Thank u, Next.
Every year everyone says all “these games are garbage” 19 was ok. It really was. £12.99 for full deluxe all content version of was a bargain. It dropped quickly. 19 was a decent game. This has gone backwards in all respects and it needed to leap forward
@StarWarsfan5843 behave lad. Even people like Gore & Perkins are saying don’t buy... and they are paid to say it’s good by 2k....
I’m still waiting for them to patch the switch version
WWE games have been a steaming pile of shit for years now. This is no different.
@Rob_230 There is always Fire Pro Wrestling.
@eltomo AEW reminds me alot of WCW in the feel of their presentation
I've bought pretty much all WWE games since WWF Warzone and if some bad graphics and dodgy animations are enough for you to say "This is the worst game ever" then you're sniffing glue and don't remember a lot of the later PS2 games. What should define if a game is worth the money is the amount you play it and with the Horsewomen showcase, the weird Halloween s*** universe mode and the new career mode I know I'll be playing it right up until 2K21. Some of you just have boners for nostalgia and forget just how horribly the old games controlled and how awful the graphics were. Yes, they could do much better with 2K20 but it doesnt make it a bad game because of a few aesthetic problems. I bet half of you love Skyrim and that's way more buggy and unless you mod the s*** out of it, none of the people look like actual human beings. If graphics and a few dodgy animations are enough to ruin a game for you then I feel sorry for you that your fun is defined by those things. Wrestling games have always had dodgy graphics, glitches and cringeworthy animations, this is nothing new.
Please watch the language - Quintumply
@TotallySpectacul Not buying the game is gonna do f all to change things so I'll happily still buy it because I know I can enjoy it because after all, it's just a few dodgy faces and animations, it's hardly game breaking. It'll keep me perfectly happy until 2k21 where hopefully they'll do better. And "demand better" is a near-pointless concept. Unless it's something universally disliked like ME: Andromeda (which was perfectly fine btw but that's a different matter), the s*** with Battlefront 2, or that weird original design of movie Sonic, companies don't listen people about their grievances about stuff like this. WWE games don't have enough scope or outrage to be bullied into changing things.
Hahaha.thats funny.the referee first one is hilarious.word up son
How has it got this bad seriously!!!
I did see a trailer of this whilst watching youtube the other day and it didn't look great there although it certainly was nowhere near this glitchy. I am not sure what any of the dev-team/publisher staff were thinking in releasing this game in this state.
Lol what the heck that referee is doing 😂
2K Games have released games in this state for years, and people keep on buying their games, so I don’t see them changing anything. I stopped buying their games new after the disaster that was Civilization V.
@Nintyfan Agree. I’d probably pay more for a «PS4 Version» of a game, if I knew I could pay DLC-price for the rest of the console generation, getting new wrestlers, updates etc. As it is today, I’ll buy one wrestling/football game every five-six years, and only once it’s heavily discounted.
This will need one heck of a day one patch 😬
Really really bad or quite entertaining?
these are from the switch or 3ds version tell me they are seriously tell me they are. This looks worse than PS3 ones
That vid needs a NSFW warning as the wrestler guarantees getting a 3 count pin by performing "Services rendered" on the referee. Hip thrusting and everything.
That's just wrong.
But also the funniest thing I've ever seen. Who needs cat & dog vids?
Edit: Watched the rest - I like the way the ref's back spasms like he'd just been punched by the Fist of the North Star and he's going to erupt blood at any second. The blood would have helped that vid.
This game is the gift that keeps on giving
Hahaha that first one was gold!
@Gremio108 And it's not even out yet!
@ShogunRok Has there been a Wrestlemania-style rumble in the Push Square office over who gets to review it?
@Gremio108 Sadly not, at this rate I'll never get the chance to show off all the moves I learned from Tekken in real life.
I wasn't expecting it to be that funny that i was choking on my toast. That's hilarious. I'm almost willing to throw down cash for this game if it gives me these laughs every few minutes.
You know, bugs aside, 2K May have to delay this thing so that the ESRB can make certain they’ve given the title the right rating. WWE 2K20 - Rated M for Mature.
Feel bad for anyone who buys this at all.
Travesty of a game. 2k14 looks better than this.
That referee glitch made my day 🤣🤣
I really commend pushsquares commitment to making sure everyone is a aware of this trainwreck.😂😂
This game is finished. We need to look forward to next year's title already.
Oh my god the newest update is unreal. That's probably the best bug yet, literally watching a complete disaster unfold, it gets worse by the second.
May they never fix this glorious mess.
OMG, this is better than AC Unity's compilation videos
This is amazing. Keep them coming Push Square!
Geez, this is just awful. You guys gotta review this.
It's the WWE v Knack game that everyone wanted.
You know, I was actually ok when the ladder just disappeared. I figured - well, it's a brittle ladder, it just broke into pieces too small for the eye to see, happens all the time. But the disappearing stair case which then reappeared and literally sank into the mat like it was quicksand, then walking on knee girl, and bouncing on rope girl.
Guys who made Sonic '06 must be on twitter like - see, we told ya it's not easy to make video games.
Is PushSquare reviewing this ? Just curious that's all .
Check out this glitch that had me laughing out loud. <a href=https://theanxiousgamer.blog/2019/10/22/wwe-2k20-manages-to-offer-exciting-new-additions-despite-minor-shortcomings/">this</a>
How did Sony and Microsoft let this hot garbage release in this state. Makes life of Black Tiger look good. 🤬
The latest clip is probably the best made me laugh the most. The worrying thing is I have seen here and other places people still defending the game and adamant there going to buy it just goes to show 2k dont need to put out a good product there is probably enough people who will buy it anyway.
This looks pretty bad.
I won't lie, though, I get a kick out of dumpster fires like this.
If it drops to $1 or something, I'll buy it just to see what, if any, glitches I encounter.
Are you enjoying the game? Has people blown the bugs out of proportion? Is that fixwwe2k20 an exaggeration? Inquiring minds want to know.
@TotallySpectacul I was so f**king wrong lmfao, thank you for calling me out I deserve it 😂
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