Here’s a quick thought exercise for you: imagine where you’ll be this time next year. While you’re potentially fantasising about tropical islands, may we propose something a little more realistic: you’ll be playing the PlayStation 5. While we don’t have a date for Sony’s next-gen system just yet, the manufacturer has said that it’ll be out in Holiday 2020, and seeing as the organisation’s unlikely to miss Thanksgiving in the United States, then it should be out before 26th November. In other words, this time next year the PS5 will be on store shelves.
It’s an extraordinary thing to imagine, seeing as the platform holder is yet to fully unveil the format. While we do know a little bit about the console – including its name, features, and a handful of its games – we suspect that the Japanese giant is going to treat us to a gigantic information drop early next year. We’re particularly excited about the DualShock 5 controller, which will boast resistant triggers and haptic feedback. We’re also eager to see just how fast the device is, as speed has been listed as one of the unit’s selling points recently.
Are you excited to get your hands on the PS5 at this point? Do you expect you’ll be playing the platform day one, or will you be waiting until it comes down in price a bit? Get hyped in the comments section below.
Comments 60
Exciting stuff, but let’s not wish our lives away, folks!
I jumped in a bit too early with the PS4, so I think I'll wait a while on PS5. Maybe nab the mid-gen revision in a Black Friday sale or something.
Price isn't so much an issue as long as it isn't rediculusly over priced like the ps3 was at first.
It'll mainly come down to the launch games.
If Gran Turismo 7 is available day one then you can more than likely count me in.
If by some miracle it was fully backward compatible right back to the Ps1 then 100% count me in.
Going to be an exciting year as we find out more and more info
you mean the americans will.
us europeans will have to wait yet again.
(not that big of a deal but still a bit anoying)
@kyleforrester87 You sound like my Mum!
I just hope I can get a PO in so I can have one at launch.
may the HYPE be with you!
This time around next year i will bite my finger and jealousy waiting for a year for the price to be stable, because in my country a new consoles will have a crazy prices because of limited supply and high demand. Not include luxury tax.
@get2sammyb your mum must be a total badass
Failure to own a PS5 is just not cricket.
Yea the big question is what will we be playing.
I didn't pick up a PS4 until after the slim came out. It was sometime in 2016. I'm glad I waited, not only because it was cheaper, but alot of bugs had been worked out over a few years. Might do the same with the PS5. However, if they have a ridiculously good launch lineup, I probably won't be able to hold out longer than a few months. My wallet is hoping launch games suck haha
Day one for me and probably the vr2 as well since i skipped the first incarnation. Sony playstation fan since the beginning 3rd december 1995 😁😁
Anyone any advice on best place to reserve to get it day one?
Any places already taking orders?
That PS5 logo does not look right - the 5 has sharp edges whereas the rest of the logo has rounded edges. Also look at the PS4 logo and you will see the 4 has rounded edges.
@NYJetsfan123 Yep, right there with you, got a Slim because by that point it was a whole lot cheaper and there were more great games than Day 1. At least the backwards compatibility will mean there’s at least something to play on release.
Not to mention that the launch games that have already sold really well by that point, are also significantly cheaper. It's a win win, but I get more impatient the older I get!
Thankfully. PS4 had a great run, right up there with PS1 and 2, but it's definitely showing its age, whether we're talking the standard model or the Pro. Hopefully Ghost of Tsushima will be a day one title.
I'm ready now baby, let's do this.
I will likely make the switch when the new Monster Hunter game hits the PS5. That's been my M.O. for the WiiU and then the PS4. Gives me some time for the kinks to be worked out of the launch of a new console, as well as time for some first rate games to be discounted.
Unless I see a Horizon: Zero Dawn 2 Bundle with a price-drop, I think I'll wait on the PS5. Still got plenty of entertainment on my PS4 Pro.
I'll wait til the slim model. I regret getting a PS4 so early because most of the exclusives at the time were pretty miserable.
I've a feeling those who feel PS3 was over-priced at launch are going to have a fit when the price of PS5 is revealed.
I'll be there day one can't wait!
Couldn't be less interested.
Being an Uncharted fan and having a great backlog on ps3, I bought ps4 with U4 release.
This time though and after enjoying so much my ps4 (and ps4pro), I'm so hyped that it's a day one purchase for me!
Actually I'm so hyped just as I was with my Vita after the enjoyment of the Psp!
I just don't know what to do with my backlog this time... 😊
I just hope there are better games to play at launch. It took around 2 years before we got anything really good
My backlog of games is so huge.im still buying new games .i l💛ve my ps4 pro.so im chilling with the. Ps4 pro.word up son
Can't wait for the PS5. I wil pre order mine
I was day one with the PS4, picking it up at midnight. I remember Black Flag came out a week or so before so I had a PS4 game before the console to play it on.
Anyway I’ll be day one again with the PS5 and wouldn’t be surprised if AC Vikings is one of my first games this time.
Day 1 no questions
@Marios-love-child Yup, as long as the price no more than $500 I think I'll buy it day one 😃, I hope sony have big open world games like horizon zd 2 or spider-man 2 for launch.
The problem with ps3 is the price isn't justified, the machine is really good at computational problem solving like protein folding for research but isn't great for its main purpose, a gaming machine.
I think it will depend on what the backwards compatibility situation is, launch titles and what the performance of some of next years big hitters are on base ps4. In particular if cyberpunk and last of us 2 struggle then I'm more likely to wait until ps5 to play them.
Must be a slow news day if this is classed as news! 😂
@JohnnyShoulder not really, there were plenty of other news stories... you should remember, you commented on a bunch of them
I might pick it up on day 1 if only to play some ps4 games with decreased loading times (I'm looking at you, XCOM2).
Yep! And games like kingdom comes and metal gear solid phantom pain
I'm sure I'll pick one up but whether that happens at launch remains to be seen. Backwards compatibility with imrpvoed performance would help with that a lot though as I never picked up a PS4 Pro so I'd be able to see a benefit even if the laulnch titles are so-so.
Let's do it, I'm ready now!! I'm really looking forward to the reveal event, just such an exciting, fun time!
Its going to be a great year ahead, I'm stoked to be spending it on the PS5 hype train with all you awesome people here😀
I’ll definitely snag a PS5, but I still enjoy the PS4 with more games to play on it.
@antdickens Fair comment!
If the backwards compatibility also counts for digitally purchased games and there are a couple of decent launch titles I might get it early. But definitely not untill at least a few months in to make sure the hardware is tested properly. I never had any problems whatsoever with my base PS4 in the 5 years I've had it but still..
Never get consoles day one.
At least if you're broke like me.
Let them deal with the bugs and errors. If you're THAT patient, wait for price drop on slim models.
More games would've been launched, os more stable and possibly more features.
SCPH-1000's (ps1) lens was in the wrong position, which cause it to overheat, and we all had to tilt the console horizontally.
ps3 had everything wrong with its first models. Tbh it's only start being good when the slim rolled out.
CUH-1000 (ps4) have BLOD and auto eject.
Other console manufacturers are just as guilty. MS had million models of 360 until they got it right. Nintendo as always releases their hardware revisions quietly while hoping people won't notice.
I love how they are pushing thre duelshock 5's HD Rumble. Should Nintendo get a little percentage of each sale? Lol
Anyway, I'm excited to see it, but if it's not backwards compatible with PS4, I'm probably gonna pass on it.
I can't wait, was there on launch night/morning with the PS4, shame I had slow broadband at the time as I had to work the next day.
I'll all but certainly be pre-ordering a PS5 to get one at launch.
This time I've got pretty good fibre speeds for the UK, with over 60mb/s on Sky at my new house.
I'm really excited to see if Rocksteady reveals their new DC game, if a new God of War gets announced, sequel to Horizon, maybe a new IP from Sony Japan.
There are loads of possibilities for new games to up the ante, not just with the visuals, but physics and AI because of the new tech that will be a huge leap over what we've had this gen.
To think it's only a year away is really exciting to me as a gamer.
@Ralizah wise decision I think. The first model is always a mess. Who knows, perhaps something else will be top dog this time...
im not sure day one or a year later, i need a new tv with hdmi 2.1(13ms or lower), 4k 120hz, variable refresh rate (vrr) etc to get the fullest and best gaming experience out of the ps5.
@MrSec84 to get that big leap you also need a tv that have hdmi 2.1(13ms or lower), 4k 120hz, variable refresh rate (vrr) etc to get the fullest and best gaming experience out of the ps5.
Day 1 for me. I love the hype of a new launch. Will pre-order as soon as Amazon allow, and will take the launch day off work, just like PS3, PS4 and PSVR.
I'm torn. On one hand I still have lots of life left in my ps4, including loads from the backlog, upcoming games, the vr headset, and I don't really need/can afford a brand new shiny console. On the other, Horizon Zero Dawn 2, Spider-Man 2 and God Of War 2.
I can’t wait!!! Yet, I’m tempering my excitement with the knowledge of diminishing returns. With all the information we’ve received about the new unit, the most important aspect of graphical fidelity improvement hasn’t even made a mention . I’m the kind of guy who will happily deal with loading screens if it means I’ll be blown away with mind numbing visuals. Please don’t reply with the “ faster storage will allow more complex computing and visual effects” argument. I would just rather have Sony focus on making sure we have a difference visually and more directly. I have a feeling we aren’t going to perceive much of a difference.
I usually wait until just before the xmas following release; you can pretty much guarantee a close to £100 price drop, plus there will be a nice backlog of cheaper games by then. Bah humbug!
@nookie_egg @invictus4000 @Flurpsel @kohiba99 Sony has officially confirmed multiple times that the PS5 will be fully backwards compatible with most (if not all) PS4 games.
This includes both physical discs and digital purchases/downloads.
@soy @koaeinferno @PunkRx_Lockly @nessisonett @NYJetsfan123 @Ralizah I'll probably be waiting until Black Friday/Christmas 2023, there should be $200-$250 deals on the inevitable PS5 Slim by then.
If there is a slim version... Who knows what Sony is thinking this time around!
Yea I know that. But let's admit it, who wants to play old-gen games when the new stuff is knocking on your door?😉
@kohiba99 Yeah, that's the way I look at it. No reason to rush.
@KidBoruto I DO! lol
@Ridwaano That's turning into quite the starting line-up!
I have plenty of older PS1,PS2,PS3,and PS4 games I've always wanted to try so if there are not killer must play games on launch window, I can easily wait. I didn't get a PS1,PS2,PS3,and PS4 until about 3 years later of their launch.
I've heard a Legend Of Dragoon remaster by Bluepoint is a potential? That along with Demon Souls would be an amazing start for the new console.
Theres no doubt in my mind I'll be getting it on release, day 1.
Not me! Every gen I jump into in later and later. Nothing good comes out in year one anymore, and there’s very little even in year two. Picked up my PS4 Christmas 2016 and don’t regret a thing. You know by that point you’ll have enough gems to kee you going for a while. I love gaming but can’t for the life of me work out why anyone would want a console day 1 anymore. Knack and Killzone Shadowfall?
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