Half-Life: Alyx generated a lot of interest when it was announced at the end of 2019. It's a brand new, fully-fledged entry in Valve's seminal first person shooter series, but as you can see in the recently released gameplay clips, it's played entirely in virtual reality. In terms of compatibility, the company has confirmed the game will support various VR headsets on PC through its SteamVR platform. However, nothing has been said of the current market leader: PlayStation VR.
Is Half-Life: Alyx coming to PSVR? Not according to the debut trailer, but it's still something worth asking, especially as the game is due for release so soon. In fact, we asked Valve this very question shortly after the game's announcement. The company responded, and the answer is unsurprisingly vague -- but it isn't a "no".

Designer Greg Coomer reconfirms that the "initial" release of Half-Life: Alyx will be "available for SteamVR only". It definitely sounds like Valve is aware of the desire to see the game come to PSVR, however: "We believe Sony’s VR platform has been a huge success for the medium, and we assume that lots of Sony customers would love to experience this new chapter of Half-Life."
Coomer goes on to confirm that a PlayStation VR port is not in active development "because we’re very focused on the initial release". Having said that, he concludes that Valve has "not ruled anything out".
It's as we suspected -- Valve isn't working on a PSVR version of Half-Life: Alyx, but it's not saying it won't in the future. We suppose it's also worth entertaining the possibility that the game will release on a successor to Sony's headset at some point in the years to come. It's no secret that PSVR is at the lower end of the technical spectrum, so perhaps we'll see Valve's game appear on next generation gear, assuming it happens.
So, there you have it. The status of Half-Life: Alyx on PlayStation VR is that it could happen, but definitely not at launch on 23rd March. What do you think? Will the game eventually come to Sony's hardware? Strap yourselves into the comments below.
Comments 47
I said there was a good chance it would make it over to PSVR in the future and now I’d even put a little money on it. Of course nothing is certain but it’s obviously on the cards to a degree.
It wouldn’t surprise me if the plans are for it to come to PSVR2 and they just can’t talk about that right now.
A new gen of move controllers and (hopefully) a lack of wires would make HL:Alex pretty fun.
I think psvr "first gen" is not able to handle a game like this. I own one, it's a good piece of hardware but the controllers are not so good, resolution is very limited and for what we have seen of Half life VR, also the machine powering the game will need to be way more powerful than a PS4/Pro . But of course it may happen en psvr2… I think Sony will really nail it.
Just put it on psvr 2 on ps5 with all the graphics maxed out
@Stragen8 i really think that is what they are going to do, the PSVR is so underpowrred compared to other headsets on the market now i honestly don't think it could handle a game like this without gimping and downgrading it a lot.
Maybe, but it would be muddy graphics similar to Skyrim. More likely something for the PS5. Pro users get a bump in graphics from the base system, so I wonder if the PS5 offers its own improvements.
Valve should be familiar with the Move controllers having made some Portal 2 maps that used them, but hopefully we’ve come along far enough to Move away from them.
All but confirms 2nd PSVR iteration imo. No way...without severely hindering the experience that it comes to 1st gen psvr
I imagine the current headset running on a PS5 would be able to handle it, it’s more about the console rather than the headset. Although obviously a better headset would be even better...
This would be PS VR seller alone.
@antdickens It may be able to handle the visual throughput but I'm incredibly dubious that it would able to handle the motion tracking requirements if the gameplay from the trailer is accurate. I love my PSVR but when it comes to translating movement a Swiss watch it isn't.
It should be so more people get to play. Why are PC fans not telling Valve to put it on PS4?
@GodGamer Maybe because Valve is embroiled in a bitter war with EGS over the soul of PC gaming and HLA is one of the 18-inch guns being brought to bear?
If it comes out on PSVR, I buy a PSVR!
Probably ps5 vr
@JohnGrey Oh so they need an exclusive? That's anti consumer and it should be on EGS too for more choices.
Your loss, don't bring it to the VR platform with MORE sales than EVERY OTHER VR HEADSET out there.
@GodGamer I assume you only play on playstation and decide to stay ignorant on what goes on on other platforms. You can be asking why isn't Fortnite on Steam? Because EGS made and own it. Same way with Half-life not being on EGS, steam made and own it. See how that works?
Also to your earlier comment, why aren't Sony fans telling Sony to put their VR games on steam? Lots of good games I played on psvr that I would love to see on PC. It goes both ways here.
@Chris_T You really don't get the concept of sarcasm kid LOL. Sony owns their games too, but PC fanboys keep begging for them. Of course Valve won't put their game on EGS just like Sony has to sell PS with their exclusice games, yet PC fanboys keep begging. You missed the point entirely. Hypocrite PC fanboys are ok with Stesm having exclusives, but don't think anyone else should. Also I have more knowledge of gaming in general than any PC gamer. Remember that.
@GodGamer If you had more knowledge than any PC gamer then you would know there are a lot of sony fanboys too who only want games to stay exclusive to playstation. Its any game shouldn't be tied down to one place. Exclusives only ruin the gaming market but understandable its only driving force to sell console which over the years pc gamers come to understand. It seems like people who only stay on one platform fail to see this. Having owned and played on every platform I understand it.
I really think you are beyond saving or just a troll at this point if you think everything you said is to be true.
@GodGamer Begs for a port of a PC game which will likely be a bit watered down on future consoles, then claims it was sarcasm.. Lmao i can smell the salt from here.
@Chris_T "understandable its only driving force to sell console which over the years pc gamers come to understand."
You just agreed with me so what are you even arguing LOL? Only people who refuse to buy a PS4 are fanboys. If I want to play a PC game then I go to PC, but there are no PC games I want and they can stay on PC, which is the point to make you play there duh. Only fanboys cry about games being exclusive period. I don't see you begging for PC games to go to consoles so you are a hypocrite.
You only got two comments so you are clearly a hurt PC fanboy who just signed up LOL. Probably an alt account.
Any interest I had in this game just died watching that gameplay.
I understand that teleporting is used as a way to keep people from getting motion sickness, but to me, it's just annoying.
EDIT: Never mind, I guess I should have watched the video in it's entirety to realize that teleporting is simply an option.
@Stragen8 I rather have a wired headset. It's not limited by the battery power in that case, so it can do more with additional power it can use for other features, like higher render quality, better and more precise tracking with no lag, etc., more lightweight too.
Interesting choice Valve made in making the teleportation indicator resemble a streak of piss...
Funny how you don't see the usual people talking about this game should be on every platform and there is no one on PS4 port begging. I wonder why? Where are the guys that always say every game should be on every platform so everyone can play? Hypocrites lol.
Well, Sam Porter Bridges can don a headcrab in the Death Stranding PC port... ... ...
I already have my PSVR working on the PC. 2 drivers exist (as far as i have seen) The Trinus driver and the iVRy driver which you can get for free on steam VR with a Premium paid extended version.
So no probs there. Just put a HDMI swith on one of the PSVR cables and you can switch between your PC and PS4. Works with Oculus and SteamVR games.
You also get a higher refresh rate on the PSVR on PC because of its lower resolution and the PSVR HMD can do 120hz so thats a boon too.
While i hold on to my orange box collection and portal 2 closely.
Some of us have psvr but cant afford another vr system as well but we love value. Portal 1&2 & Left4dead.
Love seeing all the PSVR enthusiasm. That said, anyone posting here have Creed and can help me get the PVP trophy for the platinum?? If so you can add me PSN shafedog247
I guess it would depend on the PS5 power level and PSVR-2 controllers. At the moment it would be rubbish with the move and tracking on PSVR. The games seems to have been built around showing off the Knuckle control capability and room scale exploration. Neither of which translate well at the moment. I have an index but I'm not overly excited about this yet. I just don't know if it will live up to the hype.
@Bliquid Good for you. I don't know who you are or care either. Ironically this is a discussion board and you care too much about what I care about LOL. Moron.
@Dominatso So is it going to work with HL: Alyx on the PC too? That would be great
Hell yeah it will work. Steam is selling the iVRy driver but the Trinus driver allso allows you to play ANYTHING on PC-VR m8
But Alyx is already rumored to come to the PS4, stil the PC version will look better even through PSVR.
Here is the support page for Trinus:
And here the non premium free version of iVRy:
Why is this article from December repeated with no new information?
Teleportation is optional. 😉
@AdamNovice coz it just got released on PC today and people might want to know if it’s coming to PS.
They just waiting for PS5
I’ll wait for the version for the Switch VR set.
@MattSilverado Resident Evil was pretty sweet on Psvr. I think they could pull it off but I’d wait for psvr2. Perhaps a launch title? That would get some headsets off the shelf for them.
Been playing it on a Rift and it’s great.
I would certainly hope so since everyone is praising this game so much! Let's all hope that it releases soon
Orange Box PS4 port beg.
If it ever does make it over I will definitely give it a shot. As it stands this is one masterpiece of a game that I will almost assuredly never play.
@Agramonte They [ARE**] just waiting for PS5. They [ARE**] just waiting for PS5. GRAMMAR MAN F**KING GRAMMAR!!!!!!
Maybe half a year later.
Maybe this is why horizon zero dawn is coming to steam.
@GodGamer Probably for the same reason PS fans are not calling for Spider-Man, TLOUII and other games to be on the PC.
As for a business end of things Sony definitely make more money by such a move to PC then Valve would make by making HLA on the PSVR. I definitely would not affect their console sales like HLA would affect Valve's potential Index sales.
@andrewsqual McDonald's has more hamburgers sales then anything out there but that doesn't make them anywhere close to having the best hamburger. And that goes for Sony PSVR too.
By the way Google Cardboard has 5 times the numbers over PSVR. Yeah, I know not the same thing (Cardboard is meh). Well PSVR is "meh" compared to most other better performing VR headsets (like Index or Oculus).
@ii_03 U still (count to 10) correcting grammar online in 2020? Good luck with dat (hope you have blood pressure medication)
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