It's the PlayStation 4's last year in the spotlight, but to say it's going down fighting would feel like an understatement. A seemingly incredible line-up of titles is set to land on Sony's system before it heads to a retirement home as the next-generation PlayStation 5 takes over, meaning we've got a whole lot to look forward to across 2020. However, which games are the Push Square editorial team and pool of contributors excited about the most? These are our most anticipated PS4 titles of the year.

Sammy Barker, Editor
As the editor of Push Square, it means I have the luxury of mentioning Cyberpunk 2077 before you all start rolling your eyes. Expectations are absurdly high for this neon-soaked role-playing release, and I’m not sure CD Projekt RED has proven with any of the PS4 title’s pre-release material that it’s quite ready to top The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt's writing yet. But if it can replicate what it achieved with its critically acclaimed 2015 fantasy outing, then this will undoubtedly be one of the generation’s defining games.
I’m not expecting quite as much from Resident Evil 3; honestly, I’ll be more than satisfied with an engrossing action adventure romp – after all, Capcom’s previous attempt was enough to scoop our coveted Game of the Year award. And then there’s Ghost of Tsushima: it’s such an unknown quantity at the time of writing that it intrigues me from that perspective. I feel like all of Sony’s studios have evolved over the past decade or so, and this looks to be the turning point for inFAMOUS developer Sucker Punch – assuming, of course, it delivers.

Robert Ramsey, Deputy Editor
What a year for gaming 2020 is shaping up to be. For me, things really kick off at the beginning of March with Final Fantasy VII Remake. It still feels surreal to even write about this game, and I imagine that my mind will be blown when it comes to actually playing it.
But would you believe that there's a game I'm somehow even more excited about than a remake of Final Fantasy VII? I am, of course, referring to Cyberpunk 2077. After the years of top quality entertainment that The Witcher 3 has provided, I'm expecting another mature role-playing masterclass from CD Projekt Red. I simply can't wait to soak up Night City.
Last but not least, I'm really looking forward to Ghost of Tsushima. While I'm not a massive fan of Sucker Punch's inFAMOUS series, Ghost should be right up my alley. I'm hoping it captures the feel of those old samurai movies, complete with tense duels and spurts of blood that go shooting up the walls. Even if it just boils down to Assassin's Creed set in feudal Japan, I'll be more than happy.

Stephen Tailby, Associate Editor
I’m going to be that guy who only talks about PS4 exclusives. The fact is that Sony’s spate of first-party titles releasing in 2020 all look stellar, and I honestly can’t think of any other games I’m looking forward to playing more. The first is Dreams, which will finally get its full release on Valentine’s Day. I’ve technically already played it, but saying I’ve already played Dreams is like saying I’ve already watched YouTube; this is a title that will keep on providing fresh experiences long after launch, and I am totally on board. Bring on the weird.
When it comes to something a little more structured, I’m of course aching to play The Last of Us: Part II. Though the sequel is kind of a known quantity, I can’t wait to see what happens to Ellie, Joel, and everyone else in Naughty Dog’s brutally bleak world. From all we’ve seen, it’s looking excellent — much like my third choice, Ghost of Tsushima. Sucker Punch is another consistently good developer, and I trust this will be another banger. We don’t know a whole lot just yet, but combine the team’s signature slick gameplay with an ancient Japan adventure, and you surely can’t go wrong.

Liam Croft, Senior Staff Writer
Instead of picking the obvious ones, I've decided to highlight three games which may be sinking under people's radars. I can already safely assume that Cyberpunk 2077, The Last of Us: Part II, and Final Fantasy VII Remake will all be incredible, so here are three games I'm genuinely excited to play.
Have you heard about a little title called Dying Light 2? The sequel to one of my favourite PS4 games is an incredibly ambitious one, packed full of narrative changing events which impact what parts of the city you can and can't access. Combined with parkour-based gameplay which will surely be expanded and improved upon, this is a dark horse for Game of the Year if it manages to pull off what it's promising.
Resident Evil 3 is up next -- the remake of a game which formed a major part of my childhood. When I wasn't allowed to escape the confines of Raccoon City as Jill Valentine because my parents forbid it, I would simply watch the introductory cutscene on repeat. Great stuff. And then there's Disco Elysium. It's an RPG I'm not even sure I'll like, but the chatter following its PC release has me very intrigued.

Graham Banas, Reviewer
Far and away the game I’m most looking forward to in 2020 is the release of Kentucky Route Zero. I’ve been pretty much obsessed with the game for the last seven years, and the conclusion will finally be releasing this year alongside the console port, and I couldn’t be more excited for this if I tried! Not to be outdone though, I’m also excited for some bigger stuff. CD Projekt Red made the pinnacle of the RPG genre a few years back with a little game called The Witcher 3 and I’m, if anything, more excited for Cyberpunk 2077. The setting is more to my taste, and I love the dev, so bring it on.
Then finally I’m incredibly excited for the Resident Evil 3 remake. The remake of 2 is one of the best horror games I’ve ever played, and I’ve actually never played 3 before, so I’m curious about it beyond it merely being a remake. Resident Evil is a series I have a weird relationship with, but Capcom has been killing it lately, and I have faith this remake is going to be great.

Jacob Hull, Reviewer
Limiting my choices here has got to be some kind of punishment because 2020 is looking like a hell of a year. Ignoring the excitement of next-gen for a moment, the first six months are looking outrageously good for PS4.
Not only are we getting the long-awaited remake of my favourite game of all time in Final Fantasy VII (which surely needs no introduction), we’re also getting a title that offers the potential to be a game of the generation in Cyberpunk 2077. In all honesty, it’s not often I get excited about open-world games, but CD Projekt Red has earned my trust in recent years as one of the best developers in the industry. If it can deliver the same narrative quality, variety, and direction as it did with The Witcher 3 but in a fully fleshed out futuristic dystopian setting, then we’re in for a treat.
But maybe I’m getting ahead of myself because it may even struggle to hit Game of the Year if Naughty Dog has anything to say about it. With The Last of Us Part II, we’re getting the direct sequel to what many believe is the best game of the last generation -- myself included. No other studio can match Naughty Dog’s ability to tell a sombre tale with tender moments in a true survival action setting. Let the cannibalism commence!

Jamie O'Neill, Reviewer
I can't help but look to the past when thinking about the future, so I glanced back at the twilight of the PlayStation 3's life when Push Square's team chose our Games of the Generation in 2013, to consider how 2020 will be the next handover between generations.
This not only made me digress about looking forward to Vanquish's 10th anniversary remaster's release two days after my birthday next month, but since The Last of Us is one of my favourite PS3 games, my most anticipated PS4 game of 2020 is without hesitation The Last of Us: Part II.
Similarly, I've repeatedly mentioned how I reminisce about the impact of the three big nostalgic announcements that made Sony's E3 2015 press conference so memorable, and I was ultimately satisfied with both The Last Guardian and Shenmue III, so my second pick is unsurprisingly Final Fantasy VII Remake.
Finally, regardless of whether I would've preferred more traditional sprites and pixel art, the retro gamer in me can't help but be excited about Streets of Rage 4. Lizardcube and Guard Crush Games have brawled their way into my top three choices, through an appreciation of the mechanics of a 16-bit beat-'em-up, combined with the legacy of a pumping Yuzo Koshiro and Motohiro Kawashima soundtrack.

Lloyd Coombes, Reviewer
As a huge fan of Final Fantasy VII, dystopian RPGs, Marvel comics, Dragon Ball Z, and Naughty Dog, 2020 might be the biggest year of the generation for me -- talk about a strong finish! Of all of them, though, I simply cannot wait for Cyberpunk 2077. I can't wait to see how my character build affects my playthrough in fresh and exciting ways, and I hope that the underlying story is just as nuanced.
Swinging the Buster Sword like it's 1997 again is a dream come true, after constant rumours and false-starts surrounding FF7 Remake, and while the episodic nature could make for a truncated experience, I can't wait to head back to Midgar. Finally, Marvel's Avengers looks... fine? It's a definite "wait and see" for me, marrying the power climb of a title like Destiny with some of entertainment's most recognisable characters. I can't wait to see how Crystal Dynamics make a more grounded character like Black Widow as exciting to play as a more fantastical hero like Thor.
Those are our most anticipated PS4 games of 2020, but what are yours? Share your list in the comments below.
Comments 50
It's DOOM Eternal for me! Also looking forward to Axiom Verge 2.
Some good shouts with Vanqish and SOR4 which are on my radar too. I’m so ready for FF7, so much so that I actually booked the day off work like an absolute child so I don’t have to sit behind a desk reading about the rest of you playing it. The second absolute must buy on my list is Resi 3 - last years remake was fantastic and I rate the original RE3 higher than 2 so I’m really excited about it.
I am optimistic about Cyber Punk and Ghosts. Cyber Punk I am concerned could be a bit of a technical mess from day one, and unlike @Shogunrok I will be disappointed if Ghosts does end up just an Assassins Creed game in disguise. Hopefully they have a bit more to bring to the table.
Finally, Axiom Verge 2 is on my list.
I’ll undoubtably pick up TLOU2 just so I can play it and moan about how miserable it all is.
Elsewhere, I’m looking forward to Bravely Default 2 on Switch.
And then boom, PS5.
Let’s hope I live long enough eh?
@ShaiHulud yes, Doom Eternal!
Final Fantasy 7 Remake is my most anticipated PS4 game of this year followed closely by Ghost of Tsushima and then Cyberpunk 2077. There's still a lot of other cool games to choose from and it's pretty overwhelming, to be honest.
My most anticipated games for this year are Cyberpunk 2077, Resident Evil 3 and Doom Eternal with Final Fantasy VII and Streets of Rage 4 and Ghost of Tshushima not too far behind
For me, the most exciting games that'll be available on PS4:
1) Final Fantasy VII Remake (a game I've been waiting for literal decades to experience)
2) Shantae and the Seven Sirens (looks like a return to form for the series after the disappointing Half-Genie Hero)
3) Cyberpunk 2077 (Big, non-post-apocalyptic sci-fi RPGs aren't exactly a common thing; it feels like they took the gameplay of Deus Ex and added in the immersive writing of The Witcher III)
Honorable mentions:
In a year of stacked high-profile releases, I’m predicting TLoU: Part II stands above them all to claim the most GotY awards when all is said and done. It’s going to be a great year in general though!
It’s going to be a brilliant year. Personally Cyberpunk, Resi 3, FF7R, Nioh 2 for me. I absolutely 100% recommend Disco Elysium for anybody here who loves RPGs, it’s a real game changer.
@Ralizah Sakura Wars is coming west this year? Count me in!
2020 Best year in gaming History. For me Cyberpunk, Last of Us 2, Ghost of Tsushima, Dying Light 2, and FF 7 day one. The rest Ima wait for deals or reviews.
Spring 2020, apparently.
This'll be my first time playing a Sakura Taisen title.
Cyberpunk 2077 is the big one for me, but there's plenty of others that I'm interested about and might want to get.
Completely forgot about the Xenoblade Chronicles remaster! I don't play a lot of jrpgs but am definitely looking forward to playing this one again.
Last of Us 2 is the game I'll be buying as soon as it comes out even if it's mainly to try and avoid spoilers!
Excited for Cyberpunk of course as well as Ghost of Tsushima.
Never played any Final Fantasy games but very intrigued by the VII remake.
Watch Dogs: Legion is a Dark Horse for me. Being in the UK the thought of playing a game in a fictional post-Brexit world gives me a thrill (more than the actual realthing!) and I'm fascinated to see how being able to control any character truly plays out.
The most exciting thing though is the release of the PS5. Can't help but feel my base PS4 is on it's last legs so will be great to get my hands on a much more powerful machine.
Oh and hoping we get some trailers and release dates for next gen games including my most-anticipated of them all.
Horizon Zero Dawn 2!
2020 is shaping up to be quite the year!
2020 is gonna be pretty great for me.Cyberpunk 2077, TLOU PT.2, Persona 5 Royal, Persona 5 Scramble, Yakuza Like A Dragon, Watch Dogs:Legion, and hopefully if I'm lucky Vampire:The Masquerade Bloodline 2. My wallet isn't gonna looking to good though.
I’m most looking forward to Cyberpunk 2077, Doom eternal, The last of us part 2, and Ghosts of Tsushima. And these all come out in the first half of the year! 😀
How am I supposed to feel excited about any of these when the logo looks the way it looks? I mean... sorry, trolling level back down to 0 now.
Most excited for TLOU2 and maybe Ghosts. Haven’t seen anything yet that I know I’ll be playing.
👻 ghost of tshushima and streets of rage 4.oh yeah.word up son
Trials of mana is a game im waiting for also.word uo son
@ShaiHulud oh boy yeah there is that too.
@Ralizah. Thats a horrible list playa. No 👻 ghost of tshushima.last of us.nioh.trials of mana.streets of rage 2.doom thats a amazing list chief.word ☝ up son
@MurmenRider43 Oh dang, totally forgot about the two Personas, Yakuza and Vampire. It’s going to be an absolute banger of a year.
@playstation1995 Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.
Ghost Of Tshushima is easily my most anticipated...absolutely can not wait!
Then followed very closely by Final Fantasy VII Remake,Dying Light 2,Resident Evil 3,Persona 5 Scramble (I'm assuming this will get a western release)and The Last Of Us 2...pretty much in that order.
FFVII, Cyberpunk, TLoU2, Ghost of Tsushima and the PS5. It's going to be one good year.
Streets of Rage
Ghosts looks cool but I want to see more gameplay from it
dreams and last of us 2 are the only two i'm interested in at the minute.
the actual gameplay demonstrations of cyberpunk 2077 looked hugely underwhelming to me, and no matter how detailed everything else is, that's a problem i find difficult to overcome. I ditched the witcher 3 after about 8 hours or so because i couldn't take anymore of its naff clunky combat.
i'm hoping that ghost of tsushima is something more than an assassin's creed in a feudal japan skin. the ship has sailed on samurai's creed, imo. it does look pretty, i'll give it that.
My most, most, most anticipated is Cyberpunk 2077 but I'm excited for FFVIIR, Resi 3 and TLoU Part 2.
@leucocyte Yes, I've got the same gameplay issues with the Witcher, so I'll be skipping Cyberpunk as well probably.
If you are playing The Witcher 3 for the combat then you're playing it wrong!
It's all about the characters, the story, losing yourself in that world. As you progress you get better anyway and using signs is always pretty cool.
I don't like 'gamey' games, that's not why I play. If were still platformers and action/fighting games then I probably wouldn't be into gaming at all.
The likes of Dark Souls and Sekiro don't appeal to me at all, neither do indie games like Hollow Knight and Celeste.
Gaming is gaming and at the end of the day play what you like but I've heard some people slag off the controls and combat in a lot of games that I love (RDR2, Witcher 3, Last of Us, God of War) but those games offer so much more.
I still think that Cyberpunk won't have the same success as The Witcher 3 because it will be 1st person. This will be great for pc players, but for consoles, it won't. So the success of The Witcher 3 in all platforms is related to the fact that it was good to play with both a controller or a mouse/keyboard.
Still, it is in my top three for next year, along with Ghost of Tsushima .
I think that Skull and Bones won't deliver, Beyond Good & Evil 2 is yet tba and Mount and Blade 2 is tbc, so I really don't have a third game..
My top three most hyped games this year:
Honourable Mentions!
You got my attention when you mentioned the Valkyria Chronicles' team. First I heard of Sakura Wars, will keep an eye out for it, cheers.
@leucocyte I think the combat in The witcher 3 is not that clunky and actually, after a while, I really started to enjoy it. You have two modes of movement in the options, the first and original and the one they added later. Have you tried both?
.... my thoughts are that I'm not getting any PS4 exclusives this year - and waiting for PS5 - because undoubtedly they'll "soup them up" (spice them up?) for the PS5 release... Games like Ghosts and Legion and Cyberpunk will no doubt be "enhanced for PS5" - so I'm going to wait... try and spend 2/3 of this year mopping up my backlog...
@OneManDroid I know what you mean. I probably have enough games to last me until the summer anyway so might be better off waiting for the PS5 before playing the likes of Cyberpunk and FFVII.
Last of Us though? Hmm, not sure I can wait that long!
Close call between TLoU2 and FF7R for me, but also really excited for Ghost of Tsushima and Streets of Rage 4! No interest in Cyberpunk at the moment to be honest, after Skyrim I kinda find it hard to get excited for first person RPGs, but I'm open to changing my mind.
@Col_McCafferty It's nice if games feature interesting characters and story lines (even though that's very, very rare), which the Witcher certainly does, but I'm the opposite to you, as I play games for the gameplay aspect. It's what sets video games apart from other media in my opinion. If I want interesting characters or narratives I'd rather read a book. Ah well, each to their own of course!
@ShaiHulud Hmm but with a book the only thing you control is turning the page!
Sorry but that analogy doesn't work.
It's the whole package, the combat isn't bad in the Witcher 3 but it's obviously not the game's main strength same with RDR2. I don't want to just play games where it's all about combos and collecting gold coins and it's all bright and bubbly with cartoonish sound and visual effects.
Those sort of games I played as a kid, I've moved on and want something more sophisticated and immersive.
@LowTech In my opinion if a person writes off a game with this many reasons to be excited and faithful for it to be great, just over something as bearable and rather small imo as your POV, then they don't deserve to play the game in the first place.
@Col_McCafferty I like the analogy even though it doesn't make a lot of sense
I daresay games like Dark Souls and Hollow Knight are quite sophisticated though, and they give plenty of narrative by showing rather than telling.
@ShaiHulud As do the likes of Witcher 3 and Red Dead.
Anyhoo, play what you want. It's all good, man.
@Col_McCafferty I'd say they do more of telling rather than showing, but like you said, whatever floats your boat!
@DonJorginho I didn't 'wrote off' the game. It will probably be a good game (and I really hope that). Both on consoles and pc. But it won't be as good as in one platform as the other.
I just explained why I thought it wouldn't have the same success.
But, you think that a guy playing with a controller will have the same experience as a guy with a mouse/keyboard?
So how does that so many games have different scores for pc and consoles? I'll answer that: different experiences or different gameplay experience.
Kingdom come deliverance way of combat is praised by pc players, and exactly the opposite happens by console players.. this is just an example.
But ok, it is your oppinion and is a valid one.
just Dragon Ball Z Kakarot and FINAL FANTASY VII Remake for me if i'm honest
i think most of this year will be saving for a PS5 and so i'll be working through my back log mainly
EDIT: although i might get Streets of Rage 4, that's a very nostalgic series for me, my brother and i would play SoR2 co-op every day after school
@LowTech I am not saying you lol, I am saying people who immediately write off a game simply off its POV, regardless of how good it looks.
I am simply saying that users (not you) shouldn't write off games so quickly as many FPS games have felt really good to play with a controller.
Maybe it is just me but I enjoy both the same, PC is normally better and well optimised but there is no reason CD can't make a really responsive FPS systems that doesn't reduce the enjoyment for controller users.
Most hyped for CyberPunk and TLOU2 at the high end of the scale, but also Fall Guys at the lower end. That looks batsh*t crazy bananas, which is right up my street!
@DonJorginho oh, sorry. I totally misread that.
Yes, I agree with you. But it will happen. And I agree that there are many games that do a really good job when you're playing with a controller. But that goes off the window as soon as you play them online and find someone playing with a mouse and keyboard..
@LowTech Oh I agree if you want to play multiplayer games then never go near controllers man, just setting yourself up for failure.
As long as CD Projekt really optimise the controller mechanics and general feel of their controls then I think it will play well for people with either console or PC
Doom Eternal for me. (And BotW2 if there's any chance of that coming out this year...)
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