Update (21st January): It's been brought to our attention that there's actually nothing new about the slogan "It's Time to Play", as it was used in a PlayStation marketing campaign late last year. Sony may be in the process of revamping its commercials ahead of the PS5, and this may be the first sign of that, but we can probably file this 4chan rumour in the rubbish pile for now.
Original Article: PlayStation appears to be in the process of changing its company slogan. Over the course of this generation, it's mainly gone with 'For the Players' (or #4ThePlayers at points) as well as 'Best Place to Play'. But if you take a look at PlayStation Europe's Twitter profile (as pointed out by Twitter user @VideoTech_) it now says "It's time to play".
Now, there's a chance that this could just be part of a fresh look for the social media account, but the way that it leads the rest of the text makes it seem more important than that. We could well be looking at the PlayStation 5 slogan.
And this is where it gets juicy. There was a massive PS5 leak posted to 4chan (this link contains some strong language) one week ago at the time of writing this article. We didn't report on it because, well, it's 4chan -- supposed rumours and leaks are always being posted by anonymous sources, and the vast majority turn out to have no bearing on reality.
However, this leak states that PlayStation's new slogan for the PS5 will be "It's time to play". Either this poster's made a really lucky guess, or there's actually some truth to the leak.
The post features a long list of PS5 details. We've broken down the main points below:
- PS5 reveal event set for 5th February 2020
- PS5 release date is in October 2020
- PS5 price is $499/£449, only one model
- PS5 launch games include: Gran Turismo 7, MLB The Show 21, Demon's Souls Remastered, Godfall, Legendz (new IP from Sony Santa Monica Studio)
- Games teased at PS5 reveal: Horizon: Zero Dawn sequel, Marvel's Spider-Man sequel, new sci-fi IP from Naughty Dog, new IP from SIE Japan, new IP from London Studio, Final Fantasy XVI, new Resident Evil
- PS5 specs "almost on par" with Xbox Series X, leak claims Series X is more expensive, PS5 more powerful than cheaper Xbox "Lockhart"
- PS5 slogan is "It's time to play"
Some of this sounds feasible -- namely the reveal event date, the October release, and the pricing, but there are parts of the leak that throw it into question. Most obvious of all is that the poster says Sony will be at E3 2020 in order to share more information about the PS5. Obviously that's not right. Since this leak was posted, Sony confirmed that it won't be attending E3 2020. Sony's plans could have changed between then and now, but we highly doubt it.
So this is where we're at: the leak seems to be spot on with the part about the PS5 slogan. Just about everything else seems reasonable, too -- but there are a couple of details that simply don't add up. Again, the poster may have just gotten very lucky with their predicted slogan -- it's impossible to say right now.
All we can do is wait and see whether Sony does announce an event for the 5th February. If that's really happening, then you'd expect the company to reveal its plans over the next week or so.
What do you make of all this? Could the leak be accurate? Or at least partially accurate? Jump to conclusions in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com, via twitter.com, boards.4channel.org, reddit.com]
Comments 73
This leak ranges too wildly to take with salt.
I've seen this rumour before and I think it was debunked.
I hope people are reading the article before posting a comment.
A lot of that sounds entirely reasonable with the launch games logical as are the reveals for the event. Resident Evil VII launched a couple of years ago and as RE2 and 3 were largely developed together you'd imagine another team could have made progress. Then to sell the console using Horizon and Spider-Man 2 would make sense, especially if Horizon Zero Dawn is moving to PC to entice some gamers over.
Specs wise, there has been suggestions of a secondary GPU of sorts, maybe a part for ray tracing which could make it add up to something like the series X and the price makes sense. If true I guess it won't be long before we find out
“It’s time to pay”
Nothing there seems too far fetched, exciting times ahead!
All seems feasible. New scifi IP from ND and New IP from Sony Japan was like slamming an expresso...woke me right up lol. Im day one regardless but if this turns out to be all true then even better
You got it all wrong. "It is TIME to play", time as in multiplication! The next playstation will be the PS-Time, or PSX. No that doesn't feel right.
Yeah it's probably just a coincidence and the leaker got lucky.
Four hundred and fifty of the English Queens pounds................imma wait till Pro Evo is out fully editable before I am pouncing. Far to many PS4 games and most of them are remakes to get thru 1st.
If PS5 runs its games smoothly, who cares if it isn't the most powerful.
"Games teased at PS5 reveal: Horizon: Zero Dawn sequel, Marvel's Spider-Man sequel, new sci-fi IP from Naughty Dog, new IP from SIE Japan, new IP from London Studio, Final Fantasy XVI, new Resident Evil" if this is true than this is sony's 2020 e3 but in februari
FFXVI? New Resident Evil? I kinda doubt it. The Sci Fi game from Naughty Dog sounds questionable but so fabulous that I absolutely want to believe it.
@kyleforrester87 Im ready. I’d buy it tomorrow if it was available.
“Games teased at PS5 reveal: Horizon: Zero Dawn sequel, Marvel's Spider-Man sequel, new sci-fi IP from Naughty Dog, new IP from SIE Japan, new IP from London Studio, Final Fantasy XVI, new Resident Evil”
I want to believe...
It is pretty impressive they knew the new slogan, but they were wrong about E3. Hmm, well everyone keeps saying February for a reveal so I guess we will find out soon enough.
@kyleforrester87 Are you saying that in a vengeful action hero kind of way, or an evil corporation kind of way?
What if we were reading the article but then stopped at this sentence? 😉
"We didn't report on it because, well, it's 4chan"
Well I kept reading anyway, and how is MLB The Show a "launch title" in October when it releases each and every year in March? That makes no sense.
@kyleforrester87 "It's time: To pay."
it will be in feb
@Th3solution they've gotta be making something right? Left UC, TLOU2 is out this year...
What kills it for me is actually MLB The Show. 20 comes out in March, would they really then release 21 in October? Seems like this leaker knew sports games usually have the upcoming year in the title but didn't know that MLB The Show actually always has the current year.
I think they just got lucky with the slogan.
@ShogunRok all the best slogans are open to interpretation my dear boy!
No mention of giant enemy crabs. This is not legit.
The "It's time to play" has already been used by PlayStation in the past. https://youtu.be/_--zg6Ycnvs
It’s reasonable for me to be honest. MLB coming out in October is odd though, why not wait until at least Spring Training?
@ShogunRok What is this … reee deeng you speak of?
A lot of this is wildly believed from rumours already, but other bits like new IPs seem far fetched and really suspicious of Santa Monica game called 'Legendz' for launch. I'd love a ND sci-fi game and the reveal to be my birthday so lets hope I'm proven to be wrong.
If it plays Ps4 discs it's day one if not i will wait.
@nessisonett @rjejr Yeah Sammy pointed this out as well, the Baseball B*stard that he is. It's possible but it seems unlikely — another strike against the leak.
As someone who likes staying on top of the leak scene regarding Smash, this leak sounds too good to be true.
I get the idea behind teasing so many big times sequels at the reveal event, but they would be better left for surprises at Sony's own venue. Y'know, give people something to look forward to down the road past the initial launch lineup.
I think the most unbelievable part is FF16. They seem to have only just finished part one of FF7 remake lol Naughty Dog with a scifi game? Jak and Daxter reboot?
If the poster is true idk if the launch lineup is strong enough to get me to buy day one, but that Naughty Dog Sci-fi game definitely would!
I'll go on record as to say there is NO WAY The Show 2021 is a launch title in October 2020. The Show 2020 releases in March and it's not feasible.
as if s-e is ready to show off ff xvi... come on now! sounds bogus to me... just a bunch of educated guesses, some of which could happen, sure, but there is nothing concrete here. of course i can see gt 7 being a launch game, along with demon's souls etc. and the the launch price of $499 sounds reasonable enough.
@Danloaded To be fair, I'd imagine FFVII and FFXVI would be done by different teams, like how FFXIV has it's own team.
@BarefootBowser I don't read into the more "powerful" console debate. It don't matter how many gigs, rams, or fans you have, if you can't make good, interesting, challenging games than it's all pointless. XBox One has one of the worst dashboard setups in history, full of useless ads and media. A i haven't found a game that has kept my attention for more than 2 hours. I end up replaying X360 games that i enjoyed years ago.
Also look at the Switch: the least powerful current console/handheld, but has games such as Breath of the Wild, Mario Odyssey, Smash Bros, Pokemon, and various ports and indies that are all awesome games.
I'm looking forward to Horizon 2, God of War 2, and many other PS games. I'll be buying a PS5 for sure, unless the Switch Pro is released around the same time
@Luna-Harmony exactly what l was thinking, if there is any ps4 compatibility 'coming soon' then forget day one but, l'm thinking it will be
@Orpheus79V true but square enix arent exactly time efficient no matter what team is doing it lol
The Warriors come out to playyyyyy.easily my top 5 movies of all times.lets get ps5.word upson
Yeeeeah, right. All this specific leak but not even basic imortant specs? Memory? Ssd storage? Controller features? ...take this with an ocean of salt.
It seems plausible but I don't believe it, all of the "insiders" seems to be coming out of woodwork this day in the beginning of new gen lol. Maybe it's true but unless all of it is true I don't believe this insiders, I'll wait for february.
Also, I like the design, I hope it come in piano black
I just wish this was true cause I really want another game from SIE Japan lol
Hey! So, About the 5th February thing. Well, Sony DOES have an event on this date. It is the Teipei Game Show, it’s gonna happen in Taiwan (I think) and Sony already confirmed presence. Now we just have to wait!
Demon souls remastered plz!
This slogan was in that PS4 trailer a month or so ago with Crash driving through the parking garage. This is fake.
Hope theyre wrong about that launch lineup, YIKES!
Other than the santa monica game having a tonne of potential the rest is mega boring and with an air of oldness, seems like sony would come out of the gates with something bigger.
Either way its day 1 for me.
@Danloaded damn I’d love to see jak & daxter on ps5!
It's about damn time that you got rid of that slogan you were never for the players all you cared about is yourself that's why I left ps4 in the dust
Project Siren/Team Gravity will be hard at work on something. Wishful thinking would be Gravity Rush 3, but more than likely it will be new IP or maybe a new Siren game. Whatever they are working on, it would probably be easy enough to guess that a reveal could be close.
@PaulDanby156 By all means, tell us more.
No way will they tease all thoses games in one show lol, I'd be surprised if we didn't see last of us online standalone game or gurrila games online project which looks most likely socom at launch for PlayStation 5, this leak is rumours that have been around for along while now
@naruball think about it they promised backwards compatibility on ps4 but took it off doing so replaced it with the ps now rubbish that's why I'm against the slogan for the players
I’m still waiting on news about backward compatibility and remote play feature.
This gen I went mostly all in on PS4 but MS improved on both fields beyond what I feel Sony did, to the point I stared regretting my decision (but that XBONE laugh was so bad....)
Right now I find digital purchases are “safer” on Microsoft console. I don’t have to buy again games from last two gens that suddenly started working on the XBO, even third party ones. I did have to re-buy PS2 games on my PS4. Will that change? If PS3 games become playable, will I just be able to download my PS1, PS2 & PS3 digital games on the PS5? Or will I have to buy them yet once more? What about disk based? Will I just be able to insert a disk? Will they go further than MS and let me insert any disk without requiring downloads? Because that alone will make the PS5 win.
Eventually I’ll own both new consoles, but I’m only getting one at launch and it will be the one with better, most customer friendly, backwards compatibility. In-home-streaming’s features will be the tide switched I’d both are tied in BC.
I came straight to the comments without reading the article. What did I miss? 😂
not sure i'd believe any of that, to be honest. seems like it's repeating a lot of rumours or educated guesswork. i'd be very surprised if sony announced the price 8 months before it launches, even if it they are targeting $499. october 2020, rather than nov 2020, might be an educated guess that sony will want to get to market first. HZD and spiderman sequels are unlikely to release in the first year of PS5, and i think insomniac and guerrilla will release different projects before either of those, so showing these at a PS5 reveal seems like wishful thinking to me. whilst a new IP from naughty dog is likely after TLoU2, i'm sceptical they'd show it off this early.. though they did so with TLoU2 at PSX2016. surely godfall is a multiplatform release?
GT7 revealed at PS5 event for launch. will actually arrive in 2022.
I'm concerned about some of the PS5 news. If it is ruby at the high clock rate, leak covered in detail by DF, and again here we are hearing again here it will be trying to push performance to the Xbox level. This is going to push heat, and will need cooling. PS4s are already loud and they are heavily under clocked to keep heat under control. If Sony is trying to match faster silicone like this it may well lead to problems. I'd prefer they ignored Xbox and just made a well balanced unit based on the hardware they have committed. Games over frames. Play to their strengths in their IP catalogue not get caught up in a performance race they appear to have a disadvantage.
'its time to play' has been the slogan they're using for a few months. It was on all the PS4 ads on TV. Take a look at the UK PS4 web page.
If Gran Turismo 7 is a launch title, I will look forward to playing it two years after launch.
Everything in this seems clearly possible.
The only question for me is if they will reveal, or at least tease, the PSVR 2 at the same time. But I'm doubting they will. I'm guessing they will focuss on the main platform, first.
But maybe, just a tease, Sony ? That would be so cool !
Final fantasy 16? Wow that's early showing us a playstation 6 title already
PS5 specs "almost on par" with Xbox Series X
from when 23% difference in GPU power means "almost on par" ?
@Hordak Nothing🤣
Wouldn't it be better saying - 'It's time to Play...Station'
I did some digging an actually the time to play slogan predates the "leak"
this was released in November 2019
Yea this article is ridiculous.
Then they ll attack some youtuber for no reason.
@PaulDanby156 if that happens, feel free to criticize them. Till then, let's stick to the facts
@lilrizky Posted the same thing, but strangely the comment was deleted without notice
There is a lot wrong with the list.
First, it is made of expectations already in play.
Secondly. is the talk about a competitor. Sony has no idea about the pricing of Series X. If both boxes are similarly powered, they will be similarly priced. Sony is not taking that big of a loss on the build or Microsoft is going to be that much more overpriced with similar specs. That alone should be a giveaway that this is another thirteen year old fanboy list. And god I hope the PS5 is more powerful then a Lockhart (which is not officially even known to exist - again talking about a competitor info as facts)
Third, unless the launch window is considered 6 months then MLB in October makes no sense as it usually arrives in Spring. And in 2021 the game is going multi-plat. So not exactly going to be exclusive at that point anyways.
Fourth, 4chan. Yup that is reliable. /s
I'd rather stick with For the Players. Sounds a little bit more inspired than "time to play" or time to do anything.
Best way to make folks buy your bullsh*t? Surround it with truth.
The new "catchphrase" was leaked last year, as for the rest of it, well, here in scotland we have a phrase:
I smell sheee-yite
No e3...
Also, where does the source, allegedly from sony, know price of Microsoft console...
Its clever, but yeah, before pulling yersels off over this leak, I'd wait....
I won't be buying a PS5 for a few years but I'm excited to know what's under the hood I really am from being a pc tech geek I wanna know about that SSD. I'm thinking is a .m2 SSD as they can report a 3000mb/sec read write if your get the most expensive obes
@ShogunRok "I hope people are reading the article before posting a comment."
"It's been brought to our attention..."
Too bad you didn't read the comments before posting the article. 🤣
I'm just messin' w/ ya. 😉
Unless this leak was posted before Nov 2019 it's time to play slogan is not new a quick google would tell you that it's a ps4 slogan if you google it's time to play u will see a live action trailer showing all sony characters ending with the slogan it's time to play I wish news publications would research more before getting everyone hyped so there's no lucky guess needed neither does there need to be any truth to this rumour
@carlos82 I just don't know if they'd have kept "HZD2" so quiet for all this time and not just teased it before, like alongside "Godfall" or something. - They could still drop a trailer this year of course, but it seems a little late... Unless it's just perfect.
And I'm especially not sure they'd do that if they are to work on getting the original game to the PC. - Yea, Guerilla is quite the studio now, and reportedly they're also moving to an actual larger building this year, which probably means they could make multiple teams for different projects. - But I honestly don't know how far along a second game would really be and if it would be anywhere near finished. Considering their last release was in 2017 (the DLC to the first game), it's possible.
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