Update (18th January): In addition to the executives outlined in the original article, Naughty Dog staffers Arne Meyer and Scott Lowe have also been spotted at PlayStation HQ, as the Japanese giant is clearly holding a summit ahead of the PS5's reveal.

Original Article: Excuse us while we go gossip column for a hot minute, but several Sony executives have been spotted in the San Francisco area. Recently minted Worldwide Studios chief Hermen Hulst was the first to post that he was in the area, but then Sucker Punch communications boss Andrew Goldfarb and indie evangelist Shuhei Yoshida were both snapped in the city.
Could it be a coincidence? Absolutely, but it makes sense that PlayStation may want to pull all of its top brass together ahead of an anticipated reveal event for its upcoming next-gen console. Is that what’s going on here? Your guess is as good as ours – but if system architect Mark Cerny happens to pop up in any of these pics, then you can expect hype levels to soar.
[source twitter.com, via twitter.com]
Comments 58
slow news day
@JonnyMack I wouldn't say so, people have speculated that the reveal is weeks away and it is a mighty fine coincidence to have multiple Sony higher ups, as well as someone working on one of their last major PS4 titles all in the same city.
@JonnyMack lazy comment day
@antdickens Reply of the day goes to you kind sir.
@DonJorginho People on internet make stuff up.....Personally I'd wait for the word from the horses mouth and not sub par Buzzfeed style nonsense
Someone was talking about a WWS meeting on twitter. Not sure if related.
@JonnyMack People on the internet also get stuff right funnily enough mate.
Sammy didn't say it was fact, he was just informing us of something that could be of interest, and I for one am grateful for him informing me about this as I like a good bit of speculation.
Push Square are easily one of the best independent PS News sites out there so I wouldn't throw dirt on them, especially dirt in the shape of Buzzfeed comparisons.
@JJ2 Think it could be them confirming their plans for the PS5 Reveal?
No idea haha
Sony Bosses Descend on San Francisco as Knack 3 Reveal Looms
@Octane Knack 3: The Knackening
@JJ2 Fingers crossed for Knack 3 details
@DonJorginho @Octane It's got to be Knack 3: Absolutely Knackered
@ShogunRok @DonJorginho Knack 3: Knack, Knack, Knackin' on Heaven's Door
@ShogunRok Why didn't I think of that? Maybe my brain is a bit knackered too....
@Octane Oh my god
sony playstation WWS headquarters are about 20 minutes from san francisco. it's probably nothing more than current progress/strategy meeting.. even if mark cerny and jim ryan are seen rocking into town as well.
@Neolit My god that brings back memories, what a crazy story behind the making of that film!
@Neolit Knack 4: The Last Knack
Gotta get back
Back to the top
Samurai Knack!
(Watch out!)
@1_W1NG3D_4NG3L "i was going more for a play on return of the Mack by Mark Morrison"
Just wanted you to know I got this straight off, so your effort wasn't in vain
Also... Knack 5: Knick Knack Paddywack
My uncle who works for PlayStation says that they are gathering for a summoning ritual of some sort. Could Knack 3 actually be happening?
Syphon filter confirms.word up son
I hope the reveals is this month, I can't wait anymore, I want to know ps5 now
I don't know what they are doing, but its about time they come out of hiding! They need to do more public speaking. They could even do hosting on the State of play videos. PlayStation needs and deserves a face not just a voice. It helps people connect to the PlayStation brand.
As far as Push Square goes I commend them on their work. Coming up with something every day to keep people engaged is very hard to do. It's why I visit daily, my guess it's your reason also.
One gigantic meh bubble of shruginess.
"Here's our overpriced monster box, kids! Are you hyped? Are you super excited? Welp.... Pay up!"
@Neolit Knack 5: Knick Knacks
$499 price point. No "Pro" console at launch & base PS5 will be just as powerful as Xbox X.
@Octane Everybody (Knackstreets Knack)
I maybe getting xbox this time around. I have a base and pro and plenty games and exclusives still to get through but the xbox and game pass is appealing to me and only due to the fact that psn games are utter crap or we already own them. I'm sick of paying for ea. Ps now every now and then and also psn. Sony needs to get a grip of this if they even think they are gonna kill it with the ps5 this next gen. Alot of people only buy the ps4 due to being alot cheaper. And don't forget the amount of crashes the ps4 had this gen. If Sony don't do something special then im not afraid to abandon ship and only due to being a ps fan since the first ps console but i have bought 3ehd this past year due to my console crashing whilst having it plugged in and I won't forgive Sony for making poor choices when it comes to hardware. And also the price list on the UK store is a joke. Old games going for 50 quid. Sony this ps5 better make me a cup of coffee if u want some forgiveness 😂
PS4 still going strong with gems 6 years later.
Knack, knack!
Who's there?
Knack who?
Knack three.
@SirRealDeal One X or Series X?
Series X
Dark Cloud 3. I know I’ve been posting that comment for 15 years but one day it’ll happen. I hope...
@AhmadSumadi We all hope. Keep believing Ahmad.
@Octane Knack: The Second Coming
B/c it's the 3rd game and hey it worked for Sucker Punch to launch the PS4.

The Stone Roses do the theme song. Ten Storey Love Song.
Does Sony own the rights to the champion of norrath series? Because if anything needs a comeback....its this.
@AhmadSumadi I now have the delightful music of Rainbow Butterfly Woods in my head.
@Cutmastavictory They used to until they sold off Sony Online Entertainment a few years back
@Areus I know they sold then, but I thought they at least had rights to the assets and name. Wishful thinking on my part.
@DonJorginho Tom Clancy’s: Knack 3
@Bobskie77 what you on about PS4 being a lot cheaper? You’ve been able to buy an Xbox for about £170 in the UK for years now. Much cheaper than the PS4 entry price...
Also my PS4 I don’t think has never crashed.
@playstation1995 No man Legend of Dragoon. 😆
Wish list. New INFamous, GoW2, HZD2, Spidey 2, Resistance Reboot, 2 new IPs (FPS, true RPG or Action/Adventure) another crack at PS All Stars, The Order2, Full VR RPG, VR fighting game. 3 new studio acquisitions.
@Neolit Would that make the 5th game Episode V: The Empire Strikes Knack?
@Dodoo never crashed yeah whatever all ps4s have had some sort of crash that takes u to a blue screen. I've bn gaming for twenty years and if u ain't ever had a blue screen then ur the only one. And u can't buy a brandnew one x for 170 or a pro. All of them are still holding there value. Who wants a pre owned peace of plastic. It's about the only time u can get a xbox or ps for that price. Can't afford it then go buy from someone u can trust. Argos are back to charging 449 for the one x and ps4 pro back to 350.
Are they wearing flowers in their hair? If not, no story.
Their head office is in SF. Cerny will have been working there almost full time for years. More clickbait.
@ApostateMage the delight I got from playing it again when they released it on PS4 felt like 2005 all over again. Even got the platinum trophy. I’m almost tempted to play it again. One of my all-time favorites.
@Bobskie77 Utter nonsense in reference of all PS4's crashing. You have no evidence of this and only make this claim to try and add weight to your bias. For the record, I have both a launch PS4 and a day one PS4 Pro. Neither have crashed as you described.
As for your "20 years of gaming", is that another attempt to strengthen your argument? It adds nothing to the validity of your claim. I've been gaming for approximately 40 years. Does that make me right and you wrong?
Well its bloody true. And the fact sony have the worst response time to any consumer support.
@Bobskie77 also to validate on Google why do ps4 keep crashing and see how many reddit users have also had the crash and its always when a games updating or something is corrupted.and yet i bought a brandnew Pro and also it got the same response about a wk after owning it. And with having 3ehd in the space of a year I've had over a 100 crashes with my old ps4 my slim also my pro.each and every one of my ps4 have had a crash during an update and all give u the same blue screen with the error. Would happen alot with my vr also. Sonys firmware always crashes becuase it can't keep up. Why the hell do u think the ps4 sounds so loud it's on full overdrive trying to support whatever firmware ur putting into it. U guys can blow each other all day for all I care about how great ur ps4 is. When for starters if any of u have never had a crash then ur point is unvalid for the giving a response due to to be not experiencing said issure. But I can assure u ps4 has had a ton of crashes.
@AhmadSumadi That takes some dedication to get the plat for Dark Chronicle. Props.
@Bobskie77 Oh dear. You claimed that EVERY PS4 has crashed, with no evidence other than your own experience and some commenters on Reddit. We offered our experience that we have suffered no such crashes, rendering your claim factually inaccurate, and now you're throwing a strop and insulting people.
Wind your neck in before you make a bigger fool of yourself.
Aggressively unzips and drops pants
The hype train is screaming down the tracks calling at all stations between here and November please ensure you have your tickets ready for inspection
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