There’s no end to the jaw-dropping Dreams creations, but this may just be the most spectacular we’ve seen so far. Fans of Fallout 4 will feel at home immediately, because it’s inspired by Bethesda’s popular PlayStation 4 game. This isn’t any old janky recreation, though – the menu screen has been replicated perfectly, while the hub area that you can explore matches the visual fidelity of the original campaign closely.
Rather than tell you how impressive this is, we’ll let you witness it for yourself in the short video clip embedded above. If you own Dreams and you want to give this a go, you can add it to your Play Later queue through here.
Comments 21
Running out of superlatives now.
I checked out that one today and it’s absolutely insane. It plays even better than it looks and Dreams only just came out.
What the heck...just how large is the processing "space" of a dreams level? Could we make an entire open world like Fallout 4?
@AFCC See the open world level I posted about yesterday. You can make sandbox maps but you have to be smart about it.
looks to run better than Fallout as well
@AFCC you can Create Open World but not in Witcher 3/Skyrim Scope yet!! maybe in future, when they added special enhancement for this purpose alone in Dreams, like VR and Multiplayer...
but for now, you should be so smart to handle everything to become Open World...
Man! When i played this last night i couldn't stop saying "theres no way, this is crazy" just over and over lol.
I wish i had WAY more time, i have a serious need to make my own little horror game
Probably runs and looks better than fallout
Familiar likeness? Ohhhhhkay. That was a pretty spot on “likeness”. Dreams is showing just how amazing its tools are...and the talent level of the people using them.
I think Sony are missing a trick with Dreams.
They could have monetised it so that people’s created games could be sold via the software itself. The creator gets a cut and Sony get the rest.
It could be the only software anyone ever needs
Also that way it would be easy for them to pack it in with PS5 hardware.
Well...I see dreams as a huge opportunity for people who want to make video games. They can create chapter 1 or a prequel to a game and then crowd fund for a commercial release or get their idea picked up by a studio in the same way.
That's the final destination for the software imo and I'll enjoy having the opportunity to faff around with it and create something truely pointless that no one will ever play.. Maybe a dipping doritoes on a train game. Who knows? The sky is the limit.
@Dodoo Dreams sounds a lot less enticing if you have to pay for the creations. I mean, they're very cool, and it's impressive, but most of them feel like tech demos, short levels and the like. You beat most of them in a few minutes. Having access to all of the creations for free is good thing IMO. I don't think I'd pay for them individually.
Great! Now that’s what I’m talking about. Most games in dreams are crap but this one got my attention. Still waiting for a proper tennis game though
Do you need Move controllers for this app?
@ILikeStake I believe there are 3 control schemes: Dualshock 4 manual, Dualshock 4 motion sensor, and Move controllers.
Second rate imitation!! least 'til they emulate the glitches & bugs just right!
@BarefootBowser Thing is, MM have already expressed an interest in doing something like this. I'd imagine there'd be certain criteria based on play-length, etc, though.
And when you think about how long it's been in development, and how much that must have cost, and that they plan to run it for years to come (perhaps across the life of the next generation), it doesn't seem implausible that this is part of their thinking when it comes to future income, especially when they've not built in loot boxes and MTs, etc.
@BarefootBowser Can't see microtransactions ending up in there, no. I think what they're really talking about is full on games of very high calibre. But I'm talking waaaay ahead in the future here, or at least that's what I got from the vid I saw this mentioned in briefly (IGN, I think - their What Dreams Means to Me one with MM staff).
@get2sammyb yeah I ended up seeing it and was impressed! Since you can chain dreams together I guess the games created can virtually be limitless?
Played a dreams version of sonic adventure yesterday & that one was my favourite so far
I mean Dreams is clearly using a better engine than Bethesda....
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