Now that Sony has officially announced that we'll be getting PlayStation 5 information tomorrow (the 17th March at the time of writing), some juicy quotes are beginning to pop up online as the hype train leaves the station.
On Twitter, id Software's lead engine programmer Billy Khan chimes in: "PS5 details will finally be made public tomorrow. My TLDR version - It’s awesome."
Seconding Khan's sentiment, ever-reliable Kotaku news editor Jason Schreier highlights a particularly exciting quote from an unnamed source: "One [technically minded person] told me it was "the most exciting hardware in 20 years." Just what does Sony have up its sleeve?
With the Xbox Series X specifications already made public, all eyes are now on PlayStation. Everything we've heard up to this point suggests that the two next-gen consoles will be very similar in terms of power and general functionality -- but it's starting to sound like the PS5 could be packing something special.
Either way, it won't be long until the beans are spilled.
[source twitter.com, via twitter.com]
Comments 63
PS3 backwards compatibility confirmed.
Gunna rub this in so hard.
Cerny about to deliver an absolute masterclass in Console Poker.
I've officially started my 24 hour countdown!
@lacerz me too and at least they are putting some bang behind it instead of just dropping the info and going "there you go" like MS did
i would have preferred if MS had actually put something special on
i thought the rumours from devs were that xbox was more powerful so not going to get my hopes up just yet - but hope it is more powerful still if it is i hate to think how much its going to cost
Makes tomorrow's livestream more exciting.
Hope Sony have handled BC as well as Microsoft appear to have done
Seems like the new Xbox is a bulked up version of what’s come before. That’s fine. But if Sony wants to really wow people, it’s got to be something more than that. It can’t be iterative, it’s got to be revolutionary in at least some way.
I surely can take some really awesome feature instead of XSX horsepower. But the All-PS BC it's most straight forward guess and that really doesn't hype me.
PS4 BC is enough for me.
I'll be the first one to say it then - SONY! TAKE! MY! MONEY!!!
I'm cautiously optimistic.
as the article points out... how these words should be taken, accounting the Series X details? It's something even better, somehow?? Really, while I was reading the Xbox specs I was thinking how Sony could even match it... Of course having the same parts is a md parts is almost a given, but "minor" key decisions such as the 32MB embbeded ram of the Xbox One could make or break the hardware...
Like because xbox has been jumping up and down for months to get attention some people thought ps5 would be some crap just (hardly) able to play the awesome games 🙄
so for what I've seen so far, Expandable SSD is a reality for the new generation of gaming, 1TB is not enough, since XBOX announced it today, much probably SONY will. I think its Ok, We have caught up to a new level of storage capacity, new memory cards in a different way.
It's gonna be the ssd that's way faster than nvme ssd I think, maybe we'll be back to snes cartridge era no loading time
Hard for me to imagine being blown away after seeing the Xbox stuff. I expect it to be in the same ball park but if they offer up some big surprises we didn't see coming, I wll really be shocked and awed. Excited for tomorrow.
Time to dust off that good book from the shelf and put Sony back in it people.
Full backwards compatibility and with enhancements, also done a deal with Sega so it plays Saturn and Dreamcast games 🤞 😂😂😂
They can say they were gonna announce at GDC or PAX or wherever but i think that's a smoke screen. They wanted MS to blow the lid off just to take a massive dump on it immediately afterwards. Dont get me wrong...I own them all because Ive always wanted too. Xbox 1 disappointed me on all fronts except gamepass. Sony and WWS are in their wheel house right now and i think Cerny created a beast with epic QoL features...and VR2 on the way!!!
not sure what could be 'special'
can't help but feel that it will simply be a mid range pc in a custom box - just like every console that came after the ps3 and xbox 360
It'll have an expansion port like the N64 which users can upgrade their Teraflops anytime they can afford to. I'm a Sony insider 😉
All I care about is full backward compatibility. In terms of pure power, it's obvious that the PS5 will be a powerful machine - it doesn't matter whether it beats XSX or not by raw numbers. The custom SSD will be there too. I can't think of anything more I wished for. But BC is THE most important aspect for me, especially the legacy systems (PS1, PS2, PS3). There ARE many PS3 exclusives which have not been ported to PS4. And I would be the happiest person if I could play Silent Hill 2 and Fatal Frame on PS5.
It'll likely have a similar power to the new Xbox. Full compatibility with previous consoles would get me very hyped though.
I'm so excited, MS have been nailing it with the Series X so if Sony can one up them then amazing.
Wait a minute I am not as hyped for PS5 as I was for the PS4 at launch. Sony had so much more exposure online with PS4 than today. Enough to make me jump from a high end PC to PS4.
I'm genuinely worried for some people who care so much about TFlops. I've seen a lot of people who will struggle to cope with ps5 nearly as many TF as Sex. There r some fanatics like the blue pill guy. Also the other way round if its got a lot less.
Either way the arrogance is pathetic.
Does it come with a cup holder?
@glassmusic what, like the ps3?
Frankly if all the system boasts is better specs and fancier graphics, there is not a snowball's chance in hell of it being anywhere remotely near "the most exciting hardware THIS year" Let alone in 20 years.
I'm sorry, it just wont be. Graphics are nice but I really dread how much focus both Sony and MS are putting on them.
Gameplay and story are what matter. If the game isn't fun and interesting, who cares how nice it looks?
And both PS5 and Xbox X are yet another standard console. With little to no innovation is seems. Yes there's all that fancy power under the hood, but from what I'm reading, all that power is good for is better graphics.
I have no doubt that Sony will not disappoint - even if it is significantly less powerful from a 'numbers' point of view.
For all those 'concerned' about the next gen being just more 'graphical' punch with little to innovate from a game-play perspective, the fact that they are not holding back on the CPU - the actual 'brains' of the console - should fill you with optimism. Of course some of that has to come down to Devs and either going for something that will sell or something more 'experimental' with risks. AC: Unity was 'groundbreaking' in the number of unique NPC's but the CPU couldn't handle that. The Jaguar CPU wasn't much of a step up from the PS3/360 - more cores but also half as fast. The money went on RAM and GPU to make games look next gen at a time when the world was in an economic recession and analysts predicting console gaming was dead...
I do think that Graphics matter - its one part of the equation and the 'first' impression anyone gets. A good looking game will get hype before anyone gets to play, gets to know the story etc. It can also break the immersion if the graphics are glitchy, too much pop-in of objects/textures etc, poor clipping, poor draw distances, weird animations etc etc - It breaks the immersion - just like poor frame rates can so anyone who says Graphics aren't important are not being truthful - they are just 1 part of the equation. If a game 'looks' good and plays well, it helps the story.
I do think that 'every' console made is the 'best' that's ever been seen/made before and no dev/publisher is going to come out say its not great....
@Heavyarms55 I have no idea i have not seen the console yet. I would be happy with 4K 60FPS and some great new games. 😆
@Flaming_Kaiser I don't mean I wouldn't be interested in it, or even happy with it. But so far, nothing Sony or MS have announced has me excited very much. It's just a whole lot of fancy specs to improve graphics and I need more than just better graphics on what is, functionally, the same device I already own several times, to be excited.
@Heavyarms55 Who knows maybe we will get some real cool news.
@Flaming_Kaiser I mean, I'm hoping they'll announce complete backwards compatibility all the way to PS1. That would really get me excited. But if it's just a PS4 Pro+, better graphics and exclusive games and no other new features? That's honestly about as interesting as replacing an iPhone with an iPhone...
T-minus 10 hours 56 minutes.
When it comes to BC, all I care about is my digital library. My digital library is PS3 and PS4, so BC with PS4 is gold. BC with PS3 is diamond.
Sony will announce a system that has more ram than the Series X. 20gb total. 16gb dedicated to games. 4gb dedicated to UI.
I'm not sure. Possibly. I do find the Sex memory maybe its weak spot along with SSD slower than ps5.
Funny how DF asked them why and Ms was like 'because!'.
@Heavyarms55 Well I'm sure that Sony has some cool things up their sleeve with their stated focus on 3D audio and VR. I have a feeling we're going to see a wireless PSVR 2 down the line with inside out tracking and hand tracking. I have complete faith in Sony, they haven't really let me down yet
@glassmusic well I think the fact that they've mentioned their focus on 3D/binaural audio and VR is a sign of great things to come. Plus we've seen some really interesting vr-related patents come from Sony recently. I have a feeling we're going to see full 3D audio support with their headsets for all 1st party games and a wireless PSVR 2 with inside out tracking and hand tracking. That's certainly more revolutionary than anything Microsoft has shown for the XBSX. I also think there will be full BC with PS3/PS4, tho I'm less certain if we'll see it for the older legacy consoles too
What a hysterical line.
Another iterative "Upgrade"... Half a grand and under the curve of current PC gaming tech and utterly unecessary since streaming is now an entirely viable replacement...
I'd say this is the very least exciting edition. There is nothing to be in anticipation of. Nothing is promised or given. It's just more cost.
I am fortunate enough to have both PS4 Pro and Xbox one X. I love both machines and they both have their advantages over each other in different ways. I am looking forward for both consoles and I'm saving hard for both of them with a little help of my flexible friend can't wait to see what the PS5 is offering!!!
Either way it's going to be a monster and unlike X and Pro games will be made to fully exploit its capabilities.
I think the PS5 must be more powerful than the new Xbox, otherwise Sony wouldn't be so quick on M$ heels with unveiling their specs.
We'll see in a few hours (depending on the depth of the dive), but it takes more than computing power bumps, loading time cuts and vfx buffs to define "the most exciting hardware in years" - or else the title would always belong to the most pimped and optimized PC rig you could assemble at a given moment. XBSX reveal hasn't trumped the last true excitement that came with the flexibility of Switch three years ago... or even the Wii and NDS before it - the previous latest machines to boast profound impact on video game medium. Said machines came less than 20 years ago, by the way, so I'm not sure what that tech minded person even meant, unless it was their nostalgic PS2 childhood speaking.😅
But bring it on, PS5. Being MOST exciting is optional at the end of the day; your predecessor technically wasn't but still went over 100 million copies on its gaming dedication and an evergrowing library alone.
@Real_Obsi "since streaming is now an entirely viable replacement..."
A resident Japanese or South Korean, I dare guess? You guys are proverbially lucky, but the rest of the world isn't quite there yet.😜
Yet I know Ill probably end up playing retro games on the thing...
@Real_Obsi Yeah i love paying for stuff that will never de mine or what i love the second the service goes down. Ill take that Box anyday over streaming.
@Reallythooo never said it was, i was saying people shouldn't be expecting a huge event full of games and stuff for a game developers tech presentation, that's not what this was ever going to be
this wasn't a E3 event it was a GDC event, it was always going to be technobable and power points
@Reallythooo oh what i meant was they was actually holding a presentation
i could and should have been a bit more clear on that point sorry
@DDarko Doesn't 3D audio require special audio equipment?
@kyleforrester87 nope, the thing doesn't even support full BC with PS4.
PS5 has weaker hardware than the Xbox does. Also...streaming is not and never will be a viable option for gaming. There's these technical limitations on it called physics.
Short answer: No.
Long answer: The idea of 3D audio is having sounds bounce off walls and ceilings at particular angles to give a sensation of locality and presence. With Atmos, you need a receiver to process the audio codec. Sony's 360 Reality Audio doesn't need to do that, instead it processes and angles, volume and distance, so you don't have to. PlayStation is taking the same approach by reinventing that technology and making it better.
@ChipBoundary what has physics gotta go with streaming over the internet? lol Hate to break it to ya, but with PS Now and XCloud, streaming is the future whether you wanna believe it or not
@TheCrustyJuggler it will support the vast majority of games. But then thats what Xboxes are for, playing the last gen.
@morrisseymuse the fact that you have to ask that one s just painful. Your school system failed you. Even transfer speeds at or near the speed of light, there is latency you can't overcome, no matter how powerful your hardware is. The farther away you get from the source, the greater the latency. This exponentially increases when streaming a game because it has to process on the server, reach the user, accept user input, and send it back. This introduces levels of latency that cannot and will not be overcome, ever. Physics will not allow it. THAT is what physics has to do with it. Streaming will never be viable, ever, period.
It works fine for a single person playing an RPG on their couch, but it doesn't work for ANY multiplayer applications. Which, this day and age...and forever in the future, will dominate the gaming industry by massive margins.
@ChipBoundary I understand latency you muppet!
You issue such moronic, blasé statements as "there's technical limitations called physics", yet I'm the one with a failed education here..?
Of course you can never get perfection with latency, but you can get it down to a virtually unnoticeable level with good software and hardware. I've used PS Now and XCloud and honestly didnt notice many lag hiccups on either. Digital and streaming are the future, thats just obvious. Now go get some ice and calm yourself down lol
@morrisseymuse it's called sarcasm and hyperbole, but clearly that's lost on you. That said, it doesn't matter how good the hardware or software is that you have, there will always be unacceptable levels of latency with that platform. I've used them as well, and the latency was abhorrent compared to running the game locally. I'm not speaking perfect latency, I'm speaking of merely "good enough". Budget machines, with mid-level Internet connections, struggle to maintain "good enough"....yet you want people to believe that a system that, by nature, inserts a minimum of four times the latency just by being what it is, is viable? You are absolutely out of your mind. You can't wash away latency by having good hardware and software, there's a certain amount that can NEVER be overcome because of the medium used...now you are suggesting to increase that amount?
I'm good though, not even a little upset. Just disappointed by your ignorance. Streaming is not, will not, and cannot be the future of gaming. It is flawed by design. Just like mobile gaming never will be. Everyone thought it was going to be...but it's not, and it won't ever be.
@ChipBoundary agressively patronising someone else is hyperbole and sarcasm now? Did you sleep through English lessons at school? have you even left school yet..? lol
Damn lad, show me on this doll where latency hurt you...! lol You seem awfully agressive and confident for someone who is now just waffling nonsense, I mean I suggested to increase latency somewhere in my post..?!
Take some deep breaths kid, latency isnt something worth crying about
@morrisseymuse so, you ask what streaming has to do with physics and I'm supposed to ignore the fact that you don't something a 5th grade science class knows? Physics is everything that ever happens for any reason, everything. Then you accuse me of patronizing you (which I wasn't), and let your imagination run wild with who I might be and proceed to ridiculously flail about trying to insult me on the Internet by attacking my supposed age. Finally you are confused about where you said to add latency. I told you, latency is already a problem in multiplayer games with games run locally. By doing it via streaming you are increasing the latency four fold and no amount of software or hardware can overcome it. It's just the nature of data repeatedly traveling long distances over a medium.
I wish you all the best in your gaming, and I truly hope you continue to find enjoyment in this beloved hobby for decades to come, whatever form it comes in. Stay safe during these crazy times, self-isolate, don't touch your face and wash your hands regularly. Have a great day, and I genuinely apologize if you thought I was patronizing you, that was not my intention.
@Callmegil Hmm I'd be interested to see... I guess, hear that and to understand how it works.
@Heavyarms55 You can try 360 Reality Audio for free, if you want. It works with any headset. If you want better results, you'll have to send Sony a picture of your ear (no joke on that — but only if you have one of their premium headphones).
@Callmegil That's... interesting. Maybe I'll look it up tonight.
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