Ubisoft has confirmed that Assassin's Creed Valhalla will release on both PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 in Holiday 2020. We assume that it'll be a PS5 launch game.
You can find the game's first trailer above. It's entirely cinematic, but it gives you a good idea of what to expect. You'll be playing as a viking as raiders invade England, and yes, the main character has a hidden blade of sorts. Cool!
Here's the official blurb from Ubisoft's press release:
Driven from Norway by endless wars and dwindling resources in the ninth century AD, players will lead Eivor’s clan of Norsemen across the icy North Sea to the rich lands of England’s broken kingdoms. Players must carve out a new future for their clan, reliving the ruthless fighting style of Viking warriors with a revamped combat system that includes the ability to dual-wield weapons against a greater variety of enemies than ever before. To secure resources players can lead raids to select locations using their longship to earn much-needed riches and resources. As the Vikings begin to settle in their new home, they encounter resistance from the Saxons including King Aelfred of Wessex, who denounces them as heathens and looks to be the sole ruler of a civilized England. Against all odds, Eivor must do what is necessary to keep Valhalla within reach.
How do you think it looks? Bring as many axes as you can carry into the comments section below.
Comments 69
So it's the same crap as with Origins, where all the advertising revolves around Xbox 🙄
looks great.
guess i know what my first ps5 game will be! (if all goes according to plan ofcourse)
Trailer gives nothing away but it definitely looks like a current gen game, scary to think that Hellblade 2 demo looked significantly better than this visually. That being said if it focuses on Odyssey's good points and cuts a little of the fluff this could be a great game and who doesn't like Vikings?
@Dreman99 as COD does with Playstation, it's just a marketing deal
I really want to know what sets next gen apart then, if we’re gunna have cross gen titles like this what makes the SSD such a game changer.
i didnt see any assassin creed in this at all, looks like the assassin creed name was slapped onto a bland boring viking game, or else it would not sell. maybe the assassin creed hoodie guys wil come as dlc, lol...
Keep in mind that this is just FMV so far
@kyleforrester87 nothing until a game is designed around it, my guess is next gen just gets 60fps at 4K and faster loading for cross gen stuff
@carlos82 sounds about right, guess we shouldn’t listen to a lot of the SSD hype then!
Wow news really did drop the minute I stopped checking it lol. I really hope they try and recreate more than just England, they proved they could create a big map with Odyssey and we have loads of Viking culture up in the North. In fact, the Viking festival up in Largs is a great time, gutted it’s not going to happen this year.
1. Eww xbox (sorry, just joking)
2. Ah when i think assassins, the FIRST thing i think of is big epic scale battles. Not stealth and solo raids. Nope.
3. Is it 2005 with launching CG only trailers?
4. I'll stop moaning, it looks freaking cool and the norse setting will be ace! I look forward to playing it
5. I should probably start Odyssey soonish 🙄
Fantastic trailer.
Looks great, though it'll probably be years down the line before I'd ever play it. Still haven't even started origins yet! Very impressive visually though, hope it ends up being great!
@carlos82 Yeah, it actually looks like something that should be pretty possible in late phase of PS5 cycle. Too bad it's gonna look exactly as the last AS did on PS4 with just a few tweaks.
So i saw an assassin in the trailer. It wasnt the protagonist but he was there. Speaking of he looks generic to me for a viking for some reason. I do like we get the hidden blade again and the eagle representing Odin fits. Honestly I need gameplay to make a proper judgement but it has my attention
@kyleforrester87 I can see it being one of those things that really shows its benefits a little bit into the generation, when developers abandon this one and get their heads around how it can benefit game design
@kyleforrester87 It'll still load ridiculously quickly. I have an average SSD in my PC and games take like a second to load maybe 4 at most, where the same game takes 30 or more on PS4. You can't read the loading screen messages (which is actually kind of annoying, ha).
But yeah, the game will still be the same structurally unless they design it just for PS5.
It might end up just like the PS4 launch. My first game for that was Black Flag and this could potentially be my first game for PS5. Same (lead) studio too.
This isn’t Assassins Creed.
Great. I completed Odyssey this month so will be looking at getting this one Day 1
@Matroska @carlos82 Yeah I am just concerned as I've read articles putting a lot of stock in how it'll do more than just result in games that load faster, but in reality we'll end up with higher resolutions/faster load times when you die/better graphics and ray tracing. Which is all great stuff, of course, but an expected upgrade in the way PS3 > PS4 was... structurally the same thing, as you say.
The trailer is great. It feels like watching the TV series again haha.
Lol as i said last kingdom/ Vikings influences
Dont be silly
Nobody is hyping SSD game changing for cross gen games.
@kyleforrester87 certainly at launch I'd say that would be the case, the main problem is the 150 million current gen owners and at what point do you abandon them. I do think the potential is there for these drives coupled with the substantial CPU leap to really push game design forward, much more so than between PS3 and PS4. It'll be Sony's exclusives that'll show us first how much difference they can make as it sounds like their new games are PS5 only
N.i.c.e. looking good.now lets see some gameplay.word up son
Come on guys, this "it isn't Assassin's Creed" take is getting a bit old now.
The last two games haven't been traditional Assassin's Creed, but they have been huge hits for Ubisoft. You really thought they'd stop making open world action RPGs after Origins and Odyssey?
We all know better than that.
@Sanquine It's almost like all 3 things have been based on, say, a certain period in history or something, eh? 😉
Looks good to me, love that it'll be Vikings this time around.
@JJ2 But as it stands a lot of games are set to be cross-gen. I'll reserve judgement until we see some dedicated PS5 games.
@ShogunRok ironically I never liked Assassin's Creed until the last 2 games, well Black Flag was fun when it pretended to be a pirate game but the less it's like the originals the better for me
Well of course 🙄😃
@ShogunRok after Origins it wasn’t, assassins creed. It’s more like Warriors Creed or something
The real question now is, will Sony use a similar Smart Delivery method where buying a PS4 version (if necessary) will get you a PS5 download when you make the upgrade?
Getting HBO's Vikings vibes here. Even the main character is similar.
is this coming to Ps4 i only saw series X logo wtf?
@ShogunRok Why still call it Assassin's Creed though? I think everyone likes AC the most when it isn't AC with the time travel nonsense. They should just call it Vikings: The Game, and ditch the AC nonsense.
Nice, I'm loving the viking setting.
@Octane I think it's just brand recognition. Assassin's Creed is one of the most recognisable and well-known brands in modern gaming — I don't think Ubisoft sees any need to let it go.
@pimpjuice Trailer has Xbox marketing, but Ubisoft's press release confirms the game for PS5 and PS4.
Was hoping for a glimpse of gameplay but hopefully we will see that soon. Still will buy it, cause I played and liked almost all the ac games so far
@pimpjuice yes it’s coming to PlayStation
NICE!... Day 1 for me.
Did over 140 hrs in Odyssey so the launch price is well worth it when it comes to AC.
Love how Ubi has tuned this IP around
You mean "Cross-gen begins now" lol
AC: Odyssey is one of my favorite games this generation. I could never get into the series—too repetitive and dull—until origins. To say I’m excited for this game would be an understatement.
@Agramonte Agreed, and turned it around for the better, in my opinion.
Dude looks like a cool character, but I loved having the choice of playing either gender in Odyssey – fingers crossed for something similar, but I'm afraid that longboat has sailed since they didn't preview the idea in this trailer. Still, this will be one of my first PS5 games, for sure.
@Nerdfather1 Yeah. I stop playing after Black flag. Was done with it - thought AC would just die out (and was Ok with that)
Ubi made me come back for Origins - but Odyssey/Kass made me a Fan again.
"To say I’m excited for this game would be an understatement"
yep 👍
@munkholt You probably already saw it on the feed - but just in case 😃
@Agramonte No, I missed that – thanks a bunch!
Did that guy just casually remove a sword that was completely embedded in his leg and then carry on fighting like it was nothing!? He'd be lucky to not be dead within seconds from a catastrophic bleed, let alone carry on.
This encourages me to buy an Xbox Series X!
Feel like this series has lost it's identity.
I'm not interested. It's just going to be a new overlay for the same game. The worlds are too big, and the missions too mundane. It's all paint by number from one location to the next. They need to focus less on the scope because it leads to regurgitating the same stuff again and again, and try to forge something original that better intertwines the setting, the characters, the story and the gameplay.
Sadly, they know all too well that as long as the game isn't awful, the name is big enough to sell by the bucket load, regardless.
@LieutenantFatman Agreed. But hopefully the disappointing sales for their other games like The Division, Far Cry and Ghost Recon might have persuaded them to try something different. Ubisoft open world game are too formulaic!!!
Yes, fingers crossed for a big overhaul, they admitted themselves that they're too formulaic and were looking to change so you never know. Going by that cutscene, they're definitely not going for realistic.
@ShogunRok The video isn't working.
@Genrou Are you sure? It's working as far as I can tell.
Can you see this one? It's the UK version instead:
@ShogunRok No it says the uploader hasn't made the girls public for my country. It's ok it might be my browser or something. Thanks for checking.
this trailer reminds me of AC: Revelations trailer, the one with Woodkid's song Iron
trailer looks cool though, would love to see some actual game play first before deciding to buy it
@LieutenantFatman Nah, people were borderline invincible back then. We've gone soft.
@Genrou Hmmm, maybe it's Ubisoft. I've swapped the video out for PlayStation's version in case it's a widespread issue.
@carlos82 COD uses Playstation 4 for marketing reasons but I don't remember seeing the Playstation logo in the beginning of each trailer, unless the videos were uploaded on Playstation official social media. The Xbox logo are in the video uploaded by Ubisoft.
Personally, it doesn't bother me since it's such a minor detail.
@kyleforrester87 It's silly to compare launch titles to potential next gen titles. Obviously this game was primarily developed around older hardware in order to run on the PS4. They wouldn't limit their audience by releasing this game exclusively on the PS5 and Xbox whatever. Give the PS5 a year and you'll start seeing a lot better looking stuff coming out for it.
@ShogunRok And I'm glad for it! I never liked Assassin's Creed games until Origins, and I'm playing now and loving Odyssey so I hope Valhalla is closer to those games than to the earlier ones.
They are probably capitalizing on my love of the show Vikings, but I'll probably get this game. I haven't played AC since AC3...
So I believe the Xbox crowd have their 'smart delivery' wotsit meaning they only have to buy it once across current and next gen.
Any whispers or mentions of the same for PS4/PS5 in this case (and others) yet, just in case Covid19 etc stops my PS5 Xmas delivery and I end up getting PS4 version of this?
@Futureshark Nothing yet, Sony is way behind the curve, hopefully it will be to shock us all with delight at a critical moment, and not due to Sony marketing playing catch-up with Microsoft.
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