We’ve posted plenty of articles about the PlayStation 5’s new DualSense controller this week, but one teensy tiny detail we missed pertains to the analogue sticks. Sony appears to have retained the general shape of the sticks, but it’s added a textured surface to the rim and smoothed the central section, which should help with comfort and grip.
Here’s a comparison so you can see for yourself, with the DualSense on the left and DualShock 4 on the right:
Hopefully these new sticks are less susceptible to damage than their immediate predecessor, as early iterations of the DualShock 4 could be particularly flimsy. Do you like the look of these improved analogue sticks? Train your thumbs in the comments section below.
Comments 38
I'm more interested on the dpad though, if it's as good as the vita then man, ps5 will be my console of choice to play all the metroidvania games 😃
Indeed, within a year all the rubber has gone and I have had to use replacements which are never as good, probably should have shelled out on some more expensive ones but after 50quid a pad it's a bit much!!
Vastly improved is probably a stretch.
If you put a dollar in a bin every time PushSquare writes an article on the DualSense, you'll have enough money saved up to buy a PS5 when it comes out.
@EnragedGibbon What are you people doing with controllers? Rub the sticks against tarmac?
Where's our article on the screws that hold the thing together. Are they Phillips, Flat, Tri-Wing or Torx? Are they made from the finest materials of the Congo, or from the walls of El Dorado? Will they strip easily?
I got 4 DS4’s at launch. 3 of them have the rubber coming off the sticks, as well as some of the D pad buttons not working.
I barely played my system for the first 4 years, am extremely careful with my stuff, and have no idea why of all the buttons, the stupid D pad doesn’t work.
Only one of my controllers went weird and all that happened was the stick wouldn’t register a forward push. It was annoying and I needed a new controller but that’s the only problem I’ve had compared to say, the awful build quality on the Switch joy-cons.
Can we please stop with these pointless controller articles?
This is lazy journalism at it's finest, what's next? You comparing the plastic on the triggers? Comparing the width of the grips?
I understand you gotta keep money coming in and traction to the site and all that crap, but this is like the 20th article I've seen in the span of a week about this controller.
Just deliver important news, not resetera level discussion trash.
Wouldn't removing texture from the middle section reduce grip? : /
Launch DS4s had awful quality sticks that practically fell apart, the newer version I've had no issues with.
Ok, now you guys are just out-and-out trolling your readers, right?
@DonJorginho Who would have thought that a PlayStation-focused site would write a lot about a next-gen PS5 controller, huh? Please don't try and dictate to us what we should and shouldn't be covering.
I haven't seen my sticks for year and half since I bought protective caps.
@LiamCroft You guys zoomed in on a single picture, tried to figure out how smooth or rough the analogue sticks are from it, then proudly trumpeted from that that the sticks are "vastly improved."
Report on whatever you like, but the substance of what you're reporting here is 100% bs.
@LiamCroft Except your readers do dictate to you, because if they stop reading, you need to change what you write about, so they continue reading, see the ads, you get money.
Remember that in capitalism, you are beholden to your customers.
Not sure that a smoother middle part counts as a vastly improved analogue stick, but whatever.
@LiamCroft I appreciate your work and thank you for it. Even if I feel that there is too much articles about one quite ugly toy - we all want to hold in our hands just to make real picture if it is good or bad - it is fun. And it all makes us keep quite sane, while our lives are a bit locked by virus walking our planet. ☺️ Thank you
Maybe I'll be stoned by others like in medieval, but please can pushquare make an article where we can vote for each component separately? something like survey where we not only vote if we like it, but also if it is useful or meaningless. It may be fun to see what this community think about this thing we never had in our hands yet, in one place. ☺️
@LiamCroft Who would have thought that the very same site would have dragged out a reveal to its smallest most pointless details multiple times in the space of a week?
You can't deny that you're milking this.
And I won't dictate what you write, I'll just give my opinion, and my opinion is that this article is a pile of you know what and is lazy journalism at it's finest.
Keep milking Liam & Co! 🐄
"vastly improved"??? Erm.. Ok lol.
Hey have you noticed that there hasnt been a new theme or any avatars for MONTHS!?
EDIT: just read the rest if the comments, ouch lol. I for one dont mind the silly amount of controller articles, just another reason to look at it!! Just dont forget to keep writing about other things lol theres still games releasing under the radar and other exciting things happening!!
The dissenting comments here are valid, but honestly PushSquare has been headed in this direction for some time now. Witness the deluge of fluff articles whenever a big AAA game drops. You know, the ones along the lines of "RESIDENT EVIL 2 REMAKE!!!: How to access the options menu in Resident Evil 2 Remake!!!".
Oh well. At least the reviews are still on-point for the most part.
@Sammy Check out the O-ring gaskets that the shell of the controller has that's housing those analog sticks. That is new, and looks to be there to silence the click-clack that occurs during play. I don't see anyone talking about that, yet you can clearly see that in those comparison photos you posted there.
I put rubber toppers on my sticks to reduce rub damage. But they can be annoying if they come off during play.
Dont care I use thumb grips
Yes they do like resatara things too haha
When the PS4 launched the controllers were notorious for having issues where the rubber would wear off and peel from the sticks. This new material appears to be vastly improved even over the current iteration of Dualshock 4 sticks and as such is reported. I get that you're antsy and desperate to see more significant news, but it's not a valid reason to spout off like a temper tantrum brat just because you have nothing better going on in your life. There are ways you can express your opinion while also coming across as an adult. It's an article about a controller. Relax buddy.
There won't be any screws to access the ds5.
Source: https://i.postimg.cc/7YWdDg1k/dualshock5-comparison.jpg
This article is really unnecessary quite frankly...
Why are you guys writing so many pointless articles such as these?
@pushf giving an opinion isn't having a temper tantrum, it's stating what I think and being honest. If you want me to lie and to not challenge people on what I believe then that's cool and all but I'm good thanks.
And you can't really criticise someone's behaviour and then suspect that they have nothing of value going on in their life.
I have plenty of things in my life, I love my life too infact, I just hate to come on here and see the same articles like I have done all week since the controller reveal dropped.
Is it a tad immature to get so worked up about it? Maybe.
But is it wrong to do so? I don't think so.
People will see things differently all the time, such is life after all, I'm not asking you to agree with me, neither am I antagonising you to disagree with me, I am just giving my opinion on what I see, just like you are with your response to me.
Have a lovely evening mate, and I hope you and all your loved ones stay safe during these times!
'Vastly improved' would be swapping the left stick's position with the d-pad.
Tune in tomorrow for an in-depth article on how the rubber on the new sticks smells
@Octane Sometimes you losing your nail clipper... Few times is enough to kill the thumbsticks 😂
@djlard same - I love my controlfreakz.
“Vastly improved” as a statement in the title and then the article goes like “appears, souId and hopefully” based on one product photo/visualization.
@Octane I have to wonder this too, as I have 6 DS4 (4 from launch era, 2 recent Pros) and none of them show any signs of wear and tear. 2 of them are solely my kids controllers (both 5) and with as much as my family plays, you'd never be able to tell it. I could repackage them as I save the packaging, and sell them for brand new.
People tell on themselves and the poor care they take of their possessions.
@GoblinKing86 same here. I have 5 controllers, all used frequently and all stored properly (for the most part). All are fully functional and in good nick. In saying that, I don't think the amount of gaming me and my family puts in even comes close to the amount some of our fellow posters do, so I wouldn't be surprised if there's plenty of instances of wear and tear even if well treated.
I like that they’re a bit wider. I wish they were a bit taller, or at least interchangeable similar to the Elite. Maybe Sony will suck it up and build a First-Party Elite Controller for Ps5.
the more fancy stuff they put into a controller the more can break in it. i am just glad i am not gonna be a day one buyer of the ps5, so i will just sit back and watch others be test rabbits while sony fix the problems bit by bit.
Honestly, Sony should just go with Xbox's or Nintendo switch thumb sticks. They last way longer
None of mine fell off
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