If, like this author, you’re one of many people who dived headfirst into Assassin’s Creed Odyssey on the back of last week’s Valhalla hype, you’re probably wondering one thing: why the outrageous grind? One of the biggest criticisms of Ubisoft’s enormous open worlder is that there are moments where you can’t continue the story because you’re required to level up your character and engage in general busywork to progress to the next plot beat.
The publisher’s upcoming Viking adventure won’t be like that. Speaking with Press Start Australia, creative director Ashraf Ismail explained: “Our goal is to just let players play the content they want. So, people want to focus on narrative, there’s no issue there. People want to focus on their settlement, again, no issue there. It’s really up to players to decide how they want to consume the content. That’s always been our angle.”
One thing you will have to deal with is modern day content, as the franchise’s most divisive element will once again make a return. “We've found a way to blend the present day into a new type of experience for players,” lead producer Julien Laferrière told Eurogamer.net. “And present day is playable, I can confirm that.”
[source press-start.com.au, via playstationlifestyle.net]
Comments 36
Present day...... Leap of faith frm empire State
@Incarna I dunno. Let's bin both!
Oooo sounds like a new way to implement pay 2 win is on its way. Ubi has always been at the forefront of new exciting ways to nickle and dime!
Joking aside I'm looking forward to this game, last 2 assassins creed games have been awesome.
Yeah but will I still need to keep slaughtering 500 goats every-time I want to keep good gear up to power.
@BearsEatBeets Yeah the constant gear churn in Odyssey is difficult to keep up with
Can I at least grind my axe?
I see no benefits in these types of levelling up systems anymore and it was just stupid in Odyssey when you couldn't assassinate someone just because they had a bigger number above their heads. Games like RDR2 prove you can make such open worlds without the need for such nonsense, at most just have them just for unlockables whether it be skills or cosmetic stuff
That's good to hear. I'm finding myself more and more put off by games that ask for so much of your time, so it's good to hear I can just play what I actually want.
@carlos82 It’s undeniably fun seeing the numbers go up but... Yes, it does defeat the whole point of assassinations if you’re in the perfect position to assassinate but stats prevent you from doing it.
As a fan of rpgs my whole life, i kind of enjoy the grind. In FF12 i fought the same 2 enemies hundreds of times to farm exp.
You won't need to grind, because here's an XP Boost, and for $19.99 it can be all yours!
This is encouraging. In today’s gaming environment grinding and bloat should be optional. To be fair, I just finished Origins and I was able to only have to do about 1/2 of the available side quests and enemy camps to be appropriately leveled, which isn’t too bad. But I was growing a little tired of it toward the end.
This is great news. I cant wait to see gameplay at the xbox event
Thank f*** for that, nothing worse than trying to assassinate someone in Origins or Odyssey but you can't because they are 1 level higher than you are
Welcome addition. The grind sometimes was bothersome (not much for me cause I did a lot of sidequests) but I understand that most people don't have time for grind
@get2sammyb It’s very aggravating as well.
To be honest i never found Odyssey "grindy", the way it done quests is exactly the same way The Witcher 3 does it. I think people just made themselves believed it was grindy because it had the "time saver" stuff, if you played a good mixture of the story and side content like you would in a game like TW3 then it wasn't "grindy" at all.
I just can't get past the first minutes of any AC... The gameplay seems so boring to me. I would love to enjoy playing locations like Egypt and Greece etc, but the combat and stuff seems so boring... I don't know. Maybe I'm just old for these kind of games.
I tried Odyssey 3 times, first two times I lasted half an hour and got rid.
Third time: I’m over 90 hours in and playing the DLC now..... will be 50 soon 😳
Maybe try it again?
It was fine for me. I always find a way to explore and finish the story. Never felt I had to go out of my way to do it.
This one really looks epic. Can't wait.
thats correct becouse i am not gonna buy it.
Thank God. The grind ruined Origins for me. Doing a new game plays playthrough now and it's much better. It was so bad in Origins that I bought the XP boost for Odyssey
I'm not a fan of AC but maybe this game will change my mind, really hoping it's true that you don't have to keep doing boring stuff all the time to get to 1 hour of good game play, I played three AC games before but never finished one
The last assassin's Creed game I played was blackflag when it released on PS4 many years ago, I recently picked up a GOTY edition of Odyssey that has all the DLC but haven't started playing yet. I've read a bunch about the game but is it as good as the reviews suggest? I want to hear from people who've actually played the game, like I said black flag was my last foray into the assassin's Creed world & I absolutely loved it! Happy gaming my friends 😉💨✌️
If they get rid of the RPG elements then I'm in...
I lost my interest the day I saw numbers attached to attacks...
I guess I’m in the minority - I enjoy a bit of a grind, get myself nice and over-powered, then sit back and enjoy the rest of the story with a bit less pressure to perform.... Just wish I could apply the same principles to real-life..... 😕
Well maybe they will put the grinding someplace else instead then? 🤔
Since the announcement of Valhalla I have started playing the assassins creed series from the beginning and planning to play them all on release. I have to admit I'm playing assassins creed on the Xbox one X (sorry as it is backwards compatible without having to dust off my PS3) and I'm loving the game, I forgot how good it really was and I look forward to playing through all the other games in the series. I am saving up to buy both the PS5 and Xbox series X as they both have advantages over each other in different ways (please bear with me). Gamepass is much better both than PS Now both in value of the games on offer and all games can be downloaded onto the console, where there is only a limited amount of games can be downloaded onto the PS4. X Box series X will be backwards compatible with Xbox one, 360 and Xbox, where the PS5 will only be backwards compatible with PS4, the X box Series X is graphically more powerful than the PS5 but both systems are more than capable of 4k at 60fps. The thing that's has swung it for me to decide that the PS5 will be my main console is that the X box hard drive would be around half the speed of the PS5 and Sony have no doubt the best single player games on the market. I will be buying Valhalla on the PS5
I love to play rpg games for whole life, but I must say that rpg totally ruined whole concept of assassin's creed. Its like to make turn-based strategy Doom. For those who complain about present day story I recomend to play first 4 AC games to know why it is in this series yet and what it is (was) all about.
Odyssey was a very well made game but my only issue was the grind. It felt excessive and the cynic in me can only think it was to make the XP and progression boost micro transactions more attractive. For those of us who a game like Odyssey will take months to get through due to time limitations, I felt like this was a deliberate design choice.
If you play open world games solely for the main story than you're really not playing them right!
As others have said Odyssey is no different from the Witcher 3 but that game doesn't get half the stick that Odyssey does.
You start the game, you follow the story, then you do some side quests, then you explore for a bit, then you go back to the main story and in the process find out you've levelled up. It's not that hard.
Big games like Odyssey and the Witcher 3 aren't meant to be completed in a weekend or even a week. These games will take weeks if not months to finish. If that bothers you then stick to small indie games and Resi 3!
I'm surprised how many people actually pay attention to anything said about a Ubisoft product prior to its release.
They have a history of doing complete u-turns and are always looking to siphon your wallet so i don't believe a word they say until I've witnessed the final product.
I'm sorry, but I'm now required to believe anyone who thinks there is a grind in Odyssey is clearly not familiar with gaming in general, hasn't been gaming since the late 80's early 90's, or is simply playing incorrectly. Never in my 200+ hours (and Platinum including all DLC) did I ever find myself being forced to grind to continue the story or even get the idea that the grind was in place to force you to buy boosts to speed up. I played the game, and found not one single roadblock (aside from a Mercenary from time to time...) impeding my play.
I get that some people don't have the time to out into certain games, but that always falls on them and their own habits. If you want something, set out to get it. If you want it handed to you or are making excuses, it's truly not something you actually want and are wasting your time. Gamers today are focused on quantity over quality, and nobody can argue against that.
There Still gonna have microtransactions in a 60$to 100$game sorry cant support this game there not just the good guys out of no where eaither. Let me know when they announce the game wont have microtransactions. Its ridiculous they think the only problem was making the progress purposely slow so they can sell xp boosters as the solution. Microtransactions 100%kill all and any hype what so ever for me and turns me completely off. I'll save my money for a company that doesn't pull this bullcrap period. They shouldn't even half to come out and say we promise we wont push you to buy xp boosters this time they shouldn't of done it in the first place. Nah I'll pass man.
They shouldn't be in that situation anyway. But you cant really say much about free to play games that's why they tend to pull this crap mostly there I dont even support them in those games eaither but like I said the free to play gives em a get out of jail free card so cant really say much about that it's a nice little loop hole for em. I rather pay 40$ to even another 60$ for expansions than a dime on pointless microtransactions hell as long as I get the content on the disk I paid for. I dont like games that pay wall ***** that's on the disk anyway. Your basicly just paying 60 to 100$ to access the shell of the game. Your paying to acess paying for more crap. I'll pass. Full game or no game. Trailers cool though I'll give them that. I just have no reson to trust them. They dont respect our wallets so I don't respect them. That simple they can also nerf xp gain coin gain ect just to sell boosters anytime they want or add microtransactions in later witch
should be illegal for that wasnt the product I purchased or was promised. But hey any and all criticism just means your an entitled man baby aparently. Even though your buying a incomplete product that wants to stick its Weiner in your wallets and after the last two I'm good . Helix credits are still here for the stay to so that's already a bad sign.
@Spoonman-2 lucky you 😂... I think I'm over with some kind of games. I've played and loved Witcher 1 & 2 but haven't played more than 2 hours of W3. Now I'm back to adventure+ puzzle solving games. Old man 🤣
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