After creating its own IP with The Sinking City, developer Frogwares has announced that it will be returning to what it does best with a new entry in the Sherlock Holmes saga. It's titled Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One and it's coming to both PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 next year. Check out the reveal trailer above.
In an interview with GameSpot, the studio states that this is a prequel to both Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments and Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter, featuring an open world city for you to explore. "Set in the early years of the detective's career, the game casts you as a 21-year-old Sherlock Holmes who returns to his Mediterranean island hometown following his mother's death. After reacquainting himself with the island, his family manor, and the enigmatic companion Jonathan--who is definitely not Watson--he'll discover that the town has got some secrets, and he'll use his budding yet still brilliant detective skills to uncover a larger conspiracy at work."

Chapter One actually takes place outside of London, a rarity for the character, and will include an open-ended approach to solving mysteries. The Mind Palace returns to play host to the clues you uncover, but you'll start to source them from different secrets and events. Combat will also return with a focus on hand-to-hand fights rather than the gunplay which felt particularly lacklustre in The Sinking City.
Are you interested in another Sherlock Holmes title? Bring your magnifying glass with you into the comments below.
Comments 13
I’m watching this one closely as I loved crime and punishment. Won’t be preordering it as Devil’s Daughter was mind numbingly awful. The overarching story was pretty bad and I can’t believe how terrible the action sequences that they shoehorned in were. I must of had to replay the bit where you are running through the forest at least 30 times.
Both of the games this follows are in my monstrous backlog. I look forward to grabbing this when it's on sale and then inevitably never touching it, continuing the tradition. Trailer looks pretty neat tho.
Agree that Crimes and Punishments was far superior to its follow up, I did like The Sinking City, but it was very glitchy and the combat felt awkward. Im not sure the 'open world' design really adds to their Sherlock formula, but will be interested to see how this new one progresses nonetheless.
Kinda tired of them doing these games. Should have kept on with Sinking City or something new.
I'm a bit concerned about the open-world part, but I love Crimes and Punishments. I hope the series bounces back after the disaster that was The Devil's Daughter.
I have to agree with everyone's comments. The Devil's Daughter was a huge misfire.
Crimes and Punishments was really good fun so fingers crossed, hoping this will be as well. I gave TDD a pass, let's hope that wasn't a sign of things to come.
Crimes and punishments was excellent, Devil's Daughter not so good, let's hope they get the formula right this time.
Anyone know if they got their legal problems with former publisher to get their code back worked out?
Thought they got boned on that one...
Devil's Daughter is only a fiver on the Playstation store. Worth it at that price?
You guys didn't like Devil's Daughter??? I thought it was a step up from Crimes and Punishment.
I am skeptical of the open world here...
@MrSensical I think i have the same problem i need to better think what ill get.😢
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