What's this? A weekly issue of What Are You Playing This Weekend not penned by Push Square overlord Sammy Barker? That's right, he has scrapped his duties this weekend for a nice little getaway along the south coast of England. It's not like he can do too much down there, considering the current circumstances, but we'll still consider him a lucky sod! The world waits for nobody though, and the show must go on. Here's what we're playing this weekend.
Stephen Tailby, Associate Editor
I've been really enjoying Rocket League again lately. The recent fifth anniversary event currently includes Heatseeker mode, and it's a brilliant spin on the game that you should check out. I'll be playing that a little more this weekend, alongside Superhot: Mind Control Delete for review.
Liam Croft, Senior Staff Writer
Outside of maybe a few hours on Call of Duty: Warzone, my PS4 probably won't see any action this weekend. That's because it's full steam ahead on Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing in Disguise on Switch for me!
What games are you planning on playing this weekend? Are you finishing up a playthrough of The Last of Us: Part II, or are you looking for something else to fill the gap between now and Ghost of Tsushima? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 89
Going to start Super Mario Galaxy today and finish up TLOU 2 before Tsushima comes out
Probably back to CTR for me this weekend, otherwise nothing.
Thinking about starting Nex Machina
I loved Resogun, that was one of my favourite platinums so hopefully Nex Machina will be similar
I think I'm near the end of tlou2, what a game!!
I'm playing through Final Fantasy VII Remake before Ghost of Tsushima comes out. I'm just in the sewers at the moment and so far its fun if a bit drawn out. They seem to have not only made it just as linear as that opening always was but also made it 5 times as long as well.
Also got F1 2020 and have been playing through my team and its been great fun, might play a bit more Streets of Rage 4 too.
Oh I did return to Days Gone as well and it took me a while to get used to the controls after TLOU2, though I didn't realise how much I missed hiding in the grass 😆
With tomorrow's Ubisoft event coming up, I was thinking about checking out Far Cry 5.
Then I saw that Far Cry 3 is just a couple of quid on PS4 so might just play that
Death Stranding - discovered the joy of ziplines!
It's a very big game but I think I'm making it even bigger than it ought to be by building roads and a myriad of other structures.
It's a hard game to actually recommend but I am enjoying. After the intensity of The Last Of Us Part II it's been quite a relaxing game to play.
I am thinking it may be time to play something else alongside it, maybe go back to Resi 2 which I started last year but then put aside for a more chilling game experience in the shape of AC Odyssey.
I've played and finished both Days Gone and Part II this year, why not go for the Freaker/Infected/Zombie hat trick.
Happy gaming weekend everyone!
CrossCode. It’s an action RPG with twin stick shooter elements and puzzles based around bouncing charged shots of multiple switches. It’s very good.
I'm currently bouncing between replaying the Uncharted series, God of War, and Spiderman. Also have the odd game of footy on PES Be a Legend mode.
Finishing TLoU2, one coin, one card and three artifacts left to find. Chapter hopping using the Push Square guide to grab the last few 😎
Edit: Just got the Platinum 🏆
Highly addicted to House flipper and picked up the sinking city for some awkward action.
@Col_McCafferty I loved Death Stranding, I'm not sure how busy it is these days with people building structures but at launch it was a constant stream of likes and people contributing materials.
It had a great sense of exploration and I do hope we see these kinds of mechanics again, even the climbing and leaving ladders and such. If anything I wish it had some areas with deeper, wider rivers and more unforgiving terrain to deal with.
But yeah ziplines could be one of the greatest joys I've had in gaming for quite some time
Altering between Killzone Shadow Fall and Tales of Berseria. I finally reached 400 challenges on the former and working my steady way on gaining 1 million points, so it will be the one I might pursue more.
Dishing out some spankings in Nioh 2.
Still playing tlou 2, I'm nearly finished the game at 30 hours. Just defeat the first (hopefully last) boss in the game, man that things is scary, I spend like all my ammo on the boss and that things still charging at me full speed lol.
I like the new characters but I really think the fist 10 hours is a waste of my time, ND shouldn't make this game about joel and ellie, rather 100% this new characters, keep the connection but delete the first 10 hours of the game. Now I know why I hate the first 10 hours, the characters I'm playing (ellie) doesn't have any characters development beside being angry, that's just not interesting and boring.
I think ND botched the new characters by making the player see her when she's doing her "evil" action. Joel is a bad guy since he's robbing and killing innocent in the past, but the first time we're playing as him, we see him as a good man and a good dad, I don't think many player care for joel if the first time we're playing as him, he just rob and kill innocent person.
After almost 3 weeks since release, with 50hrs 4 mins, I've finally completed TLOUPII. What a journey. I'm sure a lot of people fell in love with Abby instead of hating her. Well from the beginning in the snow, I thought she was beautiful and didn't think she was that cold. Playing from 2 different perspectives and understanding where they're both coming from is the brilliance of the story. I don't think it's ever been done, and if it has I bet not with this much detail. Overall Ellie and Abby were both terrific characters and I'm sure some would want the latter in some sequel if possible or some other new IP lol, she was lovable but she killing Joel tainted everything
I'm back to the other game of this gen - RDRII. And then continuing my 2nd playthrough of HZDFW, some PES2020, FIFA20 and SFV probably.
Horizon Chase Turbo, plus I have decided to make an effort with the fighter genre, so will be playing some Street Fighter 5, going by my performance on the first go, it's going to be a challenge.
Got the platinum on Iron Man VR yesterday. Amazing game. My only complaint would be the insane load times.
I think I might be reaching the final stages of TLOU 2. To be vague I just got back from the island when I stopped for lunch. The game feels so much more tense than the first I feel like I'm actually playing a survival horror game at times.
I loved the descent through the hotel level and the 'boss' in the hospital car-park.
I'm hoping I'll get it finished this weekend and maybe the Plat if I've not got too much to mop up.
I'll be playing Monster Hunter World until I can beat Alatreon. His "nova" attack is brutal. Not a fan of this fight.
I was going to go for a NG+ of TLoU2 but decided it's too early and too fresh (also, don't feel like going through some scenes again so early). Instead I'm going to start Terminator:Resistance. Happy gaming guys!
Gonna pull Yakuza Kiwami 2 from the backlog. Get in some Street Fighter V and Samurai Shodown as well. Play some games on the PC Engine Mini.
Just cause 3 mad max and dead rising 2 off the record.having a blast will all 3.word life.word is bond.word to your mother.word up son
Hi there fellow gamers. Since I was able to finish a second time and get the platinum trophy for the amazing The Last of Us Part II I´ve decided to do a second run at the also amazing God of War(Dad of war as I call it). Absolutely love the level design and structure of the game as well as the combat mechanics and world building. And let´s not forget the great narrative a character dialogue. The banter between Kratos, the Boy and Mimir is brilliant. Cheers, stay safe and happy gaming to us all. Have a great weekend
The main bulk of my weekend will be Trails Of Cold Steel 1 on PS4 for the first time. On my first field study and it's quite enjoyable so far! I quite like the cast of characters and I'm really quite fond of all the music so far too
There'll possibly be a bit of Bloodstained: Ritual Of The Night & Injustice: God Among Us thrown in the mix as well.
@wiiware Have to say I disagree with everything you just said...
AO Tennis 2 career mode gets my attention this weekend. It's pretty decent when you get the knack of it but it can be really frustrating at times. When I'm wound up after numerous unforced errors then I'll likely chill out in the beautiful and calming open world of Red Dead Online.
@Deljo That's okay, maybe I'll change my mind after I finished the game. I enjoy the second part of the game while I have to force myself playing the first part.
@BearsEatBeets Those two sections are probably the most purely thrilling gaming moments in Part II.
Glad you're enjoying it!
@Arugula Or maybe they're simply flawed people living in desperate times.
I imagine in a better world characters like Ellie and Joel would have guilt over killing a fly let alone a human being.
By the end I had had enough of the killing and didn't want anybody else to die. I imagine that's what ND wanted you to feel so they succeeded in their intention at least as far as I'm concerned.
Interesting perspective you have.
About three quarters into Trails of Cold Steel 3, think its safe to say its the best one yet!
Just got Shadow Warrior 1/2 on the July sale, and so far really enjoying the first game. Despite how buggy it is I’m really enjoying it. Good dumb fun. And the katana slashing is really gettin me goosed for Ghost of Tsushima!
@carlos82 @Col_McCafferty Hi there friends. Death Stranding was a phenomenal experience, both relaxing and stressful at times. But the sense of comunity and help that you get from this game was a huge part why loved it so much. I spent so many hours gathering materials for building roads, bridges and ziplines and enjoyed it every second of it. And seeing the comunity contribute for said constructions and making some of their own to help everyone was kinda of awesome. Also, Ziplines for the win! Cheers mates and have a great one 👍
Continue playing through the nostalgia trip of Battle for Bikini Bottom Rehydrated. The game is a little rough around the edges but I'm having a blast.
Hoping to 100% and platinum it before Ghost of Tsushima is out.
@playstation1995 Just got just cause 4 on sale on psn, 50% off with dlc.
Castlevania SOTN (as part of Requiem), Guilty Gear xrd rev 2 and Mafia III on PS4.
Axiom Verge and might start Undertale on Vita.
@TheArt Hi there friend. It really was an amazing journey. In my case, seeing both perspectives worked really well and honestly, I kinda prefer the second half of game a bit more. It was a risky thing ND did and it payed off for some and it was a disturbance of the Force for others. They can certainly go back to this franchise if they want, but it would be better if they make something entirely new. Cheers and have a great one
After finishing TLOU2 I started the latest Star Wars but after playing TLOU2 it's very blah to me. No emotional attachment to anything in the game, no excitement. TLOU2 is an experience that can't be duplicated. Nevertheless, I may trade Star Wars in and get something on sale from PSN. Got Just Cause 4 for 50% off with dlc. Lots of action, helping me to get over my gaming lull after TLOU2. Waiting for Ghost of T. Have the week off after it comes out so I will be spending a lot of time on it.
@BearsEatBeets Hi there friend. Those are the best parts of the game for me personaly. In a level design and gameplay mechanics, those sections were on point. That thing was scary and gruesome as hell the very first time you fight it. Some great moments of character development and bonding between the two characters as well. Cheers and have a great one
@RaZieLDaNtE I'm hoping they have another game about Abby and Lev and wherever they end up after the last scene. Also what Ellie would be up to and where she went.
@carlos82 Good on you for going back to Days Gone. I do belive more people should give this game a fair chance. bend studios did a fine job in my oppinion. Sure it is a bit messy on the technical side of things and maybe it is a bit longer than it should. But iit is still a pretty good game, with solid gameplay, a strong protagonist and a really good cast of characters to boot. Plus, fighting the hordes when you have the lay of the land and every tool at your disposal is so much fun. Cheers mate
Just finished my first playthrough of Erica. I loved it. I knew nothing about it going in and was pleasantly surprised to find it's a spooky mystery story. I assumed it'd be a straight forward drama for some reason. I killed a lot of people and also now have a crush on Tobi. It'll be cool to see what the orher routes are like.
@777Reigns Hi there friend. Absolutely. I mean, when you think about it, Abby and lev´s story bits are very much like Joel and Ellie in the first game. Just a tad shorter i guess. i like to think Ellie went back to Jackson and ask Dina for forgiveness. After all they went trough, they need and deserve some love and peace. Cheers and have a great one
I've been playing thru Concrete Genie (without VR and motion sensing disabled) , no clue how far I am into the story but I'm guessing near the end? I've saved four of the bullies from the Dark Genies.
I bit the bullet and got Deadly Premonition 1 on Switch. And Neverwinter Nights!
Dark souls 2. Really can’t wait to answer this next weekend tho
I was playing lawnmower and tomorrow zoo and F1 race, but in spare time I'll leave few hours to AC Odyssey (65 hours right now)
@RaZieLDaNtE Hi mate, of course the vast majority of players contribute to the structures and help make the experience a lot easier BUT there is a minority who seem to go out of their way to makes things a bit more difficult!
Leaving vehicles in the middle of the road, blocking paths to to the delivery shelters and, my personal favourite, placing Speed Up signs just before tight bends on the road!
Just the way of the world I guess.
@777Reigns Lev is great and I suspect if there is a Part III he'll have a bigger role to play.
@ArmyofOne interresting. Here in local store is also PS4 sold out... They have a few pieces in online store, but with fifa... 😒
@777Reigns. Is it the complete edition.just cause game is extremely fun.especially just cause 3. And its a funny game also.mario is amazing.funny guy.word up son
I'm gonna give Erica a try. I wanted to play Rise if the Tob Raider but dont want anything remotely similar in control scheme to Ghost of Tsushima. I tend to get controls confused when I play actions games back to back #GettingOld
@Arugula Agree, for characters driven games to work the player have to like the characters first, I like joel and sarah at the first cut-scenes in the first game, so I want to know what happen next.
In the second game the characters isn't likeable, there's no characters that I really care. I like the second characters but everytime I remember what she did in the early portion of the game, I sort of hate her 😅
007: Quantum of Solace (Games For Windows) - Playing some multiplayer with a friend.
Fallout 3 (Games For Windows) - Back on the main story now.
Uno & Friends (Windows Phone) - Playing here and there.
Shifting all my games to a new HDD, but I picked up Soul Caliber VI for £13 and really enjoying that so probably a little bit of that before I switch over drives!
I can’t seem to tear myself away from Bloodstained Ritual of the Night. I have grand plans to also play some Persona 5 or go back to complete The Council, but I’m not going to kid myself.
@LN78 Enjoy! First Light is great. It’s probably my favorite of all the Infamous entries and the gorgeous visuals is a large part of that. So no interest in playing Cyberpunk, AC Valhalla, Watch Dogs Legion, or Avengers on PS4? I’m also wondering if I’m going to wait and play all the cross-gen games on PS5. Depends when the darn thing comes out I guess. 😄
@Col_McCafferty That is unfortunately very true. The amount of vehicles in the middle of a paved road that I had to avoid was a bit much. As with the vehicles blocking of the entrace of the delivery shelters , that you have to enter them and removed them out of the way so you can make your own deliveries. That was a major pain. It is what it is. Not everyone is "nice" and helpful all the time. It´s part of life. Cheers mate and have a great one
The Last of Us Part II.
I also completely disagreed. I wish the whole game was Ellie's journey. There's nothing redeemable about Abby and I don't enjoy playing as her. I think some fat could've been trimmed from the play time by taking her sections out and I'd have been perfectly happy with that.
Working on my backlog.. Just finished Control now on to the last 3 missions of Gravity Rush..
Infamous: Second Son. Somehow slipped through the cracks for me over the years, but figured this was the perfect time to play a Sucker Punch game before Ghost of Tsushima comes out.
I completed and got the Platinum for Far Cry 3 yesterday..well chuffed.Was determined to get it done before Ghost Of what's his face comes out next week
Going to be fighting the main boss on Ni No Kuni 2 so should be finishing the story but determined to go back and get the Plat as I love it so much!
Will also be another one having a go on Death Stranding,chapter 3 still after thirty hours but I'm loving it!Glad my Royal Mail postal route is a lot flatter than this guys.
Animal Crossing and Xenoblade Chronicles will get a look in too and I'm very tempted to pick up CrossCode,it looks pretty cool.
Stay Safe people.
@RaZieLDaNtE Yeah and when they leave a vehicle on an elevated road removing the option to get out of your vehicle and drive the offending one off the road.
It's quite clever in a sneaky kind of way but still quite disappointing as the majority of players look to help wherever possible.
I’ve just recently discovered Hotline Miami 2 and after dying a million times in the first level I’ve started to get the hang of it and make some progress. It’s a real challenge but that’s what makes completing a level such a high.
On a side note, I got onto this game after being addicted to Ape Out over the last week. I got it on Steam but played it with the DualShock. Hopefully this gem comes to PS4 soon.
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, Cuphead, Red Dead Redemption 2, and Sly 2 for me.
Sort of hit that gaming lull at the minute. So many games to choose from and cant be arsed to play any. Did get F12020 yesterday and had a few hot laps on it tho. Very good indeed.
I’m know late but I’m completely engrossed in Odyssey. Damn good game. Glad I got it for free with Plus.
@RaZieLDaNtE I loved every part of the game though and yes they'll definitely try something new and I'm guessing it'd be open world.
I am playing Man Eater, and having an absolute blast with it. Ok, so.....the game is kind of repetitive. It is way too easy. And the graphics and story aren’t particularly impressive.
And yet, somehow, sowing mindless destruction as a shark never ever gets old. Making boats explode and chomping through alligators and other pests is amazing fun.
I liked TLOU2, but it was so bleak. This game is the perfect, mindless Gaming tonic after that experience.
Was back to work for me this week so working a lot but will be relaxing with Bayonetta and Vanquish Remasters, which I downloaded this morning
Also some FFXIV Online and Mortal Kombat 11 Aftermath
Have a good weekend guys ♥️
@777Reigns I finished TLOU2 last week and said exactly the same thing. I had no interest in other games after that, certainly story based ones. Nothing can compare emotionally. A stunning game. I'm literally forcing myself to play others this weekend.
Traveling so PS4 taking a break
1. Banner of the Maid (on the GO via Shadow PC)
2. Metro Exodus: Sam’s Story (on the GO via Geforce NOW)
Also watching Japan Sinks 2020 and a few Samurai Movies. Mostly because of Ghost 😂
Just finished Call of duty Modern warfare 2 remastered on veteran just cleaning up other trophies and hoping for Plat tonight! Tomorrow maybe The outer worlds!
Finally bought a PS4 - so many games to play! I’m working my way through GOW & Spider-Man at the moment but The Last of Us 2 is calling my name!
@SterlingEyes Welcome to the club!
Play God of War and Spidey first, neither are that long (at least compared to the likes of RDR2 and The Witcher 3!), TLoU 2 ain't going anywhere.
@KingPev exactly, started playing just cause 4 and found myself engrossed in blowing things up😁
Knack 2, finally. Thus far, it's disappointing compared to the first (at least the first had novelty), but it's still early.
@TheArt Absolutely. They did mentioned that their original idea was open world, so maybe we will see a brand new tittle from them in a completely new environment and setting. Sci-fi would be nice. Or Steampunk. Cheers mate and have a great one
@SterlingEyes Hi there friend and welcome to the world of PS4, were there is magic and stuff. Jokes asside, thare are so many good games for you to experience that it can be a bit overwhelming. And you already started with some of the best ones. God of War(Dad of War as I call it) is a phenomenal game and Spiderman is pretty great to, especialy if you are a fan of Spidey as I am. Then you have games like: The Last of Us series, Horizon Zero Dawn, Bloodborne, Uncharted series, Death Stranding, Days Gone, Resogun, Detroit: Become Human, Street Fighter V, Guilty Gear Rev 2, Gran Turismo Sport and many other multiplatform games. Just chose the ones you feel like playing the most. Cheers, stay safe and happy gaming to us all
Far Cry 5....just finished 4, which was great fun, 6 hours in and 5 seems just as good.
Finishing up the horizon zero dawn dlc. Waiting for Ghosts of Tsushima
I'm playing through SWORD ART ONLINE Alicization Lycoris.
It's a technical mess, but I'm enjoying it.
@Breekhead Ape out is great. I love the mix of violence with the excellent jazz soundtrack. However, some of the later levels made me very mad. They got really difficult towards the end.
Continuing with batman arkham knight. Getting closer to the 100% mark. Just got half of Riddler trials and a lot of collectibles to go.
I’m playing TLOU2 & Metro 2033 Redux via PSNow.
Figured I’d get through Metro while they’re all on PSNow.
@Stevenfins I’m at the end of disc 3 and it’s gotten really tricky, I can’t imagine how hard disc 4 is gonna be. At the moment I’m enjoying playing it in short bursts and when it gets a little frustrating I play something else. It’s a blast for a pick up and play for a few minutes.
I’ve got a few on rotation for shorter play sessions. The Long Dark is super fun to try survive and make some progress until I’ve managed to get to a nice save spot. And then Darkwood for those moments when I want to freak myself out. I can’t play for more than a 30 minute session (in the day) coz I’m too much of a wimp.
The Last of Us Part 2. I'm slightly obsessed.
@3Above Ya same here. Takes me a little bit into the new game to stop pressing the wrong button. I rarely play 2 games at the same time.
@SterlingEyes I was only a switch and vita person and bought a ps4 last April. So many good games, haven't touched my switch since.
@777Reigns I’ve been switch only this gen up until now. I loved my switch so much but the last 1-2 years there’s been hardly any decent AAA games to play
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