There’s increasing speculation about developer DONTNOD and its role in the Life Is Strange series. Earlier this week, the French studio announced a €30 million (~$36 million) financing deal with Chinese juggernaut Tencent, which it said would allow it to create “new self-published intellectual properties”. The studio has worked with numerous publishers in the past, including Square Enix and Focus Home Interactive, but it most recently published Twin Mirror on its own after a deal with Bandai Namco was dropped.
Of course, as already alluded, DONTNOD is best-known for the Life Is Strange series, which it created. However, the intellectual property is owned by Square Enix, and now there are questions about how the franchise will move forward in the future.
Well, renowned industry tipster Emily Rogers claims that “Square Enix and DONTNOD parted ways a long, long time ago” and that Life Is Strange: Before the Storm developer Deck Nine will lead the series moving forward. This doesn’t seem like a huge surprise, given that Life Is Strange 2 was largely overlooked and suffered from a protracted episodic development cycle that took over a year to conclude.
DONTNOD, for the time being, is not giving anything away. Eurogamer.net reports that key Life Is Strange developers like Michel Koch recently founded a new Montreal-based branch, where they’re working on an original franchise. And while they haven’t ruled out a new Life Is Strange, they have “new exciting ideas we want to explore”.
To be honest, we’re okay with this. Despite bringing some new and interesting ideas to the table, we thought Life Is Strange 2 was a disappointment overall. We actually preferred Life Is Strange: Before the Storm to the first game, despite some of its plot points being rushed. As such, we’re cool with the idea of Deck Nine taking charge, if that is indeed what’s happening behind-the-scenes.
Of course, Square Enix is saying nothing for the time being.
[source dontnod-bourse.com, via eurogamer.net, twitter.com]
Comments 19
I must agree. Life is Strange was so great, but Before the Storm was able to elevate all those feelings even higher than the original chapter. Deck 9 would be a great dev for further instalments in the series!
Loved Life is Strange and Before the Storm.
Haven’t played Life is Strange 2 but heard from a few different people that it wasn’t anywhere near as good as the pervious games.
I'm the exact opposite. Despite its many problems, I liked the original Life is Strange solely for its atmosphere. However, I thought Before the Storm was one of the worst games I've ever played. Unless some new writers are brought onboard, I don't want Deck Nine going near that series again.
Before the Storm is my favourite game in the series. LiS2 was a bit off in many areas, mainly the plot was boring or made no sense if you are not familiar with the aspects presented. In the first game I couldn't stand constantly trying to save a certain character.
@fR_eeBritney LiS 2 is still very good, but it does spin it's wheels some in the middle. The central conflict is interesting, there are some very likeable characters, and some tough choices to make.
LS2 was a bit better than I thought it was going to be, knowing that it was going to be different characters and all, but I'm very excited to see what happens next after all I do feel before the storm was the best of the franchise
Agree with all of this. LiS was among my games of the PS4 generation, and Deck 9 somehow managed to elevate the series higher than i could have imagined with that SUBLIME prequel in Before the Storm. They got me into Daughter as well. That Soundtrack was absolutely amazing.
LiS2 had its moments, but was very poor compared to the first game. And that's before you factor in the huge gap between episodes. Daniel was one of the worst characters i've ever encountered in a video game. I loathed everything about him. He just came across as a spoilt brat, and it completely spoiled my connection to the game unfortunately.
It didnt help of course that Max, Chloe and Rachel were all so well written.
So yeah, if Deck 9 want to continue the franchise, thats cool with me. I was worried DontNod would be snapped up by Microspft and take the franchise with them, so glad to hear its controlled by Square Enix
Before the Storm has to be the worst narrative game I've ever played. While LiS 2 was about meandering and boring in some parts, it definitely did not reach the lows of BTS.
The music that plays leading up to the big reveal at the end of episode 3 of Life is Strange 1, still manages tug at my heartstrings and force me shed a few tears.
I bought the Special Edition of Life is Strange and it came with the soundtrack, worth it just for that one track.
Before the Storm is one of the worst games I’ve ever played. The first LiS is great until the final chapter to be honest. I’m just not sure it really needs to be a series. Just make new games that stand on their own.
I enjoyed the first Life Is Strange except for the final episode. I loved how Dontnod had a nice mix of exploring difficult issues and outright goofiness. I enjoyed LIS2, but felt the antagonists were stereotypical and one-dimensional. I hope getting in the bed with China doesn't screw up Dontnod or the LIS series.
Life is strange and BTS were both fantastic, haven't played the 2nd one, mainly I just feel like it was a one off that can't be duplicated, and to try is to make it artificial and just about emotional manipulation. Some things weren't meant to be recreated, and as for DONTNOD theyve been getting worse and worse and are fading away so no big loss
Everytime I read an article about DONTNOD I can't help but wonder if I'm the only person who would love a sequel to Remember Me.
The majority opinion on these games always seems to steer towards good. I've almost pulled the trigger on the first one many times late at night, sleep deprived on the PS store. Could someone describe the actual gameplay? Or is it more like reading a moving cartoon?
First one seems to go on sale quite often. Can somebody give me a reason to pick it up?
Eh i dunno about this. Before the storm wasn't the best imo. Partly due to the VO strike which wasn't Deck Nines fault. However the game was supposed to be about Chloe and Rachels relationship and it veered off into Rachels family problems. Also characters were showing traits and progression that wouldn't be shown in the original.
@LordSteev The biggest draw of the first Life Is Strange is the story. By the end of the first ep, I was hooked and really wanted to see what was going to happen to the two leads. The gameplay has a lot of puzzles and a couple of stealth sections. It's really more of an interactive story then something you play just for the gameplay. I'm pretty sure you can download the first episode for free and see if you like it.
Thanks for the reply! I wouldn't mind a good interactive story. I think I saw the full game for $7.99 on one of the sales. If I can find it that cheap I'll pick it up for sure.
@LordSteev Yeah sometimes it'll go for dirt cheap during a sale, especially a major holiday sale. I'm glad I was able to help.
I dare any game developper to take the CCP's money while doing a game talking about the Xinjiang Uygur "re-education" camps.
Or be a little more subtle and makes a game about a fictional terrible dictatorial government who is definitively not based on China wink wink.
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