Not got a PlayStation 5 yet? No problem: forthcoming flagship Resident Evil Village also looks stunning on a PS4 Pro, as this exclusive first footage reveals. Like its predecessor Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, the survival horror runs at 60 frames-per-second, and while it’s outputting at a much lower resolution on Sony’s last-gen console, it still looks great overall.
The lighting is flatter than what we’ve sampled so far in the Maiden demo on PS5, and the textures can appear a little poor in places, but overall this looks like an excellent version of the game. Remember, you’ll get a free PS4 to PS5 upgrade if you do decide to buy it on PS4 Pro, so you can always transfer your purchase to Sony’s new console at a later date.
Which system will you be playing Resident Evil Village on? Knock back a green herb in the comments section below.
Comments 44
I was shocked to see it running at a seemingly smooth 60 fps. I would have bet money on this being 30-40 fps on last-gen consoles.
Also, I hope mommy vampire throws me around like that table.
N.i.c.e it looks amazing on Ps4 surprise there.a lot of games stills looks wonderful on ps4 pro.word up son
I don't usually talk down on memes but that vampire lady thirst thing is one meme i wish would just f---ing die already.
@Wavey84 The unsettling and creepy element will come from the fans.
Cautiously optimistic over here
I'm suprised that's it's 60 fps for the ps4 pro since it's rumored that the game is too "heavy" for ps5, I guess that rumor is false lol. And it's kind of scary the lady just pick up and throws that desk 😅
@Wavey84 So many assumptions, with absolutely nothing to base them on!
You know what they say about assumptions.
The power of the RE Engine, its why i never doubted the game looking and running great on last gen.
I do not like how that combat looks... I kind of hated combat in RE7 too, so I might pass on this as much I love Resident Evil.
I just can't stand the clunky aiming. It's not scary or tense. It's frustrating and tedious...
I really wish the combat was like Not a Hero. That was smooth, while also maintaining a tight FOV to give a claustrophobic experience. It's 2021, and I am not playing first person games with guns(aside from Doom) with no ADS. Definitely not at full price.
So basically they are using the same features and graphics settings as RE7, good enough for me. This game is already look great and better optimized than CP2077. Still, they only show the Pro performance, hope that the base version looks and play good not that I'm worried since RE engine is an absolute beast of an engine.
@Wavey84 Not from Capcom but a so call Capcom insider. That tweet really caused alot of FUD up to the point that a developer had to explain the process of game development and optimization. The insider later apologize for giving false information.
Looks great - May will be a very fun month
Something about the way to camera moves looks like it's being played with mouse and keyboard to me. I'm sure I'm wrong, but kind of reminds me of it.
Music to my ears considering it’s still impossible to get a PS5 here.
@Leon_93 Windows Vista is more optimised than CP2077
I don't like the first person view really :-/ Maybe I'm RE old skool
It looks great; though I think guns being fired in a claustrophobic cellar would sound quite different. Deafeningly loud for one thing.
Looks amazing! I think the PS4 games are going to look and run just as good as they can now, with the PS5 actually helping to boost up the graphics/performance of the Pro.
@get2sammyb Thanks for mentioning the old 4. In these days of white wardrobes, I sometimes think this site can overlook the circa 120 million seller.
It continues to show the scalability and versatility of the RE engine! Every game running on it has been 60fps so far so I'm not surprised this is also. I think they're doing a Call of Duty and sacrificing res to keep hit that sweet 60.
@wiiware if I remember the rumor correctly, it was that it was proving difficult to make it run at 4k/60 at some point in development, while the same team had no trouble achieving that on other hardware.
Since then we seen games release, or upgrade, to 4k on that other console that run at lower resolution on PS5, so it's not like that rumor is completely unbelievable at this point.
Resution alone won't make a game look bad, though, this game will look great wherever they sell it.
@wiiware @Tharsman
These "rumours" are completely unbelievable. There's ZERO problems with resolution or framerate on PS5 (or PS4). Resident Evil 7 ran at 2240x1260 60fps on PS4 and PS4 Pro (the high frame-rate was required due to the games VR support). Whilst the Xbox One struggled at 60fps 1080p and lower quality textures.
If the previous game could deliver those results on legacy hardware, there's absolutely no reason it can't do so again, and also deliver superior results on the new consoles.
@Profondo @Tharsman I think "ps5 can't run this game" rumors are false, besides it seems re8 is a ps4 games but marketed as a next gen games. Oh well, I'm still hyped for the game
there are likely 7X more base ps4's in the world. please let us know how it runs on base ps4 as that is what most people are curious about, not ps4 pro performance.
@Porco Yes, the still available new PS4 does seem to get overlooked - even new PS4 games seem to be getting reviewed on here on PS5s these days? Given some of the issues mentioned, it could be that the PS4 version of a game runs better on its native hardware but so often we don't see what it does on the older console.
That's why I thanked @get2sammyb for taking the time to dedicate an article to the PS4 (in this case Pro) as it shows just how capable the PS5's dad is.
It looks very good on the PS4 Pro indeed, but at what noise level? Especially for the CUH-71xx model owners like myself.
So no, not for me, I'll play this on PS5 or PC.
On another note, it's so damned weird and funny to see the game's "money" in my country's currency
In all my years of gaming i never expected to see smth like this in a high profile AAA game.
I wonder if the game is gonna have a language option for Romanian too, along side the usual others (French, German, Spanish etc). Or at least some lines here and there... it would really add to the atmosphere.
RE Engine is extremely scalable and adaptive, Monster Hunter Rise, Ghost n'Globin Ressurrection and now the PS4 Pro version of Resident Evil 8 Village show that.
@RBMango you hope Chris throws you around
@Constable_What then go play resident evil 6
@Taylorzombie "Evil Call for Resident Duty" (aka RE6 - at least Chris' campaign) is actually pretty great when you set the QTEs to auto execute, and learn to play around with the wealth of different mechanics.
@Taylorzombie 6 had better combat that 7. Don't @ me.
Sorry but no vr no buy its a shame if it gets added later im in
@shgamer oh i see
@Constable_What of course cause leon, Chris and make know hot to use a gun and Ethan didn't cause he's not a cop or soldier like them
@Taylorzombie So he knows how to reload every gun in the game, disengage the safety off of the guns that have them, and reload the magazines, but he doesn't know how to close one eye and look down a weapon sight.
That makes zero sense whether you're a soldier or a cop or not. It just feels bad, and there's no reason or explanation for it.
@wiiware Yourself and @Tharsman were repeating these comments about the "rumours" on here without a shred of evidence to back it up. The game is NOT a PS4 game and marketed as a PS5 game - it's made for the new consoles and scaled-down for the legacy consoles. The REngine was created for it's scaleability and adaptive qualities.
@Latex The game is releasing with VR...
@Profondo Dude, that's how rumors works, if there's evidence then it's not rumors, it's a fact 😂
@wiiware Yes exactly, it's just eejits like yourself posting BS. And when called out on it acting smug and smart-arsed. It's not a good look.
@Profondo you understand my only comment ablut the rumors was simply about the existance of rumor itself, right? And how I just noted that the rumor was not that the game was "too heavy" but simply that early in dev cycle the devs supposedly had a harder time making it run at their target on the PS5? Basically I said the rumor had morphed out of proportion from its original "leak".
I never vouched for the validity of the tumor itself beyond the fact that other games have shown it is likely for a game to reach higher performance on the Series X, so its not an unrealistic rumor (the original version anyways.)
@Profondo You're weird.
@Constable_What first of all you whining over iron sights? Go play call of duty
@Taylorzombie I may be whining over iron sights, but at least I can spell and use grammar.
@Constable_What you lucky this is not youtube babe
@Taylorzombie Are you cringier there, than here?
@Constable_What hope I have a nasty mounth😁
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