Happy Easter, everyone! We hope you have an extra restful weekend, with lots of games and chocolate eggs. Just try not to eat all those dairy delicacies at once – you’ve got to at least save some for next weekend, right?
Sammy Barker, Editor
Sean Murray finally convinced me to give No Man’s Sky another crack, and it’s basically a different game at this point. It’s also amazing now, by the way.
Robert Ramsey, Deputy Editor
I'm playing Disco Elysium this weekend, which just screams 'Happy Easter'. It's a fascinating game so far, and I'm really looking forward to seeing how the story pans out — especially based on my, er, questionable actions.
Graham Banas, Reviewer
Working my way through some reviews, including a certain upcoming Star Wars game, which is sure to be distraction enough. but I need to make my mandatory daily pilgrimage to Rainbow Six: Siege, especially this season, as there are genuinely a ton of things in the newest Battle Pass I actually want. I need it!
Jamie O'Neill, Reviewer
As a backup last year, I bought a spare 500GB PS3 Slim, and downloaded over 150 digital games. Sadly, there are only 13 weekends until the PS3's PS Store closes on 2nd July 2021, so I'll aim to recommend two retro based PS3 games a week via WAYP. I'll start with fantasy beat-'em-ups, including arcade Golden Axe – it's shorter, but graphically superior to the Mega Drive version – and the stupendous Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara.
We sincerely hope you enjoy your Easter weekend, and manage to squeeze in some good gaming time over the break. In the meantime, do spare a moment to let us know what you're playing below.
Comments 97
I will be diving back into Persona 4 Golden on PC as well as Strikers
In addition to that I just got 3D All Stars on Switch so I'm currently playing Galaxy for the first time in about 9 years
Playing yakuza 0 (my 4th yakuza game so far) and I love it. Besides yakuza 0 probably some shiny breeding in pokemon shield. Also thinking about finally starting ratchet and clank with the new ps5 patch.
I’m off to buy an Xbox
@kyleforrester87 wash your mouth out...i'm playing fenyx rising and dirt 5...
Metro Exodus. What a spectacular game. Highly immersive. Brilliant graphics and art style. The graphics, the immersion and you having sort of a camp squad to go back to makes it look like an RDRII sibling. It's my first Metro and it's already a series I'll be keeping tabs on here on out. Then it's some missions in FARCRY3.
It Takes Two - my buddy and I are about 8 hours in. I'll be very surprised if this isn't my GOTY.
Persona 5 Strikers - I'm on the final jail, so I really need to finish this one.
Horizon: Zero Dawn - snatched it up on PC and I'm about an hour and a half into it. I'm really surprised by how well my PC is able to run it on ultra settings. This is truly one of the most beautiful games ever made.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons - .....damn Bunny Day....
Switch - Continuing my playthrough of Crash 4!
PS4 - Weekly GTA Online session with friends!
PC - Going to try the new Battletoads on Battletoad difficulty. Wish me luck!
Have a good weekend everyone!
I will be playing on multiple systems this weekend a long side my daily games of Madden, Wreckfest and Two Points Hospital.
Xbox 1: Outriders and Deliver Us The Moon
Ps4: Little Nightmares 2, The Last Of Part 2
Ps3: infamous and Mirrors Edge (looking to pick up where i left off years ago)
Yakuza 5 with paper beast mixed in (thanks Sony). Might drop in to Enter the Gungeon potentially, but I think the variety of Yakuza will keep me plenty occupied.
Made a bit of an impulse buy and now I'm roaming Skyrim with Anneke Crag-Jumper, the beautiful adventuress.
Sadly it's never going to work between us, because she's married to a man back in Darkwater Crossing. And because I'm a six-foot Argonian lizardman.
I’m going to attempt to play more of Vacation simulator and rage 2, both have been underwhelming so far so I’ll probably end up playing everybody’s golf or staring at a wall or something.
Monster Hunter Rise on Switch was looking forward to Disco Elysium on PS4 but going to hold of till I see what the 2nd patch will fix..
Also in doubt to get Nexomon Extinction anyone here got some insight in that game?
Outriders if the servers are up. Cyberpunk if they are down.
I'll be playing as a cop trying to uncover a hanged man murder whilst wrestling with his own thoughts, emotions, a killer hangover and a cheeky little scouser called Cuno in the brilliant Disco Elysium.
I'll also be playing as an Italian assassin out for revenge for his father and brothers in the brilliant Assassin's Creed 2.
Getting close to the end of the main story in Horizon Zero Dawn. Which is sad.
But after I've wrapped that up I'll be set to get stuck into The Frozen Wilds DLC. Not so sad!
I stated Uncharted The Lost Legacy yesterday. Only in chapter 3 but it's very Unchartedy even with Nathan's absence and so is proving to be a lot of fun.
Also, for some reason I have decided that I really want to reach level 40 this Fall Guys season. It's still a fun game in very short blasts but I'm currently at level 27 so will be grinding away at this for a couple more weeks. Then I may uninstall it!
As an aside none of these games are currently on any other console although two are on PC. For now anyway.
Enjoy your loooong weekend folks and your eggs!
AC Valhalla, 110 hours spent and still got loads to do
I finally want to finish Days gone, i think last 5 hours to go! and then FF7 Remake, having high expectations.
Bloodborne game of the year edition.onimusha warlords and until dawn.and waiting today for my physical copie of 2019 game of the year sekiro shadows die twice.oh yeahhhhh word up son
Outriders and Narita Boy. Have a good weekend all!
Disco Elysium - what an amazing and unique experience. No game I’ve ever played is comparable. It’s special to play a game with no real combat.
Oddworld: New n' Tasty. Never finished the original so gonna play thru it before Soulstorm drops.
@Col_McCafferty enjoy lost legacy. Personally i think its one of the better uncharted games. The shorter length works in its favour because it compresses all the best bits into it with less bloat. Chloe and nadine play off each other brilliantly too and i loved the environments
Persona 5 Strikers for me. I am loving revisiting places i have visited in the real world (not in the metaverse obvs), and enjoying the persona spin on them. Its obviously not a yakuza level of detail, but great fun nethertheless.
I have checked out the R Type Final 2 demo and will play some Habroxia 2 on my Vita too.
If my son wakes me in the middle of the night, ill likely play some more 13 sentinels as that is easy to play while getting him back to sleep
Just reached chapter 40 in TLOU2 yesterday, so I'm finishing this one tomorrow! I'm really in for something more relaxed to play next; my heart can't take much more of this .
I just bought The Surge 2 Premium Edition and Agents Of Mayhem ^^
So I'm all set now lol.
Hope everyone has a lovely weekend!
Pokémon Blue Version (Game Boy) - Finally arrived in Saffron City. Team Rocket has taken over Silph Co tower and it will take a hot minute to liberate the building.
Angry Birds Stella (Windows Phone) - Almost half of the levels are now 100% complete now.
Gerbil Physics (Windows Phone) - Stalled out on this one, will try to get back into it.
@Rob_230 Already I'm pretty sure it's not going to top either 2 or 4 but might end up being more enjoyable than 1 and 3.
I like Chloe, not sure about Nadine though. Maybe it would've made an even better spin-off if Sully or Sam had been on an adventure with Chloe but as I said, I'm not far in so will keep an open mind.
It is very pretty and as warm and comfortable as a pair of old socks!
Currently finishing my third and final run of Detroit: Become Human. Grabbing the last magazines and getting Connor killed at every possible opportunity.
Probably onto HZD next. Picked up Hitman 3 in the sale, but waiting for the end of an eBay auction for the first in the series before I claim all the access passes etc. Still annoyed I can't transfer my progress from Steam, and still refusing to support EGS exclusivity policy, so at some point I'll be running through unlocking all the content again from 1 and 2.
Edit: I could talk about how uncomfortable I am with aspects of Detroit's story until I'm blue in the face, but I'm pretty sure it's one of those people on either end of the political spectrum can find fault with and still not agree...
More of The sinking City with my 2 boys, old tired man and squidy. Also aiming to finally start TLOU2 at some point this weekend.
Either I'm incredibly boring, or there is just a real lack of games out right now! I'm struggling to find something I want to play. Usually in that scenario I'd play FIFA but I've had enough of that, the online situation there is horrendous.
Need for speed Heat with the nephews... I'm not happy about it, but i do like the soundtrack so far, it's bouncy!
I will continue with the sci-fi weirdness that is Control on ps4, am reaching around half way point and enjoying it so far.
Have a good weekend and happy gaming all.
Grat little weekend for me. Planing on playing Nioh and Valhalla and after that I picked up Undermine (loving it so far), Kingdoms of Amalur (underrated game from PS3 era) and I am thinking of picking Ancestors and give it try but I'm not sure...
Also, need to continue my Yakuza Like a Dragon playthrough.
Currently addicted to Crusader Kings III on laptop. A deep but accessible masterpiece. You know a games complex when the tutorial has a tutorial !! But it's superb.
Also carrying on with Zelda The Wind Waker on WiiU, one of the finest games ever and side questing Cyberpunk 2077 on PS4
Have a great weekend guys ❤❤
Time to finally finish Fill a Pix and then start borderlands 3
@Col_McCafferty and what a great story Horizon Zero Dawn has eh ? Superb science fiction and Aloy is ace.
I thought I would briefly fire up Disco Elysium to see what it’s about before venturing on to Skyrim and I have been completely absorbed by it. It’s a refreshing take on the table top RPG experience. Also it’s hilarious. Happy gaming!
Lots of Monster Hunter Rise for me. Also continuing with Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water. I've reached the end of Danganronpa: Ultra Despair Girls, so time to see about getting the remaining achievements. And I was also thinking about beginning Persona 2.
Started Yakuza like a dragon yesterday so will mostly be playing that. Enjoying it so far, gets a bit of getting used to but story seems good.
Dying Light: The Following DLC, I've played through the base version numerous times, but this is my first time playing The Following DLC, and I'm loving it so far. I'm also playing a bit of Persona 5 Strikers in-between breaks from Dying Light.
I bought the season pass for Immortals fenix Rising in the sale but have yet to try it as I have still been busy on the excellent Persona 5 Strikers.
On the Ps4 I have been playing a lot of Need For Speed Hot Pursuit despite the terrible controls which make it extremely difficult to get any medals in the Rapid Response modes.
Also still busy playing through Assassins Creed Unity.Gotta say the graphics for the character models look better than Assassins Creed Valhalla ps5s..
On Switch its the usual 5 mins on Animal Crossing and some time spent on Sakuna Of Rice And Ruin.
Enjoy your Easter all,remember to avoid getting the chocolate on the controllers.
I returned to Sackboy: A Big Adventure after a short break.
I absolutely love this game!
Gameplay is excellent but the music integration takes it to another level. Bruno Mars’ ‘Uptown Funk’, David Bowie’s ‘Let’s Dance’ and the one and only Britney Jean Spears’ ‘Toxic’ 🙌. They even sampled Madonna’s ‘Material Girl’, among many others. All it’s missing is a little MJ. A ‘Billie Jean’ inspired level would have been amazing.
It all works to brilliant effect. It’s the most ‘fun’ game I’ve played in ages. Not too difficult for beginners but also offering a challenge for the hardcore (Knitted Knight Trials).
I can’t praise the game enough. REALLY hoping there will be a sequel in the not too distant future.
I just started the third jail in Persona 5 Strikers last night.
Y'know, when you start getting in the groove with the combat in Strikers it's just like chefs kiss
Metal Gear 2+3 on Xbox, and FFIV on the Vita
@KingPev Hell yeah, it may sound daft but I'm appreciating it even more second time round.
Aloy is also a star, my second favourite character of the PS4 gen after the dude in my avatar.
Finally got my friends to download Apex legends.
I'm not playing anything at the moment. I finished dirt 5 about 10 days ago and haven't picked the controller up since. I guess I'll just take a break for a little while and catch up on some movies, TV and books.
Tiny bit of demon souls earlier but actually, the sun is out and ill be enjoying some time in the garden with the family. Have a good one folks 👍
@HMazzy111 I was struggling for a few weeks too, was playing final fantasy remake past few weeks, took me ages to finish it did enjoy it but could only play for few hrs. It's annoying when that happens. It's just about finding that next game after trying about 5-6 others going nah lol. Sometimes something easy like stardew valley or prison architect does the job for me.
Same game as every weekend for the past 6 years; Elder Scrolls Online 😊
Having a lot of fun with Final Fantasy VII: Remake!
Ratchet & clank ps4, the 60 fps update is great but man, the loading time sure is blazing fast, the game only needs 2-3 second to load 😃
Playing Nioh, moved of the main game, currently on the first DLC. Also will do another playthough of I saw black cloud's, already done 2, but ended with the same ending both times.
Tekken 7, playing some online matches with a friend. Probably play Injustice 2 as well. And still messing around with Yakuza Like a Dragon.
Still working my way through Nioh. I’m running out of steam with it a bit on the fifth area. I’d like some more enemy variety and the constant inventory management is getting a little tiresome.
I’ll keep plodding through as I’m still enjoying it but I’m not 100% I’ll make it to the end.
Series X - more Forza Horizon 4 and Yakuza Like a Dragon
PS5 - Tony Hawk, Crash 4 and Assassins Creed Valhalla
Switch - Mario 3D World. Not got round to the Bowsers Fury side yet might give it a bash this weekend.
@Col_McCafferty Man it was so cool to learn about project Zero Dawn and the truth about Aloy's "mother" . I really didn't expect that depth. Also Frozen Wilds is a really good DLC, the new weapons are really cool and the new enemies are aggressive
@1_W1NG3D_4NG3L Happy Birthday for Wednesday, let's hope Spurs give you an early present tomorrow.
@TraCuz- Yeah, mind sure was blown!
Looking forward to that, heard nothing but good things about the DLC.
Just managed to get the string it together trophy on sackboy and it’s up there with the challenge trophy from the witness for me. I thought I was a decent platformer but that knitted knight trial had me on the ropes for a good 6 hours or so 😱
Alt coin season - will be back to games next month
Well after today I have a three day weekend coming up so I will be getting some game time in.
Outriders (Series X) Only got an hour into this game the other night after a crash but I can see I will enjoy this game.
CoD: Black Ops Cold War (Series X) Will be playing this with a few friends this weekend since I will actually have a Sunday off.
Stardew Valley (Series X) My farm is coming along nicely just waiting for Winter to do some major remodels.
@z0d15g0d I absolutely adore Apex, I've had so many good memories made there haha. Hope you guys have a good time!
I finally dispatched the cult this week in AC Odyssey so wondering if I should go for the platinum. Playing Crash 4 too which is very rage enducing and started my RE play through. About halfway through Zero - minus the long Switch load times it is pretty fun but powering though to get to 1 remake!
Hi there fellow gamers.
In this weekend multiple games in multiple systems:
Cheers, stay safe out there and happy gaming easter weekend for us all
1. Persona 5 Strikers (PS5)
Started is on my Switch but stopped. Just rented the PS4 version to start over on PS5 in “graphics “ settings.
2. Outriders + finish The Medium (Game Pass)
They also my handheld games for Easter travels (Shadow PC + Xcloud)
@RaZieLDaNtE just finished Bravely 2 last weekend. I loved it!!!! Could not put it down.
@fR_eeBritney Hi there friend.
You´re absolutely right. Sackboy is an awesome 3d platformer adventure.
And those Knitted Knight Trials are no joke. Especially when you see a notification saying: "Your friend just beat your best time". And you´re like: "Well, now I got to go and try to beat it 😉
I should really go back and play more of the game.
It rivals Mario, in my oppinion.
Oh, and if the game had Michael Jackson´s Billie Jean level, I would have lost my mind. Love that song. Heard it every single time whenever I was playing GTA: Vice City, my favourite.
Cheers, stay safe and have a good one
@Agramonte Hi there friend.
I loved the first two games on my 3DS, so naturaly, I was excited for the new one on Switch. It´s a lot of fun and the soundtrack is as great as the art style. Love this kind of games.
Cheers, stay safe and have a good one
Immortals Fenyx Rising (PS5).
Really enjoyed this,nearly got the plat now, but in true Ubisoft fashion, grinding and looting everything for the final trophy (max out all potions) is a grind. They could have made it worse dont get me wrong, but sometimes, finding/looting 50 items is more than ample instead of 2,3 or 400!! Sigh.
Bought RE3 remake in the current PS4 sale so started playing that. I really like it, even if Nemesis is more scripted than expected and its not the most faithful adaptation of the original. I did enjoy the RE2 remake, but the shift in tone to a more linear action game works well to differentiate the two.
Skyrim - difficult to stay on task. These long games out a damper on the ability to get anything else done.
Cyberpunk fresh replay, the new patch does wonders. XCOM 2 War of the Chosen, love this game but the load times, jeez..I'm actually typing this while waiting for a level to load. Disco Elysium, this game, while slow paced, has some of the funniest and darkest humor I've encountered game-wise in a very long time, and the guy who narrates it is just top notch. So, in my mind, 3 great games with some time outs for food. Hope you're all having as good a gaming weekend as I am!
I am making my way through Dust: An Elysian Tail. I highly recommend it if you’re a fan of the Metroidvania genre.
@RaZieLDaNtE Thank you for the kind message. I absolutely loved Vice City - my favourite GTA game and one of my favourite and most influential games ever. I remember how mind blowing it seemed at the time hearing popular music in a videogame. I used to drive around for hours in a convertible at sunset, just listening to MJ’s ‘Billie Jean’, Toto’s ‘Africa’, Mary Jane Girls’ ‘All Night Long’, REO Speedwagon’s ‘Keep on loving you’ and Blondie’s ‘Atomic’. Plus so many others. Just driving and listening to great music. It was very freeing and a much needed escape at the time. I hope one day they remake or revisit Vice City. It was such an interesting era.
@SterlingEyes Keep an eye out for the twilight mission's, they rotate daily, I've completed all mission's in the main game, and I'm stuck on 98.8%. Have completed 8 twilight mission's, waiting for the 2 I haven't done to come up.
@Ristar24 I really enjoyed 3 too. Thought the contrast with the faithful 2 remake was fun. Never really understood the uproar about removing filler locations but probably just me
Yakuza: Like a Dragon and Monster Hunter: Rise.
Finished YS IX Monstrum Nox (highly recommended)
= Rise of the Tomb Raider.
My stimi came in the mail, so I treated myself with Super Mario 3D World. That game is nothing short of an absolute delight.
Cyberpunk 2077 hahahahahahah
@TheArt i agree i have and is really cool this game.
Dark souls 3 which I got on the spring sale. Enjoying it!
Doom 3. Plays like a classic resident evil game in first person.
Cyberpunk 2077 for my PS4 Pro, and maybe some TLoU 2 or Skyrim VR. That's it. Happy Zombie egg weekend!
Jumped back into God of War as a workmate has been playing it through the PS+ collection. I last played it in 2018 with a 60% completion so this weekend I've bumped it up to 72% so far by getting all the collectables and I've took down a further 2 Valkyries bringing my total to 5!
Persona 5 Strikers. Started off disliking the combat but loving seeing The Phantom Thieves again.
Now, 30 odd hours In, the combat has clicked and I love it too.
Disco Elysium is next up.
Little late posting, mainly because I've been playing The Outer Worlds nonstop since I picked it up Friday in the Spring Sale. Awesome game.
@1_W1NG3D_4NG3L I know.
@LordSteev you've got good taste in games dude !
I'm still playing Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Remastered (PS4), about to tackle Old Smoky.
I am dedicated to finishing every side quest in Skyrim.
I have made a good dent by buying every house in game.
@TraCuz- Haha thanks.
@KingPev Why thank you!
I've often noticed the same with you.
@Aceofmace98 You, too, sir, have excellent taste! I've been there, I've done that!
@fR_eeBritney A remake of GTA Vice City, wich is also my favourite, would be pretty cool, but I dont see Rockstar doing it sadly.
But yeah, listening to Michael Jackson’s ‘Billie Jean’, Toto’s ‘Africa’ and especially Laura Branigan ´Self Control´ while driving around was the best. God i love the 80s so much.
That´s another reason why I enjoyed Yakuza zero the way I did.
The 80s rock.
Cheers, stay safe, stay well and all the best
@LordSteev ha ha thanks
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