Fantastic PlayStation 3 fighting game Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown could be returning to the ring, if a recently registered rating in Korea is anything to go by. The brawler was originally released for Sony's last-last-gen system all the way back in 2012, and that was pretty much the last we saw of SEGA's long running series on consoles.
However, as part of its Tokyo Game Show 2020 livestream, SEGA teased something to do with Virtua Fighter, although the whole thing was very light on tangible details. It's assumed that this new rating probably has something to do with announcement.
Said rating, by the way, is specifically for 'Virtua Fighter 5: Ultimate Showdown' — which perhaps suggests that this is some kind of remaster. We certainly wouldn't say no.
It's also worth noting that Virtua Fighter 5 is already up and running on PS4, kind of. The game's arcade and versus modes are playable from within Yakuza 6: The Song of Life. Make of that what you will.
Would you welcome a remastered Virtua Fighter 5? Land a KO in the comments section below.
[source gematsu.com]
Comments 35
I think the only fighter I really wish would get a current-gen port is probably Street Fighter III.
@nessisonett I mean you can play SFIII on PS4 and 5 with 30th Anniversary Collection.
I would be really happy if VF5 was available on PS4 outside of Yak. I had a hankering to play it recently. Would love a new game but that doesn't seem likely.
If this gets us closer to Virtua Fighter 6, I'll gladly take it.
Also Sega, please revive Shinobi, OutRun, Sega Rally and Virtua Tennis while you're at it or at least farm them out to other devs like Streets of Rage 4.
@RudeAnimat0r I’m thinking more in the vein of that Ultra Street Fighter 2 on Switch. The 30th anniversary edition only includes arcade versions, nothing more. The ports to consoles of SF3 included arranged soundtracks and stuff that I would quite like to see again. Even just a port of PS3’s Online Edition would be nice.
@nessisonett I'll take a Rival Schools + Project Justice collection
@DualWielding I only know about Rival Schools because of Project X Zone. It does sound like a fun concept though!
@nessisonett The arcade versions are really all I need, plus a training mode and good net code. I've never played Ultra 2, don't even know what all is in it other than the "new" characters, and wasn't there some weird first-person mode or something? With the exception of Alpha 3's World Tour mode I've never been impressed with any of the home ports' extra features.
And fully playable in Judgment too.
@nessisonett There's lots of ports of that game everywhere but there is only one super outdated console where you could play the great Tatsunoko vs Capcom 😕
Good news, but it's too late.
A Power Stone Collection Would Be Nice As Well.
I think this game is available for free inside 1 of the yakuzas.
It's inside Yakuza Like a Dragon! It's so nice!
Cool, but still need a Virtua Fighter 6.
Sign me up!
Play the 360 version on Xbone regularly. Classic fighting game.
I hope this means a return for Virtua Fighter in general, it's always been my favourite 3d fighting series. I'd love a port of the Saturn version of VF2 and Fighters Megamix, VF4 was great too.
A new Fighters Megamix would be awesome, I can't believe they never built upon the formula of that game
@nessisonett Ultra Street Fighter 2 really annoys me as despite picking classic visuals and sounds, you are always stuck with the modern character select artwork and the truly awful new announcers
My favorite 3D fighting series by far! Will definitely support this hoping we get VF6 at some point. Don’t let this die, Sega plz
Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time...
Gosh it's been so long since I could play VF. One of the best if not THE best Fighting Game Mechanics in any fighting game. No Flashy BS Fireballs and people flying all over the screen just very deep and technical amazing fundamentals. I can't wait to get back into playing my main Jacky Bryant. It can't come soon enough.
I just bought Yakuza so I could play VF5
ooooooooo so good.
if they make a new Virtua Fighter they should include the old character models so I can get my Saturn fix
@carlos82 they'd make a billion dollars if they came up with a Smash Bros style game with Virtua Fighter/Sonic/Sega Characters
online matchmaking
a guy can dream
@carlos82 Ultra Street Fighter II is weird
Like in individual screenshots the game actually looks really good but the thing is they didn't update ANY of the animations from Super Turbo so the really good looking fighter art clashes with the lack of fluidity in their movement
@TheFrenchiestFry yeah I mean the game plays fine but either looks and sound awful all of the time with the new style or just sounds awful some of the time. Strange to think they had far better graphics and animation back on the Saturn for the Alpha/Zero series
I'd rather a new entry but yeah! I'd buy it! (as long as the online is decent)
The first version was one of the first games I got with my PS3. The loading times were abysmal. Showdown improved it them greatly and both versions played so well I’d probably buy it again although I’d rather Sega pull there finger out and give us VF6. It’s only been 14 years.
@Juanalf thankfully that console can be reliably emulated on PC.
No interest in a remaster of VF5 to be honest, I’d much rather have remasters of the original, VF2 or Fighters Megamix.
A new VF though? That I’d be interested in.
I just want a remastered Marvel vs Capcom 2...
I want a Marvel Vs. Capcom...but without the Capcom. A "Marvel Super Heroes 2", if you will. Capcom's characters have always been the less compelling half of the Vs. Franchise, imo.
The issue with that version is that it’s nowhere near as full featured as “Online Edition” from PS3 and 360.
That’s why that version is still the gold standard for Third Strike. Besides actually owning a working CPS-III board that hasn’t grenaded itself.
Typically the Marvel characters tend to be more OP than the Capcom characters.
Marvel 3 was the exception. The Capcom side had Morrigan, who was impossible to deal with (I know, I mained her online and even I found her keep away frustrating) and Zero. Screw Zero. Stupidly overpowered character.
My firm fleshy stick is waiting for this!
Now if only Sony owned some sort of fighting event to launch console exclusive fighters and content at..........?
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