Returnal is readily available, Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart looks amazing – and, well, all is well in the PlayStation Nation again, right? It’s certainly been a much more exciting period for the brand – long may the good times roll.
Sammy Barker, Editor
MLB The Show 21 has become a bit of an obsession for me, but they keep adding new things to hold my attention. This could quickly become a problem, to be honest.
Stephen Tailby, Associate Editor
You might think that, after dozens of hours spent in Returnal’s never-ending shoot-‘em-up cycle, I’d be done. However, there are still a couple of things I want to wrap up before I play anything else. The game is so much fun that I don’t mind one bit, though.
Jamie O’Neill, Reviewer
I'm still keen to keep my PS3's fires burning by playing Super Stardust HD, and I'm intrigued to see how Resogun runs on a seventh generation console, but Stephen Tailby's excellent 9/10 review has me most stoked for my day one purchase of Returnal. Welcome to the Housemarque of fun!
That’s what we’re playing this weekend, then, but what about the rest of you? You know the drill by now: let us know in the comments section below.
Comments 122
Infamous Second Son
Hopefully I'll get some time over the weekend to get my head around FFXIV and it's free trial. The controller layout on PS4 takes a bit of getting used to though! 😄
Hopefully all you people with PS5's are enjoying Returnal! I wish I was playing it alongside you all as it looks and sounds absolutely great!
I've had my PS5 a couple of weeks now and really enjoying it so far. Returnal has been excellent in my first few hours of play so I'm gonna be running through that as much as I make time for.
I finished Sackboy yesterday too although there are still plenty of post-game things for me to do so may spend some more time going through that as well.
I'm learning why "Take your time" is a thing in Persona 5 😉 A little bit of Ratchet and Clank on the side, as well.
Switch - Starting the Spyro Reignited Trilogy!
PS4 - Borderlands 3 and GTA Online with friends!
PC - Alien Isolation via Game Pass!
Have a good weekend, everyone.
I was enjoying Nier but then I put it in rest mode (like I normally do) and the system firmware updated without asking, which involved a restart, and I lost about 3 days of progress, since the game does not auto save (which I was aware of and did not mind, I just expected the PS5 to actually ask if I wanted to update it)
I might go back to Dark Souls 3 for a while as I don’t think I have the desire to replay so much of the same game so soon.
Skyrim VR and Wolfenstein Cyberpilot for PSVR on PS4 Pro. No PS5 yet..
I WAS going to dedicate time to Returnal, but I've encountered a nasty bug where the door that leads to the very first area after the crash site won't open. So I'm not touching this until Housemarque patches that and adds in mid-run saves.
Aside from that, I've been replaying A Way Out with a buddy who has never played it before. I still really enjoy it.
I also finished the Mortal Kombat 11 campaign, so I'm currently going through the klassic towers.
Also continuing my daily dive into Stardew Valley. Lovely game.
Returnal followed by some more Returnal and probably also Returnal.
I'll squeeze a few sets of MK11 in somewhere.
Cuphead easily one of the best indie games ever made.graphics and gameplay is amazing.story is cool also.ys 8 lacrimosa of dana.magnificent gameplay.graphics is better than i taught.i enjoy the story also.and the legendary bioshock infinite from the collection.not only up there with the best fos shoiter ever made but games in general.story is wonderful.and the graphics still looks really good.word up son
@RBMango Some reddit post suggests these bugs are related to the alternative suits (like the pre-order bonuses) so if you're using any of those, you might wanna try reverting to the default one for now
Sounding like a broken record, but more of Yakuza Like a Dragon and MGS3. Love them both, though I hope to get Yakuza finished by next weekend, in time for Resident Evil, but we shall see!
@Voltan I saw that. The default costume made the bug worse lol. I could at least leave the crash site with the DLC costumes.
I'm still replaying Fallout 4 on the Series S. Currently cooking up a scheme to feed Preston Garvey to a mirelurk queen so he stops hounding me with settlement quests.
Returnal...followed by a bit more Returnal.
You get the idea😳
@kyleforrester87 Oh wow, that's absolutely gutting!
My returnal copy has not arrived yet, so I'm playing genshin impact ps5, man the game is prettier with 4K on ps5, I didn't feels any haptics feedback though.
On pc I played narita boy on gamepass, it's a really good indie games, I recommend it to anyone that like 2D games, the graphics are really unique and the music is great.
Also still playing valheim on steam, 93 hours in, just a little more then it's going to join nier automata and ghost of tsushima as my most played game this gen.
@kyleforrester87 Ouch, my condolences man. Yeah I remember nier automata also didn't have autosave, you have to save the game manually.
Destiny 2 PS5 version
Currently Dragon Quest XI which has sucked me back in and I'm enjoying every second, thankfully I have a nice long weekend for this.
Digimon Cyber Sleuth and a bit of Lords Of The Fallen lol.
It's just to tie me over until Hood: Outlaws and Legends and Mass Effect release
@RBMango Ok, weird! Hopefully they'll patch it very soon as it seems to be affecting a number of people. I haven't had that problem myself but I don't have the pre-order bonuses (they didn't come with the physical version)
PS5 - Yakuza: Like a Dragon, Returnal
Switch - Monster Hunter: Rise
Returnal then return to Returnal prolly die and rage quit but return to Returnal and after another death - crash - rage quit back to Returnal.
Yeah I also might play some Returnal.
Continue Oddworld Soulstorm. The latest patch seemed to fix a few bugs I encountered, so that's good.
Gears of War 2 & Sonic 2
Judgment. Still only on chapter 5 but really enjoying it. And I did the Puyo Puyo challenge without much difficulty, so should have an easy run to the plat too.
Final Fantasy 14. I genuinely love it😶.
Chrono Trigger on Wii Virtual Console. And I might try and finish Mum Hid my game.
Stuck on Man-eaters on Demon's Souls, this weekend I will take them down, all the way to Chinatown.
I'm just finishing up on Hollow Knight on XSX, and I should be able to pick up my copy of Returnal from Currys on Saturday evening. My son got Mario Party on the Switch for his birthday last week, so I'm sure he'll want to have a few games on that too
Returnal and Mom Hid My Game 2.
Started with some Last Ninja on the C64. Might go back to the Turrican Flashback collection on PS4. Also rebought Dark Souls 3 in the PSN sale and picking up where I left off a couple of years ago, as still had my save.
@wiiware @get2sammyb hey, I deserve it
Been on a lengthy Battlefield 1 binge of late (plays very nice on a ps5) but going to break that up this weekend with a run on resi 7 in VR.
Destruction allstars has still got me! My wins are creeping up and the platinum is coming into view.
Still slaying monsters and crafting outrageous gear in the fantastic MHWorld. Something's finally clicked and I can't put it down. Bazelguese keeps poking his nose in every fight and Deviljho keeps bullying poor Odogaron. Then it's more tarrying in Far Harbour in Fallout 4. Then of course some RDRII, FC3 probably.
Returnal and dead army 4? Zombie army 4? Whatever Sniper elite 4 with zombies is called.
Also may try to finish off red dead hat retention 2.
First time around and this is the first boss that's given me serious problems.
Have been trying to use fire on them but have run out of pine resin, and the filthy old woman in Valley of defilement has moved on, so got to find her in the horrible swamp somewhere.
Cheese might have to be employed I guess, still a wonderful game though!
The Last Ninja on C64, now you are talking!
Fond memories of that game, especially the music.
Poor old Ben Daglish passed away young a couple of years ago, he was a maestro.
If interested, here's him doing a couple of the tunes with a band called Fast loaders at Camden a while back, it's pretty good if you know it.
@kyleforrester87 I know you loved Automata, which I also absolutely adore, and was wondering how you're finding the original Nier? I've never played it myself and was thinking of picking it up soon, but just wanted to hear your thoughts on it!
Persona 5 on PS5
Halo MCC on Xbox Game Pass.
Looking to finally finish Shadow of War (the second half of which has been a lot more enjoyable compared to the first) but not sure what else.
Fancy giving Abzu a go before starting a new big SP title. Looking forward to downloading Battlefield V on Tues, been after a good MP ever since finishing Battlefront 2.
Have a good one, folks!
With so many people playing Returnal this weekend, it's worth giving a shout-out to Stephen's sub-heading for his review.
'Selene Die On' has to be a contender for 'The Best Push Square Tagline of 2021 So Far'.
1. Nier Replicant
2. F1 ( Portugal GP race weekend 🏁🏎🏎)
@BranJ0 hmm.. I was really impressed with Automata from the demo, and that followed through into the main game once I got it (I think I played it 12 hours a day, 2 days in a row actually!)
Replicant hasn’t grabbed me anywhere near as much - I’d frankly say it’s inferior on every level (I guess it has a cleaner overall image than Automata) but that’s considering I have not completed it - I was up to the haunted house, but I think you’d be a fool to judge this game before finishing it entirely - and also a reflection of how highly I hold Automata.
Anywhoo I went in with low expectations as I was recently excited about Xenoblade Chronicles 1 after loving 2, and found it very disappointing, and saw history could repeat itself here.
There is a huge amount to be said for the right game at the right time in someone’s life too, and I don’t doubt that’s played a part in my opinion of both games, and every other game I’ve ever played.
Returnal and really enjoying it. Once I stopped trying to play it like a traditional shooter and use hip fire lol. Endure and survive.
Bit of Skyrim, bit of whatever the kids want to play.
I've been struggling to get into anything recently, so I decided to replay Dark Souls III and I'm absolutely loving it
@Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy Hey I'm always looking for someone to play 14 with! I wouldn't mind helping you level, if you send a request just say you're from Push Square.
@playthedangame Yo man where ya at in MGS3? I just finished a few weeks ago, always down for discussion.
Monster Hunter Rise. I've not been playing enough of it lately, so I really want to pick up the pace and make good progress through high rank.
Playing Marvel's Avengers and Dark Souls remastered. Only one trophy left for platinum on avengers, need to complete 50 hive mission's for that. Not sure about Dark Souls, not really enjoying the gameplay, I'll keep on it for a bit longer, have the Dark Souls trilogy, so may try the most recent one.
Finally, FINALLY finishing up AC Valhalla this weekend. A good game, but the quests stretch on and on. I will be glad to finally be done.
@Fight_Teza_Fight Hey if you want someone to play with in 14 just shoot a request!
@1_W1NG3D_4NG3L Nice dude! I'm interested in how your journey with the thieves go, lemme know.
Ys Origin for me, on PS5!
I love Persona 5 Royal with all my heart, but I gotta take a break for a little while. I beat the base game and I'm content with saving Royal content for later.
Currently playing Apex Legends, Final Fantasy XIV, and Returnal. Oh and MGS4 .
@Ristar24 Have fun playing The Last Ninja on your C64, mate. Like @Futureshark mentioned above, Ben Daglish's SID chiptunes were legendary.
When I was buying Returnal at GAME in Liverpool yesterday, I was doing a bit of glancing in the window of a shop called MenKind, where they had a C64 Mini on display for something like £40.
I don't know if it's any good, but it has games like Armalyte, California Games, Creatures, Cybernoid, Hawkeye, Impossible Mission, and Paradroid included, I think.
It even has both C64 Speedball games on it, from what I could tell, so the C64 Mini may be worth a punt.
Some returnal in afternoon maybe had a few bugs were doors don't open which is annoying, but going on a camping holiday Monday, and got snooker to watch and a big poker tournament tomorrow so won't play much, hopefully when I get back on Friday night it will have been patched and ready for a proper session on it, but from what I have played it's amazing, the dualsense is brilliant as well as the 3d audio.
Assassin's Creed: Valhalla and Returnal for today. Loving both.
And some Mario Bros. with the missus tomorrow.
Just finished RE3 Remake and found it to be a massive disappointment. I only paid £8 for it and I still feel I got ripped off. With that out of the way I'm going to continue with Nier Replicant. Have a good weekend all!
Horizon zero dawn...i was so wrong about this game and i'll admit i was wrong..loving it and i cant decide which has the better graphics between this and ghost of tushima..
@TraCuz- Think I'm about halfway? I'm just after the infamous ladder! I've seen the memes but the climb wasn't as long as I thought it was haha
Grinding away at last Dirt 5 trophy because even though I've completed everything I'm somehow nowhere near 1,000 miles driven. Sigh.
Returnal, MLB 21 the show. And crash team racing. I got a good rotation going
The Walking Dead: Season Two (Vita) - I've quickly reached the final episode again.
Battleship (Windows Phone) - The difficulty in Story mode has been all over the place...
Gerbil Physics (Windows Phone) - Past the half way point now.
For some reason, Everybody's Golf, on the Vita. Maybe some Yakuza 0.
@lolwhatno Taken literally, you play as Selene in Returnal and she's killed over and over, so she has to often restart her adventure.
Basically, as Selene you die on and on, but the true brilliance of Stephen's 'Selene Die On' tagline is that it's a clever play on the name of the 1990s Canadian pop singer, Céline Dion.
Trying to finish the platinum in SOCOM 4.
@Futureshark Yep, the late, great, Ben Daglish. I remember the music really struck me the first time I played The Last Ninja back then (on cassette from WHSmith). The music alleviated the frustration of the difficult isometric jumping!
@JamieO I have the C64 mini too, its pretty good, they've updated firmware recently to enable disc swapping. Only issue with the mini is the joystick, but you can buy a Micro Switch version though, which is better.
@Ristar24 and @Futureshark — I remember when I was a kid I received C64 The Last Ninja 2 as a present, and inside the box it had a ninja mask and a plastic shuriken. I always thought that was a cool box set for my C64.
I sold my C64 and games to put the money towards an Amiga 500, but I wonder now if that Last Ninja 2 package is a collectible for C64 retro gamers today.
@kyleforrester87 Very interesting, thanks for your response! I'd be interested to hear your thoughts once you've finished the game, because if it's anything like Automata then it sounds like the game only fully reveals itself after multiple playthroughs.
Think it might be worth buying when it's on sale - I've got enough games to keep me busy for the time being!
@JamieO Last Ninja 2 is probably better than the original! I still play now and again.
I had the standard version, only had a couple of 'big box' games, did have Bart Vs. Space Mutants which came with a badge. Game was awful though!
Well I already played Returnal a bit and love it this far. But I think I'll stick with Nier Replicant and Terminator: Resistance Enhanced this weekend.
Tony hawks on PS5 which is awesome and full of nostalgia for me. I paid for the PS5 upgrade but quite honestly I can’t tell the difference.
I’ll be taking my switch away with me for a couple of days so I’m going to start another playthrough of Dark Souls but so far I’m struggling to adjust to 30fps
Still playing through Outriders. Once I've had my fill I'll eventually move on to Returnal.
@1_W1NG3D_4NG3L Your love is only going to grow my friend, the story is very good and the cast is just as strong. As you said the art style is absolutely brilliant, the entire menu ui from selecting items or viewing personas, to even purchasing weapons and meds from Iwai and Takemi. Just oozes with style, all of this combined with the incredible soundtrack.
It's funny because before playing Persona I thought I didn't like turn based combat, but I must say it's a different type of engagement compared to a DMC or Nier. Makes you think and strategize which I like a lot. I'm actually now looking to go back and play FFX for the first time.
@BranJ0 yeah I will get back to it after a short break!
@playthedangame Ahh that means you just faced The End, fun fact I just found out. If you already had the sniper then the first time you see him in the wheelchair you can shoot him and prevent the boss fight!
@JamieO Yea and so should your hilarious CONS for game reviews be awarded 😆
Speaking of clever wordplay there's a lot of that in Rap music. Take this line from Fabolous - "I got a magazine that press to your body like editors" 😲😲😲 @lolwhatno
Currently getting my booty handed to me by Pontiff Sylvahn more times than I care to count. Also contuing my epic Cyberpunk saga for when I need a break from the brutality.
Astro Bot Rescue Mission, Thumper, Paper Beast and Final Fantasy VIII Remaster. Mostly VR but FF for when my brian r tired.
Dragon Quest XI S some more Oddworld along with Ratchet and Clank. Away from Playstation I'm currently heavily invested in Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and while I really am enjoying it and the environments look really nice holy hell are they confusing to navigate at times.
@roe Have you gotten gold on the Ripsnorter yet? That was my last trophy (besides the platinum, of course), and it took many many frustrating hours of platforming.
Finishing of the Foundation DLC on Control. Despite loving the main game this DLC is a drag, will be glad to see the back of this one. Also playing through the fantastic Oddworld Soulstorm.
@1_W1NG3D_4NG3L I'm currently playing the original ff7 but granted with the cheats for 3x speed, free health regen, and unlimited limits as I'm mainly am here for story. But you'd say it's worth it to go back and play 8,9 and 10?
Played some hitman 2016 earlier through hitman 3 on ps5 and some star wars squadrons on series x. The latter I'm a bit unsure of, bet you it would be dynamite in vr with hotas set-up though.
@Hootnoodle I played it fully on switch and decided I wanted to double dip and play it in 60 FPS goodness. I’m past act 1 and almost through the (intermission?). Amazing game, DQXI is.
@TheArt Cheers, although the 'Cons' in my reviews are more the standard "No online multiplayer" type responses.
Could you be thinking of John Cal McCormick's Push Square reviews?
John makes me laugh with his writing style, for example when he reviewed PS4 Five Dates not only did he have the tagline 'Daters gonna date', but one of his 'Cons' was, "No option to release wolves into the dates' rooms"!
That Five Dates review cracks me up!
Samurai Shodown, gotta try out the guest Last Blade character. Street Fighter V and Yakuza Like a Dragon.
Ha maybe I'll take you up on that offer sometime @TraCuz- when I get a little more used to FF XIV! I'm only level 10 or so after a little session earlier today 😄
Fely a little nostalgic so put in Xcom 2. Thinking about trying to plat it. Only really have to do the finish the game before July? and multiplayer trophies to get it
@JamieO Haha I just went through the archives, yes it's John, thought it was you. It was the cons for this game that came to mind. https://www.pushsquare.com/reviews/ps4/taxi_chaos
Finished up Maquette last night. It wasn't great. The gameplay just doesn't meet the potential of the concept. The story felt unnecessarily tacked on, and it honestly wasn't even very interesting. Performance was kinda bad too - it surely wasn't very well optimized for PS5. Certainly not a horrible game, but it definitely didn't meet my expectations.
@TheArt Good call on highlighting John's reviews, though, his sense of humour is great.
I remember the Taxi Chaos review that you linked to above too, like you said earlier, it was hilarious.
Yet again he had a cracking tagline with 'Lazi taxi', and the Cons were brilliant from "Our car spawned under a bus", then saying, "That was actually funny, though".
Cheers, mate, I've had a good chuckle here!
@AgentGuapo It's a fantastic game tbh. Loving every minute. I'm half way through I think, and I don't want it to end. 😂
@Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy Yeah whenever you want, but don't feel like you have to wait to be good first to add me, I really wouldn't mind helping out as I've been searching for people to play. Especially noobies like me! Just started a few weeks back.
Playing Yakuza Like a Dragon on PS5. Its a great game, although i know it will be put on hold from next week once Resident Evil Village arrives.
I also downloaded Locoroco on PS Now so may play abit of that and am working through the Longest Five Minutes on PS Vita too
@1_W1NG3D_4NG3L So so happy you are enjoying P5 Royal. If you have only seen the first palace so far, just wait. It just gets better and better 👍
@TraCuz- All the Final Fantasy's are great. 9 is my favourite game of all time, but 7 is obviously the BIG one. 8 is ok but has some odd mechanics i didnt care for (but the cheats in the PS4 version help). Amazing intro movie/song too.
X is fantastic and is an easy recommendation for anyone jumping into the series tbh. Its not bogged down in the lore or expectations of 7 (which in itself is the game that made me fall in love with Playstation), and its battle system is among the best in the series imo. My appreciation for X has only grown woth time.
12 is hit or miss - a very marmite game. If you love it, you LOVE it, but this is where the story started to fall off a cliff for me.
13 is infamous for being linear but i enjoyed it. Mostly forgettable characters except lightning, but among the best soundtracks in the series. 13-2 was excellent too.
14 you have started - i still need to jump into that, so i cant say anything about it.
15 is a hot mess of ideas. The story has enormous potential but feels rushed and unfinished, yet the world is beautiful and i loved the combat. I really enjoyed the game overall.
7 remake is a stunning achievement and should be played by anyone
@TraCuz- Yeah I did that just to get the trophy, then reloaded my save. The fight itself was brilliant!
@1_W1NG3D_4NG3L So glad i could help 😊
I do have to apologise though. The game gets its hooks into you. Big time. I couldnt stop thinking about it even when i wasn't playing, and it isnt unusual for me to listen to the soundtrack whilst working - beneath the mask is a really chilled song to work to.
Enjoy the next 100+ hours. And if you can't get enough, P5 Strikers is definitely a recommend, even if only to reconnect with those characters.
Let me know how you get on!
Returnal and Demon’s Souls!
Still working on Nier Replicant on PS4 and Trails in the Sky on the Vita which I'm almost finished with I think. My next Vita game will probably be either Trails in the Sky 2 or YS Origins but not sure which yet.
@JamieO 😆 cheers.
@Rob_230 I just don't get why FFXII Zodiac Age has been £19.99 since forever on the PS Store. I had it on PS2 but never finished it so I've been thinking if it drops to below £10, maybe I'd buy it but no it's still so expensive like it's a recent brand new top selling game
@Rob_230 Haha as you can probably tell from my picture I adore FF7, and I share same sentiments with your picture. They are both my number 1s, I can't choose which I like more!
Thanks for summaries, I unfortunately tried to play FF15 after playing FF7R and it just didn't click. I think I would've liked it though if I played around release. Haha I actually wanna play 13 despite all the hate I see around it, unfortunately it's only on PS3 gen. I'd love to see them put it in PS Now. But based off what you're saying I think I'm gonna go with 9 and 10, while keeping mild interest for 8 and 12.
Trying to get somewhere in returnal lol. Almost got this first boss, he was so low but all I had was a pistol so couldn't kill him quick enough. I think I have him next time
Returnal crashed a lot on me day one but I finally made some progress and it had been steady today. Great game. Def needs a patch.
I’m on my 2nd week of my first playthrough of Nier Automata. I’m doing a lot of exploring so I haven’t gotten the first ending yet but I’m already hooked as the mystery of the world slowly unravels. The flow of the combat has really clicked with me now and I feel supremely confident until I meet a boss and the perspective changes.
I’m still slowly chipping away at Witcher 3. My wife loves watching me play it and wants me to play it more. I like it overall but am not feeling the gameplay much. I’m sure it’ll grow on me but it’s tough going from Automata to Witcher.
I think I’m getting close to finishing Ratchet & Clank. Im playing the PS4 reboot on PS5 with the 60fps patch.
I picked up Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection so I’ll be doing some SF Alpha & SF3 online matches.
And I’m excited to start Horizon Zero Dawn. I’ve never played it but got it from Play At Home. I’m waiting until I finish Automata before starting HZD.
@AgentGuapo I haven't got to that yet, just done the main levels and rolled credits. Now going back through to get the rest of the orbs and collectibles I missed. I've done about half of the trials on their own but I have heard how difficult the Ripsnorter is.
huge weekend:
just beat Limbo.
Friday night - I beat Marvel Avengers (Ps5) and Cadence of Hyrule.
Feeling the good times.
Foolishly have started god of war, days gone and horizon at the same time, first play through of all..and not enough time!
AC Valhalla, heading back to Norway, nearing the end.q
Appreciate the offer it mate, might well take you up on that.
However I ended up firing up Returnal and that was Saturday gone.
@deathaxe yeah gona carry on with GOW, struggling with horizon as not 60fps..the PS5 has turned me into a snob 😂
Is it Sunday already damn, Returnal all Friday night and yesterday managed to pull myself away to watch a film. Might attempt a few runs later, but also want to jump back into Trails of Cold Steel but Returnal has it's hooks in me for sure. If someone helps me bump off the wife I'll get the t.v. back for another run 🤣
Nier Replicant for me. Really getting into it though still relatively early on. Also bought Automata in the sale and will give that another chance after I finish Replicant. Would have been tempted by Returnal but the lack of a quick save to pause and resume a run is a killer for me.
PS4: Onimusha Warlords
PS Vita: Assassins Creed Liberation
Hi there fellow gamers.
Boy, it´s already monday, time just flies sometimes.
This weekend was all about Returnal...... And maybe an hour of
Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition 😜
Returnal is as good and as challenging as I hoped it would be.
And it´s great, addictive fun all the way.
Some good runs, some not so good, others really bad and a few really good. It´s the nature of the game.
Explore, Kill, Die, Repeat.
Was able to beat the second Boss first try and am now on the third Biome.
Still learning and getting better and better each run.
The game is a blast.
Cheers, stay safe good people and I hope you all had a great and happy gaming weekend
MLB The Show 21 and Uncharted 4.
still playing divinity 2 with my cousin, great game
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