August is all wrapped up, and that means it's time to start looking at the busy Fall lineup. Starting in September, the back end of the year is typically packed with big games for both PlayStation 5 and PS4. There's something for everyone, too — various sports games make their annual appearance, first person shooters are marching forth, and there are one or two family friendly titles to boot. Let's have a gander at what's coming to store shelves in September and October 2021.
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NBA 2K22 - 10th September
2K Sports' annual basketball sim returns, as you might expect. This year's game will be on PS5 and PS4, and makes a number of improvements both on and off the court. The action has been tweaked, taking you deeper into the sport; the City will be integrated with MyCareer, and you'll even be able to explore further options for star players, like a career in hip hop or fashion. There are lots of changes big and small coming to the game this year, and it should make for yet another excellent sim.
Deathloop - 14th September
From the creators of Dishonored comes Deathloop, a first person action game about a man trapped in a 24-hour loop. In order to escape, you'll need to find and kill a selection of baddies all within a single cycle. Before you get to that point, you'll be using as many loops as it takes to gather information, work out the most efficient paths, and find clever solutions to make murdering your targets as quick and easy as possible. It sounds like one big fascinating puzzle, and we've no doubt it'll be a fun time.
Far Cry 6 - 7th October
The Far Cry series returns, once again sporting a new setting, story, and antagonist. Set in a fictional portrayal of Cuba, you'll be fighting back against Anton Castillo and his oppressive methods. It's another exotic open world to explore, and will have all the explosive action you've come to expect from the franchise. Powerful weaponry, a variety of vehicles, and animal companions will see you through this action-packed adventure.
Battlefield 2042 - 22nd October
Battlefield has had some ups and downs lately, but it feels like this year's entry will be a return to form. Battlefield 2042 brings the franchise to a near-future setting, and with no single player campaign in sight, it's all about that signature multiplayer experience this time. In addition to the usual modes you'd expect, we also have Battlefield Portal, which allows users to create their own modes on favourite maps from past games, and Hazard Zone, a more intense co-op experience. With up to 128-player battles and a bunch of post-launch support, this could be a real winner.
More Upcoming PS5 and PS4 Games for September and October 2021
What PS5 and PS4 games will you be buying in September and October? Tell us in the comments section below.
Comments 57
I’ll pay full price for Far cry 6 and get Medium and Life is strange when they’re REALLY cheap. They’re the only games I’m into on this list. Stoked for Far cry tho fo sho!
Deathloop, Far Cry 6, Tails of Iron and Lost Judgment day one. Battlefield and Medium on a price drop.
On September it really starts picking up the momentum of more games.
Let us gooooooooo!!
Now the race begins to finish all these new games before Elden Ring...
Well this could be a expensive couple of months, luckily I share PS5 accounts.
Do you ever look at a game and think I probs shouldn't buy this but something keeps pulling you towards it, I get that feeling with Riders Republic, Medium and Hot wheels. 🤣🤣
I don’t see Kena on the list.
Tales of Arise
Kena Bridge of Spirits
Lost Judegement
Far Cry 6.
Then jump to PC for Forza (November) and Halo (December) and back to PS5 for Elden Ring. Good Times!
@Cheems Yeah, pretty glaring omission too.
@Cheems 21/9/21. Right in the middle of the big releases. Hope that doesn't hurt its sales honestly
Really excited for Deathloop. Undecided on whether to pick it up on PS5 or wait for it on GP. Battlefield also looks so good.
@Danloaded it is not a full price game so I think it will be okay.
Thank goodness for Lost Judgment being there, or the entire list would have been a loss for me
@Cheems i hope so. Il try and squeeze it in my backlog lol im getting deathloop and lost Judgment see but Kenas trailers made it look really good
A few games in there that I'll flag for when they go on sale. I just dropped $100 on We Happy Few, Spiritfarer, Iron Man, Audica, L.A. Noire VR, The Persistence, and Rick & Morty VR...so I should be good until these drop.
Look at those PS5 prices for Europe. Ridiculous high, no thanks
Where's Kena: Bridge of Spirits?
Do you know something we don't about the 21 September launch date?
Anyway, I'm in for Kena, Far Cry 6 and maybe Deathloop.
@Max_the_German That's why 2-3 accounts for different regions are useful
Is the 13-like shooter Rico London releasing on the 2nd sept still?
2K, Far Cry, Kena, Guardians all definite buys. Riders Republic is actually growing on me but it'll be 30 bucks by January so more than happy to wait on that.
Most excited for Kena: Bridge of Spirits.
Kena, Sonic Colors, and of course Lost Judgment! These will probably be it for me until December for Halo Infinite. Far Cry 6 is in the mix too but I'm not sure when I'll get to it since I doubt I'll be done with Lost Judgment by the time it releases. Gonna be a good fall!
Not liking these months. Too many games I want to play after a couple quiet months playing my PS5 backlog. Luckily nothing for me in November and December. Might go something like this, Life is Strange, Lost in Random(which you forgot on your list) Death Stranding and Kena. Then Far Cry 6 and Guardians of the Galaxy. And if Tales of Arise and Deathloop turn out alright I may play them later in the year before the very busy first quarter of next year
Think I may pick up Guardians of the Galaxy and Hot Wheels. I may just wait for blackfriday sales in November for may usual hall of 5 - 10 games.
The binding of isaac: repentance is what I'm waiting for. No news on console release since March and that just said Q3 2021. Hopefully some news drops soon
Out of that list, very few, and certainly not at those prices
First to say it and probably hated for it but fifa 22 ps5 for me, can't wait!!!
Already purchased DS DC deluxe, Kena, Life is Strange: True Colors, Super Monkey Ball, and Battlefield 2042. I’ve got Warioware, Eastward, Metroid, and Mario Party pre-ordered on Switch too. September/October are loaded. I’m open to getting Deathloop and Far Cry 6 also, depending on if I like what I see post-release. And, for some reason, I’m still tempted by The Medium, even with its middling Xbox reviews. Curious to see if the PS5 version betters the Xbox version based on DualSense integration.
And as thick as that release schedule is, I’m still curious if Sony has anything up it’s sleeve for the holiday.
BATTLEFIELD PS5 is already preordered, and interested in Kena and Far Cry 6. Lots of games in backlog too, so i try to focus on the stuff i already own..
Tales of Arise and Kena for sure, for me and if I can beat the first Judgement in time I'll get the sequel but ill probably just get the new LiS. I don't want to buy many games with long play times close to each other.
Next month is pretty stacked. My list:
While I'm interested in all of those, I'm not very excited for any. I'll eventually get them all but most will wait for next year or later.
FIFA, Far Cry, Life is Strange and Super Monkey Ball, £209.96
On what basis did you select a few and talk about them separately?
Why is Kena not listed here?
Obviously not a AAA or even an AA game,but wondering if we'll finally see the Zombies Ate my Neighbours/Ghoul Patrol PS4 port? Seemingly what little info is out there it possibly failed certification. All Disney posted in an update on the lucasfilm games twitter was "soon",Dotemu said they were only involved in the development but not the publishing side & been silent on the matter since.🤔
Missed a few games guys. Kena, rico London and WWZ all have September release dates!
@thehappyaerithch right? It's like the worst game on the list lol
Also, let's just take a look to admire what a selection of titles are coming out over the next few months. We are spoiled for choice.
F.I.S.T. Forged in Shadow Torch
Tails of Iron
Kena Bridge of Spirits
Hot Wheels Unleashed
Praey for the Gods??
Lost Judgement and Kena Bridge of Spirits for me.
@KSherry87 one of the devs said a few days ago it’s still on track to release this year
Very busy month for me: tales of arise, death loop, kena, death stranding DC, lost judgement.
Another game missing from the list besides Kena is Lost in Random. It had a Sept 10th release date in the last gameplay trailer. Lost in Random might be my most anticipated game coming out next month.
@Max_the_German Indeed. PSN Store in my country is a complete rip-off. Even the sales are garbage 90% of the time. Retail prices for physical discs are usually 25-30% cheaper than digital here, even on release day. Thank God I got the disc version of PS5.
How in the world is Kena, Bridge of Spirits out of this list??
You missed out Diablo Resurrection
looking forward to Far Cry 6, House of Ashes, Guardians and Riders. If I had a ps5 I would definitely day one Deathloop
Battlefield 2042
...and still no reason to get a PS5. Back to the back log it is.
For people wondering why Kena is not on this list, this is all physical and links to Amazon to get referral kick backs. It’s honestly a bit annoying. So many good games don’t get listed on these.
I plan on buying Life is Strange: True Colors, Tales of Arise, Kena: Bridge of Spirits, and Death Stranding: Director's Cut in September. Also maybe Lost Judgment if I can beat the first game before it releases.
As for October I'm interested in Super Monkey Ball: Banana Mania, Far Cry 6, The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes, and Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy.
Also btw @Quintumply, please add PJ Masks: Heroes of the Night (PS4): https://www.amazon.com/Pj-Masks-Heroes-of-the-Night-PS4/dp/B0958CZRZR
@spcspc @Dishonored29 @Culjoseth @Shinnok789 @darthvirgin @Cheems Kena: Bridge of Spirits is a digital only game, so PushSquare can't post an Amazon link for it.
@BusyOlf @LookingCoolJoker Same reason why both Lost in Random and Diablo II: Resurrected are missing from this page.
Is Kena: Bridge of Spirits coming out for the PS4 on the same day as the PS5 release?
Even the PS Store seems a bit confused - PS4 & PS5 mentioned at the top and then Platform: PS5 at the bottom?
Quite a few I'm interested in but outside of Deathloop, Tales of Arise, Guardians otG and BF 2042, I'll be waiting on sales.
@thehappyaerithch I do wonder who honestly preorders through here.
@KidBoruto No excuse. We come here and read articles to know about games. Obviously, I know (along with most about Kena) but there could be someone that doesn’t know. Having it on here in some form is necessary. Poor journalism.
@sanderson72 Kena will be releasing on both PS4 and PS5 same day.
@Culjoseth I was not excusing PushSquare or giving them a pass. Just explaining why they personally chose to not list digital only games.
Which was indeed because they can't do affiliate links with PSN to make money as @NickTheGeek pointed out.
@KidBoruto Sorry if it sounded like I was saying no excuse to u. I was not. It is no excuse to the website for which we come here to get informed. The uninformed might think Kena got delayed again based on it being absent in an article titled Upcoming PS5/4 games for Sept/Oct. Just poor reporting!
Looking forward to -
Lost Judgment
Tales of Arise
Preordered the digital deluxe version of Kena, as it seemed better value
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