It's the last week of September, which means the days are getting shorter and the weather is about to change. All the more reason to start staying indoors, then, and there are tons of games to keep you occupied.
Sammy Barker, Editor
I'll be spending most of my time this weekend playing FIFA 22, as I work to bring you a full review early next week.
Stephen Tailby, Associate Editor
Liam Croft, Assistant Editor
I'll be kicking on with my Tales of Arise playthrough when I get the chance, and I also want to check out that Voice of Cards: The Isle Dragon Roars demo. I probably won't like it, but oh well.
Jamie O'Neill, Reviewer
I've fond memories of ActRaiser from back in the early 1990s, especially regarding Yuzo Koshiro's much loved soundtrack, so I'm intrigued to see if PS4 Actraiser Renaissance is a worthy remake of the SNES classic.
What are you playing this weekend? There's loads of games releasing right now, so let us know what's keeping you busy in the comments section below.
Comments 128
Deltarune is mainly what I'll be playing. I already went through chapter 1 (Again) last night and started up the second chapter. It's really quite fun.
There's some neat new mechanics added in (In battle and the overworld), there's a bunch of new characters, some interesting minigames and this chapter has really made me laugh... Like quite a bit actually. And I never found Undertale or Deltarune's first chapter that humorous aside from an odd smirk or snicker here and there.
So yeah. I'm really enjoying it. Even more so that the console port of the second chapter was barely a week after the PC release and I can actually play it unspoiled for once!
... I also might crack on with some Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Finally dealt with the pesky troll invasion and actually got some downtime to explore other areas of the map and really delve into the kingdom building mechanics. About to start the next arc of the story which should be fun...
Have a good weekend everyone! 😁
Tales of Arise and Lost Judgement. I'm actually quite close to wrapping up the arcade minigames for the latter now. Usually I leave these for later in the game and then give up haha. Tales of Arise is great but just seems easier than previous entries even on the hardest available difficulty.
Got both Lost Judgment and Death Stranding directors cut yesterday so I'll be digging into both of them. Maybe do a few more runs on Hades. Just completed my 10th run to finish the story. Now onto the epilogue. What a game it is!
Tales Of Arise is the main one for me.About ten hours into it and really enjoying it.Love the combat!...Tales Of Graces F and Abyss are still my faves though..so far..
Will also be continuing my Iki island exploration and on the Switch I'll be playing some Pikmin 3
Enjoy your weekend all.
Fifa 22 for me. Same as every year, I say that I'm not getting sucked into the same copy and paste game, yet I always end up buying it. Good game for when the mates are around I guess. Plus I packed salah totw so my team is off to a good start
I'll be lucky if I get to play anything this weekend, pretty swamped with work. So I'll game vicariously off of you lot
This weekend, I have been mostly eating... MechWarrior 5 Mercenaries: Legend of the Kestrel Lancers.
Jumping back-and-forth between Kena: Bridge of Spirits, F.I.S.T, Life is Strange True Colors, Demon Souls Remake & Returnal.
Kena: Bridge of Spirits has fully enchanted me. And is also kicking my ass? This gorgeous, charming game with surprisingly challenging boss fights is exactly what I'd hoped it would be. Happy weekend all and happy gaming!
Kena - currently at the first main boss, which is also the first difficulty spike. Having lots of fun with the game though!
Jumping between the glorious Pillars of Eternity 2 and Diablo 2. Loving them both tbh, but Pillars really has its hooks in me. Hopefully it doesn’t fizzle out.
@Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy I can’t decide if I want to try Kingmaker. It looks pretty average (based on some of the reviews I read) but at the same time you don’t really know until you give it a go yourself. Have you tried PoE 1 or 2, out of interest?
Final fantasy 7 remake and shadow of the colossus remake. not only 2 of the best. Remakes ever but 2 of the best games ever made.good times marathon.the Jeffersons marathon.martin Marathon.watching my 🖤Pittsburgh Steelers💛 🏈 get a win tomorrow against bengals.here we go Steelers here we go.word life.word is bond. word to god.word to your mother.word up son
Tales of Arise. Death Stranding director's cut and Lost Judgement. About 6 hours in on Arise and its great so far. Death Stranding imported my ps4 save and doing the new content. Interested in Kena but think I like a physical copy in November. Happy gaming all
Deathloop and Cruis’n blast, I like both but I can only play them for about 30 minutes at a time so I’ll probably comb through my trophy list to find something I haven’t finished.
Still working on Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Having a great time with it.
I might feel like popping in something random though. Sometimes I plan to play one thing and then I end up with another.
Tales of Arise mainly, just about to do the third areas boss and loving it so far and could be my choice for game of the year.
I will also be completing Kena Bridge of spirits which is quite good but suffering with audio problems on my ps5
Mostly Kena which has surprisingly hard combat
Been playing Hellpoint.
It's a soulslike (stop reading if you hate those) that sticks very close to Dark/Demons Souls in gameplay, but with an environment closer to the first Surge game, with a sprinkling of Dead Space atmosphere for good measure.
Love it so far, it's very impressive for a small dev team (about 7 ppl) to make something like this. It got some middling reviews at launch due mostly to bugs and glitches, but they must have fixed most of those as I only encountered one minor problem so far.
I’m at the final boss in Kena, so I just have to get through that fight and then go back for some trophies. I’m not sure I wanna play it on Master mode (with normal being pretty demanding already) so I might not be getting the platinum… we’ll see.
@UltimateOtaku91 What audio problems did you have? I don’t think I had any.
@Voltan I believe there's a glitch you can use to pop the Master mode trophy once you've completed the game (I may rely on it myself!).
@Marquez I’m aware but unfortunately it seems they just fixed it today
Almost bought Tales of Arise after playing the demo, but held off, waiting for FARCRY6 reviews. I'll be playing the game I still haven't completed since 2019 - MHWorld, I'm on the 3 Elder Dragons, beat Teostra easy, Kushala Daoro is being stubborn, game feels harder than Souls sometimes. Then FARCRY5, RDR2, GT Sport, MAFIA 2, 3.
Mahjong by Microsoft (Android) - Playing almost daily for the challenges.
Equalicious (Windows Phone) - Nearly done with the puzzles.
Rayman Fiesta Run (Windows Phone) - Still enjoying this in bursts.
Control and Neir Autumata on PS4.
Switch - Brushing up on Smash Ultimate ready for the final fighter reveal!
PS5 - More Demon's Souls! Man that game is brutal lol.
PC - Gmod with friends!
Have a good weekend everyone.
No I haven't tried PoE 1 or 2 @kyleforrester87. Only Kingmaker and D:OS2 so far.
Pillars is only real time with pause isn't it? I'm really not a fan of that style of play. Turn based or bust unfortunately (Even if it increases my play time by a billion hours).
I'm enjoying Kingmaker but as I've started to get further in the PS4 port has got a LOT more buggy and I've experienced a number of crashes now (Six I think and all in the main town). Though it autosaves rather often so I've not lost any progress yet thankfully.
Finished Kena and Tales of Arise, moving onto Lost Judgment this afternoon!
Playing a lot of games on my switch v2, just bought castlevania collection and some discounted games like megaman zero collection, huntdown, momodora, and sinemora ex. Also playing shovel knight specter of torment and cuphead.
@Voltan Noooooooooooo...
Mainly playing Control, involved in the AWE DLC at present, the Alan Wake one. The game is very cool and emotionally cold, can't say I particularly care about any of the characters nor the main story but it's a fun game, combining all the different powers and weapons when taking down a variety of enemies.
Will also be a AC Valhalla but need to drop the difficulty level. Started on Hard but in all honesty the game is kicking my arse, first proper boss fight I died a heck of a lot before I finally slayed him. I think it's best to put it on Normal and just enjoy the story and characters and the world itself.
Lots of sport this weekend, looking forward to the Joshua fight later, not looking forward to the NLD tomorrow lol and more NFL action to finish the weekend.
Enjoy whatever you play, watch or do my PushSquare brethren.
I got the Platinum for Tales of Arise and the inner child in me doesn't want to go for anything else as I'm currently on 69 😂😂. But I'm gonna finish Days gone and get the last couple of trophies for that whilst counting down the days until I'm on annual leave.
Well I finally got around and finished ghost dlc so marked that off. I have got kena, death stranding and deathloop. I have done the introduction to deathloop and actually just started properly on it it's good but not really in the mood for it at the moment so think I'm going to put it to the side for now but I think when I do get to it I'm going to enjoy it.
So going to try and do a good run on kena I think with a bit of death stranding too, but I know once I put death stranding on it will probably just suck me in again so going to try and concentrate on kena if I can really enjoying it so far it's pretty hard in some places. Looks and sounds stunning though.
@Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy Pillars 2 does have a turn based option, I tried it for the first couple of hours and I was liking it. Problem is the game really isn’t balanced for that system (from what I read) as it was an afterthought, so I restarted with real time. That said, what I played of the turn based system was fine.
Real time is what you make of it really. Sometimes I put battles to half speed and will pause every 2-3 seconds. In that respect it feels as slow and methodical as turn based.
I’d strongly suggest you get over it and try POE2 😂
Hollow Knight. Great game, but it sure is long. I’m 25 hours in & nowhere near the end it seems.
I would like to say I'm fighting demons in Diablo 2 but I spend most of my time fighting inventory management.
@Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy although don’t bother if you don’t have a PS5, loading times on both games are brutal on PS4 and Pro.
@Splat yeah difficult unlearning some aspects of D3. Basically don’t pick EVERYTHING up.. oh and don’t run all the time 😂 Certainly makes for a different experience and I can already see why D2 nuts hated D3.
Got the platinum on True Colours last week, so back to AC Valhalla.
The weekend sale reminded me i had Riddled Corpses EX to play on my Vita, so been playing that when watching tv too
Project Cars 3, levelled up from road cars to race cars, it's very good, and has got great tracks.
Tried Returnal. Gave up on Returnal. Been playing Hitman 3 instead which is as good as ever!
@kyleforrester87 Yeah, I have started limiting what I pick up. I still prefer D3 but I'm enjoying D2 for the most part.
Still Modern Warfare 2 Remastered and waiting for Insurgency: Sandstorm to hit PS4/5 on Wednesday.
I picked up the Directors Cut upgrade for Death Stranding, so I've restarted that. I've also dipped back into Call of Duty WWII. I never finished the single player story for either of them, so I'm enjoying playing doing that on both. They pair nicely for switching between slower paced exploration and fast paced action.
FFXIV as usual, getting everything prepped for Endwalker in November!
@lolwhatno Haha yeah Just Cause is good fun, sometimes jank but good fun haha
New to Push Square, I am about 35 hours into Tales of Arise. I am trying to wrap that up this weekend so I can play Deathloop before Metroid Dread comes out. So I’ll be playing Tales this weekend In hopes of playing Deathloop this week and possibly Kena in October. My back log is out of control at this point. But what a wonderful time to be a gamer. We definitely have our hands full.
@Splat I am not that far into D2 and yes I so far prefer D3, and doubt that will change, but I am looking forward to it revealing itself more as I get into it and level up further.
Kena, Kena, and more Kena. Only got to sit down and play it for an extended period once during the week, so I'm looking forward to finally doing that more this weekend.
@Fight_Teza_Fight It's a great game, but I gotta admit I was burnt out by the end of it.
And I didn't even do the hardest bonus stuff like the circus boss and arenas and some other stuff.
Mainly Ghost of Tsushima PS5 upgrade, Iki island dlc. Maybe a bit of ratchet and clank.
Diablo 2 Resurrected..this is the game that ruined my life back in the day. Its a good remaster, just missing a few quality of life improvements. And it's bloody harder than I remember! Almost like a Dark Souls meets tough rogue like, not as easy as Diablo 3
Also cracking on with Deathloop an incredible, clever, witty, astounding game, certainly GOTY material for me
Have a great weekend guys ❤
PS4 Genshin and the Banner saga trilogy (sat in the backlog for years!) as my PS5 controller has been sent away for stick drift repairs.
@Col_McCafferty I know what you mean - that first boss tore me a new one each time, every time....superb game though
I just finished Kena a couple days ago. Thought it was awesome! Definitely going to keep an eye out for Ember Labs future game as I was quite impressed overall. But now that that's done it's time to start the behemoth that is Lost Judgment!
@Miketimothy820 welcome to Push Square ! You have good taste in games 😀
@playthedangame what made you give up on Returnal? I want to buy it but the perceived difficulty puts me off
Diablo 2 Resurrected for me, and maybe some Resident Evil 2. Thinking about picking up FIFA 22.
I just have too much stuff to play and not enough time like always, despite having this week off work (it's saturday already? Nooooo).
Anyway here's what I'm playing:
Tales of Arise
Death Stranding Director's Cut
Dodgeball Academia
Ghost of Tsushima Iki Island expansion
Kena Bridge of Spirits
And, of course, a bit of League of Legends to be mad and sad 👍
Playing through Ninja Gaiden 2 chapter challenge mode, some Kena and I'll be starting Dragon's Crown Pro tomorrow. Have a good weekend all!
Was planning on dipping my toes into the Director’s Cut of Death Stranding for a bit, but thanks Sony for making it impossible for me to access my PS4 save data, thanks to the fact that I no longer have my physical PS4 stuffs (and am now PS5 digital). Looks like I’m going to have to shell out on the PS4 digital on top of my preordered Digital Deluxe if I want my save data. I envy those that could take an upgrade path because my downgrade path is just… incredibly callous and stupid and unnecessarily expensive. And, yes, I did waste my time with Sony support. I wasted two hours of my day for them to tell me the only thing I can do is buy DS PS4 Digital at full price to access my save data when I want it, or I can start over. I will not waste my time with Sony support again for any reason. Love the game, but don’t want to start over. Looks like I’m waiting on DS DC til I can take a chance at finding a friend with both versions of the game that doesn’t mind me borrowing their equipment to do the save import business and hope it transfers on the cloud. Really obnoxious process. Death Stranding is my favorite game of all time and I regret making my pre-order, simply because of an unnecessary and bizarre paywall that prevents an unnecessary and bizarre save data export/import feature. Was really looking forward to unlocking all the extra stuff this weekend, but alas…
At least I’ve got the wonderful Kena to work on this Sunday, and if I’m not in the mood for that, there’s more Castlevania to play.
Finally getting around to Hitman on PS4. Good clean fun.
After getting hyped for Deathloop which I will be picking up soon I finally sat down and put some time into Prey. All I can think is why didn't I stick with this game sooner it is fantastic. Happy gaming to all
Idk tbh. I recently finished Sonic Colors Ultimate 100% with all Red Rings and that game has left me feeling quite burnt out as a good number of the Rings proved quite elusive. I might continue on with Tales of Arise and play some Returnal if I'm in the mood.
PS5: Marvel's Avengers: War for Wakanda. Very tempted to pick up Kena although I kind of want to wait for the physical disc release.
XBSX: More Assassin's Creed: Odyssey!
I'm still on my first playthrough of Kena Bridge of Spirits. I want to take my time with it because I've been absolutely loving it. I always knew I was going to like it, but now I think it's a legit GOTY contender.
@KingPev I managed to get the the third biome before I'd had enough lol. It was challenging already but the difficulty spike was that big I just couldn't be bothered anymore. Got too much else to play so I sold it. One day I might pick it up when its dirt cheap or a PS Plus game.
Death Loop with a side of Halo Infinite beta
Currently tidying when not playing Mario Sunshine but just found some old 90s PlayStation promotional material saying my scans are enclosed. I was confused when I first opened it after all these years as thought it was real for a second. It contained scans of Medievil, Tekken and The Fifth Element bizarrely.
just finished the death loop campaign. so maybe some clean up and then diablo 2!
@playstation1995 Big Ben still have enough in the tank?
Think I’ll give F.I.S.T. a spin in my inexplicable pursuit of avoiding Demon’s Souls, a game I’ve been itching to play. The mind is a funny a thing.
1. Finishing Tales of Arise. What a fantastic ride. A must play
2. Kena.
Kena is already one of my favorite game of 2021. I’ll need to start Lost Judgment next week
One amazing new game after another.
Borderlands 3 and Dragon Quest 11
Diablo 2: Resurrected and the Halo: Infinite beta.
Diablo 2, I love that they finally brought this back. The better skill tree alone makes it my favorite Diablo. I also love that you have to manage stamina and inventory. The game's difficult from the start and I always thought D3 was boring until you finish it a couple times and that's only after the expansion came out.
Kena and Death Stranding on the side.
Welcome to the party pal!
I've finally finally just snagged myself a PS5 from my local GAME of all places. Can't wait to dive in. So chuffed!
Edit - Playing Astro's Playroom which is a delight to play and the DualSense pad is doing magic in my hands!
Some more nier automata maybe but tried out tony hawk 1+2 and wow, it's so much fun!! So snackable and hard to not just try 1 more run. I remember being better at it though back in the day. Tried the fifa 22 trial on gamepass and actually really enjoyed it! Haven't tried any online but as someone who was always a pes person, this fifa feels closer to football than any fifa I've played before. Downloaded burnout paradise too and might give it a try out. Have a good weekend folks!
@ApostateMage enjoy mate, get stuck into astrobot!! It's a joy and if you've had sony consoles over the years, the nostalgia is fantastic.
Attacking the ole backlog this weekend and playing Biomutant. It def. has flaws, but is more fun than I thought it would be.
I'm playing Kena until sunday night when FIFA 22 becomes available.
@Mgene15. Yes i believe so they definitely gonna win tomorrow word up son
I finally got Tales of Arise so I'm diving into the Tale of the Iron Mask. It looks really good for a PS4 game. Looking forward to spend dozens of hours in this world 😊
Getting through Judgement and relaxing with some slowdive music in the background. Not a bad weekend so far at all!
Been on a vacation this week so I wanted to start a longer game which ended up being Suikoden 3. Been making some nice progress about 30 hours in now I believe and am almost done with each characters' chapter 2. It's no Suikoden 2 but I really have enjoyed this one nonetheless.
Though I've also been getting some minor RPG Maker itch so I'm thinking of making some kind of ***** post for my friends, wish I had time for something more substantial but you know...
@playthedangame in that case I won't buy it as I just know I'll be terrible at it ha ha
@mrtennis1990 mmmm Slowdive, not heard anyone mention them for years ! Shoegaze ahoy lol
@ApostateMage woohoo congrats fella. Great gaming times ahoy !
@KingPev Slowdive is great gaming music. Their last album is synonymous with Driveclub for me, as I was playing that whilst listening to it
All things DIABLO, 2 and 3. Two more things to complete Diablo 3 season 24 for the pet. Just starting out in Diablo 2 Resurrected.
So bored with the Like a Dragon grind that I bought Immortals Fenyx Rising and Life is Strange True Colours, although the later for the wife I’ll likely get round to it eventually. Will probably start IFR tomorrow
Well its ryder cup weekend so i've been glued to sky sports watching it all...yes all of it but i took time out mid afternoon to victimise some americants (sorry its war my friends) seeing as europe seem to have ***** the bed...
On pga2k21 sorry...forgot to mention that as i got carried away with my utter dismay..
@kyleforrester87 If they put the good from both D2 and D3 into D4 it could be a something really special. Probably in my top 5 most excited for up coming games.
@Splat I played into act 2 today, I am enjoying it quite a lot now actually. Once you get into the groove. It’s quite challenging sometimes.. liking it.
Just Forza Horizon 4 on Xbox One X for me. Don’t really feel like starting anything else at the moment. I’m finishing up the last of the races on the DLC.
@kyleforrester87 Yeah, it's starting to grow on me. I can see it being my in between game while waiting for new releases. It's the kinda game you can jump in and out of no problem.
Hi there fellow gamers.
Another weekend, another Tales of Arise gaming time for me.
Really enjoying the game. 31 hours and counting.
The Tales of team did a great job on this one. Kudos.
Also, more Returnal, still my personal GOTY, for more Biome surveys. Three down, three more to go.
Edit: forgot about Kena. Played for two hours. It looks great, but I´m still addicted to Tales of Arise 😜
Cheers, stay safe, stay well and happy gaming weekend to us all
@playthedangame @KingPev Hi there friends.
You may not like what i´m about to say, but........ GET GUD!!!!!!!
Joke´s aside, the game is challenging, but never unfair.
In terms of gameplay, is just getting used to the unique weapons the game gives you as well as learning to dodge forward, into to the bullets because of the invincibility frames.
Also, luck is going to define all of your runs, with items, weapons, rooms, augments and enemy encounters.
Also, you must be aware of two things:
But once you learn how the game works....... It´s awesome.
It is an awesome rogue like game. Just like the amazing Hades.
Hope it helps. More people should give this game a fair chance.
Cheers, stay safe and have a good one
@Miketimothy820 Hi there friend and welcome to the comunity.
I also can´t wait to play Metroid Dread on my Switch.
Never thought this game would actually be made after so many years. Classic side scroller Metroid for the win.
As for Deathloop, I am so engrossed in Tales of Arise, that I´m going to hold that one of until I finish my second favourite game of the year so far. And there´s also Kena as well.
It is an amazing time to be a gamer.
So many good games to play and enjoy.
Cheers, stay safe and have a good one
@Voltan nothing major, the voices and foot steps are way too quiet compared to the rest of the sounds, I can't hear any foot steps when playing through my soundbar but can when I'm wearing headphones and the speaking is like whispering
Finally finishing up Alien Isolation on nightmare and after that I'll start my first run of Demon Souls which I'm very excited about!
@ApostateMage Hi there friend and congrats on getting your PS5.
Astro is an absolute must, especialy if you´ve been playing Playstation games since PSone.
The Dualsense and the SSD are both game changers.
For me at least.
Enjoy your new piece of hardware.
Cheers, stay safe and have a good one
@somnambulance I feel for you that is a kick in the b***s right there this is where Sony could do with al lot of improvement and b like Xbox,u load up saves between one/series X/s by just moving to the other console ( and vice versa) and you don't need anything like Xbox gold for online saves
@UltimateOtaku91 Sounds like it might be trying to output a 5.1 (or 7.1) mix to a stereo device and loosing the center channel in the process. Maybe check the PS5's sound settings?
The Saboteur PS3, Pandemic's last game released November 2009 that was gifted to me that xmas. Here is a game that i wish would be remastered for the PS4. This game has held up well over the years for me however i wish aiming and shooting would be L2 & R2 instead of L1 & R1.
Finally snagged a PS5! Started off with Last of Us online haha. Never had a PS4 a mate wanted to play. Then God of War. Pretty beautiful so far.
Diablo 2: Resurrected till my ***** eyes bleed......
Kena ps5. Battlefront 2 pc and series x (just love that co op mode)
@RaZieLDaNtE @KingPev @R1spam Ta fellas. I'm lovin' Astro's Playroom at the min and the DualSense feels ridiculously good.
Little to no gaming going on for me these past few weeks, new job, weekends away and other projects going on, as well as catching up with/rewatching some TV shows. But I've got loads to get through. Mainly focusing on the following;
Batman enemy within - currently on episode 2 of this, I love the telltale games just for dipping in and out of.
Wreckfest - just hit driver level 30, slow progress but getting there.
Fall guys - the kids love it, so have the odd game with them here and there.
Steep - another one that my kids love, just dipping in and out.
Also got loads that I want to get started soon, but need to cross batman and Wreckfest off first - Uncharted ND collection, Batman Arkham asylum, HZD.
happy gaming everyone!
Still playing Art of Rally on Gamepass. Also thrashing through Uncharted on Vita, awesome game.
Jumped back into Persona 5 after abandoning it 3 hours in, and this time I seen to be in a better place to enjoy it. Just playing through May currently.
Question for the audience: if I decided to pick up P5R, would my P5 save be transferable in any way?
@Perturbator I went into it completely blind, which made it even worse as you have to find & then but the map for each area & the game doesn’t really tell you where to go or if you need to backtrack to get an ability.
I’ve been stuck at Kingdom’s edge for a while now, but that must be close to the end right?
@Daleaf @Voltan @Fuzzymonkeyfunk @Marquez @nofriendo Same here guys, I started playing Kena with the expectation the battles would be easier...boy was I wrong.
I've died repeatedly against several bosses, the recent one being Taro's corrupted form....I just can't seem to get enough hits in before he destroys me XD.
(and yes I've been dodging/using Shield often, attacking from afar with her Bow etc)
@KidBoruto Haha yea I think because it's really easy against the normal enemies and because it looks like a children's game in some ways you just assume it's going to be easy, whereas if you were playing demon souls or something like that it looks more mature and you expect it to be hard lol. When using arrows against the bosses try and hit the yellow amber things on them that does a lot of damage. But yea harder than I was expecting but still love it
@KidBoruto I finished it last night, I was playing on hard in preparation for my master run. The later bosses are very hard my advice is learn to time your parry and you’ll be fine. As soon as I started playing it like sekiro it got much more manageable also purchase the Rot hammer upgrade that hits a tonne after a successful parry
@Fight_Teza_Fight Sorry, been too long for me to remember about the progression in that game. It's a seriously large metroidvania though, must be amongst the biggest in the genre.
Sackboy trying to ace every level and get gold trophies for the levels too with high scores it's really challenging and a great platformer.
Diablo 2 of course... cannot imagine how can one spend valuable time on anything else... any other game is unessential
GTA 3 (PS4 version) on the PS5
D2R, Death Stranding DC, and I might finish deathloop (I kind of lost interest when I got about half way through), I put Tales of arisen down for now while I finish the others first as I want to enjoy that in a massive binge fest where I only play that.
@djlard it's bloody great isn't it ? 😉
@b1ackjack yeah it surprised me as well, and on ps5 looks great. It was one of my most played games this year I love the depth it has to all its systems and the combat is very satisfying.
@Fuzzymonkeyfunk @Daleaf Thanks for the tips! I plan to return to the game next week when I have some free time.
Hopefully I can beat him within an hour this time.
@KidBoruto No worries, after you sent that last weekend I arrived on the same boss and he did take me a few attempts, but if you arrow him in his lamp that staggers him for a bit, and then when you have enough power to send the rot on to him then you can hit him with an arrow while he is trying to get the rot off. It's a bit tricky but those two things helped me a lot to beat him. I'm same haven't had much time to play more since weekend but going back in soon lol
@RaZieLDaNtE Thank you. I ended up finishing Tales way later then I expected. The game just kept going lol. I’m playing Metroid now and it’s absolutely amazing. I’ll play Deathloop later lol. Hope your week is well and your enjoying a nice Saturday of gaming.
@Miketimothy820 Hey there friend.
You´ve finish Tales of Arise already? Man, I´m still in the begining of Act 2 of the game......
Metroid Dread is so good. A real treat to all side scroller fans.
And yeah, as much as I want to play Deathloop, It´s going to have to wait until I finish Arise...... And maybe Platinum......
And your welcome.
Cheers, stay safe, stay well and all the best
@Fuzzymonkeyfunk @Daleaf I had to switch to Story Mode but I finally beat Corrupted Taro! Thanks to the both of you again for your help.
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