Well, this is a bizarre and frankly unexpected announcement: Crystal Dynamics – one of the most prolific third-party developers, responsible for games like Rise of the Tomb Raider and Marvel’s Avengers – has been announced as a co-developer on Microsoft’s upcoming Perfect Dark reboot. That means that the Californian team, an owned subsidiary of Square Enix, is now collaborating alongside The Initiative on a first-party game.
The fit isn’t as wild as it first seems when you dig into the details. Obviously, there are some surface similarities between Tomb Raider and Perfect Dark – female protagonist, action adventure – but the biggest link is that of The Initiative founder Darrel Gallagher, who previously served as Crystal Dynamics’ boss. Even with this connection, though, how Microsoft convinced Square Enix to effectively rent out one of its biggest studios is beyond us.
“The teams couldn’t pass up a chance to work together,” the social media account of The Initiative revealed. “We’re still early in development, but incredibly excited to use this unique opportunity to deliver on the vision for Perfect Dark.” According to developer Crystal Dynamics, it’ll work on Perfect Dark alongside its continued efforts on Marvel’s Avengers and Tomb Raider. With regards to the latter series, the studio teased that a reboot is in the preliminary stages of production earlier this year.
The cynic in us can only think that Crystal Dynamics lost so much money on Marvel’s Avengers that it’s having to take on support projects while it prototypes the next Tomb Raider title. Still, for a developer that was considered a rival for Naughty Dog during the early stages of the PlayStation 4 generation, this is a bizarre announcement. It goes without saying that the new Perfect Dark game, despite being co-developed by a third-party studio, won’t be coming to PS5.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 120
That’s a good fit actually. It has absolutely f**k all to do with Playstation though.
This makes it seem that the game is far off than it seemed.
It's been in (supposed) production for so long now, but maybe when we saw that trailer it was barely more than a concept.
@nessisonett Crystal Dynamics, a huge developer that usually makes PlayStation games, is now spending its time working on a game that won't come to PlayStation.
I'm sure some readers will find it relevant, but happy to be proven wrong... 🤷♀️
No one cares about perfect dark.
Queue the "MS are buying SE" theories.
> Crystal Dynamics lost so much money on Marvel’s Avengers
Wouldn't it be Square-Enix losing the money?
Edit: I guess Technically CD is owned by SE, so SE will be getting some of that Xbox money for this.
@get2sammyb Especially now that games take so damn long to make, they're going to be spending roughly half of this gen making this game.
They are or were never a rival to Naughty Dog. It is just a mere comparison after they released a tomb raider which is similar to Uncharted (in terms of treasure hunting)
@get2sammyb No, they usually make third-party games. That’s like having an article about Mario & Rabbids because Ubisoft usually make PlayStation games.
Alternative take: How bad are things at the initiative that they had to bring in an outside developer. Hopefully not as bad as the studios name.
Removed - unconstructive
I’m calling it now perfect dark probably gonna be mediocre.
The next Tomb Raider feels further away than ever which is sad to see. This plus Avengers is probably going to take most of their resources for the foreseeable future unfortunately.
And folks this site covers the game industry with a focus on Playstation. Crystal Dynamics is a well known developer on Playstation platforms. I'd like to know what they are working on if there is a story there!
@nessisonett yeah, I was thinking that. A third party dev making an exclusive is very commonplace. Mario and Rabbids is a good example but there are literally thousands of others throughout gaming history going back to stuff like Final Fantasy on the NES. It's odd to cover that on a single platform site when it's not the platform your site covers, but whatever.
@dasd2 you've angered 50% of the population
@WizzNL You're quite right!
Dang they’re rebooting TR again. Still have to play the third one but man, crystal dynamics sure likes to reboot after every trilogy. I loved Underworld and the Lara of those games. Kinda hope we go back to that feel
Microsoft studios are all over the show.
They have nothing for this new generation really
Apart from FH5 coming November.
Halo looks a dam mess still, time will tell.
They could have not messed things much more if they tried.
Even the Xbox fans on pure Xbox are wondering what their studios have been doing for the last 2-3 years.
Next year looks bleak, just some CGI Starfield footage.
Also Nintendo are not much better now a days.
Thank god for Sony turning out AAA studio exclusive games and hit after hit.
HFW, GT7 & GOW2 all showed lots of gameplay and release dates for next year.
@Stragen8 It could be a soft reboot. CD said that they plan to bridge the originals and the reboot trilogy, whatever that means.
And yeah, a new game is years away. They barely started work on it so...
I haven’t bought a Square Enix / Crystal Dynamics game since they screwed over Tomb Raider fans all those years ago with that ridiculous Xbox exclusivity deal (and I never will again). They way they handled it was irredeemable in my eyes. They didn’t care one bit about the fans, just so long as they got their 30 pieces of silver.
If they release a game I want to play, I buy it second hand because I don’t want them to get a penny of my money.
I just wish someone else (more deserving) would buy the rights to Tomb Raider.
As long as Microsoft don't buy Crystal Dynamics, I'm ok with that. They're too good to become exclusive for one platform (see the Tomb Raider sequel fiasco).
I’m still more disappointed they have a new studio full of talented people from high profile devs making a perfect dark game. It makes no sense to me.
@Dezzy70 the PlayStation fanboy side of me is glad Xbox is in the poor state it’s in right now but the gamer side of me kind of want Xbox to get better and try put up a fight against PlayStation
I honestly had no idea a Perfect Dark reboot was in the works. That’s news to me.
No matter how hard Microsoft tries developers and their publishers won't choose to loose sales from the dominating console..sony's ecosystem has proved that people spend money with huge software sales numbers..Microsoft isn't even remotely close to that.
I'm actually hoping this partnership somehow leads to the continuation of Deus Ex rather than TR. I know it's a stretch but crazier things have happened!
Didn't Rise of the Tomb Raider was a timed exclusive (1 year) on Xbox 360? They paid & 100 million $ for it, allegedly.
To me it's relevant. More so, I would like to know what Sony has paid for timed exclusives like Deathloop & Ghost Wire Tokyo? It's interessting to know how important & how much a company is willing to spend for keeping away a game on another platform.
@shonenjump86 They announced it at The Game Awards last year - just a CGI trailer though and it's most likely years away (much like many other 1st party Xbox games, I guess).
@Dezzy70 I must have missed the release date for God of war 2, I thought they just had it as some time in 2022. Luckily Sony don't actually believe in generations so I'll be able to enjoy gt7, horizon forbidden west and God of war ragnorok on my launch day PS4
I know what you mean, but competition is good for us gamers so xbox and switch being about is good.
Microsoft get me frustrated with xbox as I used to be a big xbox gamer in the Xbox360 days
Until I went PS3 later on then PS4 and now PS5.
Such a massive company so rich mess up their games business AAA studio games wise.
What a waste of developers talent, mainly due to bad management and rich arrogance.
So, this game is in danger then
Ok yes sometime 2022. But at least it looked in good condition game play wise.
Yes the back track on generations actually funny enough works better for Sony than Microsoft business wise.
At least they getting the in house AAA studio games out to us PlayStation gamers.
Can't really say anything about this until we actually see the game. Until then, it's just a name.
This is a way better approach than acquiring another third party developer, obviously.
@fR_eeBritney How is that any different than Sony buying up Final Fantasy VII Remake console exclusivity for...well, at this point, over a year? Or is your point that Square Enix has no problem issues selling to the highest bidder no matter who it's for?
It is coming to PC.
All sounds great to me (love their TR) Hopefully it runs well on SteamDeck and included with PC GamePass
@Dezzy70 Halo seems to be in a weird state where what is there is very good (according to people who played the closed tests) but there's a lot of stuff still missing - and that's a year after the original release plan.
I don't think they showed anything from the single player campaign since that original trailer that had many people disappointed (which was the reason for the delay) - and I think they really have to nail that.
@Dezzy70 about a year ago half the people on this site were saying that xbox's approach to multi-generational launches was laughable as every game would be severely held back by catering to the ancient hardware of the previous systems. These multi-generational games would therefore be nothing more that higher resolution Xbox one games with last gen gameplay according to a lot of playstation owners. I guess these guys won't be paying $70 for H:FB, GT7 or GoWR on their PS5s
@GamingFan4Lyf and FF16. The truth is it is no different. Sony can do no wrong to their most loyal fans though.
It's garanteed money wich CD needs to recover from the disaster that was the Avengers.
Honestly though.. i hope they are working on that legacy of kain stuff on the side.
@Dezzy70 Why was I expecting your comment to rhyme?
As long as they never make Tomb Raider an Xbox exclusive again, I'm good.
You Xbox dudes do know final fantasy was exclusive to PlayStation for year’s before ever come to a Xbox. So Sony getting the final fantasy games back exclusive wasn’t a big deal.
I don't see an issue here; Studios collaborate all the time on both exclusives and multi-platform games. It should also be noted that Dan Neuburger, who is Perfect Darks Game Director and who is one of those who helped form The Initiative, spent over a decade working at Crystal Dynamics, as the director on both the Tomb Raider reboot and its sequel, Rise of the Tomb Raider. It's just possible that he reached out to Crystal Dynamics, or maybe helped seal the deal, and that he is confident in working with them again.
You would think from the tone of this article, that companies that have previously provided content for one platform or another, cannot then work on an exclusive for a competitor, when in truth, all they do is follow the work and the money.
So it will have middling action then..
@Fenbops I know, and it's a shame.
Console wars are freaking ridiculous.
Sony makes cool cinematic experiences, Microsoft doesn't. One is more popular than the other. Congrats on picking up whatever suits your fancy!
Microsoft is still a one trillion dollar company and Xbox is only a small portion of that.
Sony has worked with FromSoftware and other 3rd party developers for years on their exclusive games so it's not a super strange occurrence. The more baffling thing is MS has purchased all these developers and is still having trouble making in house games.
There's not even a guarantee that it's more than a small team that the company loaned out to Microsoft. Some are acting like this will push back future Crystal Dynamics games like another Tomb Raider, or that this is somehow bad (the picture used for this being Lara making a sad face). It's possible that it's a large team, but it's just as possible if not more than this is indeed completely irrelevant for PlayStation fans. We'll see obviously.
@GamingFan4Lyf I don’t understand why you here if people talking bad about Xbox hurt your feelings this a PlayStation centric website after all so it’s expected.
@4kgk2 poor state...Xbox are currently doing better than they have for awhile. The proof is in how mentally unstable Sony fanboys have been this year.
@4kgk2 Doesn't hurt my feelings - think what you want - I show no favoritism towards any particular console over an other. They each have their strengths and their weakness.
It's just ridiculous how much "well if it benefits me, it's great, but if the other side does it, [expletive] them" goes on.
You can be a fan of a system and not be a [expletive] about the other - especially when the business practices are identical between the two.
I honestly WANT a stronger Xbox (and Nintendo) because Sony seems to be getting away with nickel and diming people left and right and Sony fans are clamoring to bend over to take more of it:
"It's worth $70 because it's Sony."
"Please charge me more money to upgrade to the exact same game in 4K because...DualSense."
That, my friend, is called a slippery slope. And it [expletive] me as someone who buys Sony games.
Give credit where credit is [expletive] due, and criticize where criticism is [expletive] warranted.
Working on Perfect Dark is probably going to result in a better product than the Avenger's game.
Besides, I have faith that Crystal Dynamics will do a good job on Perfect Dark.
@GamingFan4Lyf Well, it is and it isn’t.
First of all, FFVII is a remake of a game that was originally released in 1997 (before Xbox even existed), as opposed to the sequel of a hugely popular franchise - of which the reboot game released just two years prior.
The FFVII remake came out of nowhere, whereas the TR sequel was expected and highly anticipated by all TR fans.
Secondly, the way the exclusive deal was announced was a joke (Is it fully exclusive? Is it timed?), like some kind of childish game of whispers. They allowed fans to believe it was fully exclusive initially until the backlash became so great, they finally admitted it was a year exclusivity. Just another d*ck move by MS that backfired.
Then they tried to make out that the game wouldn’t have been made without MS’s chequebook which of course we now know is absolute b*llocks. Why make a third (multi-platform) game if that was the case?
Maybe because the overall sales were WAY higher on PlayStation than Xbox and they realised it was a huge mistake.
Finally, the number of FF fans that game exclusively on Xbox is probably minuscule compared to the number of TR fans who game exclusively on PlayStation. Not saying it’s right either way but it can’t be compared like for like.
@Shepherd_Tallon i am honestly surprised i haven't seen more of that today.
I will be paying my £70 for HFW and GOWR.
Not a problem to me.
Do you know in the adult world that is about a full tank of petrol in the UK. Which lasts me about 2 weeks driving.
So in my mind the tens of hours of enjoyment both HFW and GOWR will be money well spent.
However if mummy still drives you around in her car I can see your problem with the £70.
@fR_eeBritney I mean, it wasn't a great move by Microsoft and Square Enix. That still doesn't change the fact that ALL Final Fantasy VII fans would want the remake, not just those who are only on Playstation.
On paper - from a completely unbiased fan of game side of things - neither practice is good practice. So they are comparable once you take your feelings out of it: Square Enix sells to the highest bidder.
As far as this article, I am curious to see how this new Perfect Dark turns out. I have a Series X so I can enjoy it. I also have a PS5 and can still enjoy whatever games Sony shells out cash to have for the console.
Win-win in my book!
@get2sammyb isnt perfect dark a rare game franchise? And didnt microsoft buy rare for an obscene amount of moolah? So if crysyal dynamics are making a new perfect dark game for microsoft then it has nothing to do with playstation..its not like cd are not going to make more playstation titles is it now?
Who cares about the new perfect dark etc etc.
the way Microsoft manage their studios it will be a mess and released in around another 10 years time 😂😂😂
@fR_eeBritney Question: Do you have an issue with a remake of an OG Xbox game (KOTOR) being console exclusive to PS5?
@Ralizah 🤔...
@Dezzy70 it's a shame you can't respond like an adult too. I drive an e-niro, so I have no need for petrol. Also, it seems your mental age matches your reading age as you seem to have failed to read my comment properly. Or are you admitting that you were one of those people complaining about multi-generational Xbox titles and lording the "we believe in generations" lie?
I think perfect dark has some really big problems if Initiative Studio rent CD studio from others developers (SE). I mean, it can't be cheap to rent CD from SE.
Ok, being honest I was dissatisfied at first when they went back on we believe in generations.
But I have got over that know and after playing ratchet and clank, miles morales, sack boy and what I’ve seen of what is coming next year especially HFW and GOWR I’m ok now.
They are producing and releasing amazing games that are new games not remasters or remakes.
Both Nintendo and Microsoft in comparison have and are releasing nothing of the quality of those games for the last year and even into the future so far.
@nessisonett Hush with your logic!
Not sure why people are concerned about Tomb Raider. Shadow of the Tomb Raider wasn't even made by Crystal Dynamics, was it? The lack of Tomb Raider has nothing to do with Perfect Dark and everything to do with the previous two games underperforming.
@Ralizah Yes and no. Because I don’t think anyone was expecting that. It’s not like it was being made for all platforms and Sony snatched it away causing disappointment to millions of fans. I’m not saying it isn’t disappointing for some but I can actually believe that the game wouldn’t have been made without Sony’s support in this instance.
A more direct comparison would be if Sony suddenly purchased exclusivity for the sequel to Jedi Fallen order. Even then, TR is still a more beloved franchise where TR fans are concerned.
I never said I agreed with it one way or the other, just that the TR debacle is THE worst kind of exclusively deal ever because it harmed more people than it benefited. And harmed the franchise in the process. I don’t think you can say the same for any of the other exclusive deals.
Only played Perfect Dark Zero, didn't think much of it. Not sure if that was considered a good one or not. I got it when I bought my Xbox 360.
When I saw that confusing headline I thought there was going to be another timed Tomb Raider Xbox Exclusive.
I immediately thought, yep this'll be when we see the hypocritical comments about how timed exclusivity is ok. When Xbox does it.
For the record I'm not against timed exclusives or exclusives in general.
And yeah, I share the sentiment. This has nothing to do with PlayStation so why is it here?
@get2sammyb Honestly, while this is a PlayStation centric site, I do still want to hear about major stories concerning other platforms. It's not like each console lives in isolation of one another, each move one first party company makes affects the others. Imagine not covering the Bethesda Buyout because it wasn't technically 'PlayStation' news. So thanks for covering this and other topics like it.
@Ralizah Not trying to stoke/join the argument, but KOTOR is a 'launch', and therefore a timed exclusive. I'm fairly certain that I read somewhere that it had been confirmed as coming to the Xbox too, just not when...
I thought The Initiative was suppose to be some high profile team that was going to produce “AAAA” titles? Now they need to bring in support from third-party developers? First 343 with Halo and now this. I really question Microsoft’s ability to manage their games development studios. If things were going well with Perfect Dark, no way would they contract outside help.
Perfect Dark always struck me as a poor facsimile of GoldenEye 007 that Rare were forced to make after losing the James Bond license. I can't imagine many people at The Initiative were thrilled to be working on another studio's long dormant irrelevant property when they probably had ambitions of leaving their own mark on the industry with a home-grown property. I really don't see how Perfect Dark will be able to stand out in an already overcrowded FPS genre, especially now when there's a generation of people who have no attachment to the property.
@4kgk2 Why do you think that? because it's on Xbox? see the beauty of owning all Platforms is you don't have to worry about exclusivity.
I enjoyed Perfect Dark Zero on Xbox 360 and I'm looking forward to this one as well.
It seems like there wont be a new Tomb Raider game until the second half of this console generation, which is a huge bummer!
It hasn't been confirmed for Xbox and likely isn't coming. It's "timed" with PC and says "Console Exclusive'" in the wording. Whenever Phil Spencer says "Console Exclusive'" it means Xbox and PC only. And the teaser said "A Legend Remade for PS5" why would they only state PS5?
It's also been written by IGN that Sony have part-funded the development, have full publishing rights and have people from their own first party teams helping Aspyre with the development.
Why go to all that trouble if it's also coming to Xbox? It's highly likely it isn't.
@RubyCarbuncle ...finally, a sensible, non rabid fanboy comment. Looks like we're the same - not interested in great consoles, just great games. Of which there are lots on EVERY platform
@fR_eeBritney So, if you were a FF fan, you'd have been okay with FFVII Remake being announced as an Xbox exclusive?
The funny thing is that Sony was apparently actually in talks to lock down Starfield as a PS5 exclusive before Microsoft just... bought the company, lol. They also locked down stuff like Deathloop and Ghostwire, which Microsoft is honoring, even though they probably don't have to.
@Fiendish-Beaver They've been very squirrely with their language on the matter, so nobody actually knows if it's going to Xbox yet, or if the "launch exclusivity" means PS5 only for a period before it releases on PC.
@GADG3Tx87 @Ralizah This is what Tully Ackland, the Senior Game Designer on the remake said on the 10th of September on Twitter, "Yes it’s a full remake, yes timed exclusive for PS5 and PC". I read that as firstly it will release on the PS5 and the PC at the same time (hence the initial comment that it is a 'launch exclusive', but also that it will end up elsewhere. In reality, that either means Switch or Xbox, or both, as there isn't really anywhere other than those two beyond the PS5 and PC.
It hasn't been confirmed for PC at launch which insinuates that is the "timed" part. Again, when the wording was "Timed Console-Exclusive" when the word Console Exclusive' has been used in the past it has meant one console and PC.
When Oddworld SoulStorm was announced it just said "Timed Exclusive" and it later launched on PC and Xbox. The wording used here is different.
As you said it was stated "Timed for PS5 and PC" notice that it doesn't say anything about "Launch Timed Exclusive for PS5 and PC?"
I don't mean to be a downer, just a realist. Especially when Sony has gone to so much trouble in the development of it. Why do that it if going to your competitors?
This is a disaster, anyone saying that this is normal outsourcing is delusional.
@GADG3Tx87 I dont understand people like you, do you just twist these things to fit your narrative? KOTOR remake is coming to xbox after ps5 and pc.
It's not a narrative. Where is the confirmation that it's coming to Xbox? Where is the confirmation that it launches on PC the same day as PS5? why did the teaser state "Remade for PS5" and not just "Remake"?
Why use the word "Console-Exclusive" when that has always meant one console and PC?
Why would Sony (as reported by IGN) part-fund development and allow several of their own developers help make the game if it's going to your competitor?
The website for the game only shows a PC and PlayStation symbol.
Going off of all of that it looks highly likely to be "Timed" with PC and a "Console-Exclusive" to PS5. It's not a "narrative" just a highly likely observation.
Again, if I'm wrong show me the evidence that it's confirmed for Xbox and Launching Day One on PC?
@GADG3Tx87 When the game was first acknowledged to be in production, it was described as a 'console launch exclusive'. As was reported here: https://www.gamesradar.com/uk/star-wars-knights-of-the-old-republic-remake-is-a-ps5-console-launch-exclusive/ on the day the game was confirmed.
That has since been clarified to "timed for PS5 and PC". I do accept that there is a considerable amount of obfuscation going on, but that is likely because Sony have a clause preventing the games ultimate destination being revealed because they have a financial stake in it being made. They want gamers to opt for the PS5 over the Xbox Series, one way to do that is to cause potential buyers to believe the only place they can play their beloved game is on the PS5. It doesn't mean it won't end up on their biggest rivals platform, it just means they're not saying so just yet...
Removed - trolling/baiting
@GADG3Tx87 Of course, just as a note to your other point, Sony part funded MLB The Show, and that went day one over to the Xbox. So again, it's not unheard of, just unusual...
‘Well, this is a bizarre ‘
Indeed. Bizarre news on Push. Not even sure what your pushing anymore. Completely unrelated to PlayStation in anyway you spin it.
(I even upvoted the top comment that says it all) 😅
Again, show me actual written confirmation proof that it's coming to Xbox? You don't know that it is. Find me any game where Phil Spencer stated "Console Exclusive'" that came to anything other than Xbox and PC and this was the exact word used in the teaser.
Yeah, the PlayStation blog said "Launch" and yet they're the only ones that did. Even during an interview with one of the developers he wouldn't say outright that it's coming to Xbox. He just said "It's coming to PS5 and PC.
And now you're getting aggressive by using a word like "dumb"? Just because I'm making an observation based on the wording used and connecting that to past evidence?
Again. I'll only believe it when official confirmation states that it's coming to Xbox. Bacause as it stands, going off everything we know so far it doesn't look like it is. And without proof you can't argue against that.
Good day.
I don't think this is a good look for Xbox studios. What the he'll have they been doing since this was announced? I feel like I've been saying this for most of their developers. Game is still easily 3 years out. As an agnostic gamer who owners every platform I am constantly perplexed by what these devs are actually spending their time on. Methinks it's time for Booty to go bye bye. He can't seem to keep these devs productive or on a solid schedule
Obviously money can get you anything these days
But, what does this say about the initiative, if a big xbox first party Studio needs help
@UltimateOtaku91 @Amppari the same thing it says about ND
Or any big AAA game.
Need I mention the Toys for Bob COD fiasco?
@get2sammyb so that's the reazon behind almost everything you write? Because when it comes to say something "bad" about ps you are the one who writes (that is good to know) it but i don't see a lot of "good" stuff happening at least not from you. Almost looks like you want the click bait over everything. Where is the news that the japanese ex capcom america and europe director joined ps japan in the department that looks to work with japanese studios? But we should care about microsoft spending millions to borrow a SE studio ...
@get2sammyb Are you going to report on Platinum making Bayonetta 3 for Switch then because Platinum have made loads of games for PS?
Yeah this has nothing to do with PS, if CD were being bought by Xbox then sure but its just a Dev helping out with an Xbox game and has no relevance to PS.
@JJ2 Does anyone use the Xbox site? Maybe that’s why it was published here 😂
I used to click on the Xbox banner by accident when it appeared as a huge Ad on the Pushsquare site. I would frantically try to close it down like I’d just opened a link to p*rn on my work computer or something 🤣
I actually don’t mind hearing about news on other platforms though tbh.
No worries, it'll get canned
@Ralizah Sony had a deal with Bethesda, and when Microsoft bought the company, they also acquired those deals, so they definitely have to honour them. They knew that when they went into it. So it's not goodwill or anything, they simply have to. That would've an easy case in court if MS cancelled the whole deal.
Actually yes. These last few days I was checking out purexbox because there were more PlayStation news than on push.
Next announcement "MS purchases Square Enix" 🤦♂️
@mousieone its absurd that you cant tell the difference.
@GADG3Tx87 Its a timed exclusive, why in the world would they openly say its coming to xbox? Are you new to gaming???
MLB The Show is on other consoles because of a deal that Sony and MLB made so that Sony can hold onto the MLB license for video games. That's an entirely different thing. There's no need move the goal post.
@fR_eeBritney I used to use Pure Xbox on my old account but there wasn't many people on it compared to Nintendo Life and here so I left it.
@KingPev Agreed.
"How Microsoft convinced Square Enix to effectively rent out its biggest studio"
One word, money.
@Amppari and you clearly don’t want to have a conversation of substance sorry my mistake.
So the wait for a new Legacy of Kain game continues. D@mn it Square! 😡
Hi man
Just to say that Sony did not lie with ‘we believe in generation’ but the press demonstrably misrepresented what Jim Ryan said.
Now I see Push succeeded in having a beginning of Verdun in the comments and I put my 2cents. I’ll see myself out. Haha 😂
Have a nice weekend everyone and happy gaming.
(It’s not that serious it’s only video games)
I hope not.
If anyone think this is normal, then you are out of your mind (no offence).
This isn't the same as your usual outsourcing (something lots of studios do), this is a full-on partnership (big difference)... again, not normal at all... It also tells you quite a bit about the state of that game and the overall leadership there at The Initiative. Not good...
It is like finding that Sony Santa Monica suddenly it is making a partnership with Rocksteady Studios to help on their new game (Cory Barlog's game)... yea sure, not weird at all...
This is just a temporary partnership so I'm not worried about Microsoft maybe buying them.
We'll still be getting more Crystal Dynamics games on PlayStation consoles for years to come.
Rebooting Tomb Raider and thinning out your workforce to work with another company is a whole lotta stupid news to take in.
If I'm not mistaken, MS touted the Initiative as a studio that will make "AAAA" games. Then why do they need assistance from a major 3rd-party team? It seems like XB studios is having trouble managing their teams if one of their biggest can't even handle their first project by themselves. I know most large developers contract work out to external teams, but this is clearly a lot more than that. Shame that this will likely delay Crystal's next major release.
The Initiative studio was formed in 2018, what have they been doing for almost the last 4 years, “AAAA” my ass
I like how everyone jumps on Microsoft to say oh look how great they are needing help
Fanboys really show how messed up this world is , not one of you know what they have going on in that studio , has anyone thought of the idea that they have too much on so they have hired help to lesson the workload of the workers ? No of course not
From Wikipedia
Approximately 2,169 developers across 14 studios worked on The Last of Us Part II.
Guess they were ***** cause they needed help ? Nooooooo
I don’t care I am extremely happy with Sony and their AAA exclusives and what they have this year and releases into next year.
Also compared to the other two in the business it really shows how good Sony studios really are.
Being badly managed like most of Microsoft studios, though Nintendo are not much better at the moment.
Goes to show how good Sony and their studios really are, just look at this year and the start of next.
@get2sammyb their last Tomb Raider game (Shadow was developed by a different studio) was a timed Xbox exclusive. So I wouldn't say it is unprecedented. Square enix has strong relationships with every console maker
Yikes. One wrong decision after another.
@rpg2000 it's really being blown out of proportion. Nintendo does this all the time with Bandai Namco, Ubisoft, Koei Tecmo, Platinum, etc.
Perfect dark wasn't that great first time around
this further illustrates the point that microsoft's 1st party efforts still have not improved over the years. they haven't got a clue on how to project manage. with everything that has transpired with halo infinite and another likely delay imminent, series x has nothing to show for its first year on the market. i wouldn't expect much at all from the initiative which was hyped to be a AAAA studio — yes, that is 4 A's. how is it that a hyped up AAAA studio cannot put out a game without the assistance of another studio? read between the lines. perfect dark is in development hell and will be another lackluster offering from microsoft on the same level as say, crackdown 3.
I just really hoped they would eventually get back to the Legacy of Kain series. Soul Reaver was so good
@fR_eeBritney "I can actually believe that the game wouldn’t have been made without Sony’s support in this instance."
Like deathloop, ghostwire and starfield (attempted)
@Squanch Yes they do wnat to do the so called AAAA games, and for Microsoft that IS ur GoW and TLoU, but they have 70 devs, all on leadership roles, they Will lead and pay for work force, u do know that about a dozen studios have worked on TLoU2 right? Outsourcing is normal in the game industry, but in the case of Microsoft which has 0 support studios they usually just pay for It, Sony only pays for third-party support If It is too much at the same time for ALL the internal support studios.
@Porco The Studios was CREATED in Jul 2018, they have 70 devs, is really surprising that Microsoft has set up a studio focused solely on leadership and that they choose to pay for third-party developers that Will be lead by a First-party Studio?
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