Ubisoft has already confirmed that Assassin's Creed Infinity is in development. Supposedly, Infinity is a massive project — an "online platform" that will be expanded on for years to come. An expected direction, given that the most recent Assassin's Creed games all have online elements, like daily quests and in-game storefronts.
Taking this information into account, fans have been wondering whether Infinity will be a free-to-play title — a model that allows for maximum reach. However, during Ubisoft's latest earnings call, CEO Yves Guillemot confirmed that the game isn't going down that route. "It’s not going to be free to play", says Guillemot, adding: "this game will have a lot of narrative elements in it".
Guillemot's comments line up with what's previously been rumoured about Infinity. Apparently, it's set to cover multiple historic timelines, each boasting its own playable characters. Live service elements will supposedly allow developers Ubisoft Quebec and Ubisoft Montreal to add more scenarios over time.
Infinity has been described as a "huge" undertaking, and is currently in early development. Last we heard, it was aiming for a potential 2024 release.
[source videogameschronicle.com]
Comments 43
How is Yves Guillmot still in charge?
Polite pass. I was a huge AC fan from the original through Syndicate. Once it became overly bloated with Origins and on... the games have lost what made them fun. I forced myself to beat Origins. I skipped Odyssey. Valhalla feels like viking Origins. Sad to say that the series has ran its course for me.
@Enuo I’m convinced Ubisoft are the templars in real life.
My first reaction was an instant nope on this but the more I think about it this could turn out to be actually kind of cool if done right. If it's like you have your modern day character that goes into the animus to play smaller more focused AC experiences that all feed into a cohesive whole with maybe like special assassination events in the modern day section that effect where the story could go it could be pretty neat actually.
It sounds very ambitious for sure and I don't know if I have full faith in Ubisoft to land this plane but I'd like to believe!
it better be a one time buy with updates being free
Lmfao watch them charge a subscription fee for this along with the micro trans.
@Telekill Almost exact same for me. I gave the franchise one last chance with Syndicate (and even that game I didn't wanna buy, only did cause it was 50% off after a month, there were some good reviews and I had gotten everything out of MGS V). Haven't bought any Ubi game since R6S, which is sad, since I used to buy almost every game they would make.
Is Ubisoft following the Halo Infinite route? No more individual game releases. They will just continue to update the game over time.
"Ok I believe you"
Paying $60 for Smash and then $55 worth of season pass for "new characters and arenas" is ok
Paying $15 a month for online only FFXIV and still on the hook for a $40 expansions is also ok
Ubisoft?... "updates better be free" and "online is the devil's work" 🙃🤷♂️
Last 3 AC have been fantastic. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt.
If it's a live service is a hard pass for me.
Of course Ubisoft will keep trying on a "huge online" game. That's where most of the money is...
@Telekill same words my friend, same words.
Except, I've finished Odyssey, same "huge, plain and barren" letdown as Origins and Valhalla...
RIP Assassin's Creed
To Ubisoft: Story driven means again 1 "2minutes" quest on 10000m² ? That's why you need to make it huge? I think no one told you, that bigger doesn't mean better, OR you didn't listen...
Free to play and lots of narrative are not mutually exclusive. If you actually sit through all the dialog, Genshin Impact's shortest cut scene is like 40 minutes long.
They are slowly destroying Ubisoft, it seems
Anyway, I hope you can AT LEAST play with Ezio again!
This sounds like absolute crap.
If the online and live service side is more of what Odyssey/Valhalla have done then i'm ok with this providing it has a single player campaign of sorts.
@Telekill Its funny because Syndicate's reception and sales is what led to Ubi really going hard on changing the formula what going by sales was a good move. Not saying this applies to you but i can't help but laugh at those moaning about the current Trilogy and wanting the return of "classic" AC when most of those same people complained about the series being stale and avoiding Syndicate what led to underwhelming sales. End of the day Ubi has always switch the formula every few games in the series, Infinity will no doubt switch it up again.
If it's full of micro transactions which it more than likely will be then it should be free to play
I haven't been as invested in this franchise since they killed Desmond off. The pay off of him becoming a master assassin due to the the bleeding effect was what kept me going. It could have been so special...
Valhalla's main story was kinda interesting, too bad that to get there you had to trudge through 15 zones in the UK when 1/3 of that would've been better.
Thank god it’s paid.
Needed a reason to avoid it anyways!!!
I'm totally with you, however Odyssey was actually the one new game I thought was really good, even played all the dlc. Origins and Valhalla, I had to force myself to finish.
@Telekill I feel the same, life is too short for these bloated games. And they've lost what made the series great in the first place. In the same vein, Far Cry 6 was my last Far Cry.
Current AC games already feel like they have an infinite length. So no thank you.
subscription? Constant mandatory dlc? Avengers?
I don't like the new AC's. I really liked the older games. So for me this a outright No thanks. But many people like the last three games and the new AC formula. For those people this seems like the natural progression. Yes, I miss the old AC games but not every game if for every player and this seems to sound like what the fans of the "new" formula have been looking for more and more of each release. I hope Ubi finds it way to making games that stand apart from each other again and if I lose one franchise forever but find other games that interest me again then I still end up better off
The only good news from this is that I now finally have some time to complete Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla for real.
just kill this franchise already. please.
I'm out, while I enjoyed Origins for what it was, I couldn't get through Odyssey and I foolishly bought Valhalla only to give up on that too. I dread to think how much bloat will be in a persistent AC GaaS world. Not for me.
@Telekill It's exactly Odyssey that differs from the other 2 (Origins and Valhalla). Unfortunately the team behind it was busy with Fenyx Rising and never got the chance to make another game, so Valhalla ended up being more similar to Origins than Odyssey.
I too finished Origins only once, and struggled to play Valhalla to the end, because i find it quite boring.
But AC Odyssey is without a doubt the one i enjoyed the most in this trilogy, finished it 3 times top to bottom.
It provides the most fun in gameplay compared to the other 2, the story is quite good, and Kassandra is a memorable character.
Combat is much more enjoyable, and assassinating a target while running, or spartan-kicking an unaware enemy from the high walls of a fortress into the chasms below never get old. Jumping from the top of a mountain without taking damage, instead of spending 3-4 minutes slowly descending is a nice addition too.
Speaking of forts, conquering one in Odyssey is much more fun than in Origins or Valhalla, it's something the other 2 games never did very well.
If you catch the game at a discount give it a try, it's possible you may like it.
It could be cool IF done right but let’s be real, Ubisoft will never do assassins creed right again. It’s a Game of thrones situation, it got too big and they removed what made it get there in exchange for things that will make them more money.
@itsfoz Agreed, how many variations of jumping down off buildings and killing people do they expect us to put up with?
My worry is Beyond Good and Evil 2. That looked awesome. If Ubisoft is ploughing resources into this highly researched, half-fact based, edutainment-ish game, what's going to happen to BGE2?
@nessisonett sorry to say it but they make templars look like a nice bunch of people.
@theMEGAniggle A new fresh IP would be a great thing. Farcry, AC, Ghost Series if they would be left behind and they would start fresh i would not mind.
@WallyWest The only one i liked was Syndicate or better said the only one i could be bothered to finish. To be fair Evie is by far my favorite character.
I always seem to buy these games (on big discounts to be fair) but never get over halfway before getting bored. I currently have Black Flag, Unity, Syndicate, Origins and Odyssey in my backlog. All started, none finished!
@Flaming_Kaiser they have some really good ideas that get pushed to the back, I agree a new IP from then would be amazing
@theMEGAniggle And please remov the same time filler missions just make the more diverse instead of the copy anx paste missions wheee only the location changes.
@Flaming_Kaiser but they won’t because they believe it won’t generate them any money
Sad really
Please be a one time buy with free updates, and then separately paid cosmetics etc that are optional and don't impact the gameplay/story.
@theMEGAniggle Agreed
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