Update: GTA 6 couldn’t quite dethrone BTS ultra-hit Butter for the most views on YouTube in 24 hours, but a day after its premature publish, it’s within touching distance of 100 million views – a staggering achievement really. To put this into perspective, the most viewed trailer on the PlayStation channel is the PS4’s reveal video, which has managed 43 million views in ten years. Rockstar’s latest has more than doubled that in a day!
The trailer needed 108 million to beat the aforementioned K-pop classic, and if you factor in mirrors from Gamespot and IGN, it did actually topple it. However, the record books will likely only count the original upload, and therefore it’s fallen short just a touch. It’s clear to see the sandbox sequel is going to be an absolute juggernaut when it launches in 2025, however.
Well, we knew it was going to be big – but this big? GTA 6’s debut trailer has already topped 50 million views less than ten hours after it was unceremoniously published by Rockstar following an unexpected leak. Unsurprisingly, it’s the number one trending video on YouTube worldwide right now, and this ignores the various mirrors uploaded by major channels like IGN and Gamespot.
The first footage of the latest Grand Theft Auto wasn’t supposed to be shared until later today, but when a watermarked version emerged on Twitter, the developed decided to set it live anyway. It’s something the team is understandably upset by, but it’ll reassured by the overwhelming response to the video. In addition to its 50 million views, it also has 6.5 million likes.
There’s a good chance this closes on 100 million by the end of the day, as it continues to get shared around the world and fans dig deeper for Easter eggs and secrets. How many times have you watched the new trailer so far? Admit it in the comments section below.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 30
The leak obviously reached people, mainly on X (twitter) but the majority of fans waited and are seeing it for the first time. Will probably go down as the most viewed game trailer in history as well so atleast the team can be happy about that and move on from the leak.
I've played GTA my whole life, started out playing the top down series on my parents PC as a kid. The series is no doubt legendary and I really hope this game elevates the gameplay to new heights. I can't get excited about the Rockstar formula which has been copied to death. particularly in an open world modern city setting.
I loved Red Dead but that games setting is what makes it special to me and for whatever reason, I let it off the hook more so than GTA.
GTA V had some stand out moments, the heists to be specific & I hope 6 has more of this on offer.
Looks great, but zero in game footage I could see, plus likely “running” on a high end PC. I will just treat this as representative of the final product.
I remember watching the first trailer for RDR2 and thinking "it can't possibly look this good". It did. So I can believe it.
@thefourfoldroot1 Its R* so chances are the game will look this good.
It looks great, but I would be amazed if they manage to keep that crowd density and variety on console. I expect that to be pared back.
As for 2025, what did people expect? GTAV first trailer was almost 2 years before release. This will be the similar. Don't expect it for at least 18+ months and there may well be a delay.
There's not even any gameplay in the trailer and it's so far away I'll get hyped when i see it running on a PS5 with actual gameplay.
@thefourfoldroot1 Agreed. It looks GREAT, but I expect some things to be scaled back for console. Especially the number of people. Look at the beach scene, street scenes etc. and there are literally around a hundred NPC's all doing different things. Not sure they will manage that, like Cyberpunk, I expect the crowds to be thinned out. But it is Rockstar, if anyone can, they probably can.
Definitely surpassing 100 Million Views within 24 Hours
And so it begins...2 years of hype, analysis and conjecture click bait!
Not played Grand Theft Auto V since it was released on Xbox 360.To me San Andreas and Vice City were way better.But I am pretty hyped for this new game after this trailer!
Loved the atmosphere and the soundtrack.Looks great!
@PegasusActual93 GTA V was definitely Downgraded from the trailers though.
Rockstar is big enough to track and sue the leakers. If they get caught, Rockstar will probably make an example out of them.
Grumpy old GTA player here and; 2025! This is taking entirely too long. When in 2025? May have just as well went with "To BE Announced." No date in 2025 means it could be 2026.
All that twerking that looks to be featured probably added a year to the release date.
Grand theft auto is the g.o.a.t. 🐐 👑 when it comes to video games.sales.views etc.if your game is going to come the same day as grand theft auto.delay it.grand theft auto is going to eat it for breakfast.grand theft auto 6 is going tobe amazing.word up son
Watching it again this may be the one of the most accurate video games ever made lol. They nailed Florida in every aspect!
The PS5 will be running on technology that is half a decade old by 2025. There isn't a chance in Heck that it'll look like this.
But don't worry, there will always be the PS6 Remaster to look forward to.
I'll wait for the re-remaster for the PS7
People saying that it won't look this good have you not seen what they did with Red Dead 2 running on pre historic hardware!? I can definitely see the game looking like this at least for the 30fps mode and them thinning the crowd for 60fps
I remember people saying GTAV wouldn't look as good as the trailers on PS3. It did.
Looks like just more GTA to me, apparently with a focus on spoofing TikTok. I'll wait for previews/reviews before I get excited. I'm hoping to see R* expand on the way missions work; I'm tired of seeing the mission failed screen for daring to put one toe out of bounds.
It seems like a missed opportunity that they ditched the 80s retro approach, which added so much charm to the original Vice City. This just looks like a swampier, sweatier GTA5 (though I'm sure it'll still be great).
Last GTA I played was Vice City this looks quite nice.
I always make sure to look for the source video for any trailer. I find it pretty scummy that other channels can just repost things for free views.
Who cares? When I typed in gta6 trailer in YouTube rockstars video didn't even come up ign and gamespot was the top for them a million reaction videos from nobody's I assume a lot of people like me just watched it from other Youtube channels
I love the way people are shocked at the amount of people on screen, the animations and the in-game AI compared to GTAV................. Do people realise GTA V was a PS3 game??? 2 generations have passed..... so of course the graphics, Details, animation and AI SHOULD be miles better than the last game.
I am more interested at seeing the final map size AND if GTA ONLINE V2 will be available?
There has to be something to do in game after finishing the story, GTA ONLINE has to be in GTA 6
Grand theft auto 6 trailer is amazing.the graphics wow.grand theft auto is the most popular and legendary form of entertainment for the last decades.word up son
I reckon the views would be higher if the YouTube search feed for the "GTA 6 trailer" wasn't video's with people's mouths wide open doing cheap react videos for 10+ minutes, which is ridiculous I may say so.
I'm expecting this to be dang close if not exactly like this. 30fps on ps5, 60fps on ps5pro.
@Boompty your so right and I can't wait 🌞
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