Harry Potter Spin-Off Hogwarts Legacy Has a Shot at Dethroning Call of Duty's Dominance 1

Hogwarts Legacy could become the first non-Call of Duty or Rockstar game to top USA’s yearly sales charts in 15 years. GTA 5 and Red Dead Redemption 2 broke the first-person shooter’s streak in 2013 and 2018 respectively, but other than that, Call of Duty has ranked number one every single year since Wii Play was popular all the way back in 2008.

But current Circana data, accurate as of the end of November, puts Hogwarts Legacy in the lead. It’s worth noting that, despite poor reviews, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is already the second best-selling game of the year – and will likely perform extremely well through December. Warner Bros will need a touch of magic to hold onto the lead, then.

One factor that’s working in the Harry Potter spin-off’s favour is that it just launched on Nintendo Switch, which has helped boost its sales all over again. If we had to place a bet, we reckon Modern Warfare 3 will just about pip it at the post – but this data at least demonstrates how wildly successful Hogwarts Legacy has been overall.

[source twitter.com]