The next PS1 title to be ported to PS5 and PS4 as part of Sony’s emulation effort looks likely to be Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace, as Disney continues its unprecedented support for the programme. So far, the movie and amusement park giant has pledged several of its classic titles to Sony’s PS Plus Premium tier, and it doesn’t look like it’s planning to slow down its efforts any time soon.
As spotted by the eagle-eyed Gematsu, the 1999 movie adaptation has been rated for release in Taiwan, which is typically indicative of a worldwide release. The game, despite mixed reviews overall, was pretty popular at the time, topping sales charts in multiple countries. It was criticised even upon release for its camera angles and controls, however, so expect a pretty archaic experience from a contemporary perspective.
Still, this version will be buoyed by Sony’s emulator, which features quality of life improvements like rewind and save states. Seeing as this is a third-party title, we wouldn’t expect it to include Trophies – but we just wished more publishers would make the effort to support this initiative like Disney is doing. If nothing else, it’s great to have some of these older games easily accessible on more modern hardware like the PS5 and PS4.
[source gamerating.org.tw, via twitter.com]
Comments 50
No trophy campaign, no interest. Let’s hope your assumption on that is incorrect. I might play phenomenal experiences that don’t have trophy campaigns (VR version of Resi8 for example) but not anything that isn’t top tier. I consider them half games.
I’ll stand by the appreciation for preservation of some more obscure older licensed games. But why so few and why seemingly just the most unremarkable or straight-up terrible ones? Toy Story 2 is like the only of these I’ve seen that has an actually decent reputation. Give us the PS3 version of Toy Story 3. The PS2 Battlefront 2. Not just one bad movie tie-in from 25 years ago…
As a kid playing this game, I would run around Tatooine with no idea what to do while the NPCs yelled “No good killer!” and that’s about all I remember about it.
The masses have demanded this game, Former LucasArts employees have been bombarded with emails for years, airplanes with banners "release the phantom menace ps1" and finally it is upon us!
Now we can finally unleash our Masters of Teräs Käsi campaign!
That would give me a fresh dose of nostalgia! One of those games which I clearly remember playing on my PS1.
I actually remember playing this game a lot, and looking back on it, it was pretty bad. But I guess I could say the same of the movie, which I also watched a lot back then.
Oh hell yeah i loved this as a child and have always wanted to play it again. Never thought it would ever see a release on PS5.
@thefourfoldroot1 So did you never play games before the 360 and have never touched a Nintendo console?
I’ve been playing games since I was 3, in the 80s. My first gaming device was as a C64. So, to answer your question, yes. And if games stopped offering trophy campaigns, or narrative campaigns, I would still keep playing them for the gameplay. I just wouldn’t enjoy them as much.
And that’s the crux, if I can get a good game with a trophy campaign and a narrative campaign, why would I instead play a good game without one of them? I don’t have time to play one quarter of all the games I want to play at this point in my life, so I can be very selective.
Just got a flashback of my 7 year old self going round to my next door neighbours house (he was same age) and us two playing this and Jedi Power Battles together on PS1.
Pretty sure we didn't get very far! Like beyond the first level! xD
No way. If this is coming up I have hope that some of my other favourites will slowly pop up. Other Disney games like Hercules and Tarzan, pandemonium and at the top hogs of war since the kickstarter remake failed.
@Ainu20 the fact licensed games are showing up is a good sign, even if some are bad. I was surprised when super star wars popped up on ps4 years ago.
Demolition was my fave PS1 SW outing, but we have that already. Getting Masters of Teräs Käsi like @tameshiyaku mentioned would be hilarious.
Calling it now, the next Disney game after this will be "Dinosaur" on PS1
I adored this game as a kid. I thought it was excellent and played through it multiple times
Hell yes, the only Star Wars immersive sim.
@thefourfoldroot1 so you actually wouldn't play a game your interested in because it doesn't have trophies??
This game is a classic. It took me a long time to beat it because my copy was damaged, and only a year later a friend lent me his copy. A very interesting take in the franchise.
My mate when I was a kid loved this game and we had to play it every time I went over because he loved it so I just stopped going over and now I haven't spoken to him since like 2001.
Let me repeat again:
“ And that’s the crux, if I can get a good game with a trophy campaign and a narrative campaign, why would I instead play a good game without one of them? I don’t have time to play one quarter of all the games I want to play at this point in my life, so I can be very selective.”
Anyone else remember when the UK OPM gave this trash a 9/10 and later it was discovered that the reviewer had been bribed with a trip to the Skywalker Ranch? It was one of the first cases that I remember of outright corruption in the industry.
lol so you only play video games if it gives you a little picture telling you you did a good job??
@idiotthechef LOL beat me to it 😂
This game was pretty bad back in 1999, no doubt it will be practically unplayable by today's standards. I wouldn't mind some of these D-list games coming for the sake of preservation, but there are so many great games in the PS1/PS2 era catalogs that are much more deserving. Given Sony's obviously cozy relationship with SquareEnix, it's shocking to me they haven't brought more of their games forward.
Disney did this exact thing with PS2 emulation on PS3. It’s baffling.
Day one purchase if it has trophies
@thefourfoldroot1 so yes then... I hope you at least print them out and put them on a shelf to show of your achievements 🤣
I would simply play the game I was interested in that did have a full trophy campaign first. Then those other games with less content and challenge afterward, if I ever got the time (which I probably wouldn’t given my backlog).
The problem with some people is they like to pretend they don’t understand that going after the developer provided trophy challenges in games can be fun and fulfilling. Often more so than finishing a narrative campaign as the latter can have far less gameplay variety, especially in story based games. This is strange. Trophy challenges are no different to any other developer given challenge. People also like to pretend going through a story is somehow more meaningful, lol. All is meaningless, but we still enjoy it.
Like an arcade cabinet completion screen? No, the fun is in doing the challenge, not finishing it (Although my completionist personality does get a kick out of that too). Just like the fun is in playing a narrative campaign, not finishing it.
Loved this game as a kid. Shame it won't have a platinum but I'll play it again at some point.
@thefourfoldroot1 I'm not trying to pretend anything, I was genuinely interested that someone wouldn't play a game that they like the look of simply because it doesn't have trophies and especially as you put it that you consider them 'half games'. Seems like a strange requirement to enjoy games, maybe ocd?
diff'rent strokes I guess. Growing up on NES/SNES I never cared when PS/XBOX started trophies. I've just never been a completionist (sp?) besides getting to the end of a story in the game.
I guess I could see how trophies could be enticing to other people though. I just can't see skipping a game cause it didn't have trophies.
Same reason I don’t play multiplayer sandbox games, they generally don’t have a story. I have enough choice I can require all my games to have both a narrative and trophy campaign.
I have some memories still of this game, most of them not good lol. Remember needing cheat codes to beat Darth Maul at the end.
Anyone remember Jedi Power Battles? Wonder if that'll come over.
@thefourfoldroot1 fair enough, not a criticism just genuinely intrigued by the mindset. I play on several systems and enjoy emulation so maybe that's why I don't get the whole trophy thing (especially people that are so obsessed they'll play any crap just to get another platinum). Each to their own 👍
Man I wish trophies were mandatory for these games.
Actually, I'm pretty excited by this. I remember having a lot of fun playing this on PS1, back in the day....I'm really getting old.
@LimitedPower Toy Story 3 for ps3 is a blast.
Do Sony have some sort of deal with Disney to release loads of crappy PS1 games instead of the stuff that's already on the PSN like Parasite Eve, Alundra, Front Mission 3 or MGS?
Oh I definitely won’t play things just to get the platinum. In fact my completion rate is only 42%, which is lower than many people who don’t actually care about trophies. I’ll just drop any game I don’t like. But whether I like it will depend on how fun and engaging either the story campaign or the trophy campaign is. Here’s my terrible trophy profile…
But, for me, a good trophy campaign is better than many story campaigns. Often I can find a story awful, the gameplay OK, but the trophy challenges lots of fun. The truly fantastic games have both being brilliant. Yakuza games are a great example, especially 5.
Loved this game!
The "Stop pushing me!" line is hilarious to this day!
@thefourfoldroot1 I'm a big fan of single player story based games too but my experience of trophies in these games is more of an annoyance that are there for padding more than anything. Games like the Last of Us or the Uncharteds just seem to make you scour every corner looking for a collectible which would kind of pull me out of the story a little. Plus a lot of these games include some random online or multiplayer element to achieve some trophies which would put me completely off but I guess I understand the idea of wanting to complete everything the devs have created as a challenge..
I played the Arcade Trilogy and SNES games when they were the star wars movie games of the time. Also played X Wing and Assault for Dos.
I liked this on PS1, was a bit confused at the time why they didn't do II but looking back I'm glad they didn't. I played III on PS2 and I felt mixed about that one.
Then the Lego ones came along and gave me a new insight on how to do Movie games.
So did The Godfather actually. Sometimes the best movie games are about a quarter to a third movie and adapt fun gameplay to progress. Like in the Lego ones you could both enjoy a Lego story and playing as Lego characters utilising abilities.
The Godfather made it about being part of the Mafia as a non story character that still fits with the storyline.
It can be done.
I really hope it does have trophies. Loved this game as a kid.
What are the chances we ever get old CoD games that were console exclusives?
I don’t get why some ps one classics are re-released without trophy support I know this was the case years ago for the PS3 but shouldn’t be case now.
Also I don’t get why they decided to remaster the PSP version of the original Star Wars battlefront 2 as it’s no where near as great as the PS2 unless they add in sound effects, music etc. I won’t be bothered about getting it which is a shame because I love the PS2 version wish they choose that version
I played this when I was younger and remember how difficult it was due to the bad camera and platforming mechanics. I still had a good time with it nevertheless.
I am still holding out for Attack of the Clones, Episode 3 as well as the original Battlefront games. As for other games I would like to see, The Simpsons Hit and Run, Timesplitters 1+2, The Lord of The Rings games and Disney games like Hercules would be a nice addition.
@thefourfoldroot1 I've been gaming since maybe 1991-92, and I've never heard the term "trophy campaign". 😕 That's just.. Eww. Sounds like achievement farming. These things became lazy digital dopamine trinkets that prioritize wasting time all too often; "shoot 100 birds", or "throw 200 bottles". Lame. I'd turn them off if I could. The worst offendes are beating games (like A Way Out) and not even getting a trophy for it. 🤦♂️
A trophy campaign is just a 100%. An attempt to achieve all the developer set challenges. No different to any other challenge that may be set in a game really.
You seem to be against badly designed trophy challenges. So am I. Just like I’m against badly designed games generally.
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