Acquiring all of the previously announced Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth crossover content in Battle Royale smash hit Apex Legends could cost you upwards of $300. The event, which goes into effect today, includes a whole bunch of cosmetics and gear from the upcoming Square Enix sequel – but the prices are out of control.
Packs of the event’s items will cost around 1,000 Apex Coins (~$10) apiece and you’ll need to own all 36 items to unlock the One-Winged Angel Deathbox, which is inspired by Sephiroth’s design in the original PS1 game. That means, to get the Deathbox, you could be looking at an outlay of approximately $360, which has attracted understandable criticism from the game’s community.
To be fair, developer Respawn Entertainment has gone the extra mile here, incorporating an entirely new gameplay mode which features Final Fantasy 7’s famous Materia system – as well as Cloud Strife’s Buster Sword! But it seems the studio is (Limit) Breaking its community’s patience with prices like these – and we can’t say we really disagree given the figures been thrown around here.
[source youtube.com, via ea.com]
Comments 42
When you play this type of “game” you are supporting this type of scummy monetisation structure. I’m losing sympathy for people who keep complaining about it unless they are children who literally do not know any better.
@thefourfoldroot1 In Apex Legends' defence, it's a free game that's constantly updating and adding new content. That continued development has to be financed somehow.
I'm of course not suggesting the pricing is acceptable in this case, but there does have to be something to buy in the game, otherwise it wouldn't be viable to continue supporting it.
Which is why this type of “game” shouldn’t be supported in my opinion. Very few if any do it right and publishers gamble on being able to addict the vulnerable, naive, or terminally insecure “whales” in order to make the game profitable. If they can’t they close it down.
All the skins and items look absolutely atrocious anyway.
What's the old saying about a fool and their money? Anyone who pays for all of this gear is just contributing to these predatory practices.
For that price you might as well buy the limited edition of FF7:Rebirth and have a real life One Winged Angel Sephiroth figurine, much better than some death box made of pixels.
Not only it's extremely expensive, but also the skins look terrible.
@get2sammyb I agree, but why don't they keep the micro transactions 'micro' as in cheap and just keep feeding a lot more small bundles or items cheap? I think they would earn the same bucks.
That said, it's sad what Apex has become. New players will struggle to get into this, it's bonkers difficult now, gameplay wise.
To be fair….To be fair… To be fair…
Stop playing predatory games that have no respect for you. Live service games are a cancer on the industry and instead of making excuses for them, people should call them out and stop supporting them. Same goes for gacha games.
That means stop buying from the stores, and stop playing the games at all, or things will continue to get worse and worse. If you play these games you are telling devs and publishers that this sort of thing is fine, and nothing will ever get better for us the consumer. Be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
@Gunnerzaurus Maybe read the article a liitle more closely. No one is saying that theyre entitled to the cosmetics, they are saying the cost is ridiculous for ***** skins.
Sadly this is how these "free" games work and always will do, they're basically propped up by massively overpriced nonsense like this and streamers who'll buy these things and then get to show off to their followers, who in turn effectively pay them back
I'm surprised that no one has mentioned in the comments that this is a death box. So only viewable for a second or two once you die and before you specate your other team members or quit out of the match to start another. So you're paying $300 to celebrate your own failure which is a bit defeatist on behalf of the player..... I love Apex but don't feel the need to get involved in these over priced cosmetics, of which this is the worst so far......
Tbf I don't get why people are only just starting to kick up a fuss now, I've been playing apex for years now and these events they do are always set up the same with the same pricing.
Pays well to be loyal
I don’t play apex, but if it is literally just skins the game play is the same whether you own them or not. It is a F2P game and the servers and employees cost money to keep the game running. Support it or don’t, no one is forcing you to buy in but your own FOMO.
Sooo... If you pay $360 you get... a box with Sephiroth’s wing on it?...Okay.🤣
I don't play Apex but that seems like a pretty anticlimactic reward for being a whale. Just saying.
@thefourfoldroot1 Unfortunately you are arguing the merits of the F2P model with someone who voted Honkai Star Rail as the best game released last year. No wonder he is defending this one too. And no wonder Sony are (were?) going all in on live service. Hopefully it is not too late for them to change course.
I played this for about 2 weeks when it first released. I liked it but 2 weeks was more than enough and I never went back.
I also don't spend money on microtransactions and never will either. Actually why am I here again?
Shocker an EA published F2P live service game has greedy overpriced MTX.
Modern gaming is a complete farce. I must be getting old, because it's just tiring these days.
Yay for FREE to play.
Fortunately free to ignore it also.
@j2c Going by your logic let's see how well that will go for a developer when they start charging skins for 300 bucks each in a F2P game. Devs rely on money from those skins and they need to be balanced properly to not be outrageous.
You could buy yourself a switch for that price...would be a far better investment
Horrific prices aside, im beyond tired of these type of "crossover" things in game, I just find it weird to be running about in Destiny 2 dressed in a £20 Witcher outfit, like what? I get its all for social media clicks and nonsense but pls make it stop.
I might just get it on 3 of my accounts. Seems crazy to spend more than £1000 on cosmetics.
@PaperAlien I support this message. I got killed by Nicki Minaj in CoD the other day….just why?
To be fair though no one is being forced to part with their money for these silly cosmetics and the cynical perspective is that the gaming industry is there to make money just like any other industry. We all like to think games are being developed purely for the love of the gaming and in some indie cases this might be correct but for the most part a game was created with the sole purpose of making a rich company richer.
It's like they looked at the good prices on League of Legends and Fortnite and went "Yep, let's not do that"
I think the FOMO that causes people to spend this money is an age thing. I used to buy every DLC. In wow I can get every item and holiday pet. Now I just want to play something fun. If some cosmetics cost $100 I just don't care. There is nothing I need to buy if the games are free. I am 100% satisfied playing don't care about looks.
Besides the Gas, mtx gripe, is anybody else here also annoyed by these ill fitted crossover events!? Most of the time these things don't fit together and it just looks bad.
No sir, I don't want sardines in my strawberry milkshake...
@PaperAlien sorry there, just repeated your point I just noticed, but heck yeah, crossovers stink.
I've never fully understood cosmetics in an FPS. Fortnite? I get it. But CoD or Apex? You couldn't get me to buy a cosmetic with a gun to my head.
@MFTWrecks “…which is exactly why they are in FPS games: instead of pointing the gun at your own head, you’re pointing it at the other players in the arena. Now you’ll HAVE to buy the cosmetics!” -EA, probably
Furthermore, it makes me feel strange in general to realize that as players we’re generally at the mercy of publishers and developers with these kinds of things, and just how far things have gone in favor of profits and corporations. An example is how, at this point, there are people defending microtransactions as a concept in an article about overpriced cosmetics. Because, truthfully, a few years ago the discussion was still focused around the vile idea of microtransactions as a whole. People say that it’s time to move on, let go, and just enjoy the game, but all that does is reinforce the idea that the corporations behind game development can keep pushing the needle bit-by-bit, until we’re left with a shell of an experience, and even then it’ll still require 40GB updates, take up 100+GBs of space, have overly expensive in-game purchases, AND be completely unplayable once the servers shut down out of nowhere on a day that ends in Y.
@get2sammyb " Materia girl "
Nice. Punny AND it fit the content.👍
As you start feeling too old to game and work here come back and read some of these screaming at cloud comments.😂 I agree that all of these prices need to be cut by a factor of 10 (I think that's how factors work) but the FTP model isn't going away, it's the future. Ownership, both physical and digital, is what's going away. Sad but true.😢
@Gunnerzaurus People are owed it at a reasonable price because they are playing the game that the devs clearly want us to play for a long time and make a profit off of.
Here's the thing u don't have to buy everything 🙂 🫠
@Gunnerzaurus It isn't unreasonable to want pricing that isn't blatant greed my guy.
I play tons of Apex and was really excited for this event. This event is uniquely expensive. You cant use crafting material to buy any of the event items to make it cheaper and none of the skins you buy come with event packs. Super disappointing since I had tons of crafting material saved up just for this event.
@get2sammyb I rather pay for a better game then these practices. Investors want more and more money so the pricing will only get worse. I feel sorry for the new generation that will this is normal.
@Gunnerzaurus You don't need to buy it is a weak defence it's a insane price it should not be there even with a free to play game.
The optional MT in games are up to €100 for fake useless currency already. It's getting worse and worse with several other things like releasing broken games, €30 to play three days early it's getting out of hand.
@Flaming_Kaiser - To be fair, if it weren’t for the black wing “bonus” item, I’d say “you don’t have to buy it” is a perfectly valid defense when it comes to multiple content packs like this. Why? Because these bundles are usually targeting different types of customers, which means that, unless you’re a completionist, chances are you won’t have much reason to buy absolutely everything. Think of it like a shoe store: there are a variety of shoes targeting different needs, budget’s, etc. With the way those shoes are priced, the price of buying one of everything is insane, but that’s fine, because no-one is expecting to buy one of everything, just the one or two pairs they want. The same principle applies here (or would if they hadn’t added an incentive for players to splurge on everything at once).
Yeah, that’s actually kind of dodgy. Charging $10 per pack is a bit much on its own, but locking a premium item under a condition that you buy them all, when there’s 36 packs sounds straight up manipulative, especially if they’re heavily advertising that item. Even if there were ways to earn these apex coins (dunno if there are, haven’t played the game since it launched) it wouldn’t mean much, because you’re basically incentivizing them to say “screw it, I’ll just buy them all now” and splurge hundreds of dollars just to get something that’s maybe not even worth 10% of that.
@FullMetalWesker It's getting out of hand and you better watch out this stuff will bleed into other games.
These corpos are watching closely how far they can push the goalpost. Early access then is a normal release now at full price nobody is even shocked with broken releases anymore.
Skins that are recolors go for massive amounts now you know the stuff you got for free when you played through a fighter in the past.
The thing now is just rather wait for the triple A release to be discounted and get a indie game with a small group of developers get my money now and optional is a excuse to keep pushing the boundaries further and further away.
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