Konami looks to be resurrecting its Metal Gear Solid series via ports of all the old mainline games that form the Master Collection (with volume one already out now), but a new report has reignited hopes the Japanese publisher still plans to give the original PS1 classic a full makeover. Areajugones (via Eurogamer) suggests that while Konami is prioritizing the upcoming remake of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, the company "is still working on a remake of the first instalment".
The suggestion comes after talking to "multiple sources", with the site having supposedly leaked God of War Ragnarok DLC Valhalla prior to its announcement at The Game Awards, according to Eurogamer. It's reported the remake has been in development for "several years" but the developer at the helm is unknown. Though reports over the years have suggested the old Metal Gear Solid titles would be more than just ported to current-gen consoles, all we have so far is the first three in either their original form or the remasters released on PS3. There's also Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater, which is a full remake from Virtuos.
Would you like Konami to go back and remake Metal Gear Solid, or is the latest version available in the PS5, PS4 Master Collection enough for you? Let us know in the comments below.
[source areajugones.sport.es, via eurogamer.net]
Comments 28
I’m not getting excited til I know if Delta is worth it. My boy Kojima better still get his name in the credits for it too, even despite his tumultuous relationship with Konami.
Waiting to see how mgs3 remake turns out first.
Leaked years ago this rumour and it was said to be bluepoint games behind the remake
Removed - trolling/baiting
Konami have been watching Capcom with what it's done with Resident Evil remakes.
"We can do that!"
MGS1 remake is something I wouldn't mind seeing but let's see how Delta is first before we start getting hyped for other MGS remakes.
Probably a hot take, but I would like to see new Metal Gear titles from Konami.
@somnambulance They never did it before, so I don't see it happening now.
@Waitinonpsvr2 Don't buy them then as no one is forcing you too.
I would much rather MG1 and MG2 got a remake before MGS1. So much lore has been retconned in since then.
And what a fine opportunity to show us Solid Snake and Big Boss in their prime as actual people. Hard to imagine now but Big Boss started out as nothing more than a cackling supervillain - give me a reason to believe that Solid would salute Big Boss at the end of MGS4 because right now I really don't tbh.
@JeongersGaming I'd love to see another game in that world, definitely; but a spin-off, like another Rising or something with an insane OTT character. But as for the main entries - they should be left well alone. The story is pretty much all wrapped up as it is.
So eventually we'll have Metal Gear Solid Alpha?
You know that remasters and remakes are for the newer generation of gamers right?
Not everyone has played games on the older generations of consoles.
No one is making you buy them yourself.
SH2 remake is one of the most anticipated games for a lot of people and was the most anticipated upcoming horror game at the game awards
They tried doing a new MG game without Kojima and how terrible did that turn out?
Yeah id love a remake of the first MGS. It was and is still a great MGS game and if Konami cant be bothered to do anything new apart from remakes and remasters then MGS would defenately be the one id like to see.
Removed - trolling/baiting
Would of loved a company like bluepoint take a chance on metal gear solid 1. I hope this remake is good but it's already missing all the tease and soul of hideo in the trailers.
@Jswift56 they did an amazing job with Demons souls and Shadow of the colossus. They are top tier 🔥👌
after the mgs 3 remake, nobody will want another remake from konami
@JeongersGaming very hot take because there is literally nobody left at konami who understands how to make a game, let alone a mgs game, hence why everything they do is outsourced (with the exception of soccer games). a better question would be: what developer would be able to make a new mgs game? i don't think there are many up to the task.
Please let this be true and with Kojima credited.
To answer the comment that was removed.
I never said that I don’t play new games that are released as well as playing remasters or remakes did I?
I play remasters/remakes of old games I haven’t played or games I’ve loved playing in the past.
Most of the games I play aren’t even remasters or remakes so I don’t even know what are you trying to say
Yay...more remakes...
Should have remade MG and MG2 after V while the story was fresh. Then a remake of MGS with Hayter as Snake and Kiefer as Big Boss.
@Porco Half of the MGS development team doesn't know how to make a game? Many of the key staff who made the series what it was still seem to work over there.
@InsaneWade something like Acid is precisely what I was thinking of. I only want to see the original continuity touched if it's for a Rising sequel.
@Dragoon1994 not great, but not that horrible either. Survive was a low budget multiplayer spin-off of TPP - it's competently made for what it is. There's also the other spin-off games that Kojima is credited for as producer, but in reality had little involvement.
For Rising his only contribution was bringing Platinum into the project after Konami's internal team couldn't get the zandatsu mechanic to work properly with the Fox Engine on PS3 level hardware, and then asking Platinum to make it 60fps (which really, they probably would have done anyway). Otherwise he let them do whatever.
Most of you probably know this, but I only just learned last week that Metal Gear Solid 1 already had a remake, back in 2004 on the Gamecube, called MGS: The Twin Snakes. I played it all weekend on my Mac using the Dolphin emulator (works great) and a DS4 and it's really fun!
They added some features from MGS2 like the ability to shoot in first-person view, and wow being able to take out cameras and guards that way feels like an amazing New Game+ superpower.
Kojima was loosely involved but the cutscenes were redone under the direction of Japanese action movie director Ryuhei Kitamura (with Kojima's blessing supposedly). It got some criticism for the new cutscenes being ridiculously over the top, as well as the first-person shooting option making it easier to get through the game. But I find the Kitamura cutscenes hilarious and entertaining, and even with new abilities the game is still pretty hard! They made the guards' senses more acute and their response to detection a lot more aggressive.
And with a decent gaming computer you can crank up the resolution in Dolphin to more like PS3-era quality. There's even fan made 4K texture packs to increase the quality further. Definitely worth playing if you haven't yet!
@JeongersGaming they absolutely do not still work there. most of the staff left with kojima years ago. how else do you explain no games coming out of konami internal studios since metal gear survive in 2018? (leftover remnents from mgs v who have since left the company). i thought this was common knowledge by now? you should greatly lower your expectations
I loved Rising. Never played Survive but didn’t hear anything good about it
I absolutely loved MGA and MGA2 hope they re-release them in the next master collection.
Always wanted a third one but we never got another sadly
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