Naoki Yoshida thinks the next mainline game in Square Enix's long-running series, presumably called Final Fantasy XVII, needs to be directed by someone new and younger; the series needs fresh blood to keep it relevant long into the future.
Interviewed by Sony's own Shuhei Yoshida on the Game Maker's Notebook podcast (thanks, Eurogamer), the two Yoshidas candidly discussed the lessons learned while developing 2023's Final Fantasy XVI. Shuhei prompted Yoshida, asking if he'd be directing the next game in the series, to which he said: "I've had the chance to work on two of these, 14 and 16, so maybe it's time for someone new, instead of having the same old guys handle the next one."
Yoshida says it's essential to consider the series' heritage, "to look to the future and bring in a younger generation, with more youthful sensibilities", ensuring the nearly 40-year-old franchise continues to stay relevant, and to "make a new [Final Fantasy] with challenges that suit today's world".
Interestingly, when the topic turned to combat, Yoshida signalled the seemingly inevitable way the series must move forward: "I'd like to see Square Enix use this gained experience [from 16] to continue challenging ourselves in the action genre, to make what we haven't made yet, with even greater storytelling, emotion, and impact."
What do you think the Final Fantasy series needs to do to stay relevant for another 40 years? Is fresh blood required, or does the prospect of change terrify you? Make way for a new generation in the comments section below.
[source youtube.com, via eurogamer.net]
Comments 32
While 16 is certainly a lot of fun, and I want to play it to the end, it didn't feel any special to me so far. Once I finish it, I probably won't replay it in the future, unlike 15 that feels like a great adventure and I have already replayed it.
I hope they find a better balance between action and RPG for the next FF.
I wonder if the next FF will go back to its turn base roots or stay action-focused. My bet is stay action. I wouldn’t mind some FF7R gameplay mechanics incorporated as well. FFXVI was fantastic to me, but a lot of people’s complaints like the basic equipment system, barebone inventories, lackluster side quests, etc are valid. Hopefully whoever helms FFXVII learns from both FF7R & FFXVI since they have great qualities
Give it back to nomura, 15 was so special. I haven't played 16 as I don't have a ps5 yet but it just doesn't look as appealing to me. Also, turn based again would be awesome. Just make 10-3.
I wonder how many new fans the games are picking up along the way.
I've been a gamer since PS2 era but never got into FF. While the combat change is aimed at gamers like myself, I couldn't get past the 10 hour mark in FF15, forced myself thru 7 remake, and couldn't stand the demo of 16, even tho I thought I'd love it, it just didn't feel as slick as other hack and slash games.
I can't help but wonder if they need to shake the franchise up more if they want sales to get higher - or maybe scale back expectations for the games and focus on what the fans want versus chasing what may attract new gamers.
Just as long as it isn't a western dev that's fine by me. Especially with how many were complaining in the west about 16 not having something as pointless as enough diversity in races.
@RenanKJ Pretty much the opposite for me, 15 was just a one and done experience for me while 16 got me to replay it a second time(And a third once the next expansion comes out). Especially when one is complete and the other isn't but that's just due to bad management from SE.
Veteran Japanese devs are always talking about the next generations, they love the industry and they want new blood taking the lead role. I think that is a beautiful mindset.
Meanwhile dev who worked half his life at ND decides to retire saying he doesn't have any problems with Sony and ND is in great hands ... and the doomers: "Oh no Sony what are you doing!" LOL
It’s really a beautiful sentiment: he wants the Japanese industry to evolve and move forward, find new talent and stay relevant.
@Stragen8 The series hasn’t grown at all. FF7 Remake was outsold by ghost of Tsushima a brand new ip with no legacy at that time. Persona is more popular with the under 30 crowd.
One rare occasion i disagree with yoshida.
I think 16 did combat spectacularly. It will be difficult to top that. FF7R took things with it's own twist.
But, the ATB formula still has a lot of potential for re-invention. Look at persona for example. Shows turn based can be really fun still.
Also, turn based is the superior formula for party development.
Yakuza turn based was a way better RPG than Yakuza with real time combat.
FF needs to go back and show an evolution if the classic formula. Doing action again is not a good idea.
@Shad361 Yet both Final Fantasy 15 and 7 Remake outsold Persona 5/Royal. Final Fantasy is still very popular.
Yes kids listen to those who are successful. A lot of studios doing some whacky stuff that doesn't work at the mo 🤣🤦
Get Larian Studios on it. They'll make FF a proper RPG again.
@ApostateMage they'll have Cloud f**king a bear within the first 5 minutes.
Having no elemental weaknesses, status effects really turned me off FF16 as a 25 year ff fan. Will never replay it or play the expansions. I don't understand how people praise the combat in 16 it was just spam your abilities once you get a monster staggered rinse repeat, that never changes the whole game through so gets boring and stale after the first 10 hours. Hitting a bomb monster with fire magic and it doing damage was just not final fantasy
A FF that's isn't really like 16 would be nice 👀.
Finished it when it came out because I paid full price then never had any interest in ever playing it again tbh
The combat, world, characters, and quests but especially side quests weren't great..
Cool.if it happens it happens.word up son
That's the PR way of saying he is not interested.
How much new blood do they need exactly? 5 Kanisters? A barrel? We need more specifics! I can't hook you up with a vague order like that?!
On a serious note, I'd like the Octopath team on FF with their HD2D. Sure, it probably won't sell as much as 16 but maybe it WILL!!
@McBurn I honestly can see it. Big budget version of HD-2D. I thought the first one was kind of forgettable but OTII was a masterclass in classic JRPG.
@Shad361 To be fair, Ghost of Tsushima never had debates about when console exclusivity would end because it's a Sony 1st party game. At most regarding other platforms you'll see a PC port in the coming years though with Jim Ryan leaving Sony in March, even that isn't guaranteed.
Meanwhile FFVII Remake has had a long journey of "Will it come to Xbox and Switch Pro/2 once the timed exclusivity ends?". There are people who would rather wait for a game to come to their platform of choice if there's a chance of that happening.
For me i would like take all the best from FF 6, FF9, FF12.And make it an revolutionary game..Oh well..
Might just be me, but I'm under the impression FF17 is under development to be released as the third MMO in the series.
14 is already a dozen years old, and 11 is absolutely ancient, and given the sheer success of both, I'd be very surprised if they weren't making a third game, perhaps finally sunsetting 11.
As for the more action oriented approach the series has taken since as far back as 13... not my cup of tea. But if this is the direction of the future, I won't begrudge it or bemoan it. I still have Dragon Quest for a more old school feel.
@Browny 11 is still very profitable why would you sunset something that is still making you lots of money with subscriptions?
@UltimateOtaku91 Persona was a niche series that became a multiple million seller and mainstream way later than FF. It’s had much stronger growth.
FF still hasn’t broken their highest selling record, yet persona did several times over. FF7 remake and intergrade combined has only sold 7 million. Stagnation while top games are selling 20 million+ copies now.
Ditch the ultra realism and leather-core boyband aesthetic. Ditch the quest compass, markers. Ditch the checklist. Ditch the immersion-breaking NPCs who look like modern day tourists and business people. Incorporate the original artwork the sprites were based on. Bring back playable party members. Bring back the strategy. Elemental weaknesses. Armor and weapon attributes. Chocobos that aren’t just glorified cars. Iterate on the ATB. Meaningful secrets and side quests. Explorable areas. Fun puzzles. Hidden challenging bosses. Make leveling feel consequential. Make the actual gameplay feel like Final Fantasy, again! Not just Final Fantasy window dressing. Not just Final Fantasy skins.
What Final Fantasy needs is a completely different art style again. All the characters look so similar now. Look at the diversity of 7, 8 and 9. It’s like we’ve been getting the same cookie cutter characters ever since FF13. Give us a colourful cel shaded style or anything that feels like a vision rather than catering to what works on the current market.
New blood is always good 👍
@RenanKJ Really echoes that I feel about the game. Overall it's a good and enjoyable game. But nothing about it is amazing or that memorable.
I personally think VII Remake nailed the combat. It's high pace and action packed, yet retained some of the tactical parts that I think XVI lacked.
Yes please, while flashy, 16 was a bore to explore, no side paths, no freedom.
@Blaze215 i have to agree with the elemental stuff. It felt weird to use some magic on certain enemies. I enjoyed ff16, but it did not feel like a final fantasy game.
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