
There's now evidence to suggest that the rumoured Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag remake is in active development. Word of the supposed project spread last summer, when the title was said to be in its very early stages at Ubisoft Singapore — the studio behind Skull and Bones. However, relatively fresh updates on a lead artist's LinkedIn profile (as spotted by @Jorraptor) seemingly confirm that a chunk of the team had been moved over to an "Unannounced Project" from September 2023 onwards.
Of course, given previous reports from reliable sources, it's fair to assume that this currently unnamed game is the Black Flag revival. The timeline means that we might see something of the project later this year, but we suppose that depends on the remake's overall scope.
Would you be up for a Black Flag remake? What would you want from such a re-release? Prepare yourself for a rocky voyage in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com, via insider-gaming.com]
Comments 53
Fair play to those that enjoyed this game, I just do not get it at all. Bang average for the series, let alone games in general.
I imagine the conversation @Ubisoft went like this:
"We need to space out the AC games so the fanbase don't get oversaturated".
"Ok, but what do we do in the off years then?"
"Oh, I know! Let's remaster the old AC games!"
I'd be down. Best in the series in my opinion. Mainly because it was less of an AC game and more of a pirate adventure.
Awesome… after just finishing Black Sails on Amazon, I’ve been itching for another Black Flag playthrough.
I never can get excited about remakes of PS4 games when I can play them on my PS5 anyway. Earlier generations I get but I just don't feel the need to spend my money on these.
Feels a little odd. I mean as an AC game it had a pretty average story but was far more fun gameplay wise over AC3.
Issue with this is that AC mirage feels very close to AC4 animation wise and it's even visually not that far apart either.
Therefore even if they do remake it I think it will feel more like a remaster in the end.
Which is why I feel this is so weird. Must be a remaster as it makes far more sense.
I usually would say I’m tired of remakes but I really enjoyed Black Flag. I would definitely pick up an updated version with better textures, lighting, and 4k60.
The greedy recycled content releases continue.
Great game that I’d happily replay, but not at full price. Possibly the only game with a Welsh protagonist? I await the replies that prove me wrong!
You know they wouldn't waste all that money to make skull & bones for nothing. If that fails at least this remake will earn their money back.
Would rather see AC1 remastered/remade.
Remake continue the story of Desmond and the apple? Geez they ruined the games not continuing that.
Two words.
Sea shanties.
Always wanted to platinum this game just could because of MP hopefully mp won't be tied to the platinum
Refine the onland controls and rip out 75% of the tailing missions and I'll get it from CEX a year after release. Thanks Ubi. Hail Hydra.
Honestly, all they really needed to do was add a 60FPS option to the existing release. This isn't necessary.
Okay so now what was the point of Skull & Bones?? Like you've just spent a decade making a game just to end up remaking the starting point.
Plus why don't they go and make a smaller scale AC game that is easy cash money. We could be Edward Kenway in his latter years or any other Assassin that everyone wants to see, like they did in Mirage. All this stuff could be so more productive but no lets go remake a game that came out on PS3 & PS4 for the PS5. Ubisoft, Bethesda, Nintendo & Rockstar are ruining forward progression
We need a remaster/remake of AC1. AC4 holds up very well, I got platinum on it last year and felt great!! Remaking it now is a waste of resources, when we have AC1 inacessible for PS4/5 users, and the game can receive QOL updates too. Even add Jeremy Irons likeness to the Alan Rikkin character.
Black Flag is a fan favourite and felt like it could have contained even more content. They are remaking it for those reasons. Fans of the original games and fans of the reboot games both love Black Flag. It's very obvious that this remake will do well.
I'm excited for this one.
Kind of an odd choice to remake since Black Flag still holds up.
With Mirage's gameplay shifting more to the older style AC games, I'm surprised they're not remaking the first game.
@Professor_Niggle I get the vibe that Ubi is launching SnB to put the project out of its misery, and they expect it to suck… after 11 years in dev hell I don’t doubt it either.
They are probably hoping to salvage some of the development by using the engine to remake a more popular title.
Ubisoft just can’t help themselves.
@Arisen That was exactly my same thought.
AKA We spent all this money making this tech for Skull & Bones now we need to get a return on investment
Still no remake of Total Overdose 😭.
so many remakes of relatively modern games. There are tons of actually older, dated games that would hugely benefit from a remake, but of course that would require more effort
Don't see any meaning for this remake, but maybe someone who didn't played it yet may buy it. I've completed AC:BF on 100% so there is no need for another playthru...
Ubisoft are gonna need a quick cash grab to offset the lawsuit settlement they'll have to pay Singaporean government for using their agreement for the Skull & Bones project as a vacation hotspot
@Konks yeah this is making a lot of sense but just wish they were more progressive with it. Give us another game like Black Flag but new story at least. I know many others will love this but just feels like a waste of development time for me
What’s the point in gaming now days , the same ***** games over and over again remakes and remakes films remakes games remakes let’s make ***** games and remake them in 4k it’ll still be boring and ***** in 24k so boring
Really? Would make more sense to make a new one.
If it was up to Ubisoft and if they could they would have an Assassin's Creed game ready every month, from all the publishers I would say Ubisoft is the most creatively bankrupt.
Best game in the series imo. Im up for a newer version with tighter controls. They had better add some new sea shanties too!
@CharlieChooChoo cuz it was the best
And last good Ubisoft game. I kid I kid… sort of
@Juanalf they would do a monthly AC subscription
Agree they are creatively bankrupt. Props for solid games, but their writing is atrocious and everything else is just playing it safe
Granted I can’t entirely blame them. They’ve found a mold that works until it doesn’t. People are getting paid. Just wish they’d take a real risk
@Jayslow Agreed. Black Flag was awesome just as cool pirate game (of which there really aren't any). Who cares whether it was a good AC game? (And who even knows what that means with so many sequels that are arguably not "AC" like?)
Just not necessary in my opinion
For me this was a great pirate game but a terrible assassin’s creed game.
Not necessary in my book. The original is still ok
I would play the hell out of this. I don’t even think of it as an Assassin’s Creed game, just the most fun pirate sim out there.
We already have too many AC games. Why remake an old one, however beloved, to add to the fray? I am very much looking forward to seeing AC Red in Japan though.
Should be Unity.
I'm a sucker for Nassau and the golden age of piracy so yes I'm in. I hope they go deeper with the pirates and less of the assassin stuff.
@PoeticJustice i played AC4 fairly recently and it's not as fluid as you might remember, AC Mirage is much better than AC4
Skulls and Bones been in development hell, about to release, and then a remake of Black Flag (which is inspired S&B) start making the round. They should have just made Black Flag 2 from the get go.
this is awful news , gaming is dead
@nomither6 yes, so dead!!11
as for that remake: why. for what?
@Grimwood it can be played on the ps5 right now , they’re just remaking it because ppl already showed that they’re willing to buy the same games again.
Would it have an updated control scheme and movement? Or, would it be a prettier version of what we already have?
@CharlieChooChoo money lots of money it's essentially the most respected game in the series
This does not need a remake. A remaster for current gen would have been ok. I think the ezio collection needs a remake, but instead of 3 games, it's 1 game.
I'd rather see a remake of the first game.
So we got Prince of Persia metroidvania that's pretty cool but not my thing, Rayman DLC and we have AC4 remake. If it's visual upgrading then no thanks.
That Skull and Bones money huh. So what happened to Beyond Good and Evil 2 then? Where is the BG&E1 remake then? An AC tv show/movie even (besides the one between Syndicate and Origins).
Where is my Rayman 3D remakes? Where is a better new IP I actually would like to see then the same formulas over and over and no remakes what so ever. Where is my Red Steel 2 in VR it can compete with Borderlands 2 VR. Or port Red Steel 2 to Switch even.
Having an old and praised game pushed to current platforms that is still PS4/Xbox One accessible already anyways, (no Ezio collection results this time of those games) or it's lining up with other products (Cough Skull and Bones) I just don't care, no thank you.
I don't even care for the AC series but like eh.
Even though Skull and Bones will come out. AC4 is dirt cheap these days likely. If average people are that lazy or that sold by this we have a problem and we always will have a problem with oh nostalgia, oh brand name of this and that. Like come on.
Even I'm not excited for my childhood games not just because the modern entries suck but I've played so many other games old, new, researched left behind with far more exciting things in them. I know most people don't do that but that's just me I get bored, I see cool ideas and find them better than the popular ones appealing to a mass audience, making bland games and the cooler ones that are more gamer focused and more exciting ideas are more satisfying of depth.
But we need a Pirates AC game out there to line up with Skull and Bones, maybe some DLC or update crossover, and we need to support AC as much as possible and have subscriptions boosted.
So much saturation much? Make an AC karting game why don't you Ubisoft Mario Kart needs another competitor.
Or something else to do with the series. If Nintendo can put Mario in anything of genres why not AC games huh?
Like Mirage was one thing of the old formula to improve upon just like COD WW2 was of the WW2 setting or eh remakes of COD that are worse than the originals but it's the old name so it's fine people remember those right? Everyone loved MW3 remake didn't they and how disappointing it was of making a project?
But if they want me to not support them Ubisoft your doing a great job.
I'll be in my fake dev studio with my fake understanding of game development working out Red Steel 2 in VR because you won't make it happen let alone anything else exciting.
There is a reason I'll buy up their old games more or none at all once I've seeked out any I still want, but a remake of their popular IP and remaking with other games strategies of IPs people love and oh the brand name and oh the memories and oh the others.
I'm sick of these PS3/360 IPs I already don't care about supporting them, keep getting supported by casuals and fans and so much remaking to death. So much nostaglia, so much modernising that doesn't need to be done like at all.
Like no thanks I'll play your old games that won't get remakes, may deserve them but I don't care at all if they do I'll put up with old games and their quirks and old game design not modernised and removing what made them fresh, or old or fun to be begin with so you get none of the money.
I have more fun with these games then removing the fresh and fun they had before, ok thanks Ubisoft for this enlightenment. Even though already been doing that. XD
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