Street Fighter 6 Smashes Another Sales Milestone, Over Three Million Copies Sold 1

Capcom's excellent fighting game, Street Fighter 6, has been a big success for the publisher. As of 3rd January 2024, it's sold more than three million copies globally since launch just over seven months ago. The figure comes direct from Capcom in a press release on its website, where it also says the Street Fighter series as a whole has sold "over 52 million units worldwide".

Following its launch in June 2023, Street Fighter 6 got off to a flying start, selling two million units in just over a month. While it's obviously taken longer to reach three million, its momentum seems to be much stronger than the previous entry. Street Fighter 5's lifetime sales are reportedly 7.4 million units; its successor is almost half-way to matching it, and it's only been available for about half a year. We expect it'll become the franchise's biggest seller in due course.

Are you still enjoying Street Fighter 6? Shoryuken the comments section below.

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