Following an uninspiring round of preview coverage for the upcoming Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, developer Rocksteady Studio has potentially put the cart before the horse, teasing major post-launch support for the game ahead of launch.
Game director Axel Rydby posted additional information on the game's dedicated Discord server (thanks, IGN) and teased an expansion of the game's core mechanics: “At launch, we’re looking at hundreds of possible combinations and permutations for builds across our four characters, and this is something we’re adding A LOT to in post-launch."
Players will be able to tweak their chosen characters by changing their Talent trees and traversal options, and Rocksteady appears confident that the build variety is there to support varied playstyles. Unwilling to refer to the game as "live service", nevertheless, players can expect seasonal updates, additional playable characters, new story beats, and a swathe of cosmetic items to spend real money on. You know, all the trappings of a live service game.
How are you feeling about Suicide Squad as we inch ever closer to launch? Will it find an audience, or has it entirely missed the boat? Create your own unique combination of words in the comments section below.
[source ign.com]
Comments 44
When the devs talk about a live service game being a live service game.
No one gives a crap about your different builds. The game will fail and they'll probably not learn there lesson till they're shutdown.
Ya know these improvements could should be in the game day one right Rocksteady? Hundreds of combinations would be a selling point to some. However you should be getting the game ready for launch day. Planning for the future is fine but if the game is fundamentally bad on day one then alot of trust is lost and aint no one coming back just because Captain Boomerang can wear a Top hat and his gun is different shade of gray.
As I was about to type "not a fan of live service games" I had to stop myself because I play diablo 4,warzone,Warframe,the finals etc,etc so I am really. I'm just not sold on this game as its always looked a bit schizophrenic development wise which upon reflect rather suits the games characters. People saying this game deserves to bomb and the devs will go out of business blah,blah are starting to get a bit boring now with their endless negative rhetoric. I hope the game does well and proves the naysayers wrong so that the gamers looking forwards to this can enjoy it.
I couldn't care less about this game. The live service stuff will kill it. My issue is they decided to make a game based on characters no none cares about. My guess they couldn't figure out how to handle Superman since his powers make him tricky. Justice league would have the same issue but either of those games would be better. Suicide Squad has always been awful. After this failure, will they run back to Batman or actually make a game people want.
I've heard this one before. 😂
Reminds me of that Avengers E3 presentation.
@Ken_Kaniff i bet they’re already turning off alot of people just from mentioning “builds” and “seasons” ugh whyyy 🤮
i doubt the builds are gonna be as simple as just switching attack specials
@Lavishturtle most people only know harley quinn and that’s only because of being a part of batman 😂
Yeah, as soon as I hear “seasons” I immediately know a game isn’t for me.
I tried watching some gameplay but it was just a mess of colour and noise. I imagine this is what it's like inside a 6 year old brain after eating a bowl of blue smarties
Please stop, it's already dead...
Well Anthem, Evolve and Avengers said all this stuff and they're all money-printing powerhouses, now. So I'm not worried. Can we please see the reviews for this game ASAP so we can all move on?
@Ken_Kaniff well, I do. Because I like different builds and character development theorycraft in general.
Even though I have very little hope in Suicide Squad this aspect might convince me to try it in some kind of subscription (PS Plus or Gamepass) or during free trials / weekends.
@carlos82 Imagine how much fun doing that again and again for literally ever will be? Destiny 2/Apex Legends/Fortnite fans will all drop the games they've sunk hours into and flock to this is drives, you mark my words.
Imagine how many Greed Fall's, Robocop Rogue City's and Plague Tale Innocence's you could have made for how much this rubbish cost.
You know what's worse than live service games? People who have no interest in live service games, moaning about live service games.
So much hate... too much hate IMO but I can't wait to get stuck into Suicide Squad and kick some ass with Best Girl Harley 😄
Personally I really don't see what the fuss is about... if Live Service means more content then great! I love having the option to change up the characters I'm playing with new skins etc, or get stuck into some new modes/maps or whatever... and I'm no Whale or Live Service fanboy... I just like gaming 🙂
Rocksteady did a great job with the Arkham games so why not give em the benefit of the doubt with Suicide Squad? Obviously the gameplay is different and it's not a Batman game but so what? Creative Assembly went from making RTS games to knocking it out of the park with the tremendous Alien: Isolation... a completely different genre of game. So dontcha think Rocksteady can do the same?
Live service just seems to be about content delivery to me, and yes some of it will be paid for with real world money, but that doesn't obligate anyone to buy it... and it's all cosmetic from what I understand. It's not even a PvP game so Pay To Win doesn't factor in at all 🤔
Seems to me like people are pooping on SS when there are far better things to do with your time, like playing games you're actually interested in 😄
I'm rooting for them. But Its very much a wait and see before I buy it. Which is crazy because if you told me 6 years ago that a Rocksteady game would be a wait and see I would have called you crazy.
If they had 5 different weapons to choose from, 5 armour sets, and 4 extra abilities to choose from, that would be a hundred different combinations right there. Bragging about "hundreds" of different build permutations isn't a very impressive boast.
@Northern_munkey couldn’t agree with your comments more. Let people enjoy the game and make up their own minds. If cyberpunk can redeem itself maybe this can too
Just seems like this months lets latch onto something to get annoyed about.
Yes it’s not a live service game, it’s just a service that is live…
Damn, the public response to this game has been some of the most negative I've ever seen, rivalling the releases of Anthem, Saints Row Reboot, Forspoken and Xbox One. To say this game has an uphill battle would be an understatement!
About time games released feature finished.
Fed up of DLC/future content being announced before a game is even released. It makes it pretty clear that they have withheld these from the initial release so they can charge us again.
Why would I then spend £50-70 day 1? When I know I can get a complete edition for a fraction of the price 6months later that has bugs ironed out too
Such a waste of time to keep supporting a game DoA. A 60fps patch for Arkham Knight would be a better use of their resources.
I predict a post release life as good as Avengers.
@Pixipantalon Fun fact while you will be playing as Harley she won't actually feel any different to King Shark because all 4 characters play the same. Good for you if you enjoy the game but the Alpha really helped make my mind up as it's basically Avengers but far worse.
I'll probably give it a go for an hour in a year or two if it gets added to PS+ or something.
I would have much preferred to see a game that focuses on a single other DC character, like Green Lantern, The Flash, Green Arrow or whatever and provide a proper single player game with all the love and detail that the Arkham games have.
Is the promise of stuff-to-come supposed to encourage me to buy day-1?
Personally, I'd like to know why I should buy it at release, rather than 6 months down the line (and likely much cheaper on sale), but then what do I know about marketing?
@Lavishturtle Rocksteady never worked on Superman game. It was rumor originated from a guy who mixed up studios. Warner Bros. Montreal worked on Superman game (makers of Gotham Knights). But not Rocksteady.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no
This couldn't be any less of what I want from a superhero game. Just gimme comic book characters to batter people with. I don't want to spend ages picking shoes for Harley Quinn so she does +4 damage when she shoots someone in the face.
Imagine letting a once beloved game development company be destroyed in both reputation and financially just because you as it's parent company wanted to chase that live service ***** instead of just letting them continue to make what was already making them good money.
We could have had an amazing follow up to Arkham Knight that everyone would have wanted, but no, they want to feed us this drivel instead.
No wonder Sefton Hill nope'd out a couple years ago.
I’m not jumping on the trash train. I’ll wait and see what the people who actually buy this game with their hard earned money have to say about it. I figure if someone is interested enough to pony up $70 they’re likely to be more honest about the game than a reviewer who played it for free or someone who hasn’t played it but wants to be edgy.
It depends on the price-point. One of the highlights of the recent beta for me was the story and interactions between characters - if they nail that through-out the main story, it may be worth picking up if it's cheap enough. People are upset about the "live service" aspects, but you can play the main story and put the game down once done, never engaging in the end-game live service stuff.
@Pixipantalon Tell me you've never played a live service game without telling me you've never played a live service game, lol.
@DennisReynolds Here's my fun fact! I will be completely oblivious to any similarities between the characters and their gameplay because I'm ONLY going to play as Harley and it's gonna be fun!! ✌️😃
When I hear a legendary developer who created one of thee best epic comic single player trilogy there was at the time, say and promote that support for 100s of builds across 4 characters, I honestly want to cry.
These 4 characters have their own unique skill sets from the comics, it really does nothing other than make me more disappointed in this game.
I game with this much rich history and stories and they've absolutely ruined it with not just the game but promoting "builds".
Its such a sad time.
Loved the studio but I honestly hope this fails.
But fails because of what they've done
I just dont want this game to be a success just because of it being dc comics and Rocksteady. If that makes sense.
@Ken_Kaniff Now that would just be silly!!
Sounds like you've been talking to the Riddler, so riddle me this:
"Him who knows that I know what he seeks to know, knows it well while he who knows not, knows not what I know or know not..."
And everything will be delayed because of bug fixes needed after launch, then they will cut this list in half because the community will die after a few months.
@Jayslow a 60fps and 4k of the original trilogy would of been far better, im in full agreement
It will flop, just like the Marvel live service game. Paying full price for a game, only for it not to be a full game. No thank you.
Hundreds of builds for 4 boring characters. Glad GotG avoided this nonsense. Might just play that game again soon.
I’m sure the 5 people still playing will be happy.
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