Destiny 2 is getting hoverboards! And they're free! Yep, in a bid to try and drum up some excitement for the shooter's upcoming seasonal stuff, Bungie has revealed that hoverboards — or 'skimmers', a new form of transportation — will be made available to all players. Although if you want additional boards, you'll obviously have to buy them through the game's microtransaction shop. Who saw that one coming?

Still, this is pretty much the most positive news that Destiny 2's had in ages. The title was battered for its ridiculously priced cosmetics near the end of last year, and that was just weeks after reports had claimed that overall interest in Destiny 2 was at an all-time low. Even more damning, the game's most recent expansion, Lightfall, was rather poorly received when it released back in March. Basically, it's just been one blow after another.

Think you might be grabbing a free hoverboard when the update lands on the 5th March? Dump your sparrow in the comments section below.